Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 3: The enemy advances and retreats

I don't know if the big names have the habit of being late, anyway, when I went online, none of the four holy beasts arrived. Evacuation in the city is still ongoing, and now it can only be evacuated as much as it can.

I admit that the attempt to extort the Four Sacred Beasts was indeed a bit ill-considered, but this can't blame me at all. The high posture of the Four Sacred Beasts made me have to fight back, otherwise they will be their own rulers and rulers. There will never be a day of turning over. All will be taken for granted, and all mistakes will be severely punished, which is absolutely unacceptable. But since things have come to this point, I would rather have broken pieces than knocking back the lost ten times a hundred times. Leadership sometimes requires a sense of courage. Before they even arrived, I used a crystal communicator to let the people of Tianmen Island transport Biling's skeleton to Atlantis, where it was not easy to find.

Immediately after returning to the city ground, the Four Holy Beasts suddenly fell from the sky. They landed on the base of the Juling Pagoda, and fell to the side when the tower collapsed, but the base part was fine.

"Is your kid good?" Qinglong said first.

I looked at him: "How can Master Qinglong be clever?"

Xuanwu said, "If you can get people out of my seal, don't be too modest." It seems they are talking about Wei Na. I extracted Wina into the flesh, and of course Wina in the game disappeared, so the four holy beasts thought that I used some way to get Wina out of the seal.

"I don't like being obedient."

"That's a coincidence, I like to order others." Qinglong, this dead boy, symbolizes rights, and his hobbies are so special.

Bai Hu finally spoke. "Let's get things back to the subject. How are you thinking about it? Tell us about Bi Ling or it's all over."

"I don't like being threatened."

"Then you are different?" Suzaku has begun to kill with the weapon in his hand.

"The decision is not with me, but with you. I am a businessman and only talk about business and do not deal with robbers. If you want to sit down and talk. I welcome, as long as the price is right, everyone will cooperate happily. If you If you plan to come hard, you do n’t need to think about it. Let ’s start directly. ”The bones of Bi Ling have been sent to Atlantis. Skeleton. So I have enough money for extortion.

"It seems that you really intend to fight against us?" Qinglong stretched out his left hand and lifted his palm slightly upwards, and Isinger suddenly began to shake.

The dirt on the edge of the city began to beat. The entire Isinger left the ground slowly, and many of the already damaged houses began to collapse in the shock. I know this is not the effect of the gravity resistance device, because the power core has been removed from the throne of the Seal of God for the first time, and that valuable thing is impossible to leave.

"I said, never compromise with the terrorists, or we all talk about business on an equal footing, or don't even think about getting anything."

During our conversation, the entire Isinger had risen to a height of more than two thousand meters above the ground. Suzaku smiled and asked, "Are you really so tough? Isn't that a lot?" She pointed at the city with a halberd, and the fire began to spread all the way in the direction she was pointing, and it became more and more burning.

"From now on, unless you want peace talks, I refuse to speak." I would even answer.

Qinglong pulled out a white electric ball with his right hand free of lightning, and the ball seemed to be very powerful. He suddenly threw the light ball back, and the white ball flew immediately. After the light ball landed, it suddenly exploded. A loud noise was heard from Isinger's ground, and a large hole appeared. The hole in the ground during electric and fire expansion has expanded into a large hole that allows the aircraft carrier to shuttle in it, and the light ball hits all the way down and explodes. It soon passed through the city.

Many people gathered on the ground. Many of these people are players of the guild, and some are people who came to see the situation because of the earthquake caused by the collapse of the Juling Tower in the beginning. They looked up at the city, and suddenly a large fireball spewed out at the bottom of the city. A lot of gravel fell out, and a large hole was penetrated under the city.

Qinglong looked at me: "Don't you say that?"

I looked at him blankly on my face. Say nothing. Qinglong raised his hand again, this time a thick and terrible lightning, which was a dozen square kilometers less in the northeast corner of Isinger in a loud noise.

"now what?"

Suzaku suddenly raised his halberd. "What's the **** with him? Just be thorough."

"Suzaku no!"

Qinglong and the other two holy beasts cried at the same time, but it was too late. Suzaku lifted his halberd and smashed to the ground, a red light flashed, and a loud noise suddenly made in the middle of the city, and then the entire Isinger suddenly broke into two halves and fell to the ground.

The ground impact was more than ten times more powerful than when the Juling Tower collapsed. The nearby city was hit by a shock wave that suddenly arrived and the building collapsed instantly. The entire forest around Isinger was completely flattened by a powerful shock wave, and all the trees fell down in a shooting pattern centering on the city. A 500-meter-high wave on the sea rushed towards the distance, and the water on the coast was drained instantly.

I fell to the ground along with the city, but I spread my wings and did not fall to death, but stood firmly on the rubble of the city that had become a pile of rubble.

The four sacred beasts are still floating in the sky, and the blue dragon reprimands Suzaku: "What are you doing? We want news, this is all right, you destroyed his city, and we will never want to get news again."

Suzaku looked puzzledly at Qinglong. "Isn't he still very much my city? Let's destroy them one by one until he says it."

"You ...!" Qinglong wasn't sure what to say.

Xuan Wu Dao: "Suzaku you are so impulsive, you need to use your brain more often. You don't know the information of this guy. Although he has many cities, but this is the center, which is quite similar to the old nest. If someone gives your tide rock cave to Do you still tell the other person what the other party wants to know? The forced confession is not yours. The pressure of confession is the focus. If you really do such a serious thing, we really have no hope. . "

Suzaku was just anxious at this time. "No, isn't he? He's just a mortal, and we should be able to yield him after our intimidation."

Qinglong shook his head: "There is no hope. He is not an ordinary person at all, and he didn't even frown when the city was destroyed. Everyone knows what the emperor emperor was in anxious manner when Sun Wukong was in trouble at the Heavenly Palace. Everyone knows that the gods have fear. But this guy ... he doesn't seem to know the fear. In my memory, the original Tianzun and Rulai have such a character, none of us can do it. "

"That means he is better than us?" Suzaku asked incredulously.

Qinglong nodded. "Absolutely better than us. But it's not the power you think but the power of the mind. None of us are his opponents in spiritual cultivation!"

"What now?" Suzaku asked.

Bai Hu said: "In fact, there is no choice now, there are only two roads ahead. And it is likely to come together."

"How to say?"

Xuanwu explained: "Do you still understand? The first is to apologize immediately and talk to him about the conditions, but the consequences may be serious. If you talk about the conditions at the beginning, the big deal is to give a little favor or promise to take care of him. Yes. But now you have demolished his city. It is necessary to restore his city first. Other compensation may make you lose some blood, but it will be affordable in the end. "

"What about that other way?" Suzaku still didn't want to give in to me.

Xuan Wu Dao: "Another way is to continue to destroy his city as you say. Until all his cities within China have been blasted out, then we can chase down his men and destroy his stuff. If he yields in the process, then we can get the news. "Xuan Wu paused and said," But if he still doesn't say ...! "

"How about not talking?" Suzaku asked.

Bai Hu said: "If the country he still does not say. Unless we do not want to find Bi Ling, we have to face horrible compensation."

Qinglong added: "And compared with the price to apologize now, it is not as simple as a little bit of blood, there is less skin peeling, and it is possible to hurt the muscles and bones."

Xuanwu sighed: "The worst thing is that we have to get the news. No matter what happens in the end, even if three of us have to give up our lives, we must complete it. So I don't agree with the second method, we ourselves Has already settled on his cards, and it's quite small, and he won't get any good results. "

Suzaku suddenly said, "I don't believe that he is better than us. I have to make money with him."

"Don't!" The three holy beasts stopped again. Suzaku has rushed down.

I stood motionless on the ruins of Isinger, and Suzaku suddenly appeared beside me. "Do you say it or not?"

I looked at the sea and ignored Suzaku's words. Isinger no longer exists, and the dark sky above him naturally dissipates. This is the first time I have seen the sky above Isinger. The sky without Isaac is also so beautiful.

Seeing that I ignored her completely, Suzaku held my throat with a halberd. "Say, otherwise I ..."

She didn't say anything because I grabbed her halberd and pulled it over my neck. Suzaku's weapon is absolutely artifact-level, and critical attacks will definitely kill people. I fell down almost immediately. Suzaku looked at my body and didn't know what to say.

Qinglong chased them down and saw that I had fallen to the ground. Xuanwu shook his head and said, "It's going to be a long price again!"

Less than two minutes after I was resurrected in the Resurrection Hall of Steel City, the four holy beasts arrived one after another, and the legendary seal of Steel City had no effect on them. "Is it good here?" Suzaku looked around. "But it's better to heat it up." The flames instantly filled the entire Steel City, the high-temperature fire even melted the steel, and the city began to collapse.

I turned to Suzaku and spread my arms: "Come again! Aren't you going to kill me?"

"You go to death!" Suzaku didn't hesitate this time, and as soon as I raised my hand, I didn't feel anything.

The place where the resurrection was resumed was Sky City. According to my request, the city had been closed and the personnel had evacuated. The four sacred beasts still arrived quickly. It seems that these four guys are all aggressive type, not very good at thinking, and have no new tricks at all. After they turned the city into ruins, they killed me again.

I keep resurrecting and resurrecting, cities after city are finished. Soon, many cities in China are gone, even the Indonesian city that was just occupied. The other side is now regarded as Chinese territory, and the Four Holy Beasts can enter there.

After all the cities were finished, I was killed again, because our guild no longer had a city in China, and the place where I was resurrected became a long lost city. It seems that I haven't been here for a long time.

Lost multiple cities in a row. The guild's hegemony status is gone, the guild main city is destroyed, and the new main city is automatically changed into the largest guild city in existence-Yu Yucheng.

The domestic influence of the Bank's meeting is completely wiped out this time. Now we have nothing in China except for people.

The four holy beasts chased this place for further study. I was lying in the cemetery outside the Lost City. This is where I started, I hope it is not where I end.

Four sacred beasts appeared around me at the same time and surrounded me, and I was too lazy to move. It doesn't make sense to encounter such enemy movements. "Come here? What are you going to do this time? Kill me again? Or do you want to destroy the city? This is not my city."

Suzaku also wanted a bluff. "We're going to die if it's not your city."

I immediately laughed, sat up, stretched out my hand in the direction of the city. "What are you waiting for? Let's get started? I have system security. I will only die one level at a time. I will resurrect once and you destroy a city. When I return to Xinshou Village, I do n’t think there are too many cities in China." I see To Suzaku. "You are so great. As a powerful guardian of the Chinese region, you have successfully destroyed cities in China. This guard is so powerful! With such a guard, we are safe and secure! Oh, what are you waiting for? Quickly start your great plan? Destroy the whole of China, and then become the most powerful guardian beast. Do you think the guards of any country in the world dare to blow up your country? You are definitely the first in the world, it is really great ! "

Suzaku's complexion changed several times, and eventually I couldn't help but treat me again. This time I was resurrected in the Lost City. My big name, as long as the Lost City is still there, and there is no city in our country, it must be a resurrection place here.

The Four Holy Beasts waited for me directly in the Resurrection Hall this time. All those in the city were not moving. They could only watch four strangers enter the city, and the non-Resurrection Master was absolutely prohibited from entering the Resurrection Hall. I saw them as soon as I came out of the Resurrection. "Strange, why are you still here! Blow up the city soon? The fireworks are pretty good."

Suzaku shot again, this time the dragon blocked. Unfortunately, the aftermath of the two forces collided and killed me.

I won't be able to resurrect the resurrection again. This is equivalent to resurrection in situ. "Well, save yourself the trouble, you can kill it here, anyway, resurrect it in place. It seems that I can experience the life of a former novice village. I don't know the way there. I can't remember it."

"You're amazing, aren't you?" Suzaku suddenly showed an obelisk-like stone object flashing red text, which was almost a meter long. She pointed the tip of the thing at me: "Tower of Experience."

I didn't die this time, but I saw that my experience value was rolling down and pouring down, and the level also began to be continuously lowered. This thing absorbs experience very quickly. Soon I became Level 20. Suzaku took back the tower.

"Lastly ask you once, say or not? You will return to Xinshou Village in another sword."

I took a look outside. After using Suzaku's thing that absorbed experience just now, I could only see the glare and everything else was invisible. Now that the thing stopped, I noticed that there is only Suzaku left here, and the other three gods and beasts are sitting in a row on the steps outside the main hall, each one looks very depressed. It seems that the three had given up long ago. Only this fierce Suzaku still did not see the coffin and did not cry.

"Kill. I have long wanted to revisit."

"You ... you ... you ..." Suzaku's breathing became quicker, and eventually she cut it down. "go to hell!"

With a flash of white light, I returned to Xinshoucun. I dropped from level 20 to exactly level 19. I can no longer be outside. Because the system rewards items that do not fall into attributes, although I am only level 19, the equipment on my body can still be used normally.

Now that you're in, level up and be ready to go out. It is estimated that it has turned upside down. Because my gear was too dazzling in Novice Village, I teleported directly outside the village. Now that the game is running, the Seal of the Throne is long, and there are not many new people, so the monsters are very dense, which is good for my leveling.

Although I was downgraded, my creatures such as summons did not downgrade, but the number dropped. However, the most advanced monster in the novice village is only level 20. I can now summon 38 steel silver bees of level 350, which are level ss in the novice village, and let them go and kill those monsters. Effortlessly involved experience.

It's easy to leave Xinshou Village, but I can't get out so quickly. The representative of Suzaku is that it ’s relatively easy to get excited. Otherwise, the other three would talk to her and I would be killed if I went out.

After accumulating experience, I found a small hole in the no-man's land and collected some branches to set up a bonfire in the hole. Hit a red eyed beast and start the barbecue party. According to Chinese morality, the teacher and father are equal. Suzaku and Qinglong in the Four Sacred Beasts are introductory disciples of Bai Ling. Bai Hu and Xuan Wu also received a small amount of guidance, so for them, Bi Ling is as important as their father. According to ancient Chinese moral etiquette. They should be able to give up everything for Bi Ling, this is my chip. Now my trump card is bigger than theirs. Although it seems to me to be unfavorable at the moment, they are actually not me.

After I finished eating the barbecue, I changed to the small Silver Moon Deng 6 game, contacted Rose with a private chat to tell her about the situation, and then asked her to appease everyone not to panic, we will soon get back what we lost. And one hundred percent will appreciate. Success is only a matter of time.

After everyone was settled, I changed back to the Ziri number, and now this large size is not as high as the small ones! Look at the time. The Seal of the Throne of God is already at night, and I am too lazy to go out so fast. After eating offline, I ran to the lucky ones again.

The monsters and ringing knights who were out of the game were moved to the lucky room. This arrangement is to allow them to relax. Lucky knows the world inside and outside the game, I'm not with them. Lucky can just explain something to them.

I took the elevator straight into the lucky room, and the sight of the door opening surprised me. Twenty-one ringing knights circled in a circle and cried with headaches. This scene made me silly. The ringing knights of Scotia are the most terrifying existence in my impression. Their steel-like will and firm conviction is what I admire the most, but the ringing knights will cry, and they are crying so shockingly.

"What's wrong with them?" I walked into the room with a look of confusion.

The researcher I asked next shook his head. "After they were here and lucky to be lucky, they briefly introduced them to the world. They were just lucky to say that they were humans, and then they started crying. It was almost an hour and there was no meaning to stop. . "

I walked behind the Ringing Knight and shouted, "The Ringing Knight is in place!"

The 21 bell knights jumped from the ground like an electric shock, and 21 people completed the queue in less than 5 seconds. It seems that the transfer of consciousness is successful, and muscle control has reached this level.

They all looked at me, and I scanned them. "Dry all your tears."

After hearing the order, they quickly wiped their tears and quickly resumed their standing position.

"Relax now, don't stand so straight. Tell me why you cry?"

Skog's voice was a bit tune-changing, probably because the time for crying was too long. "We ... we are so excited. It is not voluntary to become an undead, but since it has become a part of darkness, we can no longer resist it, we can only accept it."

This is the saying goes that the thief ship.

"What does that have to do with you crying?"

"We are human now. This * ... this flesh, I can feel the warmth and coldness, I can breathe the air with various smells, I can feel the martial King of God, the sacred king will kill the **** and seal the throne at night The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned Shaozhou Zhou the royal family will kill the God of the Seal of the Great Seal of the Night Aojin nineth heaven ’s strongest abandoned Shaotai Zhou throne to seek the magic of the Awesome The Nine Emperor ’s strongest forces to abandon the Great Seal of the God ’s throne. The gods of the royal family will kill the **** of the night and seal the throne of the gods. They are the strongest to abandon the sunshine of the royal family of Shaozhou. This ... this is really exciting. It is good to live. It is good to have a body. "

The ringing knight who looked younger next to him said, "In the past, our bodies were cold, and we could not feel the cold and hotness. We would not feel pain if we were stabbed by the enemy. There was no taste in eating anything, drinking fine wine I do n’t feel anything, it ’s really crazy to not feel it. In fact, every time I see you eating, I ’m terrified! ”

"Then why didn't you say that?"

"Don't say a difference? Of course we know that you won't eat a little bit of food. If we want to eat, you will definitely give it to us, but we have no taste! What about eating? No matter how we eat, we will not have Felt."

I called back to the researcher in charge. "Can their stomachs eat now?"

"According to the original technical demonstration, it should take another hour, but the data displayed by the instrument is much faster than our prediction. It should already be able to eat, but it is recommended not to eat those difficult to digest first, it is best to eat some vegetables first Fruits and things. Wait a few hours before eating meat and other things. "

"Okay, I see." I turned to the clerk standing at the door and said, "Let the canteen prepare something to eat, as long as the vegetables and fruits are as rich as possible. By the way, prepare some low-alcohol natural drinks." After thinking about it, he added: "Forget it, add another piece of poached meat. Tell the chef to cook the meat, don't worry about the taste of the meat, they can't eat too hard stuff now."

"I see, send it right away."

After the explanation, I turned to the ringing knights and said, "Now you calm down first. I will invite you to eat your first hearty meal in your life."

"Oh!" The Bell Knights all cheered.

A lucky protest next to him said, "When does the host let me have some braised beef or something? Every time it is artificial meat and fruit!"

I smiled and said, "Wait a minute! Let ’s wait until the base breeds dinosaur-sized meat for domestic animals! Just your head is still braised beef! A cow is not enough for your teeth! Where can I find you Braised beef? "

"It's not fair!" Lucky protested severely.

"Okay, don't make a noise, I'll think of a way later!"

After soothing no luck, I walked to the humanoid monsters, all of them sitting in wheelchairs with infusion bottles in their arms. Just now they were blocked by Lucky ’s huge body, and when they heard the lucky call to the master, they all ran over with the electric wheelchair controlled by their hands. It seems they have learned to use these things.

"Master! Master! ..." They circled me as soon as they came over.

My main research channel: "Why aren't they in a wheelchair?"

"Because these female subjects mainly strengthen muscles, they are slightly weaker. They are not as fast as those soldiers, but now everything is normal and they can walk on their own in a few hours. The exercise level takes about 72 hours. After that, they will gradually strengthen and reach the normal level of biochemical people in about a week. In fact, they are not both in a wheelchair, and these two can walk normally. "The research director refers to Jingjing And Lingling, they seem to be the fastest recovering demons.

I nodded: "Can their digestive tracts eat now?"

"Don't worry about this, they are no different from those soldiers in terms of digestion."

"That's good."

"Master? This world is so strange." Ling controlled the wheelchair and ran to me.

I touched her face. "In fact, the place where you lived before was really strange. This is the material world. The place where you live is the spiritual world of nothingness."

"I don't understand." Ling shook his head.

"Forget it, this is not something that can be understood at 1:30. Fortunately, it took me three or four days to figure out the original world and this world. You probably need the same time to seal the throne."

Wei Na suddenly said: "Master, there are many magic pipes in the walls here."

"Magic pipes? Oh! You are talking about wires, and the current flowing in them is not magic. There is no magic in this world, but we have something more magical than magic, that is science."

"What is science?" All the surrounding pets were shaking, apparently having no idea about these things.

"After I can't understand, I will teach you slowly. Now who else of you can feel the current or magic flow in the wall. That's the feeling anyway."

Pepper said: "I can feel some weak forces shaking in the air, they all seem to be constantly changing."

"Does it feel strong?"

"Some are very strong and some are light."

The nearby director took the electronic notebook and recorded, "She doesn't feel as if there is a current in the wire?"

I nodded: "It is estimated that she feels the ground is electromagnetic waves and electric fields. So she is more sensitive than Wei Na's, but it seems not as strong as Wei Na."

Ling Road: "I didn't feel anything, but I could see strange energy fluctuations near everyone's head."

The researcher immediately called out: "This is mind reading. The lucky son also has this ability. It seems to use the monitoring brain wave to read the other party's thinking directly."

I asked Wina: "Can you influence these changes in energy?"

"How does it affect you?" Ling knew nothing about it.

I asked someone to take a gaming helmet and start it but not connected to the internet. "Can you feel the energy change inside this thing?"


"Try to imitate this change, can you do it?"

"It can be done. It's easy."

"Can you shoot this modification far?"

"As long as it's not too far away."

I threw the helmet to the research director: "Okay, now we have a biochemical man who can manipulate other people's consciousness from a distance!"

The director of research suddenly yelled, "Oh my God! I thought about it. I thought about it. The difference between these three places is not much, but they have acquired different abilities. It seems that this is a kind of conscious influence on * New abilities are brought about when the consciousness and body are combined. Our previous research conclusions are too arbitrary. Although consciousness depends on matter, it also has a counteracting effect on matter. This is an interactive process. Haha! Technology The difficulties finally came to my mind. I want to write them down as soon as possible.

After my repeated attempts, it seems that the abilities of these magic pets have been shown in different directions, but Jingjing and Lingling are made according to the characteristics of the soldiers. Without the special electromagnetic induction capability of this special function, it is only extremely strong.

Fortunately this is a sterile area, we can't eat in this place, so I took them all to the cafeteria. There is a special partition in the cafeteria. It is specially used for special departments. I brought everyone in. Wei Na and Chili are now able to walk with the help of others, but Ling, Xiaochun, and Amenis are still in wheelchairs.

I told everyone that their bodies are very strong, so Lingling said that she had to test her strength with her wrist. I can't stand her stubbornness, I still fight her. I started with a smile and kept my arms upright, waiting for her to give up automatically.

Lingling complained: "Master, don't you say that our bodies are stronger than humans born naturally? Why can't I even beat you?"

"Did I say that I was born naturally?"

"Master, are you the same as us?" Ling and they were all taken aback ~ ~ I am a little different from you, at least I came to this world a long time ago before you. And my consciousness is produced by this *, it is a naturally formed consciousness. Your consciousness is simulated by the thinking unit of the biological computer, and it will be artificially induced into these * after you gradually improve. "

"Then we are newborns or adults?"

"I don't know!" I shook my head. This question is indeed somewhat difficult to answer. "You weren't actually born together. Ling and Wei Na's bodies were completed a long time ago. They are supposedly older than you."

"It's complicated!" Scarlett shook his head. "I don't think about these things in my head. It's better to follow the host honestly. I will do whatever the host says."

"This title needs to be changed." I said to them: "This world is not suitable for calling masters."

"Then what do we call you?"

"My name is Shenlin in this world, and you can call me directly."

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