Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Fairy Conference

Patch: The first two chapters were wrong. As you notice, the Bell Knights are a total of 6 women and 15 men, not all men. It is not convenient to modify p, I will not move, and I will change it back when it becomes a public part.


Skott scratched his head and said, "But it's so awkward."

"Then you can call me an executive director or a supervisor, or you can call it a young master or a boss. But only 15 of you boys, your superficially called young master will not make people doubt, you little girls, even It ’s okay to just call your name, or else people think I have a special hobby! ”

We were talking, and suddenly Scott took a few breaths. "Wow! What smells so good? Strange, why am I drooling?"

I glanced back and it turned out that the food had arrived. "You have such a good nose!"

"Did you eat?" Scarlett even changed his voice.

I beckoned to the waiter in the trolley: "Hurry up and push things over."

Because they were so excited, they were almost rushing to move things to the table. Fortunately, the tables in the cafeteria are large aisles, so we and many of us are still very spacious. After all the dishes were put on the table, I didn't say anything, and announced that they would start eating. These creatures of Wei Na themselves are also able to eat in the game, so they don't feel anything special, they are very elegant to eat, but the 21 bell knights are completely in a state of wind and cloud. Scooters wiped out food as if they were enemies, and the sound of jingling on the table was terrible.

Considering that they have just left the incubator and the digestive tract is not fully functioning, I dare not let them eat too much. The amount of food is only the standard meal size for normal people. But the dead goths were too fast, and everything on the table was gone within three minutes. After the food had been wiped out, they started adding plates again, and I really wonder if they were going to eat all the dishes. Fortunately, the cafeteria serves one meal per person. Otherwise, it is estimated that Wei Na had bottomed out before they started eating plates.

After destroying their own food, Skott began to stare at our plates again. I was too uncomfortable to watch the ground and had to explain in a voice: "Your body has just woke up, so it is weak, and you can only eat so much today. After your body recovers slowly, you can increase your food intake. For a while. The Seal of the Throne has waited for so long. At this point, can the Seal of the Throne be patient? "

Goth nodded: "We know the Lord ... Master." It seems that Goth has a good memory and can adapt so soon.

"Lord ... Supervisor," Aimeness cried. "If there is no magic in this world, what about people's lives? Can technology you say really replace magic?"

"It's hard to say clearly. After you finish eating, I will take you to the teaching room, where there are high learning machines designed for artificial life. It should be able to make you understand a lot of things. When you were lucky, you also learned a long time. The Indian throne is only used to the way of life here. But your problem is bigger than him. After all, you do n’t need to contact the outside society. Fortunately, even if you leave the base, you are still in a no-man's land. All sightings have been killed. But you are very You may have to go out with me often. You must be familiar with the things in this world, or else it will be easy for others to notice. Although others may not be able to show that you are artificial people, it ’s always safer to learn something, at least it can reduce the trouble. . "

"Shenlin, can we go out and see now?" Wei Na asked.

"No now, you must never leave here until you understand the basics of this world. In this world, humanoids are a taboo existence, and once they are found, they are likely to be hanged by others."

Ling immediately said: "I see. This is a world ruled by the Temple of Light, and we are undead creatures, resurrected from the dead, so they will be caught and purified as soon as they are present."

I laughed. "Ling you are so cute! Although there is a big problem with your explanation. But this is the general situation. Unless you understand the basic common sense of this world and you can disguise yourself as an ordinary person, you must not leave here."

Pepper suddenly asked: "If we have absolute power, don't we have to be afraid?"

"You're right." The artificial intelligence of these artificial bodies is quite exaggerated, and you can think of it. "But Chili, you have to understand that our current strength cannot completely suppress our enemies. Although you are stronger than the average person, the people here who have created you for your new life are ordinary people, and we can't affect them."

"Understood. We will listen obediently for the safety of our lives and those of our allies." Wei Na answered on behalf of everyone.

In fact, there are morals and emotions in the game. The reason why Long Yuan creates unconscious life bodies and then extracts the consciousness stream from the game and inputs these bodies is because these consciousnesses in the game already have a sound moral and emotional thinking. The monster in American movies that wanted to destroy humans. These transplanted lives have a close relationship with me, and their dependence on me is the safest insurance. Long Yuan is not a lunatic experiment base. We pursue science and technology for the good future of mankind, not for the destruction of mankind.

After eating, I took everyone to the teaching base and instructed everyone to use the learning machine. The basic device of this learning machine is a brain-connected device, which is similar to a gaming helmet, but this helmet has special uses. All of us who choose to change our lives can increase the body's thinking and muscle strength by accelerating metabolism, but the side effect of accelerating metabolism is increasing body temperature. This special learning opportunity automatically adjusts the constant temperature equipment according to our metabolism to ensure the balance of calories, so we can increase our thinking and improve our learning.

21 bell ring knights, 6 magic pets plus Gina, 28 people all lie down in a small room. I stand in front of the screen in the control room of the study room and can see each of them, and I can check them at any time Learning progress.

This system was newly completed according to my characteristics. Previously, the B1 unit did not have the high-metabolism ability of mine. Their strengthening ability was very weak and no auxiliary cooling equipment was needed. The developers of the new equipment and the researchers responsible for the biochemical project are now sitting here monitoring the progress of the study. This is also a valuable research material.

Everyone started learning on the screen. The initial teaching started with basic common sense, first teaching the concept of the universe, then the difference between the physical and spiritual worlds, and then some explanations containing videos. It is normal to start the screen first, but after ten minutes, the playback of each learning material starts to improve. The degree of play of these things changes according to the acceptance of learning, and the acceleration of the screen shows that their degree of learning is improving. The powerful thinking ability brings powerful association ability. They are basically all by-passes, and learn more and more quickly as the amount of knowledge increases.

After half an hour, things on the screen have become a messy image. They are learning too fast, and normal people can no longer see the picture. The researcher in charge of monitoring Ling's learning progress sighed: "Oh my God! She just completed three minutes of basic physics. I wish I had this degree!"

Researchers have begun reporting that the data is no longer monitored. Wei Na, they learned all the knowledge inside, but the researchers outside did not even have time to see the subject name. The screen flashed too fast, and it became white. The infrared camera in the room showed that Wena's brain temperature had reached 50 degrees, and the strong refrigeration equipment could not keep up with her radiation. They almost heat up like one by one. The temperature of normal people will never rise to 50 degrees. If this temperature is reached, it is estimated to have died normally, but these biochemical people are different because the heat problem is taken into consideration in advance. The creatures composed of these special cells are all Can be normal activities in the body temperature of 75 degrees, as long as the body temperature does not reach 90 degrees, it will not endanger life.

As the temperature rose further, the computer entered automatic mode, "Warning! Monitoring target temperature is out of range. The cooling system has been unable to maintain heat dissipation, and it is now beginning to inject forced coolant."

There were small nozzles protruding from the walls of those small rooms. Some atomized things were sprayed out, but they disappeared into the air as soon as they came out. The temperature monitor on the side of the screen shows that the temperature of the room is falling rapidly, and as the room cools down, Wena's body temperature also drops.

"What are those sprays?" I asked the researcher next to me.

The researcher explained: "It's liquid oxygen. They not only heat up to speed up their metabolism. They also consume a lot of oxygen, so injecting liquid oxygen directly to lower the temperature can also ensure the indoor oxygen concentration."

"This is a good way."

Weiner is the fastest to learn among these life forms, and it seems that their abilities are also different. Suddenly, Wei Na's body stretched like Zhang Gong in the picture, her head and feet were on a chair made of steel, but her body arched in the middle, as if cramping.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

"It's okay, it's a normal reaction," said the researcher. "She just watched the history of human beings about killings and wars. It might be an unconscious behavior caused by fluctuations in thought."

Immediately following Wei Na, Ling also arrived at this position one after another, and their reactions were not the same. When Ling saw this, he just twisted his body, but Xiaochun screwed the metal anchor from the chair. That piece Grade alloy handles were twisted into a twist. Jingjing's reaction is similar to Xiaochun. However, she deformed the metal pedals on her feet. Lingling was better than them, and it was no problem to twist a few times. Emmys and Chili seemed to be completely unresponsive to these and passed normally. The ringing knight is almost the same as Ling, and his body shakes and passes.

After about an hour of learning, the computer automatically controlled the learning machine to decline and gradually stopped everyone from exiting the learning system. The temperature in the room rose quickly, and each of them was sweating as if they were picked up from the water. This degree of learning requires metabolism, so energy consumption is very fast, and we have to take a break for an hour of study. Anyway, we are not in a hurry.

Take them to the bathroom area to take a shower, and then inject the nutrient solution and eat a small amount. Arrange them to Lucky and talk to each other, and tell them that everyone will listen to Wei Na when I am away. And cooperate with researchers to do experiments. Talked with them for hours after getting their guarantee. Only then came back online.

Calculate the offline time of the throne of the Seal of God, now the four holy beasts should be anxious? The more anxious they are, the easier it is for me to discuss the conditions.

After appearing in Xinshoucun, kill monsters casually to reach level 20. After reaching the standard, he was sent out of Xinshou Village, and as soon as he came out, he arrived in a strange city. Although I lost the level, our equipment and occupations are protected by the system, so they have not disappeared. There is no need to find equipment and no need to relocate. Take out the scroll and teleport directly to the Lost City. The massacre outside the city lay less than two minutes before the four holy beasts arrived. Hey, really anxious. You have been kind to me before, so don't blame me for being wrong.

After the four holy beasts came down, they were awkward. Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu stood in front, followed by Suzaku. The expressions of the three above were very awkward, and Qinglong's nervous hands did not know where to put it.

I opened one eye and looked at them once and closed again. They couldn't help but stand by for five minutes.

Qinglong finally bit her head and opened her mouth. "That ...!" He took three deep breaths in a row and continued: "Well, President Ziri?"

I don't speak, my eyes aren't open, and I'm home.

Qinglong saw that I did not respond and continued: "President Ziri. We know that we were a bit too much for you at the beginning, but you have to be considerate of our feelings. Bi Ling is just like our father to us, and we really need him too much The news is coming out, so the means are a bit too aggressive. "

Xuanwu also said: "Our status is special, you should understand that it has become a habit to occupy the throne of the Seal of God for a long time, so this ... I'm really sorry for you! Seeing that everyone is a creature on this land of China . Just forgive our recklessness? "

Bai Hu immediately followed, "Please tell us about Biling anyway, and we will definitely thank you."

I'm still indifferent, anyway, it's all done, I'll consume them for a while and then talk about it. My wishful thinking abacus was being planned, and suddenly a light beam appeared in the sky to cover me. I just feel like I'm floating and rising.

The sudden situation forced me to open my eyes, but I continued to rise no matter how much I resisted, and even the teleportation failed. Since I can't resist, I simply don't struggle anymore, and let myself rise. I quickly passed through the clouds, but the scene in front of me was different from what I imagined.

Essinger had risen to the clouds before, and luckily took me to the clouds with me, but the clouds are the sky, which is not like what I see today. It turned out to be a door before me. The pillars on both sides of the gate are golden, with a diameter of more than 200 meters and a height of several kilometers. It is not clear whether the material is gold. Above the doorpost is a door beam. This door beam is obviously Chinese style, but it doesn't feel like a door but a torii. The dragons and phoenixes carved on the door beams are extremely gorgeous, and even the tiles are golden.

The gate is in the middle of this torii-like door frame. The two lacquered gates are unusually tall. Like ancient Chinese gates, they have a lot of copper nails on them, but because the door is relatively large, these copper nails are also scary. There is a pair of unicorn heads holding the door knocker in the middle of the door panel, but looking at that size, even the Titan giant will not use such a large door!

The light disappeared after sucking me up, but instead of falling, I stood in the cloud. To be exact, I was not standing on a cloud, there was a floor under my feet, and I squatted and touched it, it felt like a stone. These rocky floors were covered by clouds in the clouds and looked as if they were standing in the clouds.

Because this door is so large, it seems to be very close. Actually, I'm still a distance away from the door. Opened his wings and flew over to the door. Reaching out and touching the door, it felt like wood, which seemed very ordinary. It was only after the distance approached that the door was much taller than expected, and a door panel was almost 500 meters wide. Fly to the door post and reached out and touched it, the ice cold seems to be really metal, but judging by the hardness of this thing is definitely not gold.

I flew behind the door to see what was there, but it turned out that the door was almost the same as my space door, and there was nothing at the back. There is basically no difference between the back of the door and the front, except that there is no door panel. Between the two doorposts is a golden wall on which many creatures are painted in relief.

A gate is like a torii gate. The front is the door and the back is the wall. The only explanation is that this is the space gate. I didn't understand why I was sucked up after going back, but people who answered the question in the distance were already here.

The four light spheres landed behind me and turned into four people. These are of course the four holy beasts. After Qinglong fell, he looked at the door and said, "Strange, how come Nantianmen came here?"

Hey, I didn't even have to ask this guy to answer my question. So this is Nantianmen! Then this door should be connected to heaven! I rely. Did the Emperor Jade come to me for something? Isn't it so popular?

Suddenly there was a loud noise at the door, apparently about to open. I looked up at the door, and the people behind the door must be huge according to the proportion of the door. The position I looked at was probably the height of the other person's head. The door opened slowly in my eyes, but I didn't see anything, no one was behind the door.

"Is Ziri outside the door?"

The sudden sound made me look down at my head. It turned out that the people in the door were actually about the same height as me. Really, it's a waste to make a door as big as me!

Inside the door stood a large group of people, all wearing Chinese-style armor. And holding a lot of weapons, I think it should be the guard of the heaven and earth to guard the South Tianmen. The one who asked me was the guy in the middle who I knew. How many Chinese gods have three eyes and three-pointed knives?


"Come with me." Erlang Zhenjun turned and walked in, and I immediately followed. Erlang Zhenjun suddenly turned to the outside and said, "Let the four beasts go in too." Of course the four holy beasts immediately followed.

After we entered the gate closed slowly again, and then the gate in the sky faded and disappeared into the sky.

I followed Erlang Zhenjun all the way forward. The foot is all rocky ground, and there are steps from time to time, but the guy in front just walks forward. Don't remind me at all. I couldn't see the steps across the clouds, so I spread my wings and flew away, saving trouble.

Tiangong is not as large as expected, and it should be about the same size as Isinger. Along the way, I saw many heavenly soldiers standing guard, and occasionally some fairies flying around. But after looking at the costumes of the fairies, I concluded that the Jade Emperor must be a satyr, and even forced the fairies to wear such see-through gauze, can't they stop anything!

Traveling all the way, through many gates and buildings, finally reached the legendary Lingxiao Palace. The gorgeousness of this building is beyond description. Even Nantianmen is so exaggerated that it can be imagined here. The huge building is more exaggerated than the conference hall of our guild. The high ceiling is almost invisible.

Going up a long step to the outside of the main hall, I was asked to wait outside for a while, Erlang Zhenjun advanced to inform and then came out and brought us in. The space inside the hall is huge, but all the gods are gathered in a small area in the center. Of course, I know a little about Chinese myths, and I can basically know a few of the surrounding deities. Sitting on the high position in the center is naturally the emperor jade emperor, but I did not see the mother-in-law.

On the left hand side of the Emperor Jade Emperor were three old men. These three old men sit in the finished glyphs, and the seat in the back is very high and obviously higher than the first two. Although the Jade Emperor is in the middle, the three old men are on the side of the Jade Emperor and sit higher than the Jade Emperor. It is estimated that they belong to the kind of guy who usually does not care about things but has a very high status. Compared to the memory, I know that there should not be many people who can have such a status in Chinese myths, so I can roughly guess the identity of these three old men.

The oldest of the three old men is the leader of Hong Jun. This guy is not very famous. The average person may not know who he is but everyone can understand it. The emperor Jade Emperor and these immortals all came from the original Fengshenbang, and the one who performed the Fengshen mission to read the Fengshenbang was the Jiang Ziya. But many people don't know that Jiang Ziya is actually an apprentice to Yuanshi Tianzun. This Yuanshi Tianzun is actually not the strongest. He has a brother and a younger brother. His elder brother is Lao Tzu, the first ancestor of the Taoism, and his elder brother is the master of the heaven who can't get through to heaven and heaven. These three are basically the ancestors of all the gods and monsters in China, and since they are brothers, they must have a master. This master is the leader of Hong Jun. In this way, everyone should know how high the position of the Hongjun leader is?

Among the three apprentices of the Hongjun priest, the three apprentices belong to the opposite role. Basically, the monsters in Chinese mythology are counted as his apprentices and offspring, so these three old men will definitely not have him. Since the highest position is the leader of Hong Jun, the following two must be Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu, but I can't tell who is who, who can not be wrong anyway.

On the right hand side of the Emperor Jade Emperor, there are two people who are relatively easy to recognize. The fat man with a big bag must be like this. I can't think of anyone other than him qualified to take this position. If you come to the beauty around you, there is no need to introduce, who else besides Guanyin?

Rulai sits lower with the Emperor Guanyin than the Jade Emperor. They belong to the same level relationship with the Jade Emperor. Since this is heaven, they certainly sit lower as a guest ~ ~ In addition to these guys, I still have An old acquaintance-Dragon God. Little Dragon Girl and his dad are here too, but today there are too many big names, and he can only go wrong in the corner. At the foot of the emperor's five ranks, all the masters who entered the Lingxiao Hall were masters and masters, and Dragon God has become an ordinary character here.

The Four God Beasts behind me were also surprised by the situation here. Of course, they knew that the five-level big men on the left and right sides should not show up here. Of course, the fact that they are here today indicates that there is a big problem. However, the status of the four gods and beasts is not ordinary, except for the emperor Jade Emperor and the five major figures, they have not saluted anyone.

Qinglong stepped forward and asked, "I don't know why the gods gathered here?"

The Emperor Jade opened his mouth. Although he is not the highest status here, he is still the boss in name. "Not all because of you."

Bai Hu also moved forward. "What does Jade Emperor mean?"

Jade Emperor's tone became harsher. "Let you go to award, you tossed for two days before the prize went out and killed everyone else, you are embarrassed to ask me anything? What do you say about this?"

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