Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 91: Live armor

"Supervisor." As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, I saw them and begged me. These guys have to be a magic pet in the game, they must be careful in speaking and acting, and they become bold when they are outside.

I walked over and sat down beside them grabbing a plate of food and eating, and said, "After a while you have finished eating, go with me to the equipment library, I just saw it in my room. The experimental equipment for our latest completion was the day before yesterday. It's all completed, and we didn't notify us because we were in a hurry. I just saw it today. "

"What equipment is it?" The bell knight Yatavia asked.

"I just saw the notice, and I don't know what it looked like."

Scarlett immediately said to them: "Let's eat quickly, and go and see the equipment immediately." The guys immediately took care of the three of them and followed me to look at the equipment.

I went back to my room and brought out my own set of armor. I was informed that this set would also be replaced with an official model. The experimental model was too unstable. Arrived at our dedicated main equipment experimental field, all the equipment has been set up. Wei Na took Ling and they were already waiting here.

"That's all?" I asked as I walked to the researcher, pointing to the iron boxes standing on the ground like refrigerators.

After several researchers came over and carried away the experimental armor I brought, the research director told me, "This is the most biochemical armor model from the underground experimental base over Chongqing. After everyone's efforts, the cost has finally been reduced to 1 Within 100 million yuan and more powerful than the experimental model you gave me last time. "

"Anyway, let's open and let's see."

The administrator immediately said: "Yes, you can put your hand on the genetic test panel on the side of the box. These are the boxes that only you can open."

"Is there no order?"

"The order is out of order, but your name is in the box. You can find it yourself after opening it."

We had to go out of the box together. After opening, everyone forgot to find the name. All stunned.

"Isn't this the amethyst armor in the game?" Wei Na opened the box and put it in exactly the same way as my dragon armor. The original experiment was just like an image, and this design was completely copied.

"Wow! This looks like our armor!" Lan pointed at the armor in his chest and chided at the other bells.

I said to them: "Match the names first."

Wei Na immediately said to me: "Shenlin, you are with me."

I glanced at my box: "Xiaochun, yours is here." Then I hurried to Wina's side.

So many boxes were quickly replaced. I stood in front of my equipment and raised a familiar feeling. Is the content in this big box exactly the same as my game equipment! I was surprised to take a ring from the hook on the side of the box: "I rely! Isn't this the guardian of the evil dragon?"

Wei Na was also excited to take out a beautiful staff: "Isn't this my staff?"

Scarlett smirked there holding the sword: "Hey, this is exactly the same as my undead cutting." Suddenly his face changed and he took the sword in his hand and measured it a few times: "How is this so light? Is it hollow? "

"Light?" A young researcher next to him took the list and looked at it in surprise. "This sword is almost 50 pounds. Is it still light?"

Study the main pipeline: "Their muscle strength is not the same as our standard." He turned to us and said, "You take out the armor first and try to fit it. If there is any fit, you must say it. We can change it. Whether it is large or small, even if it is not comfortable, we must say that this will have a great impact on future improvements. "

I quickly took the lead and took out the armor inside and began to put on the body. The order of wearing these armors is exactly the same as the armor in the game. Everyone is familiar with the road, and they change quickly. I jumped a few times after I changed, and it seemed to be fine.

"This armor doesn't seem too heavy!" Skott asked.

The supervisor explained, "The material of these armors is not metal. So the weight is not high."

"Not metal?" I knocked on the armor on my chest. "What is this? Sounds like a turtle shell."

The supervisor opened a giant display on the wall of the laboratory and pointed at the picture with a visible laser pointer. "What you see now is a bacterium called BL036, which stays where it lives after it continues to reproduce and die. A layer sinks everything. This principle is somewhat similar to the process by which corals make corals, but the bacteria more densely dense various residues. Finally, when the sinks are thick enough, we will get these things on you. Yes Say the materials of these armors are grown, not made. "

"It turned out to be microbial coagulation technology. I didn't expect to be able to produce finished products?"

The supervisor said awkwardly: "In fact, this technology has not yet been put into practical use. The main reason is that the cost is too high. You can barely do it because the amount is not large. If it is mass-produced, it may be unbearable."

Bacteria are not cultivated and can be used for unlimited production. A set of equipment is needed to ensure that they do not produce uncontrollable mutations. It also requires some equipment for specific temperature and environmental control. Biotechnology is simple to say, and it is actually a very petite project. Even a company like Long Yuan is afraid to mess with the project. This investment does not mean that it can be earned.

Skott asked with a shield: "How about hardness?"

The supervisor immediately restored his proud expression and said, "Because it is a product of the bacterial industry, the structure is completely molecular-scale. The harder any known alloy is, this can be said to be the strongest material on earth so far, and the average The density is only one third of that of titanium alloys. The material is mainly composed of carbon elements. The multi-bond connection between atoms also gives the material a certain degree of elasticity to ensure the degree of solidity, which means that although it is strong, it will not As fragile as glass. "

"The lightweight and sturdy material is indeed very good." Wei Na said with her own armor: "But why is my armor different from the game?"

The supervisor explained: "The men's armor in the game is full-covered, the body is completely wrapped, and the women's armor mostly vacates the abdomen and thighs. The inside of the game is for beauty. In reality, we want to use Protecting your life is the first consideration, so a few modifications have been made. Although it has become a full-cover type, the overall shape has not changed much, and some parts are movable, and can be folded to the lower armor when not in use. This The armor itself has the function of a diving suit. After being neatly dressed, it can completely isolate the internal and external connections, and can be used in the water or as a three-proof clothing. "

"This thing is still three defenses?" I stunned the armor in surprise. "This thing is okay with anti-virus and biological weapons. Can it block radiation so lightly?"

The director explained again on the big screen: "This armor is not actually a purely armor, it should be said to be a creature."

"What? This is alive?"

The supervisor nodded. The picture on the screen shows multiple views of the armor and structural analysis. The supervisor pointed us at the picture and gave us a little explanation. "This is the outer layer of the armor, which is the layer of strong material we just said. The highly compressed material is thermally insulated, resistant to high temperatures, high hardness, and absorbs infrared radiation. Below this," the first layer of the armor flew out and moved in the picture To the side.

The director pointed to the inside and continued to explain: "This is a soft biological layer, we call it a bio-battery. This creature has many functions, the main function of which is to repair external armor. Although this layer of hard shell is not easy to be destroyed, we still The problem of repair is considered. This layer of organisms can make this material just like the bacteria. However, its degree is relatively slow, but its main task is to repair. Slow is not important. Once the armor is damaged, it will deposit. The new shell material repairs the gaps or potholes, which can basically be said to be self-repairing. "

"What about itself?"

"Of course, it also has resilience. For mollusks, resilience is first. As long as it is not completely killed, a sufficient number of * cells can slowly divide and grow back to their original size. And because of the gene cap The anastomosis will not split into two individuals after being cut, but will merge back to the basic form after contact. "

"What about energy?"

"The energy organs cover every cell. The energy of this armor comes from two parts. One of them is your body temperature. It converts heat into energy by absorbing heat, and you happen to be fast in metabolism, and your body temperature will rise very high after strenuous exercise. At this time, it can absorb heat accordingly to help cool down, which is equivalent to a refrigeration system. Of course, in addition to this, it can also directly use electrical energy, that is, charging. And biological cells do not need a corresponding power source, regardless of AC or DC voltage as long as the voltage is 10,000 volts can be directly connected to charge, and the car battery can also be made up when necessary. The energy consumption of this creature is mainly used for its own survival and repair of armor. It cannot move itself, and consumes little itself, as long as the armor is not damaged. They only Depending on your temperature, it's completely enough.

This layer of molluscs in the image is stripped again, and a layer of water bladder appears below. The supervisor pointed at this thing: "This is the sac of molluscs in the armor. The outer skin is composed of a large amount of carbon fiber and muscle tissue, and the interior is filled with a blue solution. These blue solutions are a High-efficiency electrolytes. They are substances used by this mollusk to store excess energy. At the same time, these liquids form a soft cushion with the mollusk itself in the sac. Do you like to lie on the water bag when you put them on? "

Scarlett moved a few times and said, "Why am I so comfortable!"

Main pipeline: "These sacs have a certain fluidity, so they can fully absorb the impact. When you are attacked, the outer layer of armor will block direct damage, and these things will become the last defense means to absorb shocks. Here We have experimented many times before and these armors can withstand any individual weapon. "

"Includes anti-tank rocket launchers and anti-equipment sniper rifles?"

The supervisor also joked with us. "You just don't get hit by anti-ship missiles."

"This thing is so defensive?"

Main pipeline: "In fact, only you are suitable for these armors. For us ordinary people, his defense might not be as good as the armor of the main battle tank."


"Because of the shock. The shell of this armor is hard enough that nothing will penetrate into your body, but the shock will damage the internal organs completely. After the anti-tank missile ’s impact is completely released, the people inside it will An instantaneous increase of about 40g is generated on the body. The normal person's g-force limit is 8 to 10 g, and 12 g is fatal. Even if equipped with a special anti-g strength suit, it is only 15 g, and the remaining 25 g is still fatal. But you are different, you The ground body limit is 63g, which itself exceeds the safety standard, and this armor is directly hit by anti-tank missiles, and you will be blown out more than 30 meters. But you will not be injured. But if we are people, our bodies It may be fine, but the internal organs and brain may be severely shaken and cause death. "

I ran a few steps back and forth in my armor and made some relatively large moves. "OK, physical activity is not affected."

The supervisor changed a picture on the screen, and saw a person wearing tight sportswear coming out, and the picture was accompanied by a voice. "Please do it with me." The person in the picture hooked his hands behind his back to the camera and continued: "You don't have to move to my angle, as long as you can touch each other with your fingers."

Let's quickly follow along, let alone say that there is really no way out. Both Xiaochun's armor and Belle's knight Freiber's armor could not bend, apparently lacking in activity. Later researchers took measurements for a while and then got a machine to put the armor on the scene. Executive commentary. This machine uses a laser with a high-pressure liquid nitrogen gun to cut off the excess part of the material using hot and cold changes. Ordinary tools can't process this thing at all.

After the adjustment is completed, it can be completed immediately, and then perform some other actions. Anyway, it is the maximum range of the human body's movement. As long as these actions can be done, there will be no problem of inflexibility in rotation.

It's already more than 4 am after all the adjustments are made, and the researchers are obviously struggling to lose one's breath, which means that our group doesn't feel much.

Skott waved his arms a few times and asked, "This sword is so light, isn't it sharp enough?"

The supervisor beckoned. A red cube was pushed up. "This is red bakelite. Try putting your sword lightly on it, don't put it sideways. Stand up, hold it a little and don't push it down."

Skott put his sword on top of bakelite, and the blade stood vertically on the wood. He held his hand gently to prevent the sword from falling down. As a result, the sword was like a soldering iron inserted into the ice brick. The wood sank inside, and soon we were left with only a handle in our surprised eyes.

Skott drew his sword as if he didn't know it and watched it carefully. "What kind of sword is this?"

The supervisor again showed the structure of the sword on the screen. "Actually your weapons are the same, whether they are guns, swords, or wands. The difference is the shape. They are practically the same. The material of the sword body is basically the same as the armor on your body, but this is not directly formed by atoms. The array of walls is first arranged into sub-chains, and then the small chains composed of these molecules are connected and wrapped into a sword body. You look at the sword as though it is smooth. In fact, its surface is enlarged similar to a sack. These weapons and Your armor is also a living thing. Inside the sharp shell is a living being, which has three functions. "

I immediately said: "The first must have been fixed."

"Yes. But in addition to this, there are two other functions. The first is tremor. This creature will generate high-frequency mechanical pulses to drive the blade body to vibrate. Once the rough molecular blade body hits the object, it will cut the surface of the object like a grinding wheel in this vibration. Principle It is the same as the plasma vibration blade, but it is more effective and safer. The vibration blade requires a lot of energy and cannot be used for a long time. It is more important that once it is started, there will be a lot of electromagnetic radiation than the magnetic blade, but the speed is faster. , So there is no noise after startup, and since it is a biomechanical vibration, no electromagnetic waves will be emitted, even advanced detectors will not find you. "

"What about the last feature?"

"The last function is specifically to assist your special ability. The creature inside can gather electrons on your surface under your command. The ability to directly shoot electrons like Weina and Pepper is equal to the amplifier, except for the large Increasing lethality also saves your own energy. As for the energy of these weapons, they are supplemented by a synthetic biological solution, but you can rest assured that you can add at least one high-intensity battle for more than 300 hours at a time, if you do n’t need those discharges As long as they are used as cold weapons, they can pass 100,000 hours.

"That's a good thing."

The supervisor pointed to our arms and said, "You have a stretchable wire with barb arrows at this position on both of your arms. This is designed according to Shenlin's armor in the game, but we have installed it for you, but this There are no crossbow shots at this time. Your muscles are very strong. After pulling this out, you can throw things out yourself, which is much stronger than the crossbow. The latter wire is the crystallization of Longyuan technology. We call it the twisted wire. Do n’t look at this. The silk is not much thicker than the cotton thread for sewing clothes, and the pulling ability is no less than the steel cable used to tow a car. Do n’t take it for tugboats. It is estimated that it will not break. The inside of the silk is connected with the body inside the armor. It will automatically take up the thread, but you need to control it with your own mind. Both the molluscs in your armor and the molluscs in your weapon can be directly controlled by your brain waves. At first, you were asked to take armor for the name because these creatures are They correspond to personal brain waves. If they are wrong, they are just ordinary hard armors, and many special abilities cannot be used. "

"That's good, and by the way anti-theft."

The supervisor took my helmet over and pulled down the mask to explain to everyone: "This helmet is integrated with the armor. It has fish-like gills inside. If you need to dive, it can filter out the oxygen in the water and send it to Carbon dioxide is emitted from the helmet, which is a kind of underwater breathing apparatus. However, in order to prevent it, we have designed an external oxygen channel in advance, and an external oxygen machine is also available. There is some soft tissue under the mask in the front. It is pulled out after you pull the helmet down. Knowing its role as a seal, you can control these muscle tissues to collect and relax to adjust the size. If there is toxic gas, this helmet can provide complete toxin filtration for 25 to 27 hours. If you take the seal of the throne for a long time, you need to inject antidote. "Although these molluscs can break down toxins, they are also creatures, and it is impossible for the Seal of the Seal to survive in high lethal toxins for a long time."

I nodded: "It's almost 25 hours, and we won't be stupid enough to stay in the poison zone for so long."

"Oh, yes. I forgot to introduce you to your shoes. Look at your soles."

I lifted one foot and looked at the bottom of the boots of the armor ~ ~ Fuck, meat pad? "

The supervisor explained with a smile: "The bottom of your feet is a cuticle that is 25 cm thick, and then there is a layer of muscle tissue inside, and then there is a layer of this hard shell, and then the internal tissue. This sole can protect against landmines, and there is no sound when walking . Also, pay attention to the tips of your shoes. "

"Halo, why are there any claws?"

"This is a non-slip design that can be stowed away when not in use, and can be extended to help with special environments such as walls or sloping mountains when needed."

"Nice design. It will look like a cat in the future."

Main pipe: "In fact, this shoe sole has another advantage, that is, anti-tracking. The human body has temperature. You can see obvious footprints with infrared cameras on the roads you pass, but this meat pad is a low temperature cell, and the temperature changes with the environment. There will be no trace of heat radiation leaking. "

A secondary pipe next to it: "As long as you wear this armor, whether it is a radar, metal detector or thermal detector, there is no way to show you, as long as you are not directly seen, you are invisible."

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