Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 92: Missing? Abduction?

"It's really good, if it can be cheaper and can be equipped with a lot of troops."

The director also shook his head and said, "This kind of heavy money can only give you special combat equipment like this. Don't count on the popularity of the entire army, even the simplified version can't afford it!"

Scot suddenly turned the ring from the box next to him and took it out. "Supervisor, what is this?"

"Of course this is a ring."

"What is the ring in the box of our armor?"

The supervisor brought another glass to stand there, and then he took a large-caliber semi-automatic rifle and blasted the glass, and the bullet hit the glass and jumped around. "See, this is fifteen centimeters thick bulletproof glass, let alone guns, rocket launchers may not be able to handle it. Weapons on your hands may take a long time to cut the throne, but in the future It is inevitable that you will need to deal with this thing. At this time, the ring is useful. "

Skott looked curiously with a ring: "Is this a miniature bomb or a glass knife? Can it be opened with such a thick bulletproof glass? Doesn't this look like a very ordinary men's square ring?"

The director smiled and pointed at the glass: "You put the upper side of the ring against the glass."

Skott took off his gloves and put the ring on the glass, but nothing changed.

Main pipe: "Press the glass slightly with a little force."

Skott pressed the ring slightly against the glass. This power is very soft, and Ying Gao will have no effect, but things are not the same as everyone thinks. Ping! A crisp sound scared us, and Scarlett jumped straight back for seven or eight meters. The glass wall shattered into countless pieces like an iceberg that suddenly collapsed. The glass scum fell to the ground.

"This ... how did this happen?"

Wina suddenly laughed: "I see. It's a sonic window breaker, but this power seems to be a bit larger."

"Production from Longyuan. Genuine broken window ring, micro-battery driven, a battery can drive the ring to shoot ten times." The supervisor came with a ring and said: "These are your new equipment, three for each person." He Give us the ring and explain: "The first one is a broken window or you have already seen it, and the second one is a special storage ring."

I found the largest of the three rings in my hand. The ring of this ring is very wide, and it seems to be a little thick. There are larger stones on the top of the ring, and there seems to be something flowing inside.

Main pipe: "This ring is hollow. It is filled with liquid anesthetic. It will quickly swing when it touches the air. There is a small creature in the ring. This gem acts as a switch. You can use your own neural signals. Order it to release toxins or keep closed. These neurotoxins only have an anesthetic effect and are not fatal. Normal people will experience general paralysis for three to five weeks when inhaled, but will not cause permanent damage. And the toxin is directly vaporized It ’s not particulate dust, unless you have an oxygen bottle. Gas masks and air filters are useless. Toxin vapor is absorbed through the skin, and the skin is equally effective when touched by toxic gas. Paralysis for at least 10 hours cannot be escaped. "

"Then what do we do?"

"Your physiological metabolism is different from that of ordinary people. This toxin is of no use to you. As long as the Seal of the Seal of Throne stays in a high concentration of poisonous gas or directly drinks compressed toxin liquid, it will not be poisoned. I don't think you will Go and drink this stuff? "

Ling held the third ring and said, "What is this?"

The supervisor replaced the third knot and said, "This third is an electromagnetic impactor. The internal source of radiation is a biological cell that has been modified with the cells of the electric eel. As long as you control it to emit radio waves, it will be instantly powerful. The effective pulse can be controlled, but the maximum radius is not more than 3 kilometers. The electronic instruments in the range are burned unless they are turned off at the time or there is a large electromagnetic protector. Your armors and weapons are all biological, and there is no electron at all. Equipment, with this indiscriminate assault weapon you will have an absolute advantage. "

I immediately asked, "What about the auxiliary chip in our heads? That's the electronic system."

The director shook his head: "Do you think your bones are just a bit stronger than others? Your bones are controllable semiconductor antennas. When you shoot a large flow of charge, your bones also serve as a shield and protection. When you use the ability to control electricity, you The reason you won't be injured is your bones. High-voltage electricity won't burn your chips. It's no wonder that there is a problem with this pulse! "

"I said why I'm not afraid of electricity!"

The main pipeline: "Roughly this is the weapon system. You have to make a little contact with the fighting method. You mainly have to pay attention to the advantage of using your own power. The current fighting method of the army is not suitable for you. It is mainly up to you. . By the way, there is another one that you better practice how to throw stones. "


"The meaning of our technical department is not to equip you with a single-armed hot weapon, so your long-range strike capability is a little worse, but considering your own strength level, letting you throw stones is accurate enough. How bad the hot weapon is, do n’t worry about ammunition. In fact, you do n’t have to throw stones. Whatever it is, any thing thrown out with your help should have enough lethality. If the distance is close enough to penetrate the lightweight Bulletproof jackets or iron shells for ordinary vehicles are not a problem. "

In fact, the supervisor is protecting our pride. I know why we are not equipped with hot weapons. The main reason is probably because of the results of shooting training. Wei Na's marksmanship can only reach the standard of ordinary people. There is no way to shoot accurately. Anyway, I ca n’t hit, so I do n’t pretend.

Lingling said: "It would be better to simply design a strong bow for us. We have great strength anyway, and we will pull the hard bow anyway, with a guaranteed range and a higher accuracy."

"This is a good way for you, and you don't have to go back to design. The base already has ready-made materials. I'll let you do it right away." The bow also doesn't have much technical content. The supervisor ran in less than ten minutes Back with two more bows in hand. "Come and try, I made two, you feel it first, if I can go back and let them finish processing and produce a few good."

There is a shooting range here, and we test the performance of bows and arrows in the field. The two bows are exactly the same size, but the materials are different. The first bow was a strong attack of 300 kg of pulling force. For the average person, this is impossible to pull, but Ling Ling used to open two times like pulling a rubber band. "It seems to be softer, which will not help us much. what!"

The director changed Zhang Gong awkwardly. "This is 500 kilograms, you try again."

Lingling still bowed twice easily this time. "This is almost the same. I think it should be more appropriate to add 550 kg or 600 kg."

The supervisor immediately said, "If you don't test it out first, I'll let them work on stronger bows right away."

Lingling nodded and took a newly processed tungsten steel arrow, and the carbon county committee board for experimental gunpowder weapons was raised in front of it, which was of moderate hardness. Finally, the weapon penetration can be calculated based on how many layers the bullet has penetrated. Lingling has contacted archery in the game, and the basic posture is still very standard. She took an arrow and opened her bow, and aimed slightly for a release. Ping! The bowstrings made a shrill squeak, and a squeaky sound of scratching the glass with a knife on the ground in the distance. We heard the feeling of vomiting, and the arrow was too far to touch the target.

Lingling shouted at her little tongue: "Accident, accident. This is the first time to shoot an arrow outside the game, and the bow is too strong, I am not sure about the strength. I will try again."

The second arrow really improved significantly, and the arrow hit the lower left corner of the first target directly. The effect of this arrow is quite shocking. After the arrow hits the target, the tail of the arrow tilts and hits the target and blows up the entire target directly. The researchers who are scared by the loud voice instinctively shrink their heads.

"Good guy, almost like a rocket launcher."

Lingling shot the third arrow again without moving. This time, there was a significant increase. The tungsten steel arrow passed straight through the first layer of target 500 meters away and then continuously wore 17 layers of targets. Then the arrow was born. After tumbling, the 19th and 20th targets were blown up.

"Good bow!" The researchers behind couldn't help sighing.

It happened that the researcher who had just left to make a new bow ran back again. This time he was holding 3 bows, and he passed the bow to his supervisor. "It's 550 kg, it's 600, it's 650."

Lingling immediately took a test shot of a 550-kilometer pull bow, and as a result, she directly wore 21 to 23 boards after wearing 20 layers of boards. When the tungsten steel arrows were taken back, they all twisted like twists. Lingling still seems to have insufficient strength to directly take over 650 kilograms this time. The supervisor looked like this and simply let the cowboy go back and make a few stronger bows.

Lingling shot through 23 layers with a 650 kg bow and blew up 24 and 25 layers. This detonation ability depends on the strength of the Shenyu after the arrow turns over the group, and it has little to do with the strength of the bow.

Soon the researcher brought in a harder Hong as instructed by the supervisor. This time he took seven bows in one go, starting from 700 kilograms, a grade of 50 kilograms all the way up to 1,000 kilograms.

Lingling tried all of these bows, and all seven bows were pulled apart, but the one with a weight of 1,000 kg was a bit strenuous. In the end, Lingling shot through a 29-layer board with an 800kg bow and blew up the 30th and 31st layers directly.

"This one suits me best." Lingling took the 800-kilogram bow and said, "The back can also be used, but it's too strenuous. This one can shoot multiple times and is more flexible."

After that we all tested our pull. The men of the Bell Tone Knight all used 850 kg bows, while the women of the Bell Tone Knight were all standard 800 kg. The magic pet Zhongjingjing and Lingling chose 800 kg. The other magic pets and Wei Na chose 700 kg bows.

I finally chose the bow with a pull of 1 ton, which is almost like a heavy cannon. I have mastered the skills after a few test shots, and it is best to record wearing 37 layers and bombard the back 3 layers. When the arrow was checked back, it had become many fragments, and the entire arrow body was blown up.

After choosing a good weight, everyone draws the shape of the bow they want directly on the screen through the brain wave. After finishing, I will try to design the appearance according to everyone's hobby. I told the director that the bow should also be made of biological materials. For bows and arrows, it is best to use a heavier metal. And make several different types of arrows. This allows us to choose which arrow to use based on the situation.

The supervisor recorded our improvement requirements and took them back to continue to modify, and we went back to training individually. It is now dawn, and the game upgrade is almost complete. I was planning to go to the training room to practice brainwave control, and suddenly my phone rang. Probably the rose came back. She should have been back at noon yesterday. As a result, she hasn't seen anyone yet, and now she finally remembers to call.


"Hello CEO, this is the base telephone switchboard. We have received an outside call from you, may I ask you to connect? The other party claims to be a friend of Miss Chu Rong.

"Take it." It's strange that Rose didn't give me a call for so long, but her friend called first.

The voice beeped, and a female voice appeared. "Is it Shenlin?"

"I am, do you have anything to do?"

That voice sounded a little anxious. "Hello, I'm Rong Ronglan's friend. Will Rong Rong go back?"

"No! She told me the morning before to help a friend to do something, and then she said that she would come back at night, but later she said that she would come back at noon yesterday, but there is no news so far. Are you the one who asked her for help? My friend? "

"Yes. That's me."

"Isn't she going to help you?"

Rui Lanlan's voice was very anxious: "Rong Rong is really helping me. She should have called me last night to tell me the results, but she didn't receive the call until this morning. I called her mobile phone but no one Answer. I don't reply. I thought she went back to you. "

Not only this Rui Lanlan, but I am anxious. "When did you lose contact last time."

"She went out to help me at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, and we talked on the phone on the road, but we hung up when she got to that person. After that, I kept waiting until she didn't wait for her to call Come back. I thought she was still talking, so I didn't dare to call. I was dying. "

"Where are you? Let's meet. It looks like something is in trouble." This woman was really saying she was in a hurry. She was just waiting for the news. The big deal was that things couldn't be done, but my wife was gone. It's not a trivial matter, but roses can't possibly be surprised! She herself had a simple training in the secret service department, and later learned Tai Chi. If she met seven or eight of the gangsters, it should be trivial. Is it a traffic accident? Will not! When Rose went out, she drove in the base. Unless someone hit her with a rocket, it would be impossible for her to be injured in a traffic accident. Call me as long as she is not injured! correct. car. Rose drove the base car and should have a tracker.

Rui Lanlan answered exactly on the phone: "I am waiting for you at the east gate of Xinglong College main campus."

"Okay, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

This time, things are still uncertain. You don't need too many people. People move less quickly. It's enough to bring only Wei Na, Ling, Chili and Skott. Think about it or go to the laboratory and bring Xiaobai out. The dog nose is most useful for finding people. Go to the base entrance guard room and take a tracker locator and tell them to notify me as soon as Rong Rong returns. I picked a large commercial vehicle to leave the base. I was worried about Rose's safety and didn't bother to drive. The driver's job was left to Skeleton.

Not to mention, Scarlett really won my heart, the car went all the way to the school gate like crazy. I looked at the locator on the way. This thing can display a lot of information, not just positioning. I put my hand on the fingerprint lock so that I can turn on the highest function. In this state, I can remotely control the car. It is equivalent to a remote control toy, but it is a bit bigger.

Look at the positioning first, the location of the vehicle is in the luxury villa area on the waterfront. Although this lot can't be talked about, the average person can't afford it. The houses in the community are manor-style villas. And there are huge courtyards and gardens. The people who can buy a house here are all of the middle to upper class among the rich, not to mention the monitors and countless security guards on the streets of the neighborhood. It is a strange thing for such people to have no bodyguards themselves. It is supposed that there is no danger here!

After confirming the position, I chose the in-car monitor. The monitor on the center roof of the car lights up at the same time and then transmits the picture to the tracker here. The driver's seat is empty and no one is in the car. I control the camera around. The car was normal, there were no signs of damage, and the door was locked, but no one was in the car.

I cut to the outside view again, a small lid on the roof was closed, and a shape monitor rose out of the roof. The first thing I saw was a white wall. Turn around to see many cars. It seems to be in a parking lot. This seems to be their own parking garage. The garage is not large. There are twelve parking spaces in it. There are now 8 or 2 cars besides Rose. The garage was empty, except for the car. The garage door was open, but no one was visible.

The car was ok at least to prove it was not a traffic accident. Calling the vehicle condition record shows that Rose stopped the car here at 2.17 pm yesterday and has never returned. That is to say, Rose should still be here. I know that I feel more at ease. At least the rose should be fine, but it is strange Why didn't she call us back?

Turn off the tracker. We are almost at the gate of the school. I called back that Lanlan phone again, and she picked it up quickly. "Is it Rongrong?" Her voice was full of excitement.

"It's me, Shenlin. I've reached the small square at the door, where are you?"

"Oh, it's Shenlin!" Her voice fell again. "I'm near the central flowerbed. I'm holding a mobile phone. There is another friend next to me. Here are our two girls."

When she said that, I immediately looked at the edge of the flower bed, and sure enough. There are five people beside the flower bed. The other three are men. A girl in a green suede dress is sitting by the flower bed and calling. A sporty girl in a denim dress is holding her next to her. .

Our car stopped quickly with a sharp brake in front of them, and I directly pulled the door and beckoned: "Come up."

The two of them looked up and saw that I immediately understood and jumped into the car. I pulled the door and threw the tracker to the pepper in the front seat to let her direct Skott to the villa area. I said to the beautiful girl in green clothes, "You are Rui Lanlan, aren't you? I'm Shenlin, these are me ... meanwhile. I already know that Rose's car is in the waterfront villa area, do you know what she is going to do there?"

The girl in green dress looked worried. Tears came out. The sports girl next to her said immediately, "I'm Liu Yuan. You can call me Yuan Yuan. Rong Rong and Lan Lan are both my good friends. Since you and Rong Rong are both married, they are not outsiders, I will just say . Lan Lan likes a scum handsome guy in our school, Saba, and then the two of them ... you understand. Later Lan Lan was the one. "She compared to the lower part of the stomach, I immediately understood that Lan Lan was pregnant. Yuanyuan continued: "But Sabe dumped Lanlan, and Sabe's mother came to humiliate Lanlan. This time, I also called out Rong Rong. The day before yesterday, Rong Rong and Lan Lan went to his house to discuss It turned out that no one was at home. Yesterday afternoon, Rong Rong said that she would go again by herself, but there was no news as soon as she went. "

Wei Na interjected: "So it seems this Sabe makes or breaks?"

Yuanyuan immediately shook her head and said, "Sabbe is our classmate. I shouldn't do anything. I worry about Sabbe. The woman's famous places have not been good all the time. She is mean, I just fear she is right. Rongrong does bad things. "

I shook my head: "I'm not worried about this. With Rong Rong's ability, people who are not so easy to be counted. Besides, so many people know that people have entered their home. They should pay attention to what they say, even if they want revenge It's impossible to do it in your own home. A fool can do that kind of thing. "

Yuanyuan reluctantly said, "Unfortunately, Sabe's mother is an idiot, otherwise we won't be worried. Last time when she rushed to school to humiliate Lan Lan, she was bitten by a school police dog. I am afraid she will take revenge on Rong Rong. "

I shouted to the chili in front: "How far is it?"

"About five kilometers," Pepper replied.

"Almost enough," I said to Pepper. "Give me the tracker."

The tracker should be able to track the position of the electrodes of the human body at such a short distance. I turned on the switch of the tracker to enter the information of the person to search, but I forgot to turn off the sound, and the tracker called immediately. "Nerve implant signal is present. Position has been locked. Target life is normal and nerve activity is completely silent. May be in a coma or falling asleep."

Lan Lan and Yuan Yuan both looked at me in surprise, but I didn't notice their eyes at all, because I was nervous. It's almost nine o'clock now. Unless Rose stays up late, she rarely gets up at this time, which means that she is probably not sleeping but in a coma. Who can make Rose unconscious?

I looked up and asked Yuanyuan. "Is that Sabe's family rich?"

"Their family company seems to be called Hengwei Industrial."

I immediately pressed the button on the tracker to connect to the base computer: "son-in-law, help me check who is Hengwei Industrial's business?"

The response of a son-in-law's computer is incomparable with that of an ordinary computer. As soon as I asked, she replied: "A 49-year-old male named Sade and a 43-year-old male named Kang Zhong."

"What's Sade's wife?"

"Wu Fanghua, female, 47 years old. The owner of the Guang'an nightclub and a small hotel. Rumors of bad style and poor staffing. She had been distanced for fifteen days after being drunk and attacking a traffic policeman. His son, Sabine 23 Years old, and you are in a school, but he is studying art performance. "

"Is there anything else in this family?"

"Sad and the Deputy Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau have a close relationship with Youde. I have seen on the city security monitor many times that two people have entered a high-level club called Longchuan. This club is behind a gangster in this city. Support, suspected of improper service items, the city bureau had a surprise inspection but no gain, Wu Fanghua herself has no power, but suspects that she and other gang leaders in this city are tainted, but not true. " Lan Lan and round chin were about to fall off.

But hearing Lan Lan's complexion was hard to look at immediately. "Sad himself is a student. The basic source of social interaction is with his parents. He is lazy and has a good image. He is somewhat sloppy and has a strong temptation to adolescent women. The data shows that his academic performance is average, and the only shortcoming is his care. The university had changed 14 girlfriends before, and caused 3 of them to become pregnant, and then flowed in three private clinics respectively. During the two and a half years of the university, she made 6 girlfriends and caused one of the female students named Rui Lanlan to become pregnant. Currently, 'S girlfriend is a female teacher in the school next door to you. And she has confirmed that there is an improper sexual relationship. "

gosh! The son-in-law is really straightforward. What's terrible is that Wei Na also added a sentence: "son-in-law, how do you know who is pregnant and who is an abortion? Does that kind of small hospital have records?"

"The safety monitoring system can scan the basic human characteristics. Pregnant women who are more than one month pregnant can already distinguish the second life feature in the body. Some women enter small hospitals and the second life signal disappears. The logical inference result is only abortion. "

Lan Lan couldn't be surprised, and now she had nothing but crying. Yuanyuan is now worried about Rong Rong and distressed Lan Lan, and has no time to wonder about the Seal of the Throne.

Scarlett suddenly said: "It's at the gate of the community."

Several security guards saw our car ran out and stood in front of the barricade waiting. The owners of this kind of community have a remote control. When they return, they can press the switch to block the roadblocks themselves, but sometimes there will be guests to visit, the security needs to come up to ask for registration. Because it is a high-end villa area, all the rich people come in and out, the security can't let them get out of the car and go to the security room to fill in the registration. Although everyone is ironic that the security dogs look at people low, they can stand on the security stand, you still have to Do this unless you don't want to work anymore.

As soon as we arrived at the door, the security came. "Hello, which one of your guests are you here?"

Yuanyuan stretched out her head from the back and said, "We are Saba's classmates. We are going to Saba's house now."

"Please wait and let us call to confirm."

I opened the door, jumped out of the car, walked to the security guard, and pulled him aside. He looked at me suspiciously and said, "I'll go and make a call for you to confirm. What are you doing?"

I took out the card reader attached to my trousers and swiped on it, and the card reader immediately sounded a synthetic electronic sound: "National senior staff card, please cooperate with me."

These card readers were purchased by the Ministry of Public Security. All security units must be purchased. The reader does not read detailed information when it recognizes, and only reads simple level information. When using this card reader, it will send signals to the Ministry of Public Security network to leave electronic stubs. One is to prevent someone from impersonating the National Army and the police, and the other is to prevent the police from abusing their powers for personal gain. With this record, you ca n’t even run if you want to run.

"Sad has a little trouble at home. We're going to investigate."

The security officer immediately asked nervously, "How do we cooperate?"

"Just do n’t have anything, just keep doing what you are doing here. Do n’t call your leader, and do n’t notify the people in Sad ’s house. Except for your security guards here, not even other security guards, and Just open the door for us. "

My card is a Longyuan special personnel card, plus the army's general level card. Of course I have absolute right of way for such a small roadblock. Boarded the car and passed the barrier, and drove directly to the door of Sabe's house. Today is a rest day. Sabe should be at home. The son-in-law's surveillance camera does not show that his family is out. Unfortunately, there are too few cameras in the community and there is no complete information. Otherwise you know if the rose is gone.

Although it is almost certain that the rose is here, there is no conclusive evidence, and it cannot be too reckless at the moment. In case it is really wished, it is hard to say. There are more headlines this year than flies, and even military secrets are often obtained by them, let alone us. That would be a big loss if exposed to Longyuan.

I went to the door with Yuanyuan. Through the tall iron door, I could see a small square-style European-style courtyard. The residence was more than 200 meters away from the door. Press the switch on the side of the door roundly. After a while a woman's face appeared on a TV intercom. "Who are you looking for?" The woman looked like a housekeeper.

Yuanyuan immediately said, "I'm a classmate of Sabe."

The woman in the picture was suddenly pushed away. A woman with a well-known name who was very old, but painted with an extremely gorgeous makeup, appeared in the picture. "It's your little sister-in-laws again. Do you have a face?" I don't need to guess that this person is Wu Fanghua. It's no wonder that the staff is bad.

Yuanyuan immediately replied: "We didn't come to fight with you today. Why did Chu Rong stay with you for one night and haven't come back yet? You opened the door and let us go in to see her."

"I don't know what Chu Rongyerong did. Roll it for me." The screen suddenly cut off.

I verbally pressed the doorbell again, and the picture lit up again. "Tell you all to understand people?"

"Chu Rong came to you yesterday afternoon and didn't go back. Don't quibble. The crime of illegally imprisoning state secret personnel is not trivial."

"Haha!" The woman smiled imperiously: "The little sister-in-law has been here, but just said a few words before leaving. How can I know where she's going to sell. I'm illegally imprisoned, just like you Do children know what it means to be illegal? Give back to state secretaries, haha, a few poor students are still asking for secrets, lie first and make a draft. "

I'm too lazy to talk to her about the unpleasant swear words, first confirm whether the rose is here first. "My wife's car didn't start here yesterday, would she drop her car and walk back from here to the city?"

"Can't figure out what you're talking about, what a ghost car! Hurry up, the old lady gets angry when you get stuck." The screen cut off again.

Yuanyuan also presses the communicator, and I organized her. "Scott, pass me the tracker."

After getting the tracker, the remote-controlled car started up, and the remote-controlled car was poured out of the parking space from the garage through the roof monitor. Outside the gate of the courtyard, we saw a car rushing out of a building on the side. Sure enough it's Rose's car, and it looks like it's here. I turned off the engine of Rose's car and turned back to Scott, "I knocked the door open."

This big iron door is a display. A person can step on the carved sculpture above, and the car can knock it over. In fact, nothing can be blocked. It is a symbol. The door is easily opened. The security and public security lines receive silent alarms at the same time. The security knows that we are coming in. When he came to his house, he saw it but did not see it. The Ministry of Public Security's route requires the transfer of son-in-law. Of course, the son-in-law was directly shielded, so no one managed it at all.

The door was rushed open, although there was no one outside, there were people in the house. On the right side of the door opposite the garage was a row of two-story small buildings. A large group of people holding electric batons came out. This house even had a bodyguard room. I knew from the beginning that there must be bodyguards in his house, but I didn't expect there would be so many. Twenty or thirty people came out of the room, and there were seven or eight Tibetan mastiffs.

Lan Lan shrank in the car like a paralysis. Although Yuan Yuan was tense, it did not affect her own activities. After the door was knocked open, Scott got out with the others, and Ling took Xiao Bai down. The other party saw that we also took the dog and immediately loosened the Tibetan mastiff's rope. The mastiffs rushed up as soon as they got off the rope.

The Tibetan mastiff is a fierce dog, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the king of dogs. But Xiaobai has basically been regarded as a monster. The dog is always just a dog. As soon as Ling gives away Xiaobai, he rushes over. When the white figure and the black figure come into contact, a Tibetan mastiff flew out immediately. In 20 seconds, eight Tibetan mastiffs were all lying down. All the causes of death were comminuted fractures of the cervical spine. Dog, no matter how fierce it is, dog.

The security guard over there started still running vigorously. After Xiaobai killed the Tibetan Mastiff, he fangs them, and all of them were fixed. Since these people raise Tibetan mastiffs, they definitely know how powerful they are. A dog that can kill eight Tibetan mastiffs in 20 seconds means that they know better than anyone else. Although Xiaobai's name is Xiaobai, it is not small at all. This little guy is really young. His and a few circles larger than the Tibetan Mastiff are just like little polar bears.

"How silly are you standing? Do you want to get away?" The main building door suddenly opened. Wu Fanghua came out with four guys in bodyguard overalls and reprimanded the other bodyguards here.

Although these bodyguards are good at Xiaobai, they rushed up considering their work.

I pointed to those people: "Don't leave a disability."

Although Xiaobai couldn't speak, it could understand. After getting the order, he rushed up immediately. Ling glanced over there. The two reports suddenly touched Mickey and took the electric stick to beat the people around him. People can see their behavior but can't control their body. The two guys' sudden betrayal behavior first caused everyone's confusion, and then they began to fight back under the constant attack of the two of them. Ling didn't care anyway, it wasn't her own fight, two down and two more.

Two or three or ten bodyguards may be quite good at dealing with ordinary people. It's not as good as meeting the regular army, not to mention that we can even pair special forces with one hundred people. In a blink of an eye, the bodyguards who were still alive were rolling all over the ground. Xiao Bai asked me not to leave a disability, so I chose to choose a place with a lot of thigh meat and it turned out to be like this.

I turned to the main building. Wu Fanghua was slightly surprised, but she was not afraid. I think she either belongs to someone who doesn't know how to live or die, or the four bodyguards around her are masters, she has no fear.

"I told you that she had rolled over and slammed the door. It was rude. The door of my house was connected to the alarm, and the police would be there in a while." The woman actually said that she threatened us.

I flashed my ID card. "I said just now that we are a national secret officer. You have to say that I am joking with you. Your security guards here all have battery cars. If you are not notified, do n’t dispatch them. You thought they would not have appeared for so long. ?"

Wu Fanghua froze for a moment, but soon turned into a rage. "Don't be complacent, hum, you can still find someone to blame for killing your old lady. How many of you students know is society?"

"You old witch know what is society?" Rose's voice suddenly appeared on the third floor of the main building. I looked up and saw that Rose was standing on the balcony, beckoning to me and shouting jokingly, "My prince come to me and save me, and kill the old witch below."

Yuanyuan immediately shouted to the top: "You idiot is still here in spring ~ ~ Why don't you call us and want to rush us?"

Rose smiled and said, "I'm imprisoned by the old witch, you still blame me."

Suddenly I saw the rose, and my hanging heart finally fell back into my belly, and it was at this moment that I was in a good mood. She shouted in conjunction with Rose: "The princess is waiting for me and will save you immediately." It seemed that Rose was fine, but apparently she was detained for one night. Based on my understanding of Rose, she was probably wrong last night. In order to avoid accidents, she pretended to be captured without the ability to resist. After all, there are so many bodyguards and dogs in this yard. She is not us. She has learned Tai Chi or ordinary people. It is no problem to deal with a dozen people, and dozens of them may not be. So she simply chose to wait and see what happened. Anyway, someone knows that she is here, and today she will definitely go to her without going back. Moreover, she disguised as an ordinary weak girl, and could hold hostages at critical moments, which was much safer than running away with those bodyguards. This is the difference between roses and ordinary people. After all, she was an agent. After calm thinking in such a small scene, she immediately knew the best answer. If the average person ran at the time, they would not be able to escape if they were caught at least once.

Wu Fanghua's Qi Qi is smoky, and women are the most ruthless people say that she is ugly, especially a woman like Wu Fanghua who is obviously old and dressed like an old monster, almost 50 years old, even wearing a sleeve open The tight-fitting cheongsam with a cross to the waist, the meat on that stomach was almost laps around the Mizilin tire man.

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