Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 113: Think Tank Project

Yellowstone? Are you inside "After solving a few people in the aisle, I rushed to the end of the passage and shouted into the gate.

A weird voice answered quickly: "I'm here, is President Ziri? Hurry up and help, my armor energy is running out."

"Stay away from the door." The door was slammed into the door several times, and the door was severely deformed. The final kick completely resolved the problem and brought it down.

There are not many Japanese here, but all seem to be masters. As soon as the door was opened, two ninja knives were chopped over. I used Eternity directly. Two crisp metal cracks and both handles broke. If you want to touch Eternal, it is better not to use weapons below the level of artifact.

The two couldn't imagine that their weapon was so easily broken, hesitated for a second.

Hesitation at such a close distance can only lead to death, and my hands and scabbers came out of the scabbard on both stomachs. With both hands sending away, the two bodies flew out and fell to the ground.

The yellow room was blocked at the entrance to the stairs, but he was alone. The armor on his body looked intact, and the Japanese couldn't hit him. The only possibility was that his armor was not afraid of such damage. Although there is nothing wrong with the armor, Huangshi's weapon has obvious problems. The pair of blue light cones flickers as if they would go out at any time. Is n’t that weapon supported by energy?

"I'm here." After seeing me, Huang Shi wielded a few cones of light, but the attack of the two swords next to him forced him to deal with these blades first.

The other Japanese in the room also noticed me. A petite ninja suddenly jumped over the head of the person in front of me, and bounced on the roof two meters in front of me, and put her hands on the pipe. On the last hook, I rushed my feet over my chest and bounced back with a force. I was backed out by a sudden blow, and my arms stretched out. The claws of both hands penetrated deeply into the walls on both sides of the narrow aisle. The metal claws scratched a piece of Mars on the metal wall. The harsh sound made people feel mad, but anyway, I didn't fall.

The woman covered her face. I don't know her expression, but the woman's eyes told me she was very angry. As for the reason she was angry, it seemed that I was not kicked. She immediately rushed up after seeing that I had stabilized my figure. Women's bodies are lighter and better than men. She has rushed to such a short distance. As she approached me, she suddenly held herself up and rolled over to me.

She would find the attacking location, and the purpose of holding a group was obviously to attack the men or attack me from behind, and I might not want to see these two. I lifted my feet sideways and turned a pad into a **** to block the passage. The woman rolled directly onto my leg and flew up my leg. When she reached the height of my waist, she suddenly opened her body and slashed down.

The goal is my neck.

Before she cut me, I kicked her out. If this kick hits her body, she can kick her out. Then she can't cut me. But the reaction of this female ninja was too fast, and I didn't meet her at all. She just let the air kick her and kicked the kick, but it delayed her time for the sword, and the seal of the throne, and the sword failed to cut me.

After she landed, Xun turned back five times in a row and jumped a long distance, followed closely by her and began to touch the bag tied to her thigh. I guess she's going to touch either a hidden weapon or poisonous powder, it won't be a good thing anyway. When I saw her starting to touch something, I also touched the back. Her hand came out of the bag with a thick star dart, and I also pulled three silver feathers from the wings.

The woman pinched her fingers, and the star dart unfolded into a row of star darts. No wonder it looked so thick that it was not one. She threw the star dart at me immediately after throwing it open, and I threw the silver feathers at the same time. Immediately after Feather fired the mercury shield, the aisle was sealed, and her darts were all blocked by mercury. Although my three feathers are shaped like feathers, they are actually mercury, so they cannot be thrown out like real feathers. However, I am not a dart player myself, and the three are indeed a little less, and the female patient flashed easily.

The woman scorned and raised her eyebrows in contempt, trying to provoke me, but I smiled and pointed behind her.

She first instinctively wanted to turn around, but soon reacted and thought that I was fooling her into turning around for a surprise attack. "Ah!" Nu Ren suddenly screamed and jumped up, clutching her hands behind her back desperately.

This is the result of contempt of me. Those three silver feathers were all incarnations of the Iron Wraith, and I didn't plan to use them as darts at all. Immediately after the feather was flashed back, the form of the Iron Wraith was restored to the female ninja, and she thought I was lying to her. There was no sound of the Wasp flying, and she couldn't see anything if she didn't look back. One of the three Steel Wasps stinged around her neck, one chose the lower back, and the other looked for a thigh. The three goliaths lowered their mouths at the same time, and directly selected the large blood vessels.

The female ninja turned very quickly and swept away the three bees, but the wounds on her body were sprayed with blood and water, and her legs were shaking constantly, and her body was gradually softened down. The bee bites all blood vessels, and the arteries on the neck and thighs bleed very quickly. The wound couldn't stop bleeding by itself. As for the lower mouth of the lower back, the key point of the mammal is the spine. It was obviously a bit crooked just now, and she couldn't cut off the nerve line of her lower body quickly, but the bee's pliers still hurt the nerve line. She was standing there constantly paralyzing because the leg muscles were out of control.

The next two men quickly jumped over to block me, and several others lifted the girl to the middle and started to stop bleeding. They handled it well, but I won't give them a chance.

"Blade storm!" Nine swords of Jianhong were thrown out, and none of the people who dared to stop in front was complete. Eternity is not a general weapon, he cannot be blocked by weapons.

The woman was still shaking her neck on the ground as she walked. Just now she was lying down. The sword wind did not hurt her, but the big hole on the neck bleeds too fast, like the night child said. After the game upgrade The punishment for injuries has become worse. A single player can only be killed if injured. Although the woman hadn't hung up yet, the blood around her neck could not be blocked, and she would be finished in a while. In order to avoid having the Japanese come in to rescue her in the future, I made a sword directly at her eyebrow. A mention of the sword was stuck, and even her head followed, so she had to put her down and step on her face to pull out the sword. Holding Eternal to dry the blood on her clothes, she walked towards the still yellowstone.

There is also the last Japanese beside Huang Shi, fighting with his weapon.

I wanted to wait for Huangshi to make his own decision. But Huangshi's weapon flashed a few times and suddenly went out. The light cone is completely composed of light and disappears as soon as it goes out. The little Japanese raised his knife in excitement to prepare to cut Yellowstone, but a wire-like thing suddenly wrapped around his neck, and he instinctively reached for it. But this thing gets tighter and tighter.

Holding the other end of the dragon's tendon, I stretched the zipline straight, and my hand shot on the wire. There was a string-like sound. The cold guy's head over there suddenly rolled down, and the body sprayed with blood fell straight.

"President Ziri, you're here." Huang Shi was very excited to see me. He was almost finished just now.

"What's wrong with your weapon?"

"Oh, this?" Huang Shi looked at the original position of the light cone. "This is an energy weapon. The protective layer on the outside of our armor is also energy-driven. You can see that I have been slashed so many times without any injuries."

"That was just exhausted, right?"

"Our protective layer and weapons consume energy. The more times the protective layer is attacked, the faster it is consumed. They were hit by so many people just now, and they will throw those small things to hit people. I have almost used my protective cover. , As a result, the weapons are not enough, and it is almost over. Thank you for finding me in time, otherwise it is really troublesome! "

"Well, now that I have found you, if you don't mind, I think we should go back to a safe place first."

"I think so too." Huang Shi nodded and decided to go with me.

When we returned to the hatch of the ship, the other three members of the Celatis were also out. There were three of them, and their energy consumption was a little less, at least their light cone was still shining.

Bringing Yellowstone and three other Celestes, we returned to the Great White Wren while we were lucky. Seratis Yuan was very excited to see Huangshi come back. I knew this old guy was also the owner of the calves. Fortunately, nothing happened.

Back in the command room, I leaned on the combat command platform. "How's the situation now?"

Fleet No. 2 commanded Blood Red Rose to hand over a list. "The situation is very bad." She pointed to the block above the list and explained: "Each block represents a battleship, the Japanese one is colored, the American one is not colored, and the two sides have completely collided together. Many battleships are locked in position with each other, and there is no way to loose them. Because there are not many players on the battleships, most of them are very slow. If this situation continues, at least another 30 hours can be used to determine the outcome. "

"Then what can you do?"

"I can't help it." Rose pushed the crystal communicator on wheels to the table. "But there is."

The picture displayed in the crystal communicator is Essinger's combat finger room, which is full, and the think tanks in our guild are all listed. There is a milky crystal plate on the floor of the selection room. Use a water-based pen to draw on it, and you can wipe it off at any time. Suddenly, for a long time, the generals who have not been online for the Seal of the Throne have stood in the command room. I am assured that professionals are all our staff on the ground at this time. Everyone, including the generals, is climbing on the ground. Go and draw the command map. Rose stood next to the communicator. "Well, now we come to remote staff for you."

"So, do you have any specific plans?"

The general first sat down on the ground and said to the camera: "The first thing to say is that it is very incorrect for the two ships to get stuck together. You have a firepower advantage, and it is quite a loss."

"I know this, Grandpa General, but I am a multinational force. No one listens to anyone. I can't control the situation. They rushed forward, and I wanted to shout and it was useless. Now I believe they know the situation. , But it's stuck and can't be separated at all. "

The crystal chocolate standing next to the general said suddenly, "We know that the battleships have killed each other, so we have a plan for you." Said the crystal chocolate began to ask everyone to let go.

The map of the battleships is drawn on the ground of the command room. It seems that they have been discussing for a long time. Su Mei came over and said, "What you see now is the map of the battleships, because they are stacked on each other to form a structure similar to Luban Lock. I based on my knowledge of architecture and combined some geometric algorithms to help you find this. A few central points of the structure ~ ~ You say here. "Su Mei put a red flag on one of the warships, and then she began to put red flags on the positions of other warships. After finishing, Su Mei said to me again: "What I have marked for you is the center point of this mechanical structure, which is the most vulnerable position. If we take away the boats in these positions, this dense iron bucket The battlefield will immediately fall apart, and within 20 minutes the battlefield will return to the density that can be used for normal naval battles. "

"Do you mean to blow up all the warships on the structure?"

"Yes, regardless of the enemy or me, just blow it up at this position, and it must be completely blown."

"I don't think this should be a problem. But you'd better be sure it definitely works. If I blow up the Yankee's ship and nothing happens, it's a lot of fun."

Su Mei said very earnestly: "I have checked it twice and the data is absolutely reliable, but persuasion may require you to pay a bit of work, because you have also seen that almost all the locations that need to be blown up are American ships."

"I'll do my best." I turned to Scarlet Rose and said, "Order the underwater blasting team to blow up all the ships in these positions. Each ship will be loaded with ten times the usual amount of medicine. We must completely blow them up, not let them. They sink there slowly. "

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