Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 114: Great reversal

I knew you would blow the ship without hesitation. Bloody Rose took the label of the explosive charge and said, "The water blasting team is ready to go out immediately. "

"Let's get started."

The steel claws of this guild and the underwater motorboats from Atlantis are very good underwater vehicles. Our players use steel claws, specially trained to use underwater motorcycles, and carry a lot of explosives. The warships marked with dots drove past. I didn't discuss it with Americans at all, because it wasn't necessary. They would not know who attacked them, and it was understandable that such a fight would "injure".

There are 37 bombing points that need to be blasted, of which 29 are American warships. It took the underwater team ten minutes to find these points, and then it took them more than ten minutes to bomb these warships. In the process, we also lost a group of blasting teams, but this did not affect the completion of the work.

After receiving the completed signal, I stood on top of the Great White Shark and looked at the group of warships floating on the sea. True Red helped me to hold the initiation control board, and Scarlet Rose helped me to hold the initiation sequence chart. The sons of the night accompanied the Celatis and Huangshi to stand behind me and prepare to see how I can solve this problem. The members of the Celatis still don't know our plan.

I picked up the communicator: "Attention all the battleships of the Frost Rose Alliance. I am the president of Ziri. Now I have a first-level battle order. All battleships enter into a state of engagement, the full gun door is reloaded, and the submarine forces descend to the battle depth, five minutes And start fighting. "

Scarlet Rose pointed to the explanatory diagram and explained to me: "This is a sequence diagram transmitted by Isinger. In a moment, these two points will be blown up, and then here. Somei said that after this point explodes, she must wait for its completeness. The sinking can detonate the points below. Then the battleship group will begin to recover some liquidity. At this time, the remaining points can be blown to ensure that the fleet is completely dispersed. "

"Okay, I see. Really red, you can help me time. Tell Chuang Wang that he will be in charge of the battle sequence, and the Great White Shark and Great White Shark's convoy will be in charge of me."


Seratis Yuan was obviously surprised to watch our battle preparations in the back, but he did not show too much exaggeration, after all, the elderly were calmer after all. Huangshi, the hairy boy, was not as cultivated as his father, and he was very excited.

"Zi Ri is so handsome. Is this such a big fleet yours?" Huang Shi asked me excitedly.

Yezi helped me answer: "This is part of our guild. Because the local defense also needs the navy, it is impossible to send them all."

"Really exaggerated."

I looked at the timer and picked up the communicator again: "Attention the whole fleet, the last minute countdown, I will blow up a few concentration points of the mixed fleet and cause the entire fleet to collapse. American and Japanese battleships will be at It will completely spread out within ten to twenty minutes, and I ask you to fire immediately if you have the opportunity during this period. You can fire freely if you cross the ground on your technical letter. I will hurt your American allies by mistake. I cause too much trouble. "

"Haha, you are bad enough, President?" I didn't know that the captain of the post came in the communicator and laughed on the channel.

"Which dude is talking nonsense, be careful to go back and let you clean the toilet of the **** of honor." My cursed strokes grew older and laughed more. I waited for them to laugh before continuing: "Okay, go back and play. Just count down the ten seconds before the detonation, and give me the right time. Try not to hit the American battleship.

Seven, six ... three, two, one, detonated. "

I quickly pressed a control crystal, and there was a muffled sound in the battleship group. There was not much movement and no fire. The underwater blast was obscured by the hull, the flames were almost invisible, and the sound was not very loud because it was transmitted from underwater. However, the power of the explosion was indeed shown. The bombed ship suddenly jumped up, then sank down from the center, the bow and stern of the ship sterned up, and the battleship quickly fell towards the water. From the telescope, you can see a large group of players and sailors sliding from the deck into the water, the scene is extremely tragic.

Pressing the second group of crystals again, the two ships exploded at the same time and started to sink. This time, the charge position was lower. The warship was sinking at the stern, then began to roll on the sea, and finally came to the bottom. There was a sunburn in the belly. The red bottom persisted for a while and began to sink into the water. Some of the people who had not come to swim all along the battleship sank to the dark sea bottom.

Pressing down to start the third group of crystals was another series of explosions. Several warships were blown off at the same time. The wreckage could not maintain balance at all, and tumbled into the sea. Suddenly there were several big edges in the battleship group, some of the ships immediately moved their positions, and then the outer warships began to move outward, and the inner warships also gained space for adjustment and began to spread, and the whole frame really started to loosen.

Su Mei's calculation is correct, as long as the center point is blown up, the warship group can be released.

I picked up my ship's internal communicator and ordered: "Dive to combat depth."

The exit of the Great White Shark is the shark mouth. It is difficult to open the warship without letting this part out of the water, so we started to float very high. We are so dangerous in battle, so we can sink a little bit as long as the battle platform is on the water.

A series of bubbles quickly rose around the Great White Shark, and the battleship began to descend quickly.

I detonated several battleships again, and the fleet immediately moved even harder. Some warships were completely separated, and some even started to use secondary guns at close range.

"There." I pointed quickly at a Japanese battleship: "Rose, order shelling. Our angle is just enough."

Scarlet Rose quickly picked up the microphone: "The fire control room requested shelling, and the target was marked on the synchronous display."

"What is a synchronous display?" Asked the Celates.

"Just this thing." Rose patted a small instrument around her. "The picture shown above will appear between the command platform and the gunfire chamber at the same time. We can see it below the target drawn. Because the pictures are completely the same, the command and accuracy of the battle have been improved."

"It really is an advanced instrument."

As he was saying, a small door opened on the side of the Great White Shark's shark fin, and a giant weapon stretched out. This thing looks similar to a normal gun, but the barrel is very slender.

I saw the tip of this weapon shine. A ray hit the target battleship. The ray doesn't end at a glance, it is getting brighter and brighter.

boom. A small fireball rose from a distant target, and the battleship command tower had become a pile of molten iron. The rays slowly thinned and dipped again, and finally went out completely. Seratisyuan didn't say anything this time, but it was Huangshi's excitement of jumping and jumping.

I turned to True Red Road and said, "Enable all the remaining bursts."

True Red immediately pressed all the crystal switches, a string of sparks rose in the fleet, and the chaotic formation completely dispersed, and the fleet began to expand outward. Spreading in this direction should be able to break away completely quickly.

After ten minutes of waiting, the fleet moved apart. At least the order on the sea was restored, but the situation did not go in the direction I wanted. For unknown reasons, American warships seem to be underpowered, and the Japanese warships came out before Americans when they were out of chaos. King Chuang took our advance fleet and rushed up to meet American warships. I didn't expect to hit the Japanese battleship first. The two sides fired head-to-head without saying a word, and the official artillery battle suddenly started without such warning. The rumbling sound on the sea. The artillery battle is much more fierce than the hand-to-hand scene.

I turned from the command tower and walked to the stairs: "Rose, this is over to you. The Great White Shark is not a battleship. It is best not to participate in formal battles. You step back a bit, it is best to dive a little. I go to Poseidon Command. "

"Bring me." Huang Shi looked at me and begged.

I looked at Seratis, he didn't seem to stop it. "Well, follow me, don't leave me. Real red and night sons, follow me or stay here?"

"I'll go to the command over there." True red pointed to the other battleship.

Night Son said, "I'll follow you."

I stepped on the Poseidon with the Son of Night and Yellowstone, and the Great White Shark slowly started to dive and slowly backed away for a distance. This very different kind of naval battle is typical of multi-handed people, and I don't want anything wrong with the Great White Shark.

I stood in the command room of the Eternity and picked up the communicator: "Attention the Great White Shark Fleet, I am Ziri, and I am now in command. The fleet is in the shape of a wild goose, pay attention to maintaining the formation, all energy cannons begin to fill, and artillery Stand by temporarily. "

Huangshi asked curiously, "Why not let artillery be loaded?"

"The Japanese warships are not completely close yet, and we are not sure which ammunition is appropriate for the time being. If it is wrongly loaded and then exited, it will be troublesome. Moreover, we have an automatic loader and the temporary loading rate is very fast."

"So this is ah."

The fleet that rushed ahead and the first Japanese fleet that had rushed out had contacted. From the neat formation of the Japanese fleet, it can be seen that their combat quality is much better than that of the Americans. The U.S. fleet was a mess, but the Japanese fleet formed small temporary fleets on this chaotic sea. Although the Corps is more advantageous to fight, but now everyone is chaotic, the small fleet is already the limit of the Japanese's ability.

Relying on the range advantage, the fleet led by the Chuang Wang took the lead in firing at the Japanese. The first round of artillery was mainly the main gun and the magic light gun. These cannons were very powerful and almost directly knocked out several large warships of the Japanese fleet. After a round of blows, the Japanese still rushed straight forward, and the fleet that broke into the king immediately launched a second round of firing. This time the artillery of both sides was fired at the same time. They had already entered the range when our fleet fired in the second round.

"Dodge!" Chuang Wang ordered loudly. Immediately our fleet began to maneuver on the sea, and a drainage column was raised on the side of the battleship. The accuracy of Japanese bombardment has always been exaggerated, but we never know why they hit it so accurately.

"Report a loss." Chuang Wang immediately asked the chief officer when he saw the end of the first round of shelling.

The chief officer quickly asked in front of the communicator and then replied: "The battleship of the Takamatsu battlecruiser was shot, and requested to switch to using the rear cover group in advance. The rest of the ships were basically not damaged."

"Responding to the high round number agreeing with their request."

Deputy Xun gave orders to the communicator.

Immediately after the round of shelling of the Japanese warships on the sea, several special warships rushed out of formation. These cubs dare to play tricks at this time. The shape of those battleships was like a cauldron upside down on the sea, with smooth tops without any protrusions, and the large inclination of the warship's shell made the warships quite low, if not because of the distance. Almost lost the shooting angle.

The King of Crash immediately ordered the warships to give priority to firing these warships. Once the distance was close to a certain limit, they could no longer get enough angles for shelling, then it was dangerous. Immediately after receiving the order, the ships began to fight back, but the situation was very bad. The first artillery shell struck the shell of the warship immediately, and a bounce was made. Just rubbing a Mars on the shell was bounced and exploded in the air, leaving only a cyan mark on the shell of the warship.

"Good shell!" The gunner who fired the shot was shocked when he saw the bombardment.

The shelling patted him for a long time: "It's not a matter of material, the shell is too inclined, and it's not at all weak."

The sound of the invasion of the king suddenly sounded in the bombardment room: "Condense the bombs at all gun positions."


The bombardment lengthened the gun door. The half-ton shells slipped out by gravity. The loader caught the shell and placed it in a fixed slot near the wall. The deputy operated another semi-automatic loader to push the new shell into the barrel. The gunner quickly closed the gun door and pressed the calibration switch, and the turret automatically turned to track the target according to the signal from the battleship fire control room.

"Fire." Chuang Wang's voice reappeared.

The gunner pulled the handle hard, and there was a muffled sound in the shell. A shell hit the target. But this time no sparks came out. The shell exploded as soon as the shells touched the shells of the tortoise shells, and a large piece of blue liquid sprayed out and sprinkled a large piece. The blue bodies began to smoke as soon as they spread out. The white steam was steaming up like a fire. A layer of hoarfrost hung quickly on the shell of the battleship, and large pieces of broken ice appeared in the surrounding sea. This is the special artillery shell condensing bomb. The rapid evaporation of the liquid with the bottom boiling point instantly rams the temperature in the local area.

King Chuang ordered again: "All main guns are loaded with blasting armor-piercing shells."

The gunner inside the shell opened the gun door, because the second loading was too fast, the smoke in the gun chamber was not completely cleaned, and a burst of smoke entered the room, but the player and the bsp; Pushed in, the gunner closed the gun door and began to wait for orders.


Boom, all the shells this time were blasting warheads, which was very powerful. Low temperature freezing has made the shells of those warships as brittle as raw glass. Although the shells were still bombarded, the shock wave of the high-explosive warhead close-up explosion completely destroyed the frozen area. The frosted steel plates burst like glass, and the internal structure of the battleship was completely exposed.

Chuang Wang shouted loudly, "All angled gun positions are loaded with long-acting incendiary bombs, aiming at those openings, and firing immediately after completion."

There is no need to issue a firing order this time, as long as the shell is loaded, the firing can be started. The operators of all gun positions quickly opened the gun door, and a shell with a red warhead was pushed into the barrel. Immediately afterwards, the sound of artillery sounded because of different skills. A red shell flew into the hull from the large holes in the turtle shells and was detonated by a small embedded bomb.

These red warheads are all long-acting burners. When the small bomb explodes, the outer shells immediately disintegrate, and the yellow oily substances are sprayed everywhere. As soon as these yellow substances contact the air, they immediately begin to burn, and the flames burst into flames. The turtle shells on the sea did not stop. It took a while for the flames to destroy the battleship, but the gaps and all the places that could leave the battleship were automatically opened. A large number of fire-stricken Japanese screamed out of the battleship and jumped into the sea, but the yellow substance was insoluble in water and had good viscosity, so it couldn't get down. Diving does let the flames go out, but this thing burns when you see the air, unless you don't get out of the water. Otherwise, no matter how long you are below, as long as you take the lead, it will burn again.

Firemen on the sea screamed at the end of their breaks, eventually turning into a scorched corpse floating on the sea. After losing all the crew members, the turtle shell warships continued to advance for hundreds of meters and burst into explosions one after another. The high temperature finally detonated the fuel and ammunition inside the ship. Although the outer shell of these warships can withstand external shocks, the explosion inside it is helpless. None of the turtle shells were able to reach the dead end of the gunfire.

The Japanese might intend to rely on this type of warship for penetration, but we did not expect our shells to be so fierce. However, although these battleships failed to reach our battleships, for the sake of them we delayed the chance of three salvos, and the Japanese battleships took the opportunity to drill a short distance and began the second round of shelling.

The Japanese screamed when they rushed into the king: "Emergency avoidance. Note that the resistance charge fleet moved instantly. But this time it is not so easy to dodge. The shells are dense like raindrops. The king commanded the battleship. The group was covered by shots, and a lot of battleships were shot in an instant. The Chuang Wang quickly stabilized while sitting on the ground, and the Chong Wang knew that there was no time for the Seal of God to prepare for a salvo. Shoot. "

"Each ship fights back freely." The chief officer transmitted the order to the telegraph. Irregular shelling began immediately in the fleet.

Because of the shelling on our side, the shelling on the Japanese side quickly followed the mess.

Volleys are usually very powerful. But that must ensure the coordination of the whole fleet. If you still insist on using a volley at such a short distance, I am afraid that the only chance for a volley is that after all the warships have sunk, there is still a chance for a warship to volley itself.

The center of the sea. The Americans finally took it easy and started sporadic shelling. The Japanese shelling was quick and accurate, but the American artillery fire was in chaos. Fortunately, there was a large gap between the two sides, and the Americans would not be suppressed.

The communication machine on my side suddenly sounded the voice of the king. "Zi Ri, at nine o'clock."

I turned around and saw a fleet leaving the battle area, and it seemed like a lot. "How did the Japanese fleet come out?"

"That period is the responsibility of the Americans. How do I know how they did it! It looks like that is the main force of Japan. Please trouble me. I am stuck by the fleet here."

"I see." I cut off the communication and called the first officer. "Little Japan wants to learn about gecko tail-breaking. Order the Great White Shark U-turn to chase the main force of the Japanese who escaped." After thinking about it, I connected the Great White Shark's command room again: "Rose, follow us, you Don't show your head, support us with torpedoes and long-range beam cannons below. "


At first, Terry's fleet squatted outside like me and did not enter the battle group. Now, seeing the sudden turn of my **** fleet, I immediately followed up. The communication machine on my boat suddenly rang. "Zi Ri, is it you?"

"Terry? Why do you have a guild communicator?"

"Did you not give it to me?"

"I gave it to you? That one seemed to be used to contact you, didn't my person take it?"

"I told them I needed to contact you at sea and let them leave the machine on my boat." Teri suddenly changed the topic and said, "What are you turning to?"

"The main force of the Japanese wants to run."

"How can I not see."

"Your position is just obscured, you can see a little further forward."

"Then I will chase with you."


Terry is so clever with the guys, knowing that I never suffer, so I'm here with me, so if I have any good, he will definitely get some money, but this time he may not be able to get good. The fleet that escaped was almost more than 400 warships. Although the number was less than a quarter of the total fleet, they were all elite large warships, and they seemed to be towing a cargo ship. All on that ship.

The Japanese battleships left were very tenacious and stuck the American and the invasion parts of the battleship in place. Only the more than 130 battleships here, the Great White Shark, and the fleet of Terry One hundred battleships. We may be at a disadvantage in terms of the number of ships alone, but we have the Great White Shark underwater, which has at least a hundred ships. So in terms of actual combat effectiveness, we are slightly better than the Japanese.

Maybe today is destined to be a chaotic day. Since the Japanese were trapped by my design, nothing has been exhibited according to my plan. Originally, when the Japanese main force escaped, the invasion of the king and I meant that I would entangle the fleet first, and then wait for the invasion of the Japanese fleet over there to come back to help us encircle and kill the escaped Japanese elite. But the actual situation is that the Chuang Wang was not able to get rid of them, and they were entangled in the melee group. Terry's reinforcements could have made up for this problem, but the situation has changed again.

Now that the Japanese fleet is running ahead, I'm chasing behind the Great White Shark and its convoy, and Terry follows us. The warship friends in our guild are very fast. The propulsion technology of Atlantis plus the technology that was later learned from the octopus and great white sharks makes our warships group. No warship of any country can pass our warships. . The Japanese ’s warships are also fast, but they are not our opponents. The difference makes us chase closer and closer, but the problem is that Terry ’s fleet is not as good as the Japanese ’s. I just remember chasing the Japanese, I completely forgot that there was a Teri behind.

After several hours of chasing, the sky began to yellow, and we finally chased the Japanese fleet.

The Japanese fleet knew that it would only be eliminated one by one from the back ~ ~, so it turned around and hit us. I was happy to prepare for a decisive battle with the Japanese. Then suddenly, the surrounding sea only stabbed us, and Terry's fleet was gone. I rely on, the Great White Shark can indeed be a hundred enemy, but I do not intend to let it go desperately! Besides, even if the Great White Shark is not needed, we add up to the combat power of more than 200 warships. Even if our battleship is more powerful than the Japanese battleship, two hundred to four hundred will definitely not win.

I hurried to the correspondent: "Contact the American fleet that follows us immediately." There is also a communicator in Teri's hand. As long as it is not far, we can delay for a while. Although we have only half the fighting power of the Japanese, it does not mean that we can destroy them.

My abacus is a good one, but unfortunately God has troubled me. The correspondent answered very simply: "The communicator that stayed in the American guild has no energy because the Seal of the Throne has been turned on for a long time. There is no one in the guild. No one will use the crystal passer. That thing is our patent. Shura Ziyi gave the communication machine to Terry according to my requirements. After adjusting the frequency, there were no technicians. So Terry can communicate directly to the screen. They do n’t know that this thing should be adjusted to the standby state to save energy. Now, it ’s okay, but I ca n’t get in touch at the critical moment. I do n’t know if Terry ’s direction is right, what if they go too far? Do we want to fight the Japanese like this? I worked so hard to design this The plan turned out to be surrounded by others!

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