Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 115: tough battle

"President, they rushed over." Captain Poseidon turned back and asked me what to do.

"Command the fleet to unfold the array, and just meet the Japanese fleet."

"So what are we doing?" Rose asked in the communicator.

"The Great White Shark is standing by. Don't let the Japanese show up for you for now."

"Understand, Great White Shark stands by."

I started Xingtong to watch the situation under the sea. "Pay attention to focusing on the larger ship in the Japanese fleet first."

"Which is the bigger one?" The captain's question made me startled.

"Just that one, which is behind the Hikaru Maru. Obviously several times larger than the surrounding warships. I suspect it may be a Japanese aircraft carrier, and sink it before the Japanese dragons get up.

The captain rubbed his eyes and picked up the telescope for a long time. "Chairman, are you sure that ship is behind the Hikaru Maru?"

"Of course. Don't you think I don't know Ninomaru? That **** battleship is one of the more famous ones in Japan. How could I not know it."

"But the problem is that there are no battleships behind Hironomaru!" The captain looked at the sea with a telescope. "The back of the sea is a sea, and it's in the back."

"No, there is a big ship right behind Hironomaru. It's not the last one. The one behind it is the last one."

"But there is nothing behind it!" The captain put the telescope down and looked back at me.

The son of the night also picked up the telescope and looked at the sea: "The postal ship is the Nohmaru?"

The captain pointed to the sea: "That ship, the tower is marked with 079 in front, and its ship's turret is shaped like an observatory and should be well recognized."

The night child looked back and asked me, "Are you sure, Ziri, that the ship is followed by an aircraft carrier? I only see the seawater, there is nothing behind it."

I looked up and shouted to the person on the observation capsule on the top: "Look at the back of the Hinomaru carefully with the main observation mirror."

The lookout member of the observation capsule suddenly extended his head from the top of the boat: "President is right, the captain, please pay attention to the waves behind Hironomaru."

The captain picked up his telescope again and looked up. "Fuck. Little Japanese warships have camouflage systems."

"Ah?" Night Son also picked up his telescope and looked at the sea. "How do you know that there is a camouflage system?"

The captain pointed at the Nohmaru: "It is impossible for that battleship to form such a large wake. The large white spray is not its wake but the turbulence left by the invisible battleship. "

I immediately ordered the chief officer: "Order the long-range sniper cannon to use paint shells to attack the sea ten meters behind Ninomaru."


A shell flew from the top of the Eternal, and the shell flew directly behind the Sun Maru and exploded in the air, and a large red mist spread quickly. A red battleship pierced through the red mist, and there was indeed a stealth ship in the Little Japanese Land Fleet.

For the sake of safety, I ordered another paint bomb to be fired at all vacancies around the Japanese fleet, let alone a few ships really stuck. A total of seven battleships in the Japanese fleet were invisible, with the exception of one ship, all of which were battleships. The Japanese will plan. Such a fleet could not show them as long as he did not fire.

The distance between the two sides is gradually pushed closer to the effective range. Our warships started shelling first. After two rounds of shelling, the Japanese also started shelling. The Japanese salvo's first salvo hardly hit, and a large column of water rose around our battleship.

"Command the Fleet to increase, full impact."

"The fleet is all." The chief officer repeated my order.

The entire fleet suddenly began to increase. The Japanese second round of shelling has just begun because we suddenly added. The advance was not accurate, and all the shells fell into the sea water behind us.

"The main guns of the first-tier battleships are loaded with smoke incendiary bombs. The central fire dispatching room assigns targets."

"The forward main gun fired with the incendiary ammunition and firepower was transferred to the fire control room."

The front battleships in our fleet sounded shells at the same time, and a shell fell on the Japanese battleship group. Smoke incendiary bombs are not shells that explode after hitting, they are detonated regularly. The incendiary bomb exploded over the fleet, and a large amount of fuel was poured into the battleship group. A burst of yellow smoke spread out instantly and blocked the sight of the Japanese fleet.

"The entire fleet is reversing urgently."

My order was very accurate. After the smoke obstructed the sight of the Japanese fleet, we quickly reversed and decreased. As a result, the Japanese relied on the data from the last visual inspection to carry out the shelling. However, we suddenly reduced the amount of the shells. No accident fell on the sea in front of us.

Just after a round of artillery fire, I immediately ordered an express assault again and asked all warships' main guns to load high-explosive submunitions. The Japanese fleet rushed out of the smoke and now we were in front of them.

"Fire!" He shouted without me ordering the captain.

The huge turret of the Eternity turned a little to the side, a huge roar of the battleship trembled, the Japanese battleship deck on the opposite side suddenly drummed and then it hurt, and then the battleship began to tilt. Several warships on our side also started shelling. The Japanese warship's armor could not withstand such a close range of shelling. All the shells successfully entered the target hull and blasted a huge hole.

After this round of shelling, I began to order free attacks. The fleets of the two sides had intersected and intersected each other. Almost all the battleships were enemies on the left and right. Poseidon is relatively large, and the Japanese fleet can easily determine that it is the flagship. Four battleships, Kikumaru, Kashima, Akiyama, and Ling 6, surrounded us.

The battleship Ling No. 6 fired first, with a bang, the Poseidon shook violently, and the armor of the No. 2 turret raised a ball of fire.

"The main turret No. 2 reported the loss." The chief mate waited for a while without getting a response.

"Main Battery # 2? Talk back."

"Here is the second turret. The lateral pressure valve is severely damaged and the fifth barrel is damaged. It is unclear whether it can continue to be used. The other four cannons can still fire. The operator slightly injured one person."

I took the communication crystal: "Don't use the No. 5 gun barrel, focus on the fire to attack the Ling 6". Understand. "

Turret No. 2 quickly turned to the right and aimed at Ling 6 which was close at hand. With a loud noise, the mouth of the gun spouted a huge muzzle flame. All four shells were hit, and the No. 1 turret of Ling No. 6 was completely lifted out. A huge hole was added to the No. 2 turret, and the original shape was no longer visible.

At the same time, our No. 1 turret turned to the right again and gave Ling No. 6 five-round Pong shells.

The battleship's side chord had five more holes at once. The battleship began to tilt in an instant, and our secondary guns did not miss any chance to baptize this nearly finished battleship again.

We were happy, and suddenly there was a loud noise, followed by an explosion. The battleship shook. I was lifted from my seat and they fell to the ground.

"How did it happen?"

The night child got up from the ground and pointed to the left wall. I saw a huge protrusion on the steel door on the left, and it must have been shot outside. The shell smashed the wall and deformed it. But it failed to penetrate the steel plate. The ground glass of the bridge has been completely shattered, a large amount of sea breeze poured into the bridge, and the sound of the explosion outside became more intense.

I looked up and shouted at the top: "Activate the magic light cannon."

The hemispherical device on the top of the Poseidon suddenly turned, and when it turned forty-five degrees, it stopped suddenly. With a click, the two steel hemispheres began to separate to the sides, and a magic light cannon made of a large number of crystals stuck out. Hou Ji flashed a dazzling light when the steel shield was opened. As soon as the hemispheres on both sides of the gun had been fully opened, a white beam of light was emitted.

The battleship Kikumaru on our left made a big hole in an instant, but the beam of light did not stop. It moved a little to the side to make a larger cut and then suddenly extinguished. The two hemispheres quickly closed and closed when the fire went out. cannon. The Japanese responded quickly and started to fight back, but the shells hit the shield and failed to hurt the magic light cannon inside.

"Left full rudder, hit the Kikumaru. Inform our personnel to resist the impact."

Although the magic light cannon has a long cooling time, the power of the Seal of God is too long, but its power is unquestionable. A short fracture was cut on the Kikumaru by that brief attack. Sea water was pouring into the battleship from the hole, but the Japanese damage management team was quickly blocking the hole. They should be able to save this situation. Battleship. But just as they were about to finish, our battleship slammed into the ground. Kikumaru made a maneuver to avoid us, but our fast-turning was more flexible than them, and eventually hit it fiercely.

Kikumaru immediately fractured from the incision. The fracture opening, which was only one foot wide, suddenly turned into a large fault with a mysterious width. The seawater poured into the battleship at once, and even the Japanese waterproof partition door did not come to close the cabin. Already tilted past because of water ingress.

When the ship came back to the left with a large roundabout, only a short section of the Kikumaru and Ling 6 were exposed on the sea. The water was full of Japanese players and bsp; the remaining Japanese ships, Doshima and Akiyama, were two. The battleship fired at its own ship at the same time. The Poseidon shook violently, and then it became apparent that the warship began to tilt to the side. The captain took the communicator anxiously and asked the damage manager: "Report the loss."

"The engine room was shot and there was a slight seepage. There was a relatively large gap in the shot in the left chord rest area. We have closed this area to prevent the infiltration of seawater, but the hull may be slightly inclined. The superstructure is basically not damaged."

I ordered the first officer: "Keep your heading, go all forward."

"The heading is maintained, and the propeller is full."

In front of us, we just attacked Mingshan, which we have not yet come to turn. At this time, our distance was very close. It took time for the round of artillery to hit Mingshan to reload the Seal of the Seal of God. I also knew that he was going to reload. Dare to rush up like this from the side. Generally speaking, it is very unwise to take the bow of the boat facing the side of the other person, but now the other party cannot fire, and just use this opportunity to rush up.

Seeing that we rushed up quickly, Mingshan turned desperately to avoid us, but the Poseidon was too fast, no matter how it turned, we always faced it.

A good habit of the guild is that all warships from Isinger have colliders. It's time for this primitive weapon to show its power. The power of the collision device actually depends entirely on the degree of use and its own weight. The Poseidon degree group has an unparalleled displacement, and the impact force can be imagined. A thunderous battleship finally successfully hit the Mingshan.

The powerful impact caused the Mingshan to suddenly move laterally, at the same time, the tail of the warship began to bend toward the main ship, and the middle part of the hull was completely sunken.

"Start the cutting machine." The captain ordered quickly as the collision was completed.

The Poseidon's impactor suddenly separated a short distance from the center to both sides, and a disc with bright light protruded out. This disc was cut vertically along the hull of the Mt. Shanshan from bottom to top, and the Mt. Shanshan began to be cut a little bit in the splash of Mars. Our ship did not stop advancing after the collision was completed. We are still driving the most. The cutter cuts all the way, and the hull keeps pushing forward to squeeze the cut metal to both sides. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and then the water splashed and the Mingshan broke into two years and began to sink. The degree of the ship suddenly increased and passed through the middle of the Mingshan.

We just rushed past. The observer immediately called out, "A torpedo appears in the rear, the number is two. It is directly opposite my ship, a distance of eight hundred. Seventy-nine degrees."

"Right full rudder. The rear bomber fired a detonation."

The so-called bomber is actually a small catapult. No matter what you put on it, it can throw it a short distance away. This thing was originally used to throw deep-water bombs on destroyers. Later in the battle, some members now used this thing to throw blasting bombs into the sea to seduce torpedoes, so all warships were equipped with a lot of this equipment.

The bomber behind the Poseidon thundered loudly, and a large iron ball flew into the sea. A booming muffled sound followed by three water columns. This move worked well, and all the torpedoes were obtained in one go.

The Kashima missed the torpedo, and the bow that had already been turned back turned back, apparently they were planning to make up. I won't let him shoot them again. Two bubbles popped up in the sea water in front of the Poseidon, and two white trails rushed towards the Doshima.

Kashima made a left turn in a panic. Although one flashed off, the other one hit. A ball of fire rose, and almost half of Kashima's bow was blown away. We learned this from the Japanese themselves. When the torpedo ship of Little Japan first appeared in the seas outside Japan, we deeply taught the power of selecting torpedoes, and watched that the warship that had only one torpedo tumbled and sank into the sea. We understand the truth that torpedoes are only useful when the charge is large enough.

Kashima had a large hole in the bow, and half of the deck was missing, and the boat slowed down immediately. And because of the metal, the bow is obviously lower, and there is a growing trend.

Suddenly, the stunned Kashima fired at us again, these guys were really tenacious.

"Fight back." The captain ordered each of the gun positions to immediately fight back. The Kashima, which had already entered the water severely, completely lost its combat power, the hull tilted more and more severely, and eventually rolled over and buckled into the sea.

All four battleships were settled, but our battleships shook violently again. As our bridge glass was shattered, the explosion sound became very clear.

"What happened?" The first officer asked the following situation.

The voice of the captain of the management team came from the communicator: "It seems that something was sucked into the water inlet and stuck the thruster, and our main shaft was broken."

The captain immediately said, "Send a steel claw to see the situation ~ ~ The steel claw sent out soon returned, and the matter is very simple. Our warship uses the seawater drawn from the front and is built in. The turbine is pressurized and then ejected from the rear jet port to get propulsion. Just now the debris of the Japanese battleship was sucked into the warship thruster, and a very thick metal bar was twisted into the large steamer, resulting in severe damage to the turbine. What happened was that the turbine was stopped suddenly, and the huge inertia twisted off the transmission shaft. Of course, it is impossible for me to have a spare transmission shaft. The damage to the transmission shaft on the battleship is equivalent to the loss of all power. The thruster moves forward, obviously not as fast as in the normal state.

"Fangxian's current ship Fangdao is approaching the height of our ship."

"Volley volley, stop it and don't let it approach." Our battleship is already like this, how can we let the Japanese battleship approach?

I watched the main battery in front half turn and stopped suddenly. "What happened? Why did it stop?"

"Reports, the turrets of turrets 2 and 3 were destroyed."

"Use the manual crank!"

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