Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 15: Heavenly soldier is heavenly soldier

A word from Yanyu blocked me back. My magic pet really seemed to like to run around in teams. "Hey, don't talk about this, let's talk about business, do you want those soldiers outside?"

Yan Yu glanced at me and seemed a little hesitant, but his desire was still obvious. After thinking about it, he still didn't answer, and asked everyone to sit down before asking: "Where did you get so many soldiers?"

Pu Gui smiled and said, "First guess what soldier is this?"

Yan Yu glanced at the team outside the window and said, "It looks like the equipment is in the style of our country. It should be produced by a local force."

Pu Gui continued: "Do you know that we will have a large-scale behavior a few days ago?"

Yan Yu nodded immediately: "I wonder if you have such a big deal, or it's impossible! I heard that Tianting sent troops to bring down a mountain with you. What are you doing?" After Yan Yu asked Suddenly froze and seemed to realize: "Muffy ..." He pointed to the outside team, "These are heavenly soldiers?"

Pu Gui nodded with a smile, and Yanyu immediately ran out in surprise. His eight supervisors also ran out, and after a while, Yanyu ran back again, "How did you get it? Can you really buy it again? "

He Gui did not answer directly, but told the story about Heiliang Mountain that day. The team in our guild this day was purely acting as on-site security, but under the deliberate misdirection of Margaret, everyone understood that we and the heavenly courts worked together. But this idea is not entirely wrong, at least we have helped them maintain order at the scene. After revealing these news to them, Yan Gui continued to say: "After that, the demon tribe detonated the spirit veins. So the heavenly team had a lot of casualties, and of course our guild went to the rescue. It was because of this huge credit. , The relationship between Tianting and our guild has finally increased to the point where soldiers can be purchased. "

Yan Yu's eyes opened wide and looked at us: "Is that true? So those outside are real heaven soldiers?"

Pu Gui smiled at me, and I took the conversation and said, "As you can see, these are all 81 arms of the heavenly court. The leadership in my guild has never seen the heavenly soldiers, and the prices of these soldiers are indeed It's more expensive than soldiers of other denominations. So we plan to use these soldiers to study how to remind the purchase ratio, so as to achieve the maximum combat effectiveness with the least money. "

Pu Gui followed: "However, after our discussion, I felt that although this is expensive, after comprehensive consideration of combat capabilities, these soldiers are still a good cost-effective force. If our country's main guild can be equipped with more In this way, the fighters can definitely greatly improve the advantage of the Chinese guild in the upcoming national war. So we found you and wanted to ask if you want. "

As soon as Yanyu was about to speak, I rushed to lead the way: "Because there is not much time for the Seal of the Seal of God, please hurry up whether you want it or not. We have to go to several other guilds to show them. If you are willing to buy, I will If you buy it together, Tianting said that you can buy more at one time and give it a gift. I heard that it seems to be a Chinese beast. "

"Send the beast?" Asked a fighter-type manager beside Yanyu excitedly.

I nodded: "But Tianting only said to send, not to say how much to send. Anyway, how much is it, the two of us will be divided according to the proportion of investment funds."

Yan Yu immediately said: "Let's go out and discuss, wait for us for five minutes."

I nodded, and Yanyu immediately ran out with the people around him, and they ran back again within five minutes. As soon as Yan Yu entered the door, he said, "We have decided to buy. The key is that we do not know the price and combat effectiveness of these soldiers, so we don't know how to buy them with the arms. Can you sample us test them?"

"Okay! As long as you don't get hurt. It's best to go to the training ground to test, not me being stingy, mainly because it's too expensive, and hurting a lot of money."

"That's natural." Yanyu quickly rushed us to a place dedicated to fighting training. This is a specially designed combat test field. Death is not effective like the player's duel field, so it is most suitable for testing.

In order to conduct practical tests, we selected a large number of standard-form soldiers from the Northern Alliance's guards as the standard for training. In addition, Yanyu also found many players to participate in the test. The main reason for this is that the guard will always fight the player in the future, and it is also very important for the player's combat ability.

Because it is a price test, the two sides first calculate the price before starting the test. In the first round, we sent a standard Sky Warrior here. This warrior is a left shield and a right sword. It is a standard configuration. The actual price of this soldier is one thousand crystal coins, but Yanyu doesn't know the price for the time being. We shirk away without telling him the price, and let him know the price after the fight, which can give him an intuitive evaluation. Otherwise, you know that there will be bias in prices. In fact, the reason we say this is that we do n’t know what price to set. It ’s too cheap to lose, and it ’s too expensive to pay for it, so we plan to wait for the test and then price it based on actual results.

Against our Heavenly Warrior are eight Excalibur defenders. These soldiers come from the Temple of Light. Each Excalibur defender is worth 800 crystal coins, which is quite a high-level army. This arm is equipped with only a two-handed epee, focusing on offensive power and not defensive, and can be regarded as a rather scary slaughter machine on the battlefield. In the first game, I asked for eight sword guards in the Northern League. Although the soldiers are powerful, they don't know if a pair of eights will work.

The battle started quickly and the results were unexpected, and the results came out in five minutes. The Heavenly Soldier eased the eight Excalibur defenders at the cost of a sword injury to his shoulder. Those who visited the Northern Alliance broke their glasses. Li Gui and I hid in the dark corner and laughed like two little puppets who succeeded in mischief.

Yan Yu quickly found the two of us and asked, "Is this the lowest soldier or a senior soldier?"

"Not the lowest, but it's not a high-level service."

Yan Yu thought for a while and said, "Then, suppose that the lowest rank of the heavenly soldiers is a zero-point soldier, and the highest rank is a hundred points. How much can this fight?"


"Oh my God!" Yanyu screamed and ran away, wondering what to do.

After a while, the Northern League sent another person to the next game. This time, we are still the same army, but we changed people. After all, the team just played once. The venue does not count damage and death, but the physical energy will not give you Make it up.

This time the Northern Alliance sent a Templar, which is a very famous senior cavalry. Twenty knights came down in one breath in the field, and the onlookers drew a cool breath together. The Templars have always appeared in the army as captains of thousands of people. Today, they were down by twenty in one breath, and they were still an unfair confrontation between cavalry and infantry. What's more frightening is that as soon as they came up, they put on a formation to distance themselves, apparently intending to play the group charge.

Before the game started, Yanyu returned to the podium, and my seat was beside him. Qi Guimin asked in the past: "Yanyu, is your lineup exaggerated?"

Yan Yu looked at the site and shook his head: "The combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Soldier is too exaggerated. It is impossible to see the actual level without engaging in extreme attacks."

"That can't be that the cavalry bullies the infantry! And it's still twenty to one, the Templars charge, you have to be trampled to death, let alone a soldier!"

Yanyu said: "Look at it, it doesn't matter if you die or get injured here, there will be no loss."

"Well then!" Wu Gui said suddenly: "But I think this is a waste of time and the Seal of Throne. It must be over for an assault. No one can survive under this iron hoof."

I pulled Larkin: "Look at it."

The smoke and rain shook the representative's starting flag, and the test immediately began on the ground. It turned out that the empty arena was not full when people were full, and many players knew the news came temporarily.

The Templars quickly assembled into an assault formation. The small five-row and four-line cavalry formation was absolutely unfair to a single soldier. Although the charge distance of 300 meters may not be able to swing the fastest charge, it is already close to the limit. The mount of the Templar can reach its fastest speed as long as 350 meters, and the 300 meters is quite destructive.

Seeing the flag falling from the temple, the knights immediately lowered their helmet masks and began to charge with the sound of rumbling horseshoes, but the heavenly soldiers remained standing still and did not respond. When the distance was close to one hundred and fifty meters, all the lances in the Templar's hands were flattened, and the tip of the gun was directly facing the heavenly soldier. As soon as the two sides contacted, the heavenly soldier could be smashed into meat.

The Celestial soldier kept his attack posture calmly, his body bent down slightly, and his shield was blocking his chest. The right-hand sword was inserted back into the sword pin. Seeing that the cavalry was about to crash, did he intend to block himself with that shield? He only had a medium-sized tower shield, not an infantry shield wall. How could he stop the cavalry from charging?

The moment the cavalry came in contact with him, and the moment the tip of the gun and his shield were about to come into contact, the heavenly soldier suddenly slammed the top of the lance with the shield. A two-meter-five-foot long rifle. After leveling, it is difficult for the knight to control the gun head. Because of the principle of leverage, only a small amount of force can be used to guide the tip of the gun. With such a smash, the tip of the gun swayed towards the ground immediately, and Tianbing himself jumped up because of the force of the smash.

The high-impact rifle slammed into the ground, and the gun tip plunged into the ground. Everyone has seen pole vaulting, and this knight is such an action. The tip of the gun stuck into the ground, and the impact of the height of the war horse became an upward force under the action of the ground and the gun body. The knight flew from the war horse and was thrown into the air. The Heavenly Soldier just happened to reach this height by the take-off action just now, and now another knight flew, and he immediately politely borrowed a little force on the knight's back. The knight was trampled by him, and his own horse rushed forward. Now he is the knight in the back row. The knight fell on the heads of the knights in the back row, and the two knights rolled off the horse together, and the rear knight hit the front knight and fell down.

Tianbing originally took off, but now he struck back on the knight's back and flew seven or eight meters high. I don't know where the player's voice came from: "Fuck, this Kokura will do light work?"

All of the cavalry rushed over their heads when they lost their targets. The cavalry on both sides quickly turned to find the target, but the cavalry in the middle three rows all rolled to the ground. The horse that was hit by the impact just now dragged the cavalry behind.

The cavalrymen were looking for targets everywhere, and the heavenly soldiers had pulled out their swords and fell from the sky, and by the force of the fall, they split a horse and a horse closest to him in half. The cavalry appeared on the sidelines, with nineteen knights left in the middle of the field.

The other knights haven't responded yet. As soon as they fell to the ground, they rolled into the middle of the horse team and swept the sword. With the hissing of a warhorse, the few remaining knights who have become horses have also become infantry. Those warhorses are only half-legged.

The cavalry scrambled up from the ground, but the heavenly soldiers quickly posted it. Kill three more in an instant. The remaining cavalry quickly got up and started to fight back. After all, the sky soldier was forced to retreat alone. The wounded and disabled disabled of the war horse have no use value anymore, and the Templars all turned into Templar infantry and rushed up. Anyway, there are still sixteen hits, so there are still some advantages.

Tianbing looked around nervously. Although his strength group, he was not invincible after all. Seeing that sixteen Templar knights rushed up, the Celestial soldier suddenly threw out the shield as a dart, and the fastest Templar knight slammed the shield away with a sword blade. The big loss just now was because of underestimating the enemy. Not Templar is really rubbish. The Templars also have ranks. The top of these helmets has a tall white bristly fur that belongs to the special Templar knights. Each hired special Templar knight needs 1100 crystal coins. Considering their price, you should know these guys. Level up.

The Templar, who picked up the flying shield, rushed up and slashed down with a sword. Looking up, the heavenly soldier was actually above, and this guy jumped up with a shield to block his sight, and he was just in the air when the Templar rushed. This time I was planning to use the falling impulse to split another Templar knight. Unfortunately, the shield only blocked the sight of one person. There are 16 Templar knights in total, and the shield is not that big. The nearby Templar threw his sword out as a dart. If the heaven soldier does not change the line to hack the Templar below, he will certainly not be able to open the sword. But there are 16 Templar knights, and he is alone, so he can never change one with the Templar knights.

The heavenly soldiers flew the flying sword in the air, and twisted to the ground in front of the Templar knight. Before getting up, he hit his knee, and the whole person was taken up from below. However, the combat literacy of the Heavenly Soldier is really not covered. He does not have a hard stop, but jumps up in the direction of the impact of the Templar's knee. The whole person turned away with a backhand. Nothing serious. The four Templars next to them leaned up at the same time, and the Heavenly Soldier suddenly rushed up towards them.

The two Templars immediately slashed their swords, and they fought for one more for another. But the heavenly soldiers jumped on the spot, with their hands resting on the shoulders of the two Templars and behind them. The two Templars quickly turned around, but saw one of the Templars behind him falling down, covering his blood-sprayed neck.

The outside audience has scolded: "Fuck, sixteen to one was killed again! You might as well go home and plant it!"

The Templars were smoked by Qi Qi, and all stood still. Suddenly they raised their swords to their faces and chanted prayers, and then they were covered with a layer of white light. The knights rushed up again immediately after praying. This is the templar prayer of the Templars, which improves all attributes.

The heavenly soldier was approached again, the swords on both sides clashed, and the heavenly soldier was flew out in a clanging noise. The next few Templars immediately surrounded them and hacked. The left arm of the Tianbing barely ran out, but there were several more openings in his body, and the knife in his hand was also blown away.

A pair of fifteen, without opening, this is really the most unfavorable situation. But Tianbing didn't seem to panic. After stabilizing his emotions a little, he quickly made a strange gesture. I don't know where a foreign player emerged: "Oh! Netbsp; Yan Yu also looked at me in surprise:" Heaven martial arts? "

I shook my head: "I just got it back. I don't know what ability I have."

Yan Yu shook his head and moved his eyes back to the field again. The Templars knew that this soldier was not simple, did not dare to be too careless, and rushed to attack. Rely on the number of hard hits. The first Templar approached with a stab of the sword, and the Celestial turned his hands into a sword and wiped it from the edge of the sword. Then he grabbed the Templar's wrist. The next action was like lightning, we didn't see what he did, we felt a flower in front of him, and the sword reached the heart of a Templar next to it. Tianbing himself had two more wounds, but the man had already been outside the Templar encirclement.

"Oh! God! Kill another one!" Players watching the test outside were about to collapse.

The Heavenly Soldier left the encirclement and resumed the gesture he had just made. The remaining fourteen Templar knights looked at each other and suddenly spread out into a circle to surround that Heavenly Soldier.

Yan Yu watched the game on the court, but I was staring at him. He held the armrest with both hands and shattered it. The sweat on his forehead proved his tension. It looks like this Tianbing performance is in place, at least I'm sure Yanyu will pay a lot of money.

Outside of the venue, ordinary players in the Northern League did not know that this was a test. Many people thought it was a pk show and started to open markets. Now that Tianbing is surrounded, many people are starting to buy bets. Most people bought Heaven Soldiers and were killed. Although Tian Tian has performed well so far, but he was injured after all, which shows that he is not invincible, and facing the remaining fourteen Templar knights, the possibility of living to the end is really slim.

Immediately after the siege was completed, the Templars began to charge towards the middle. The heavenly soldiers suddenly rushed in one direction, and the surrounding Templars immediately concentrated here. The heavenly soldiers bent over slightly. The Templars wanted to play light work and raised their swords, but he rolled a cat's waist from the ground to the feet of the Templar, and spread out a round of legs to sweep down the three Templars. Turning his hands to support the ground, his legs were raised towards the neck of a Templar's neck and kicked at least twenty feet to spit this guy into a spitting blood.

The Templar next to him was also a leg sweeper who wanted to sweep down the Heavenly Soldier, but the Heavenly Soldier suddenly turned over and returned to the standing position, just flashing away the leg sweeping. The backhand caught the Templar's sword that had just been kicked in, and inserted into the Templar's sweeping leg. The sword was inserted through the neck of the Templar and died on the spot. The latter Templar rushed backhand to help but was knocked down by his fallen companion. The celestial soldier rushed over to wear two swords, and two were finished.

The remaining eleven strange palace knights were only two seconds late, and the heavenly soldiers made three in one go, which was a killing machine. However, this small contact added a deep wound to Tianbing.

The remaining Templars did not give him the time to seal the throne, and rushed up in one breath. Celestial soldiers' reaction decreased due to injuries. He raised his hand and blocked the attack of two Templars with the captured knight sword. However, he was chopped off a half arm by a third person.

The Templar next to him stepped over him and flipped the knight's sword. At the same time, the Heavenly Soldier used the knight sword in his hand to insert from the bottom to the top of the Templar's legs. Male compatriots outside the field couldn't help but utter "Oh" and cover the key at the same time. Knight armor is equipped with skirts, but the skirts are not trousers and are fully open below. The sword was inserted between the legs and penetrated the pelvis directly into the abdominal cavity. With the length of the knight sword, it was definitely stuck in the chest. Tianbing almost inserted the knight sword with the handle. However, the Templar was not completely unharmed. Although the sword inserted in pain deviated from the target, it was still inserted into the body of the heavenly soldier due to inertia, but the insertion position was on the lower abdomen, at most, it hurt the intestines. Encountered important organs.

When the Templar finished the sword, he fell straight and stepped on his body. He couldn't bend it. The following Templars rushed up, Tianbing climbed up with pain, but his chest was immediately penetrated by a sword behind him. Although he didn't hurt the heart, it was a dangerous death to go backwards and forwards. The Heavenly Soldier rushed to a knight in front of him, the knight in front was also stabbed with a sword, but was caught under the armpit by the Heavenly Soldier, but the Heavenly Soldier and the Paladin had a big hug.

Tianbing had a sword in his back, and a sword-tip more than a foot long came from the front. This hug penetrated the Templar in front. Then the heavenly soldier took the Templar's sword, turned around, and killed the Templar who had been dumb behind him. A nearby sword stabbed in from the space between the heavenly soldiers, and the heavenly soldiers spurted out blood, and then yelled at the Templars around them. A few Templars collided with him without knowing what happened. Seeing this heavenly soldier seems to have something in his mouth.

With a bang, a red mist flew up, and several stump arms flew out. The players shouting off the field were all dumbfounded. It took a long time before I heard a loud noise yelling, "Explode!"

The sky soldier quickly appeared on the sidelines with a flash of light. After the game was over, all the wounded were recovered and death was not counted. A row of Templars also flashed across the field, and the expressions on each face were not very good. Twenty to one, or the most unbalanced cavalry to infantry, actually played like this, embarrassing is sure.

Not all the knights were resurrected at the venue. After the explosion, three Templar knights were lying on the site, but the injuries were too serious ~ ~ Only one reluctantly moved, and the other two One was humming, the other was already in shock.

Yanyu stiffened in front of his seat. At the moment of the explosion, he bounced like an electric shock, and now he is still there. After a while I pulled him: "Do you want to see other arms perform?"

"Ah? ... Um? Oh!" It took Hanyu a long time to recover. "what did you say?"

"I ask if you want to see the performances of other arms?"

"Look, why not?"

Of course, I don't have to oppose it. Next, all the soldiers on our side went up and tried once, and the Northern Alliance always played with scepter angels, sometimes one or two, sometimes a dozen, anyway. Tian Bing's performance is still so brave. When he comes up to be flexible, he will fight desperately. If he is too injured, he will explode when he does not have a chance to win.

It's already night when all of the demos are finished. Yanyu and we first went offline to have a meal, then came up and started talking about the price. I discussed the price with Ji Gui just as I ate. The battle in the afternoon was extremely powerful, and the price must not be cheap.

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