Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 16: black market

When we went online, the people of the Northern Alliance were all here, and new faces appeared, and I was a bit surprised. When these two people were on the line with me when they were on the line, it was known from the badge that these were not Northern Alliance people, and each was the president.

After seeing us appear, Yan Yu came over immediately: "Come, let me introduce to you, this is Zi Ri, the chairman of Frost Rose Gold Alliance, next to this is the financial director of Bing Lin Rose Gold Alliance, Miss Qi Rose." Yan Yu again Turn around and introduce us to these people. As their badges show, these people are basically presidents of guilds. Yanyu obviously also wants to pull people to buy together. We told Yanyu that Tianting once said that when they buy more gifts, they probably want to buy more people and then don't tell them there are gifts, so that they can earn a gift fee. Yan Yu's thoughts are consistent with my thoughts and those of Margaret, except that he is a third-hand reseller after all, not as profitable as ours.

Obviously, these people have already seen the video of the Tianbing test before we went online, because they did not ask me about the quality of the soldiers at all, but they kept asking about the price and the question of supplementing the soldiers after the loss.

Yan Yu first set everyone up to work. I sat in the main seat with Yu Gui, Yan Yu sat opposite us, and the other chairmen sat in two rows. After everyone was ready, I started to say, "Look at the enthusiasm of everyone, I know that you have already watched the video." Everyone a little bit. I went on to say, "In fact, this time it is a mission reward, not an ordinary soldier trading plan you imagine."

A savvy president immediately said, "That means that if there is a loss, you can't add it later?"

Wu Gui said: "You have a certain possibility, but it is not completely certain. Maybe we can still get such a reward in the future, or one day the bank will formalize the relationship between ourselves and heaven, and it is possible to buy unlimited quantities. It is possible. In short, I am not sure, but I suggest that you do not have too much hope, because it is known that Tianting rarely contacts the players, and it is not easy to improve the relationship. "

"Then it can only be treated as a one-off right?"

"Roughly the same."

The following presidents whispered each other for a while, and finally Yanyu as the representative: "We need a quote now, are you prepared?"

Pu Gui tapped her own sun with her finger: "The prices are all here, we have not prepared a list. Heaven is not a level market, there is no quotation. We also remember it, and in fact we have just got this arm, If you do n’t believe it, go to Isinger to inquire. Many people should have seen the soldiers arriving in Isinger in the morning. If you want to know the price, go outside and bring in a soldier of that type. I will tell you the price on the spot. "

"All right." Yanyu winked at the presidents. "Go pick."

The chairpersons in the room rushed away after a while, and Me and I followed. The room was too small, and the soldiers would definitely not be able to stand when they were brought in, so I and Li Gui followed them out to see their selection. There are only ten presidents, including Yan Yu and me. I brought ten soldiers of each kind, enough for them to share. Each chairman chooses one of his favorite arms and stands by himself, so we know how to give the price.

Yanyu has the least selection of all chairpersons. Each of the eight chairpersons selects at least seven soldiers, while Yanyu only selects five soldiers, and the most terrifying one chooses sixteen arms. Wu Gui was a little worried: "These soldiers are not cheap, you have to think about it! You choose so many types, and you can't buy much of them at that time, maybe they won't be effective?"

The president immediately said: "My guild is very small and cannot form such a large-scale army. This time I intend to buy some soldiers to form a special and elite army."

"Oh, that's a good idea."

Pu Gui asked the people of the Northern Alliance to prepare a large number of notes and pens, and then wrote the price on the note and affixed to the soldiers chosen by the president. Almost so, the president couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw the price. This time we all feel that the price is a bit exaggerated, but considering that we urgently need to buy Tianbing, so we have to be a bit darker.

Of the arms selected by these presidents, the first Sword Shield infantry to participate in the test was the most purchased, probably because his performance was the first to stand out. Nine presidents, including Yan Yu, have chosen this unit. However, it is true that this unit is a very standard fighting force, which is average in any aspect. As a regular army, what is required is overall strength, not outstanding performance. This kind of soldier is very suitable for this requirement.

At first, this soldier dealt with 20 Templar knights alone. As a result, seventeen Templar knights died and seriously injured three. Such an excellent performance cannot be cheap. At that time, the Templar knights who participated in the battle were super-level. The price of each knight was 1100 crystal coins. If calculated based on the battle effect, this heavenly soldier has at least the same combat effectiveness as other soldiers with 20,000 crystal coins. As long as there are not stupid people, if there are 20,000 crystal coins, they will only buy one such soldier instead of 18 Templars.

At the time, I was considering dividing the price according to combat effectiveness. The total price of the soldier defeated by the Heavenly Soldier was definitely more than 20,000 crystal coins. Although the 20 Templars did not die, the stunned soldiers were almost dead. Such soldiers on the battlefield are usually trampled to death before being carried away by the ambulance. Although it was originally considered to be sold this way, but now we are a bit worried about the actual effect. Is it really too scary at this price? Even if this heavenly soldier is stronger than other soldiers worth 20,000 crystal coins, but it is really scary to sell it for 20,000. After all, it seems that the arms of other religious forces have not yet cost 1,600 crystal coins, and we suddenly had 20,000 crystal coins and absolutely scared people. So the final price posted is 20% off the price, which is 16,000 crystal coins. Although this price is already the result of 20% off, we still startled those chairmen.

After Gui Gui posted this unit, the other units became more chaotic, and each guild had its own hobby. Pu Gui wrote the prices to them one by one, and those presidents followed in fear. The kind of sword shield hand that has just been regarded as a low-level army, so most of the other soldiers are more expensive than this price.

Wu Gui affixed the price to a golden cavalry body full of gold. The president who chose this unit immediately stared at him with a rounded eye: "20,000?" Plop, the president fell straight.

The president next to him felt his chest and said, "Fortunately, I didn't plan to buy a cavalry. I am an infantry."

Wu Gui walked to the heavenly soldier next to him and said, "I'm sorry, this one you've picked has always been used as a captain of a hundred people in Tianting, a little more expensive than that cavalry. But you don't have to worry too much, only expensive Only a little bit."

"How much is that?" The chairman asked, shaking his sweaty legs and shaking his legs.

"Thirty thousand crystal coins."

Plop and pour another.

I quickly hurried up the chairman and said, "Don't be afraid! Although this soldier is worth 30,000 crystal coins, but you think, you can't beat this one hundred captain even if you spend 60,000 crystal coins to buy more than 2,000 human infantry. ... so this is actually not expensive, but rather cheap. "

Originally, the chairman just fell to the ground. When I said this, I immediately spit in the mouth, and there was no response at all.

Yan Yu was the strongest, he barely supported and waited for his member to move him to a stool to sit on it. This price is indeed a bit too shocking. Most people can't bear the price of one post-mortem 20 senior soldiers.

Although there are some neurological disorders caused by the price, the heads of these presidents are still sober. After careful consideration, they agreed that the transaction was actually very worthwhile, but on the surface they wanted to bargain with me.

I immediately jumped up: "You are wrong, the army is in heaven. I am a buyer like you. If I can bargain for you, do I not want to buy more guilds to arm myself? So expensive Soldiers, big guilds like us do n’t dare buy too much, do you think I am willing? ”

As I said, everyone shut up. They are not thinking about the rebate problem, but considering that the price-performance ratio of this soldier is very promising, if it offends me and cannot be bought, isn't it more disadvantageous?

My presidents quickly accepted the fact that although the prices were high, they were not purchased by everyone, and the funds in the guild were still relatively large. This time I know what it means to be more powerful. In addition to the Northern Alliance, the eight guilds have ordered a total of 100 million crystal coins with me. Shouted that we were rich. The actual price of these soldiers is only one-tenth of the price we quoted. The total price of one hundred million yuan. After tax, our net profit will not be less than 75 million crystal coins. It is unknown how much the Northern Alliance wants. The 75 million yuan does not include the Northern Alliance's share.

It seems that the major domestic guilds are still full of money, and the eight guilds actually collected 100 million crystal coins. However, it should be thought about. Our guild actually has more money, but every time we have money in it, we invest in expansion and reproduction. Therefore, we are always short of funds. Our guild is not really poor, but we spend money too fast. .

Taking advantage of the fact that the presidents each placed orders and wrote contracts, I discussed with Margaret whether to sell these emperors on a larger scale. Although it is said that making money is the main purpose, if the main battles of Chinese guilds are replaced by sky soldiers, it will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of Chinese guilds. Compared to buying the guards of the Light Temple and the Dark Temple, even if the price of the soldiers has been turned ten times by us, they still have a perfect price-performance ratio.

Pu Gui agreed with me, but she was darker than me. Wu Gui wanted me to go to Germany, she went to South Korea herself, and sold it on both sides. The price was slightly higher than selling to the Chinese guild. Anyway, as long as it is better than other arms, it can be cost-effective.

Originally just to raise funds, I did not expect to become a profiteering industry, anyway, it is a one-shot deal to make enough money.

Those presidents signed the contract and submitted the system to confirm the guarantee, and then each handed the money to the system for safekeeping. After we delivered the money, the money was automatically transferred to our guild account. Just because this **** system had to arrive before I could be in place, I had to buy Heaven Soldiers from Heaven Court in batches and pay them one by one. If we buy all of these goods at one time, the bank will not have such working capital for the time being, so we have to slowly make up.

The smoky Northern Alliance waited for the presidents to leave before negotiating a sales plan with us. Compared with our prices at the beginning, those northern presidents were taken aback, and the Northern Alliance ’s redemption order also surprised us. I always thought that the Northern Alliance was just a large military guild. There was not much money for me, but today it seems that the hidden power of the Northern Alliance is definitely not small. This time, Yuyan actually placed an order for 200 million crystal coins with me in one breath. Not to mention the general guild, even if our guild does not engage in those large-scale construction, if you want to take out 200 million crystal coins at a time, you need to think about it first ~ ~ This northern alliance really dare to place such a large order.

Anyway, we are making money, the more he buys, the happier we will be. We are not at all worried that the Northern Alliance will use these soldiers to suppress our guild. Let us not say that our current relationship is still good. The profit alone this time absolutely guarantees our safety. Every Northern Alliance soldier buys seven soldiers for us. The more we buy, the greater the gap between us. He simply cannot rely on the heavenly soldiers to suppress us. I believe that Yanyu himself knew this. Although he didn't say it, he certainly knew that the actual price would not be so exaggerated, but he certainly could not imagine that the actual price was only one tenth of the marked price so outrageous.

Immediately after returning to Essinger, Yan Gui and I brought Eagle, Hongyue, Ziyue, Shura Ziyi, Chuang Wang, and Su Mei all over. I briefly talked about this Tianbing promotion plan, and at the same time demonstrated today the huge achievements. Everyone understands what happened afterwards: “Eagle and Ziyue are responsible for the sales of general guilds in China. Pay attention to those reputable guilds. Hongyue is responsible for the **** union, which is your brother ’s guild. It ’s a family, the price can be lowered, as long as you do n’t lose money, but you have to keep it secret, and the price is declared to be external. Shura Ziyi is responsible for sales in the United States. The price may be more aggressive. Americans have money, as long as They are willing to spend money because of high armaments. I am in charge of South Korea, and my husband is in charge of Germany. The price depends on the situation. Somei, you and Chuang Wang go to Indonesia. There are so many people in that place. Together, such an excellent soldier must be easy to sell. "

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