Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 113: Tourist resort

"I can't restore your ability, but I can repair your body, but the commandment stone must be done by yourself." Harriet said easily, but the little girl's expression was stink.

"In the end you still destroyed my ability. I didn't expect to meet a master like you. Signal that you are no longer my master. From the moment the commandment stone was destroyed, all my original information was clear, of which It also includes the relationship between your master and slave. Now I am free. "

"Oh? Are you free?" Harriet said to the little girl and walked to stand in front of me, then looked me up and down for a long time. Although this guy is like a dwarf, his actual height is much higher than that of a normal person. He just stood in front of me and looked down at me. "I think you should have been the helper for the dwarves?"

I stepped back a little bit, then the muscles on my body suddenly grew, and my whole body was pulled up to more than two meters in an instant.

Harriet stared at me in surprise: "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just don't like the feeling of being overlooked." I was actually taller than this guy after becoming a werewolf.

"Oh? Ah ha ha ha ha!" Harriet laughed exaggeratedly. "People who can have the same dreams as me are really different types. Little guy, do you really know how arrogant? But I like your personality. Let ’s say, what do you need to pay for? For example, melting weapons or repairing armor For example, I am the **** of forging. The fusion success rate of refining weapons is 100%. Do you have anything to repair? "

"I don't need repair equipment, but I hope to give her to me if possible. And also. I need your help to answer a question."

Harriet looked at the little girl I was pointing at. "She's not mine anymore, just take it if you want. Anyway, there is no disciplinary stone is a pile of waste. As for that question, what do you want to ask?"

"Let's say that. I need to find the divine gem. I heard that you know something. So I came to ask you."

"Gem of Divine Power?" Harriet screamed after a moment of recollection: "Oh, are you saying that the banned stone that can break the special abilities of the gods? That is a contraband! But we are like this No one should care about any ban. "

"I just want to know where that thing is."

"To tell the truth, I don't know." Harriet's words made my heart feel as if someone had hit it with a hammer, but this guy actually gasped and spoke for a long time: "But I know who has That thing. "

"Who is it? How can I find him?"

"The old guy is called Mamos, but I don't know where he is now. The old stubborn likes to dig around in the tomb. I heard that he once obtained a stone of divine power from the tomb of a higher **** who died in battle. But I do n’t know if it ’s still there. I remember that most of the time the Seal of the Seal of God lived in Egypt, you might as well go look for him there. ”

"Do you have his characteristics or something? We used to have specific goals to look for!"

Harriet thought for a while before he said, "I'm not sure about the name. He has a habit of using pseudonyms. Features ?! This guy is very thin and looks like a dead body. He is an undead manipulator. It ’s cheaper to dig a grave. By the way, it seems that I still have his magical image. ”Harriet said, struck a gem from his pocket, and then a three-dimensional portrait suddenly appeared above the gem. The portrait really looks like a dead body. Except for bones, it is skin, but those green eyes are very godly. "Here, this is what Mamos looks like. When you need to use it, think about what you want to see. As long as there is a record, you can display the image."

I took the test at hand and asked, "Are you familiar with him? He will carry his magical image with him."

"Familiar. Of course." Harriet said: "The land you take is actually not just a picture of him. Many of my friends are in it."

"Then what do I do if I take this away? This thing is very memorable, right?" This thing is simply a magic album, and it is estimated that taking it directly may make Harriet embarrassed.

Harriet smiled heartily: "Forget it. Most of the people inside are gone. Keeping this thing will only make me sadder. Don't give it back to me."

I nodded and accepted the thing, then reached out and took the globe from Jingjing's hand. "Can you restore the shape of this thing right away?"

Harriet took a look at me, and then said, "You just need the ability to restore this thing to its original state. In fact, you don't have to restore him to the way it was before. In my opinion, what you have on your back Two things are very good. Use them and merge with this thing, not only can restore its original function, but also strengthen the function of that weapon by the way. "

"What's on my back?" When I reached out, two and a half months behind my back suddenly floated. Then in a flash came to me. "You talking about these two?"

"Yes. How? I can do it in half an hour if I want."

"That will trouble you."

Harry characteristically said, "You can't be idle while I help you transform the weapon. Help me to talk about the big things that are inherent in the Seal of the Throne during my seal."


Led by the Tomahawk, we reached the Dwarf's Foundry Factory. The dwarves here saw their gods returning to their feet and jumping like crazy. Harriet appeased them briefly, and then began to help me transform the ring of commandments, and I said some important things beside me. The dwarves here haven't left here for a long time, so they are not familiar with outside things, and I can only tell Harriet. After I said the situation, he almost completed the renovation work. The **** of forging is indeed not comparable to ordinary blacksmiths. Not only is it fast, but the technology is absolutely first-rate.

The completed half-moon has undergone a major change in appearance. Half a month ago was a two crescent-shaped blade, but now it has become three parts. When combined, they look like a steering wheel. In its center is a transparent crystal with metal edging. The shape of this crystal is a bit like a Chinese chess piece, but the front and back sides are not completely flat, but slightly convex outward. Around the crystal, there are eight metal rods located in the same blue surface, which are connected to the surrounding strong metal like a bicycle wire rod. This metal ring was originally two and a half months old. It's just that there are a lot of reliefs and inscriptions, and some things like lock mechanisms. The combined half-moon is called the ring of commandments, and when it breaks down it is the true half-moon. At this point, the two crescent knife wheels can still shoot and attack. At the same time, the central crystal and the eight metal rods will form a magic attacker that can defend and attack. It can automatically protect the master and counter the caster when attacked.

The attributes of the new half moon are very exaggerated, but the specific combat effectiveness must be tested by actual combat. The things that the **** who wants to forge should not be too bad.

After getting the information I wanted, I didn't plan to stay here. After signing a trade agreement with the dwarves, I left here with my magic pet. According to the agreement, our guild will completely occupy the bright capital above, and then turn it into our guild city. In this way, the exit of the dwarf land is completely protected by our city. We can sell all kinds of supplies to the dwarves, and they can help us process all kinds of equipment. Our guild's Steel City is okay to make large equipment. Dwarves are more adept at magic equipment transformation, so signing trade agreements with them is still very cost-effective.

According to the information provided by Harriet, the guy who may have the divine gem should be in Egypt. At least there should be some clues in Egypt. First teleport back to Isinger and tell the roses to send people to occupy the dazzling capital, then use the teleportation array to go to Europe first, and then fly to Egypt from there. Our guild has no place to stay on the African side, and a trip is really troublesome.

Although I had been to Egypt once before, I didn't enter the city at that time. Only after staying in the desert for less than half a day, this time it was considered a real contact with Egypt. In terms of area, Egypt is not a small country. The population of nearly 70 million people is relatively large. However, the distribution of cities in Egypt is very special. Almost all cities in the country are concentrated on both sides of the Nile River. In addition, there are only scattered small cities built around the oasis.

To find clues in Egypt, of course, to the Nile Delta, half of Egypt's cities are crowded here. The birds and the guard spears took me to the coast of Egypt by rotation, and when they entered the national border, they could use the teleportation ring. First collect the magic pet, and then directly turn the teleportation ring to designate the teleportation hall in the city of Cairo. I flicked my finger. No response? The teleportation ring seems to have failed, with no hint. I looked down in surprise at my hand. Moving the ring again, still no response. I was in a hurry this time, and raised my hand in front of me, and moved it again. After the flash of white light, the transmission was successful.

As soon as the teleportation hall in Cairo came out, I knew why the first two teleportation failed! The reason is in front of me.

The magnitude of this main teleportation hall in Cairo is the first time I have seen it since I entered the game. I always thought that Isinger maintained the leading position in the game in the field of architecture, but in Egypt I finally have a giant building larger than Isinger's. The size of this teleportation hall is almost 20 times the size of Isinger's main teleportation hall. But in such a large building, it was full of people at this time. According to preliminary estimates, at least 100,000 people have been squeezed in this teleportation hall, and those who are planning to come in outside are not counted.

According to the "zero popularity, in general exhibition homes in China, game users account for slightly less than 20% of the national population, the number of countries reached is usually higher, like the United States can reach 70% There are many, and similarly, the number of backward poor countries is relatively low. According to this probability calculation, the number of players in Egypt should be more than 10 million, and the number of online users at the same time as the Seal of Thrones during peak hours should not be more than 5 million. Although there are not many cities in Egypt, 5 million people can be separated. Even if the city is added, it should not be too busy. But the situation in front of me told me clearly. Overcrowded here. The reason why I failed to teleport many times just now is because there are too many people here and there is no place for a pin, so the teleportation ring cannot be teleported. The last success was probably due to a vacancy just happening, so I came in. Now think about it better not to come in.

"Don't push me!" A man yelled at the other person beside him.

The shouted person also shouted back: "I didn't mean it on purpose. What are you doing so loudly? I'm upset here, beware I destroy you."

The two men's disagreement evolved into a martial arts performance, but with so many people here, there can be no real fighting at all. The two men punched each other and were swept away by the flow of people. Seeing that there was a gap in the flow of people, I quickly rushed over, but now it seems that the position is wrong, but the flow of people is more close to the interior of the hall.

Suddenly a Caucasian soldier patted me and asked. "Are you going in or out?"

"I'm going out, what's wrong?"

The warrior and another knight supported each other's shoulders to open a space, and then a female mage stood up from the middle. "We want you to go out as a team."

"Ah? Team up?"

"Well." The female mage nodded. "There are too many people here, and it's very difficult for us to leave. Since we are going out, everyone should form a team. Then use everyone's strength to squeeze out."

gosh! They all teamed up to go to the senior monster zone for leveling. For the first time, they heard that they had teamed up to leave the teleportation hall. But looking at the surrounding situation, it seems that there is really no other way. Although this teleportation hall is big enough. Tens of thousands

Crowded here, the lineup is more scary than the railway station during the peak of the Spring Festival. If you rely on one person alone, you will be rushed back by the flow of people. Although I am strong in combat, these are players and not monsters, so it is not good to kill everyone here in order to go out!

"Okay." I nodded bitterly at the female mage. "How do we get out?"

The soldier who shouted at me at the beginning said: "I use the brutal collision skills to open the way. As soon as you hit the crowd, you and this knight will immediately occupy the position behind me. Miss Mage will use magic to strengthen our strength In the two times I used the skill to cool down the throne of the Seal of God, the role of both of you is to ensure that I will not be washed back by the flow of people, and then repeatedly use the collision to move towards the door. As long as the door is out . "

I nodded: "I see. But can I ask why there are so many people here?"

"Don't you know?" The female mage asked me strangely.

"What do you know?"

The female mage was interrupted by the soldier next to her just to answer. "What's the matter to go out and talk about it? This is not a place to chat!"

"Sorry. Let's get started!"

In fact, the zenith of this teleportation hall is very high. At the beginning, I considered whether to fly out from above, but I decided to give up when I saw another pioneer who was pulled down by everyone. The teleportation hall must stand on the ground to teleport, and the person flying in the air must eventually land here or occupy a person's place. Therefore, flying is the same as cutting the line. And such a chaotic scene, others will not tell you whether to fly in or fly out, anyway, after entering the hall and dare to fly, all pulled down and beaten.

Although the flight is hopeless, our four-person team has performed well with the cooperation. Soldiers do not open pk mode. The collision will knock people away, but it will not cause the malicious pk system to identify, and at most others are angry, and they will not really fight with you. The knight and I were both fast. Each time the soldier ran into the crowd, the two of us immediately checked, and then pulled in the mage to protect it. Speaking of which the lady's magic is very practical. In addition to strengthening her strength, she will shake back the halo, which is perfect for this kind of bumpy work.

After more than a dozen collisions, we were only a few meters away from the gate, but the doorway was not like the inside of the hall. It was the narrowest place, so the movement became more difficult. At this critical moment, the soldiers had no magic power, and we could not move any more.

The knight himself took a bottle of magic water to the warrior, and then asked me and the female mage, "Do you still have magic magic?"

The female mage shook her head: "I also came back from leveling out. I wouldn't have come back without the potion!"

I took a pill out of the small bag hanging on my waist and handed it to the soldier. The soldier took it and looked at it, "Just one?"

"Fuck, this is the blood of the sacred demon who added eight thousand points. How many more do you want?"

The soldiers quickly returned the medicine to me when they heard it. "It's a big deal. Just wait. Your medicine is too expensive!"

The female mage looked straight at me and asked, "Where did you buy this? How about adding magic?"

"It was produced by my own guild. I can't buy land outside. After taking it, I will return to 3,000 magic instantly, and then return to 4,000 again at 200 degrees per second, a total of 8,000 magic points will be returned. Within ten seconds, the degree of natural resurgence doubled. "

The female mage almost stared at me with twinkling eyes and asked, "How much of this can you do? Sell it to me?"

I smiled in good faith: "You want me to give you a small amount. But I'm sorry to buy it. Our own consumption is not enough, it is impossible to export."

"Such an expensive medicine makes you feel embarrassed! According to the comparison of the magic potion effect sold in the store, each one of this medicine is worth at least five crystal coins. And your medicine is in the form of a pill, which does not have the ability to bear weight. A good mage is simply superb! I hate to have a bunch of blue bottles hanging behind the battlefield! "

"Can you buy a space pocket! Although large things ca n’t fit in, they can still be used for medicine. And they are available in the system store!"

The warrior looked back while waiting for the magic: "I heard that you are a big money. The magic pocket requires more than 500 crystal coins. Who is the player who has nothing to buy that thing? Generally, it is given to a certain team in a long-term cooperation. One for one, everyone uses it together. My previous guild also allocated one for my leveling group. Although the storage space is not large, the medicine and food are really suitable. We can take that thing You don't have to go back to the city to practice outside for a day. "

Female mage said: "There must be no mage in your team."

"How do you know?" The soldier was shocked.

The female mage laughed and said, "Because you said that you do n’t have to go back to the city for a day to supply. So I guess you do n’t have a mage. As far as my consumption is concerned, the general leveling area, if the firepower is fully on. Basically one bottle in twenty seconds Xiao Lan, even if the bag is full of potions, it wo n’t be enough for me to use it for a day. So you definitely do n’t have a mage. ”

The knight smiled, "It's better that we are in melee. You mages are burning money, and that bag of potions is probably not much cheaper than the space pocket itself."

The soldier patted us and said, "The magic is almost back, everyone is ready. You can go out again in two more times."

"Well, let's get started."

This section of the door was really terribly crowded. The soldiers crashed and sent us out of the door twice, but there seemed to be no fewer people here than inside. Many people on the street scrambled to squeeze in, until they were far away from the road, they were slightly sparse. But it's much easier to get past the gate. With strength enough, we rushed out.

Two hundred meters away from the teleportation hall, I was barely able to walk normally. Although I still bumped into the people around me, at least I would not be taken away. Our small team is a temporary group, and it ’s okay to come out.

Love. The warrior and the knight both left. Only the female mage and I planned to go to the taverns in the city and rest together.

I saw people everywhere on the street, and almost every street in Cairo was full of ground. There are more than 10 million players in Cairo alone. This number is far from normal. It wasn't until I reached the pub that I sounded to the female mage. "Egypt has a population of more than 60 million. Why is there so many people in Cairo?"

The female mage laughed: "Many people here are normal. People come here for two purposes, either for tourism. For treasure hunting and leveling. Egypt itself is a country with a strong tourism industry. The cost is much cheaper, and naturally there are a lot of travel enthusiasts here to play. And what do you think about the charm of Egypt's tourism? "

"Of course those legends of the Golden Tower and Pharaoh."

"Yeah. So there are more tourists in the game than outside. You think about it! In reality, it is necessary to look at the broken pyramids at a high temperature of nearly forty or fifty degrees. Not only are they sultry, but there is nothing to look at except the pyramids. Something. Besides, most of the pyramids are not completely open, and you will only see a part of them when you go. Many places are not accessible. But there are different things in the game. Not to mention the cheap price, at least that share The hot heat is better to deal with. Although the Egyptian temperature set in the game is the same as in reality, there are magic items that sell refrigeration in the game. As long as you buy one, it is equivalent to having a portable air conditioner. Compared to reality It ’s much more comfortable to play the gold tower under a big sun. Also, there is no need to worry about tanning the skin in the game. Girls usually do n’t come to Egypt to play. This is mostly the reason. The most important point is those legends. In reality, only To see the ruins that are not completely open, not only can you explore the entire ruins yourself, but there are also many mythical monsters in it. You think it is an empty gold word More attractive, there are still a lot of running around the mummy pyramid is more fascinating about it? "

"Of course there is a pyramid of mummy."

"So the tourism industry in Egypt is up to the game level. Even many players who do not play combat occupations will go to the low-level difficulty pyramids that are open for tourism to play monster killing games. The monsters there are all things in Egyptian mythology. , And they are set to be very weak, mainly to scare people. If you do n’t resist, the monster will only continue to scare you, if you resist. The monster has a certain probability to kill the player. However, this adds more fun, those Players who like adventure will be happy to repeatedly search for treasure in the pyramid. Of course, some smart boys bring their girlfriends and take the opportunity to eat tofu. "

gosh! In the past, it was popular to take girls to watch horror movies while taking advantage, but now it has become to take advantage of adventure games! But speaking. Such a pyramid is indeed very attractive. The pyramid in reality is like a zoo without animals, but in the game it is a real zoo. Rather than listen to your guide telling you that this is the altar of XX God, and that is the sarcophagus of XX Pharaoh. It would be more interesting to experience standing on the altar to summon the gods, or to fight against the pharaoh's mummy.

"Tourism doesn't attract so many people?" Although Egypt's tourism industry has great potential, there are too many people.

"The rest are all of the second type. They came to Egypt for leveling or treasure hunting. I came from the United States. The pyramids in Egypt, the water caves in Dongfu in China, the ruins in the rain forests in South America, the mountains of the gods at the border between France and Germany, These four places are known as equipment concentration camps. As long as you go there to search, there are good things you can find. In addition, there are a lot of monsters in Egypt. They have high experience and appear intensive. They are very suitable for high-attack players. So many benefits naturally attract a large number of players. "

"Then why are there so many people running to the teleportation team just now?"

"Don't you know?" The female mage asked me in surprise.

"Should I know?"

The female mage shook her head and said, "It ’s not like you ’re here to see you. If you ’re a leveler, you should n’t be so leisurely. So I thought you were here for treasure hunting. But now, if you listen to you, you do n’t seem to come. Treasure hunter. But it's weird you don't even know about it. "

"What the **** is it?"

"God election day every two months." The female mage said blandly: "Every day before the election day, several gods in Egypt will make an altar in the center of the Death Desert, and then everyone starts looking for this. Place. On the day of Election Day, the gods of Egypt will appear at the altar, and then send their men to challenge players. The qualified people in the challenge can fight as the chooser and the power of the main god, if you win again, you can get Rewarded. "

"So what's the reward?"

"I don't know about this. It is said that the reward is not certain, and it is determined by the preferences of the gods. I think it is the same as random drawing. Before, there was a person who had obtained two points permanently. Attribute points, but that ’s the basic attribute point! The more important the thing is in the future. Another guy got an artifact, saying that he can order the Death Band, but it requires mana to summon, so it is impossible to summon infinitely. According to me As far as I know, there are only two people who have been rewarded through the test. They both look good. "

"Is it because everyone is rushing to find the altar this time?"

The female mage said: "This time the situation is a bit special. Generally, the altar is opened seven days in advance for everyone to find, but this morning someone actually found the altar and sold it with a map. All the people who bought the map rushed Participate in the test and hope to get the prize through the test. "

"Really smart."

"Who do you say is smart?"

"The man who sells maps ~ ~ He is called business-minded, no matter if the people who bought the maps won't get the prizes, anyway, the prizes for the people who sell the maps are already in hand. Just don't know the information Is it reliable. "

"Absolutely reliable."

: "I also sold the map and went to see it. The altar is really there, but it ’s just that the Seal of Throne has n’t arrived, and I ca n’t take the test. So I came back to practice first, and waited until it started. In the past. This time the location is very close to a desert leveling area, so we all use Cairo ’s special positioning ability of the national main transport array to teleport there to participate in the test. Because other transport arrays cannot directly transport personnel to the leveling area. , So everyone came here, otherwise the teleportation hall would not be so crowded. "

I laughed. "That said, I admire the map-seller even more. By the way, what's his name? Do you know where he is? I'll talk to him."

"His name is Mammoth, as thin as a skull."

"What?" I jumped up from my seat.

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