Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 114: Holder

"What do you mean by the map seller?"

"Mamos. What's wrong?"

I quickly took out the crystal stone given by Harriet, and thought for a moment when I saw the image of Mamos, immediately above the crystal stone, a three-dimensional projection of Mamos appeared. "Is this person?"

"Yes, it's him. What's wrong? Are you looking for this person?"

"Of course. Don't you wonder that I did nothing in Egypt? My purpose is him."

"So you're here to find someone? No wonder you know nothing about the environment here."

"Can you tell me where I can find this person?"

The female mage shook her head. "If you came early, I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a hardship now!"


"In the beginning, he stood outside the teleportation array we just came out, and as long as anyone charged, he would give you a map and then tell you the coordinates of a leveling area to take you there. But then someone knows the location Some people who have been back come back and tell others the location. As more people know, his map will not sell well, so he left. Now almost everyone knows the news of that place, And even if you do n’t know, as long as you follow the crowd, there is absolutely no problem. "

"That means Mammoth has left, hasn't he?"


I nodded and stood up and said to the female mage, "In this case, then I must immediately look for clues. The longer the Seal of Time, the harder it will be to find it." As I said, I took out two blood of the holy demon and put it on the table . "Thank you for your message, goodbye."

"May I help you find it together?" The female mage also politely put away the elixir.

I rejected her offer. It's no use carrying her anyway. Since Mammoth had sold the map of the Seal of the Throne in the Teleportation Hall for so long, at least one person must have seen Mammoth, and such people would not run around.

It is really inconvenient to move on congested roads, and anyone who dares to fly close to the teleportation hall will be attacked by ground personnel. So I can only give up the advantages of wings and squeeze forward with the flow of people on the ground. But although everyone was excluding the people flying in the sky, no one said that they could not think of other ways. No one said that they must push forward by their own strength, right? Many people on the road rely on their own pets to push themselves forward, and those with large magic pets obviously take advantage. My large pet is oversized and not suitable for use here, but I have something else.

Open the Fenglong space and randomly get a demon. This big guy made of steel is no less powerful than a bulldozer. There is no one to block the way in the crowd. I rode directly on the shoulder of the puppet, and then moved towards the gate of the portal, no matter how dense the crowd was, it had no effect on me. After reaching the gate of the Teleportation Hall, I searched for the items and quickly realized my target.

"There. Hurry up." I knocked **** the puppet's big iron head.

"Understand." The puppet quickly turned and walked towards a sculpture outside the portal.

This sculpture is just a decorative thing. My goal is not it, but the four people standing on it. The sculpture base is not large. However, four people can still stand close to the sculpture. All four were wearing typical Egyptian-style samurai armor, and they were not too eager to get down from the top, so I quickly determined that the four of them were the bsp of the teleportation hall; according to the rules of the system city, the guards were not allowed Leaving duty, so no matter what happens. The guardian of the teleportation hall must be nearby. But there are so many people here, and I don't think they can stand still, so this is not far from the door. Sculptures that won't be swept away by people are the only option.

The puppet came to me and walked to the sculpture. At the height of the puppet, I was exactly on the same level as the four guards above. "Excuse me, are you guys here?"

"Yes. Do you have anything?" One of the guards replied.

I took out the image of Mamos. "Have you ever seen this person?"

The guard recognized it with just a glance. "Is Mamos? The guy who has been selling maps here these days."

"Yes. That's him. Do you know where he is now?"

Another guard said, "He hasn't appeared since yesterday afternoon, but you can go to the altar to find it."


"It's the selection altar used on God's Election Day. That guy knows money, and you can find him there where you can make money. When he left yesterday, he seemed to say that he would go to the altar to sell medicine."

Halo, this Mammoth really makes money. First sell the map to the altar for a large sum of money. When the news leaks that the map can't be sold, it will be diverted to sell medicine near the altar. A large number of players cannot wait for God's election day by the side of the altar, so everyone will first find a nearby monster to practice leveling or something, so naturally there will be consumption of supplies such as medicine. Using a teleportation array between the city and the altar is very uneconomical, and the player can't bring much. Mamos can naturally earn the difference from players who are too lazy to run back and forth and save money, and he is indeed a smart businessman.

Now that we know the location, it's easy. After thanking the guards, he directly instructed the demon to enter the teleportation hall, and immediately caused a curse around him. Although not as attacked as those flying in the sky, the people around me were obviously very dissatisfied with this rappy behavior of riding a puppet. But the protests were protests, and they couldn't treat me like that. In the end, I reached the center of the teleportation team smoothly, and according to the information about the position of the altar that I just asked from the guards, I chose to directly transfer to the Diquanshazhou substation in the Shahai leveling area.

The teleportation team here is open-air. Although there are as many people, they are not as crowded as in the city. Almost all the people who came out of the teleportation team went in one direction. You can guess that there is the place of the altar. Put on the night shadow and follow the flow of people all the way forward. Soon I saw the altar.

This place is much stranger than expected. The altar is not a platform above the ground in the usual sense, but a sunken pit. The whole altar is like an inverted pyramid with its tip at the ground, its bottom facing the sky and its level with the ground. The altar is large. In the center is a square piece of sand, which is probably the test area. The sunken part of the outer ring staircase just looks like the stadium's grandstand. But at this time there was no one in this altar, it was completely covered by an invisible wall.

Riding the night shadows and making a few laps in the sky. Players can be seen almost everywhere in the vicinity, with tens of millions of players. They came together in groups, or scattered around to kill monsters, which seemed quite a lot. However, there is a place where people are very mobile, it is estimated that this is where Mamos is selling things. A large number of players ran there and left quickly, apparently the equipment they got when buying and selling supplies and leveling.

Night Shadow pierced under the command of my ground, and stood upright next to Mamos with a very exaggerated degree. Startled some people and Mamos who were planning to buy medicine.

As soon as I fell, someone started to protest. "Hey, I want to buy things and go in the back line. I have a bit of moral integrity."

Mamos is indeed a traitor. The response is different from ordinary people. Instead of rushing me, he asked directly: "How much do you want to buy?"

"It depends on how you sell it. But I don't think it will be too cheap."

"I will allow you to cut in after five thousand crystal coins." Mamos said, staring at me with green eyes.

"Should definitely pass this number."

"Well, I allow you to cut in. Tell me what you want to buy? Medicines or other supplements? Or do you want them all?"

"Hey, that's ridiculous, and line up behind." Although Mamos agreed to cut me in. But the latter players obviously disagree.

Mamos said rightly and confidently: "If anyone of you intends to buy more than five thousand crystal coins, I will allow him to cut in. Do you know this big channel?"

"I don't care what channel you are in, anyway, your kid will line me up behind me." The soldier who should have turned to the ground came to me angrily.

"I'm sorry. I bought something more expensive, please wait a bit."

"I don't care whether it's expensive or not, anyway, you have to line up." The soldier's words resonated with the followers, everyone cried together.

Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, Mamos quickly said to me, "What on earth do you want to buy? Hurry up and leave immediately after the transaction."

"I want to buy your divine gem."

With a sound of sand, the delicate abacus that had been held in the hands of Mamos fell to the sand. Almost almost, Mamos's eyes glared out, and he looked at me with his mouth wide open. It took a long time before he suddenly screamed. "I don't. I don't know, I don't know anything ... Don't kill me ... I don't know anything ... I don't know anything ...!" He ran and ran out as if I were a **** of plague. same. "Hey." I was about to chase after, but the soldier just pulled the reins of Night Shadow.

"If you want to leave, you must first pay for the waiting fee of the Seal of the Throne before we can stand."

"I have no time to play the blackmail game with you. Night Shadow, catch up."

Ye Ying suddenly stood up. The soldier didn't notice for a moment, he was dragged up and flew half a circle in the air before flying away. But the ground is all sand, and it doesn't matter if you drop it. After the soldier was thrown and flew out, there were still a few people who wanted to come up and catch me, but the night shadow was too fast, and they didn't even touch the tail of the night shadow.

Mamos stumbled forward all the way, without knowing how many people were knocked down. Don't look at him looking like a dead body, it runs quite fast, and Ye Ying can't catch up with him. If you can recognize the higher protoss of Harriet, and still live to the present, even if it is not God, it should not be far behind. It's no surprise that this Mammoth ran fast. It would be strange if he was like an ordinary person.

At first Mammoth might be scared, just remember to run, but after we chased out of the crowd, he seemed to suddenly remember. The lower body of Mammoth in the running suddenly turned into a cloud of yellow clouds, and then the whole man flew up. After he flew up, he looked back, trying to make sure we didn't catch up. But when he looked back, he saw the night shadow flying up in the void, and he was scared to fly.

To be honest, it was a mistake for him to fly. Someone was blocking the road on the ground, and Yeying could not run fast. Flying into the sky and night shadows clearly came up. Although Mamos is definitely not simple, after all, Nightshadow is a pure magical pet of mounts. Almost all of his abilities are concentrated on the degree. Although not as fast as Asuka, most people must not run past him.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, Mamos suddenly took out a large pocket from his body. Originally I thought he was going to take something out of his pocket to deal with me, who knew he actually turned the pocket over and put it on his head. Seeing that the pocket was not big, but Mamos really got into it. When Mammoth completely entered the pocket, the pocket immediately lost its support and fell to the ground, the night shadow sinking down. I caught the pocket in my hand. The open pocket is actually connected to another place inside. I also learned the way Mammoth put his pockets on his head, and at the same time put away the night shadows.

Night shadows will naturally fall to me, but before I land, I finally drilled through. This pocket is a space channel. Climbing to another place. Here is a tropical forest, but the plant species are a long mess. Use the sky here to compare it with the throne of system time. If this is a normal game space, then I should still be in Egypt, at least not far from Egypt.

The situation over my pocket is very depressing. Forests are no better than deserts. Mamos's whereabouts were completely blocked by the trees, at least I couldn't see him.

"Rose Vine and Bailang, come out to help." After putting out two magic pets, I pointed at the passage formed by that pocket. "Bai Lang. Smell the smell here and help me find someone. Rose vine, feel the vibration of the ground, the other party may have footsteps." Although Mamos can fly, it is obviously not convenient to fly in the jungle, so Rose The vine should be able to capture some information.

After Bai Lang smelled it, he turned around and smelled it on the ground. "I found it, in this direction."

The rose vine also returned the message of the current goal through personal contact. It's good to have more pets, and don't want anyone to run away from me.

First performed a werewolf transformation, and then leap forward between the trees with the aid of a werewolf land bonus. Bai Lang and I are fast. The rose vine has been collected. Just chasing 500 meters, we encountered a strange building that looked like some kind of religious building of a few tribes. This is made of rough stone slabs. The things that can be regarded as a house in front are as large as a public toilet. There are some strange humanoid sculptures carved in stone. In my opinion, the people who created these sculptures must be Picasso students .

The breath of Mamos brought the building and disappeared. Bai Lang turned around the building a few times to confirm that the scent was only here. According to past experience, if you encounter such a situation, there are things like underground passages. Release the rose vine again and search under the ground, it turns out that there is a channel below easily. I was too lazy to find the entrance, and let the rose vine directly overturn a large hole in the passage.

After entering the passage, Bailang re-emerged the smell of Mamos, and because the air was not circulating in the passage, the smell became very strong. We traced all the way through and found that this passage was a big maze at all, but it had no effect on us, because the smell of Mammoth would always guide us to the right fork.

We were not slow, and after running for a while, we finally saw Mamos. "Hey, stop, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"

"Only stupid humans will believe the words of you gods." Mamos shouted and fled forward again.

"I'm not really sent by God. I'm Harriet's friend. He told me you have what I want."

"Huh, the last time was enough, I won't be fooled by you again." Mamos suddenly stopped at a corner intersection, and then he jumped and pressed a slate on the top of the passage.

With a click, the channel suddenly vibrated. The walls on both sides of the passage between us and Mamos actually started to move towards the middle. At this degree, the passage will be completely closed before I run over. Mamos smiled and waved to me. "Those guys will send you such a mediocre person, but they can't find me even if they come in person. Haha, farewell, the poor God has made the Lord."

"You dare to say that my master is mediocre?" Bai Lang said angrily, "You will pay for it." Just after Bai Lang said, the passage finally closed in front of us.

I knocked helplessly on the wall, and the echo showed that its thickness could not be broken simply by brute force. Looking back at Bai Lang, who was still very angry, he patted his head. "Don't be angry, he said that we are average, but we should be happy."


"Because his standards are based on the higher gods. It seems like if a Titan giant says that you are very tall, then you are at least a giant, because according to their standards, those who are less than 50 meters in height are all individuals High category. If we are only average in strength at the level of God, it means that we have at least the basic power of God. "

"That's it. But what do we do now?"

"Since I can't get through, I can only go back first."

Bai Lang gave me a surprised look. "Did you not hear?"

"What did you hear?"

"The same sound came from the passage behind us. We should be trapped in this passage."

"Isn't it?" I hurried back to the corner of the passage. There was a T-shaped fork here, and as a result, the other two roads were closed, and we became the only space here. "What a bad luck!"

"At least he didn't put the middle section together and crush us."

As soon as Bai Lang finished speaking, the channels on both sides suddenly banged, and the huge walls started to press over us. I looked at Bailang helplessly. "You really have the potential to be a crow!"

"Instead of me, you might as well find a way to solve these two walls before you say."

"Do you need to think?" I reached out. "Summon, control the King Kong." Although the form of the control spirit cannot be changed except for the body, it can control the size freely. I pointed to the walls that were avoiding for the next two years. "Stop it?"

"I try." King Kong stretched his arms on the walls on both sides ~ ~ Ah ...! "

King Kong roared, and the walls on both sides stopped immediately, but the sound of the mechanical operation was still thinking, and some inconsistent clicking sounds could be clearly heard. The walls on both sides and King Kong compared their strength for a few seconds, and then a sudden muffled noise in the passageway, then King Kong dropped his supporting arms. "It seems to have stopped."

"Then try to open the wall in front?"

"I'll try it." King Kong walked to the edge of the closed aisle in front, first knocked down a few stones in the gap with his hand, came out of a position that could be forced, and then put his hands in and pulled to the sides. With a creaking sound, the rock walls on both sides really receded a little distance to both sides. Although the gap was small, we were enough.

Withdrawing King Kong, we quickly passed through. The passage on this side was not closed. Bai Lang easily found Mamos's whereabouts according to the smell on the ground. I followed Bai Lang to catch up. But this passage is obviously not as good as the beginning. The switch activated by Mammoth may have activated other organ systems in the channel, and a large number of traps and undercover channels appeared in the latter channel. If it weren't for Bai Lang's nose and ears are very sensitive, and he is a World of Warcraft that is dedicated to fighting the tomb passage, we will probably not get through those traps. But finally came over.

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