Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 122: Dive deeper

Anubis beckoned, all five ships flew over and lined up in front of us, then the five ships made a turn in the same motion, and started to descend sideways towards us. Side of ship

The strange big sails in front of them closed up tightly against the side of the ship and pointed to the sky. A side board was opened on the side of the ship, and a folding staircase protruded from the top. Five ships did not land at the end,

Instead, a gap of a few centimeters is maintained from the ground, but the ground has been touched and can be used.

Cohopra told us: "I am the only ship that can sail on the Styx-the extradition boat. Now that everyone is on board, we will take you to the final test site."

This so-called test is really mysterious enough. It not only expelled the audience, but also took us to an unknown location on the Styx River. Anubis badly urged everyone to hurry up

Although the players were a little puzzled, they were quickly on board.

After arriving on the boat, I observed the situation very carefully. The upper deck of this ship is basically no different from ordinary wooden sea boats, but since it can fly, it must have special features

Special drive. The two sails on the side of the hull are obviously not really power equipment. In this completely windless environment, the only function of the sail is to act as a resistance plate. There is no power supply.

Possibility. I'm sure there must be a lot of secrets under the deck of this ship.

After we got on board, the spacecraft left the shore and began to fly towards the Styx. The gods of Cohopra also boarded five ships each. Anubis stood at the bow of our ship.

We said: "Next we have to wait for a long journey. I hope that everyone will not get in trouble during the voyage. In addition, to the adventurous people, the Styx River is the river of the dead.

Its role is to separate the world from the underworld. No one can fly on it with their own power, so don't think about leaving the deck area, otherwise we can ignore it. "

"Since you are in charge of the team, at least you have the responsibility to ensure our safety before the test? In case someone falls, you should always save it?" A player asked.

Anubis stretched out a finger: "First, I said, this is the Styx. No one can fly alone, including our gods. Second. I'm not interested in being a nanny for you.

So don't expect me to help. Third, the Styx is the river of the dead. As long as you adventurers fall, they will be invaded and killed by injustice. And even after being resurrected,

The mages of the temple have reclaimed their souls, and your souls will also be dirty. Evil soul with over 10,000 evil values. Oh, by the way, it seems that being touched by the river water will wipe out your experience level. What is it?

Coming? Anubis pretended to think, and then suddenly smiled and said, "Ah! correct! Thirty levels. how about it? Have fun? Hahahaha! "

"What does he mean?" A female player carefully asked the people around her.

The next player explained: "In our case, as long as you touch the water below, you will immediately die 30 levels, and after resurrection you will appear as a state with an evil value of over 10,000."

"So severely punished? The loss at level 30 is very serious!" The girl said in surprise.

Another player said: "It should be thirty-one levels! It is impossible to wash away 10,000 evil values. If you bring that evil value, leveling will be very hard. And it is very troublesome.

Kill once and directly lose thirty-one levels and then practice back, so it's faster. "

"Thirty-one levels!" The fourth player sighed. "I have more than 800 levels now, but dropping 31 levels is equivalent to going back to more than 790 levels and re-finding the most difficult bottleneck in that period.

With Anubis' warning, the people on board were much more honest. Obviously, the loss of thirty levels plus ten thousand evil value is enough to scare most people. Of course, there is nothing to scare. At least i am one of them

Can't be scared. Styx! Which is better than the sea of ​​silence? If I guess the ground is good, this Styx River will eventually converge into the sea of ​​silence, which means that its composition should be roughly the same

of. Since I fell into the sea of ​​silence last time, there is no problem. The Styx River should not pose a threat to me. Of course, it is better to stand on the boat when it is not necessary, meaningless

It's not worth the risk. One more thing, I was not affected by the Sea of ​​Silence last time. I guess it may be because my evil value is too high, and the Sea of ​​Silence full of evil forces considers me to belong to the same

Sexual material, so it is completely offensive to me. But in the state of whitewashing now, it will definitely be finished. Think about it or hurry to summon II. According to the attributes, II can be at any time

Help me change the attributes of evil and justice. It is better to switch to evil attributes now.

Find a quiet corner and let II help to change the attributes. The process is very simple. As long as I and II are right next to each other with their right index fingers, then our two attributes are suddenly changed. However, according to Anubis, it should be that I was replaced with an evil attribute, and II has not changed, but now there is an exchange. After I became an evil attribute, II was actually whitewashed. Probably the reason

It was because of too many evil values ​​in me that led to the evolution of the second generation more than Anubis expected, so there was an out-of-range situation.

After the exchange, I withdrew II, and then I saw that no one around me noticed me, and began to carefully move towards the cabin entrance. This is a spaceship. If you can get its core technology, right

The role of our guild is not small. The anti-gravity device used today consumes too much energy. It would be great if there were gods that can be driven by the magic power of the mage.

Carefully moved to the door, and confirmed the position of the several gods with the ship again. Fortunately, they were all at the bow. I am here at the stern, which is relatively safe. While others are not paying attention,

I suddenly opened the cabin door and flashed in.

This is just the entrance room of the lower cabin. There are no people in it, only a few wooden barrels piled up. There is a downward staircase in the center of the room. I did not step on the stairs and slid down the handrail. Here is the boat

Cabin area. At first glance, there were rooms, probably the crew barn. Continue down the stairs, and the result is the same cabin area. I slipped down one more level, and as soon as I entered, the situation was the same as above.

It's different.

There is sound ahead. I dodged behind a huge pillar on the side. Two Death Corps soldiers that looked like Anubis climbed up the stairs and almost saw me. After they got up, I reached out and looked at it. This floor is full of thick pillars. There is no room. It looks like a cargo hold, but there is light shining in the center of the hold. column

There are too many sons and I can't see anything in the center. Just seeing a strong light source over there.

Move carefully between the pillars, and gradually move closer to the center. Soon I realized the secret hidden in the middle. There is a golden hover there, there is nothing around this ball, just it

Suspended there by myself. Slowly rotating while emitting bright golden light.

"Ayo, the energy is running out. You can ask the three shifts to make substitutions." A voice came from across the light ball.

"Got it, I'll close it first, you guys." Another voice sounded, and then a guy who looked like a priest came out from the opposite side, and I hurriedly hid behind the pillar. that

A guy walked up the stairs from which I came down, and then I hurried towards the farther post. Soon after I hid, the guy walked down with some others.

One of them bald after the guys came to the light ball: "Okay, we're going to relay, you're ready to withdraw."

"Okay. We're ready." The voice across from him replied.

With a bald head, he took a few people together and chanted the spell, then suddenly raised both hands at the same time, each person shot a golden light band on each palm, which was connected to the golden light ball.

After that, the light band connecting the group of people and the light ball disappeared automatically, and then all of them came out.

"That's right. It's exhausting. Well, let's go to rest." The leader of the group left with the others, while the newcomers continued to enter the light ball with a yellow light. These are obviously

Control personnel of the ship. And they are all very high-level mages, maybe even some very low-level gods. The light ball in the middle should be the power unit of the ship, but it seems that I want to steal this thing

Not easy. First I'm not sure if this thing is the drive. Secondly, what if I take this thing and the spacecraft sinks? I do n’t care about the water of the Styx, but here

Getting lost in such places is troublesome. After thinking about it, I decided to give up the theft plan. The target value is uncertain, the danger is uncertain, and the **** may be offended for this purpose. The overall analysis result is very unsettled

Count. Carefully returned in the same way, but when the second-floor cabin was heard, there was a sound of a door opening, apparently someone came down. Here is a straight passage, there is no place for Tibetans at all,

In a hurry, I ran to the nearest cabin and pushed the door, but it was locked. Quickly change the opposite door, but fortunately there is no lock here. After entering, quickly closed the door and glanced at the room


goods. So lucky! and many more. goods? What will be the goods delivered by the gods? treasure?

There were more than thirty boxes large and small in the room, and I carefully walked to one of them and looked around. The box is locked and the structure is complicated, there seems to be a light red light

Mang was walking outside the box, probably with a magic seal.

Open Fenglong space and called out Ling. "Shh, don't make a noise, help me see if the magic protection above can be turned on?"

Ling simply looked at him and said, "This is a very powerful seal, but it is not external."

"The seal is not to prevent anyone from opening the box. If you want, this seal has no effect on you. Its function is to prevent the contents of the box from opening the box by itself.

It should be loaded with something very dangerous, and this kind of thing also has a sense of autonomy, at least there is some supervisory thinking, otherwise there is no need to add such a seal. "

"Is it dangerous inside?"

Ling nodded, but then shook his head again. "Not necessarily. The Temple of Darkness has done this before, and put such a seal on the storage of important treasures to deceive some knowledgeable ones.

Local people. With such a seal, the more masters the more afraid to move. "

Ling makes sense. A heavily armed soldier would be frightened by a heavy machine gun. But primitive people do n’t. This does n’t mean that primitive people are better than soldiers. It just means that soldiers are higher.

some. Such a seal has the same effect. Only a master can recognize how powerful this seal is, and the more you know about it, the less you dare to touch it. But I know it's possible

, I was really scared. In case that seal is not used to confuse people, but it is really pretending that something should not be released, am I not going to suffer?

"Ling, does the backbone of the backbone have the same seal?"

"It's all the same."

"Okay, I see." Open Fenglong Space and let Ling Qiang go, then I carefully walked to the door and listened to the sound outside. The person who just came down should go down to the floor cabin. outer

There is no sound anymore. I carefully opened a slit and glanced at the situation outside. Fortunately, there was no problem. Open the station quickly flashed outside, and sure enough, no one. Run to the floor

Quickly grabbed the entrance cabin above the ladder. First open a seam, then look at the outside. Make sure no one pays attention here before I got out. Pretend to be slowly swaying out of nothing

Come, then walk to the side of the ship, and move a little bit towards the bow. No one seems to be acting.

This **** ship is too mysterious, with special power units and strange boxes apparently, but none of them dare to move.

The spacecraft sailed above the Styx for almost an hour before finally reaching its destination. There is a big difference between this place and the place where we boarded. The ground here is not rock, but sand. Look out from here

It is a vast desert, as if returning to the surface world. There is another difference here: the top of the cave is very high. Or there is no cave top at all, anyway, there is only a dark top,

Can't see anything at all.

The spacecraft landed on the edge of the desert and put us all down, and the gods came down. After we all got down, Cohopra stood on the boat and said to us: "Here is you

Where we are about to start testing, now get the pointer from the gods you lead. "

After Cohopra said those gods started to put some small things to the players in charge, Anubis also gave us one each. This thing is a golden ball. I'm doing it anyway

It's not clear what it does.

Cohopra continued after seeing that everyone got it: "The things in your hands are the pointing needles that point to the end point. The next test is only to identify the direction by him.

Just take it out in the direction of the goal, and then meditate on the signpost in your heart. It will give you directions. Your task is simple, go in the direction pointed by the pointing needle. At the end of you

You can see a teleportation array, walk up and teleport back to complete the test. There are no personnel restrictions for this test, and everyone here will always take the test. You can use in the test

Props or summoned creatures can help, and riding on the magic pet completely depends on passing, and if you think it is necessary, attack other participants, we will not bother. All in all

You decide for yourself that as long as you can return from the transfer point within the time limit, you are eligible. "A huge hourglass suddenly rose from the sand. Cohopra pointed at the hourglass and said:" This is the timing

Device, your pointing ball can also help you see the throne of the seal of time remaining, by meditation of the word throne of the seal of time. Your time is limited to six hours for the Seal of the Throne. It must be completed before this, otherwise

Eliminated. Well, what else do other gods have to add? "

Anubis approached Cohopra and said to us: "Remember, we are allowed to attack each other, but we are not encouraged to attack each other. You are therefore delayed because the Seal of the Seal of God cannot complete the test. The road is difficult, we are not trying to test your mobility, don't think that you can run fast. Let me remind you that the desert in front of you is not fancy

It's so easy to go, so be careful. Well, testing starts now. "

With Anubis's words, the huge hourglass turned over, the gravel started to fall, but the degree was very slow, and the test was over when six hours later it was all over.

One thousand Xin players present here saw the hourglass turned over and all hurriedly started the pointing ball. I was no exception, only to see a golden arrow appear in front of each of us. and

The arrows point in the same direction, deep in the desert ahead.

An anxious player first summoned the mount to step over. The weird creature with streaks all over it ran into trouble as soon as it ran twenty meters. The desert is completely quicksand, no wonder Anu

Biss says the desert is not as simple as it seems. The player's mount rushed too fast, and the situation was not right, and it was too late to turn back, and soon got trapped. Fortunately this guy is smarter, step on

Jumped out of the mount. His mount was swallowed in by quicksand, but he jumped out himself.

With this lesson learned, later generations have also learned. A player summoned a Pegasus, then rode on it and flew out proudly, but he just flew to the position where the player had just suffered

Over the sky. Pegasus suddenly planted it. The Pegasus that fell into the quicksand encountered the same situation as the previous mount. In the sand, they could not move at all, and quickly fell down. he

The evaluation is the same, but the mount is finished.

Several clever mage players released magical creatures and experimented in the past. The results proved that there is a forbidden area above the quicksand. Nothing can fly here. Large group of players gather

Looking back and forth anxiously at the junction of quicksand and solid sandy land, the quicksand now seems to extend to both sides indefinitely. There is no place to go around.

Many people have many ideas. Just when everyone was at a loss, a player suddenly made a strange move. This soldier has two big listings like me, and he is very smart

A piece was thrown on the quicksand, but now the listing was not sinking, so he carefully stood up, the listing sank slightly, but did not sink. He immediately excited another shield

The card is placed in front of this card, then step on the card in front of it, then turn around and take the previous card. In this way, the shields are laid forward alternately.

Although quicksand can easily get things into it, its essence is the same as that of soft snow. As long as you understand how to disperse pressure, you won't get stuck. This soldier's method is slower, but

It does work.

Enlightened by this person, a large number of players followed suit. But it's not all. Shielded occupations only have individual classifications of warriors and knights, and not every knight and warrior can

Bring two pieces of cards, so this method has a limited range of use, but there are three Zhuge Liang who can top one. There are more than a thousand people here, which is equivalent to hundreds of Zhuge Liang. The new approach came out soon.

This is a mage professional player, he lay awkwardly on the edge of quicksand, and then tried to roll around, but the result did not fall, so he rolled forward and walked like this

And soon caught up with those who had shields in front. It was very troublesome to move the two shields back and forth. Rolling on the ground is much faster than them, and this method is not enough

Yaguan, but very simple, is a personal city. So there were more than a thousand players tumbling along the ground in the desert, and the scene was really spectacular.

Although most people have adopted the simple and convenient method of rolling, it is not all. There are only a dozen people left, and three of them gave up directly because they felt like this

Very uncivilized. The thinking of girls really differs from that of men. The remaining ones showed their magical powers. One of them actually took out a strange big parcel and summoned a puppet

A toad like a tortoise blows for him, and soon the package unfolds completely, turning into a huge ball.

I have seen this in reality, and many playgrounds have it. It consists of two layers of transparent spheres filled with space in the middle, and then people drill into the center of the layer of spheres inside. With this thing you can

Any quicksand, snow, or even water walking, and your cows will not hurt if you jump in and jump off the cliff. Special forces seem to be equipped with this, too, for fast escape from special mountain terrain. I didn't expect this player to have this kind of thing in the game, but it was obviously humbler than in reality, as if it was sewn out of some animal's airbag. Anyway, this thing is better than rolling

Service, and the speed is very fast. After the guy got in, he started to run forward quickly. The sphere was affected by the people inside and rolled forward. The huge sphere dispersed the pressure and was in the sand.

No response at all. Like the hamster in a hamster ball, he ran away with the ball all the way, and the speed of the previous two methods is unknown.

Anubis told Cohopra: "Now the players are getting more and more powerful. I did not expect that such a tool would bring them."

Cohopra also said: "I hope to choose the right person, otherwise things will not be easy."

After seeing the guy running out, I looked at the person who was still standing, and then laughed. The remaining people are almost the same magic pet master, it seems that our profession is really promising. The demon pet masters summoned their own pets. One of the guys summoned a giant water spider, this kind of thing can walk on the water ahead of the huge foot pressure structure, let alone quicksand. Another guy actually summoned a sand scorpion, which was almost a quicksand prince. The magic pets' magic pets appeared one by one, and finally came to me.

When the trailblazer's huge body appeared, everyone around him was taken aback. Although the volume is not equal to strength, the large magic pet is generally not too bad. Because my attributes were exchanged with Niseko,

The Blazers have also changed back to black.

Under my command, the trailblazer's huge body slid into the quicksand like a snake, exposing only a long strip at the top of the spine. I walked to the trailblazer ’s head. There is a flat place here.

Suitable for standing ~ ~ Alright, go ahead. "

The huge body of the trailblazer is spread on the quicksand like a cricket. Although the volume is huge, the pressure on the surface of the quicksand is actually not as good as humans, so there is no need to worry about getting trapped.

The Blazers rushed forward after his order. Although he is usually only responsible for making holes, in fact, the trailblazers are not slow. This time, he can be seen thoroughly by me and the people around me.

What is the real desert ark. Oh no. He is not a desert ark, but a desert speedboat.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the trailblazer ran across the desert like an arrow, and the gravel on both sides was blown up like a water spray, forming two killing waves, while the trailblazers remained behind

A big sand ditch. I stood on the Trail Blazers as if I was skateboarding, directing him all the way forward, and people who were behind in a few minutes were left behind. I'm proud to look back and look away

The other players in the human body suddenly vibrated violently at the foot, and at the same time, a sound boomed in front of me, and the whole person was flung out by inertia.

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