Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 123: Branch

"Damn, what did you hit?" I tumbling on the sand and fell out dozens of meters before I stopped. But I didn't dare to stand up, and my feet were covered with quicksand. I would surely fall together when I came together.

The Blazer's belly was lying on the sand next to him, his body was still unconsciously twisting, and it seemed that he was not hit lightly. I quickly summoned Rose Vine and Yeyue for help. Rose vine is also a master of punching, and there will be no problem on the quicksand. Yeyue's big tail is also more suitable for quicksand environment, at least she will not sink.

With the help of Rose Vine, the Blazers were turned over, but he had been stunned by the bump, and the next trip seemed to miss him.

I was thinking of other ways. The sand in front of me suddenly shook violently. The quicksand ground is easy to sink in even in normal times, and it is even more dangerous in the shaking. Even if I am lying on the ground, I still start to sink.

"How did it happen?"

Rose vines conveyed the message directly through contact. "The epicenter is thirty meters away and is heading straight ahead."

When I fell down, I turned around, and now we should be in the right direction. Thirty meters means that the distance is not too far. Does it mean that we just hit this thing just now?

Ye Ying smiled and looked over there: "It looks like a big guy?"

"Rose Vine, a tentative attack."

Two rattans suddenly rose from the sand, then entangled with each other to form a spear-like structure, and slammed into the target location. The sharp tip of the rattan rattled under the sand, then stopped. After waiting for a few seconds, the rattan suddenly started to move under the sand, and even the upper part was pulled and moved.

The rose vine was clearly the target. But the other side actually started to run away, and also ran with the rose vine. Rose Vine Xun unfolded his branches to hold as much quicksand as possible, so the resistance would rise significantly. The two rattans were stretched and stretched straight, then a sand spring suddenly sprayed in the sand. Immediately afterwards, with a huge throat cry, a huge monster's head stuck out of the ground.

"It's really big!"

"It seems to be a close relative of the Red Thorn." Yeyue sighed.

"Red thorns, tanks, come out and help."

The opponent is a giant arthropod, very large, and tanks are completely a class thing. As soon as the tank appeared, it spread its wings and wanted to fly, but now it was unable to leave the ground. I hurriedly reminded them that there is a no-air zone here and they cannot fly. Tank Xun, who had given up flying, fixed himself on the sand by stretching his limbs. Although he would still sink down, his huge body didn't care about this small sinking.

Compared to the tank, the red thorns seemed more calm. Although the size is as huge. However, the body of the red thorn is obviously much smaller, so it will not be trapped too much, plus its long legs. There's nothing wrong with getting stuck.

"Take that thing." I pointed forward.

The monster under the sand growled suddenly, then rushed towards the tank frantically. The front foot of the tank swept fiercely, with a bang, the monster was blown out horizontally several hundred meters away before landing. After the guy landed, he quickly turned over, and rushed over with a faster speed. The red thorn's huge tail erects. After the continuous sound of crickets, a row of red steel thorns more than three meters long was added to the sand in front, and the monster's head was also nailed with a steel thorn, which was screaming and rolling.

The tank unfolded in place. The magic crystal launcher protrudes from the back, and the translucent crystal tube gradually lights up. When the shot tube reached the threshold, a bang, a purple light ball flew out, but the monster pulled the steel stab inserted in his head at that instant, and then flashed to the side with a lightning degree. Go out.

boom. A storm of sand and dust stormed across, and then there was a large pit on the ground, but the monster was not nearby.

Yeyue responded the fastest: "Be careful. He dived."

Almost immediately after Yeyue said, a sandbag suddenly swelled on the ground not far away, and then the sandbag rushed towards us. The shooter on the tank's back turned quickly. But Yeyue shouted: "It's too late, avoid it first." The tank reluctantly moved to the side.

The red thorn is more flexible than the tank, and suddenly jumps after flashing out a distance. Although it is forbidden to jump here, it is not forbidden to jump. The red thorns flying to the midair shot a row of steel needles downwards, and the sandbag was instantly tied into a hedgehog and stopped moving. The tank spotted a chance and a magic crystal shell flew over with a loud noise, and a green liquid fluttered along with the gravel.

"Good red thorn." I gave the red thorn a thumb. "What needle do you use? Does it work well?"

"It is a sluggish toxin, and the degree of poisoning becomes slower after poisoning. Because there are more hits, the target completely stops."

"Very good." I summoned Fenglong Space to take everyone back first, and then shouted to take the red thorn forward.

Although the Red Thorn is not a degree-type magic pet, or a mount-type magic pet, he can adapt to the desert environment. Moreover, he is very large and not slow, so he really does not run much slower than a regular mount. While the others behind us have not caught up, we have already taken the road one step ahead, and use the pointing ball to confirm that there is no problem in the downward direction and immediately move forward.

The quicksand area doesn't seem to be long in itself, and the red thorns ran away within a few minutes. The terrain of this ghost place has no regularity at all. The desert terrain suddenly turned into a rocky ground on a dividing line. The red thorn screamed as soon as it stepped on, and then hurried back.

"What's wrong?" I asked Redthorn.

The red thorns tried this black rocky ground again with one front leg, but immediately pulled back. "The ground is hot, I can't run on it."

"Hot?" I quickly jumped off the back of the red thorn and walked to the edge of the rocky ground. I took some water from Fenglong Space and poured it on the rocks in front. As soon as the water touched the rocks, Dora started to resound; a lot of white water mist began to form. "Good guy, it's not too cold!"

Redthorn said: "I'm not that kind of spoiled creature. I can handle below three Baidu, but this is beyond my limit."

"It doesn't matter, this is not a problem. You go back to Fenglong Space first, and by the way call Night Shadow out."

What is the high temperature? Nightmare is a creature that steps on fire. Natural fire immunity, what is the temperature.

Night Shadow whistled as soon as it came out. "Wow! It's so hot!"

"I won't look for you if it's not in a high temperature area. Now I'm in a hurry to seal the throne of the Seal of God, and rush through it as fast as possible." I said after jumping on Yeying's back.

Ye Ying snorted, then suddenly jumped on the hot rocks and ran forward. As I expected, Yeying didn't care about such a temperature.

The high-temperature rock area was less than one kilometer, and then a magma area appeared. The magma here is different from the previous ones. There are still many rock blocks in the magma river that are higher than the magma and can be used as tower feet. Night Shadow rushed past in unison with an accurate pace. Although the strange territory here deprives Night Shadow of his ability to fly, his perfect bounce ability is still enough to cope with such a small trouble.

Because I don't know how far the final destination is from here, I didn't dare to delay time along the way. As fast as you can. Who knows if six hours is enough?

After jumping over one hundred meters over the lava river, the rocky zone is over. The transition here was as sudden as the last time the desert was over to a rocky area. The hot rocky area suddenly entered the crisp grass. Along the endless prairie. You can only see a mountain in the distance. Using the pointing ball again, the result is still a hint forward, if no accident, it must be near the mountain. But as the saying goes, Wangshan ran a dead horse. When you saw the mountain, the distance was actually very far, not to mention the current look. That mountain is just a faint shadow, I really don't know how far it will actually be.

Yeying looked at Shanying in the distance and said, "Would you really like to get there? It would take about an hour to run at my pace!"


"I'm a mount-like pet, I can't even see the distance. Isn't that alive?"

Ye Ying said that the distance is really close. After thinking about it for a long time, nothing seemed to work out. When encountering monsters, you can rely on everyone to cooperate with each other to defeat the enemy, but there is nothing here, it is a long distance, there is no other way than to run honestly.

I was thinking, and suddenly felt that Ye Ying's running state was a bit wrong. The bumpy running just now suddenly became smooth, and this situation only occurred after Ye Ying left the ground. The nightmare as a nightmare can fly, but it is unable to fly only because it is suppressed by the forbidden space here. But now he flew up again, that is to say that it is not affected by that area.

"Can fly here?"

Ye Ying nodded: "Of course, otherwise, what do you think I am doing now?"

"Flying birds." Summon Fenglong again to release the birds, and then jump directly onto his back while moving. "Yingying, you come first." Yeying Xun jumped into Fenglong space. I patted the birds and pointed at the mountains in front. "Hurry up, use your quickest rush."

"Then you have to catch it." Asuka said, his body suddenly rolled a few times in a row, and he rose sharply. I saw the muscles of the four jet ejection inlets on his wings suddenly contracted, narrowing the jet openings. The high-temperature gas was all gathered together, and a bright white flame of seven or eight meters long was ejected from the jet, and the sound sounded like the cloth was torn.

"Sound assault." The flame behind the bird turned from white to an almost transparent flame with orange-red, and our degree suddenly increased several times. The huge wind pressure made it difficult for me to breathe, but for the sake of degree I didn't want to To disturb the birds, try to endure first.

I knew that this situation should be closed first. This time, it ’s okay. The air intake of the bird in the high state has almost drained the air around us, even if it is now and the helmet is of little significance. .

Although the night shadow is fast enough, the four legs are still not as good as the jet thruster. Asuka led me straight into the mountains like a missile, leaving a huge vacuum column behind us to lift the dirt on the ground. Where we flew on the ground was like being plowed, and a wide ditch was pointing in the direction we were flying.

This is where the game starts. The gods of Egypt are gathering together to watch a bunch of images floating in the air. The people in these images are those of us who participated in the test, and each of them has a picture to follow, but one of the big pictures shows the high-moving me and Asuka.

Cohopra said with relief: "It seems that this time I really met high-quality personnel, and Rashen has Hiking this time."

Anubis reverently said, "We don't know where His Highness has been teleported now. I am afraid that a victor alone cannot retrieve His Highness?"

The **** of wisdom said: "That's why I proposed to set up such a project. We just screen out unqualified people, but do not limit the number of winners. Of course, it is best if there are many people who meet the requirements. But we must not risk sending unqualified people into the Sacred River Holy Land. "

Anubis nodded: "Are there any special instructions for His Royal Highness?"

Tetu said: "His Royal Highness didn't say anything, but His Highness the Sun was in a deep sleep, and the Holy Land repelled us, so we can only get rid of it."

"Hmm ...!" Cohopra sighed. "It's too ridiculous to pull this kid anyway. I think of it and look for the source of the beginning. This is good. The source was not found, and I even took it in. Anubis, do you mean it?"

Anubis said awkwardly: "No matter what, His Highness the Sun or the leader, as subordinates we have no right to discuss his behavior. Lord Scarab's status is naturally no problem. We are really ..."

Tetu smiled and said, "It turns out that Anubis also has rules?"

Teto's wife, the goddess of truth, Maart said, "I know why Anubis is so serious."

Teto smiled and said, "I know that."

Cohopra said aloofly: "Can't your younger generation be at peace? Now that you have worked hard to find the disappearance of the holy land in Laihe River, I am complaining about him, but the rescue operation must be done."

Anubis' eyes returned to the picture. "This kid's degree is almost invisible, and at this degree he may become the only person who completes the whole journey in two hours."

Tetu nodded his head and said, "One-third of the time, the Seal of God will complete the whole process. This result is really unexpected!"

Suddenly Maart said to Tetu: "It's only twenty minutes now, and I don't think it will take two hours at this time. As long as his performance is just as good, he should be out in one hour and thirty. "

Cohopra told Anubis: "I now start to wonder if you guys can complete the whole journey faster than him."

"That's for sure. How can we be gods?" Anubis said confidently.

Tetu reminded: "Don't be proud. What a mortal is proud of. It's time to set the most critical level. If this guy is confused, then we really can't count on it. I hope so good Do n’t be fooled. "

Anubis said: "Although we are gods, we are not omnipotent. At least the human mind is not under our control. So, let us take a look at what qualities this guy has."

The flying bird on the prairie suddenly lost power and took me to the ground. I put away the birds in mid-air, and the whole person rolled on the ground, slipped out and stopped. "Weird, Fei really fell off!"

I was complaining to myself. I didn't expect anyone to respond, and the voice was still familiar. No one except Anubis could make that hoarse voice. "You fell just because you entered the area of ​​the airspace."


"it's me."

"Do you have anything else?" How to say Anubis is also one of the referees and must be dealt with carefully.

Anubis said: "Just to give you a task reminder, everyone who arrives here will receive the same reminder."

"Okay, let's talk, I listen."

Anubis' voice said: "From here you have one more choice. You can choose to continue to reach the destination according to the general mission process, or to get a mission reward, and then reach the end point from another road. Of course It ’s okay for you to return here after receiving the rewards to complete the normal task flow, but I want to tell you that this is the worst choice because it is the most time-consuming route of the Seal of the Throne. "

"What's the difference between a regular route and a rewarded route?"

"There are many differences and they are ubiquitous. The obstacles encountered by the two routes are different in order, type and quantity, but the general route is relatively simple. Although the actual distance of the reward route is shorter than the ordinary route, the difficulty is also relatively difficult Increased, so it takes more time to complete the Seal of the Throne. However, the reason the reward route is called the reward route is that he can get extra rewards for completing it. Although I can't tell you what it is, it is absolutely great. Reward. "Anubis snapped his fingers, and a stone gate suddenly rose on the ground. From here, you can see a downward tunnel. "This is the entrance to the reward route. Once you walk in, the direction pointed by the ball will automatically jump to the route map of the reward route. If you don't want the reward route, just go straight in the current direction. Well, it's up to you to choose it. "

Anubis' consciousness returned to the place where the test started, and then looked at me in the picture and said, "Look at this!"

In the picture, I looked at the mountains in the distance, then looked at the tunnel, and finally rushed into the tunnel without hesitation. The gods watching here screamed at almost the same time. Teto was disappointed: "It's finished!"

Cohopra also said: "It seems we have to think of another way, or hope that qualified people will appear among the remaining people."

Anubis said: "I don't have to give up directly."

"Do you have any ideas?" Cohopra asked.

Anubis said, "Maybe he's here?"

"How is that possible?" Cohopra asked. "The distance is less than one kilometer, but the danger of this road is at least ten times the normal route, and it is really human to reach him."

"Maybe a miracle will happen ~ ~ Anubis surely said.

I did n’t know Anubis when they entered the tunnel. They were arguing for me. At this time, I was thinking deeply about the rewards while going deep into the tunnel. The rewards of the previous qualifiers are good. The first level of this regular test is not too bad to want to reward.

The tunnel is not very deep. It doesn't take too long to feel the temperature drop linearly. After a while, a huge underground space appears. Where I stood was a protrusion on a cliff that looked like a balcony. Below this stone platform is the abyss of the magnificent, which can not be seen at all, and it also has the feature of forbidden air. There is only one ice-snow path on the platform except the entrance I came up to. This channel extends from the platform and connects to places invisible from a distance.

It seems that this channel is the only one that can go, but its danger is indeed high enough. On the one hand, the ice channel is completely suspended and there are no supports below. On the other hand, the channel is too narrow and its width is less than one foot. With such a narrow width, there is still such a long distance, and what is worse is that it is composed of ice. One foot wide is dangerous enough. You have to walk on ice.

Or not? This is a problem!

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