Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 37: Magic sound

We were in doubt, and suddenly there was a horseshoe in the back. Looking back, I only saw the life cavalry coming along the road. The leading cavalry, I know, is the captain who just met in the city's main government house. They screamed immediately after seeing us, and we watched in wonder as they rushed to us. The captain immediately jumped down and took a scroll out of the armor and handed it to me. "Fortunately to catch up."

"what is this?"

"That's it." The captain of the cavalry team explained: "Because several of them just came to inquire about the task that the team took, our city owner thought about the task of cloth at that time, but after speaking with you, he felt like where No, I checked some written records and it turned out that I was wrong. "

"What? Wrong mission?"

"Yeah." The captain said a little angrily: "It's all blame the careless clerk, the city owner's task is to find higher iron ore, but the clerk took the wrong task scroll. This is their scroll."

"Our Lord of the City checked the mission record, and now it is taken away the task of finding the stone of blessing. This task cannot be completed with the quality of that team's personnel. Although the clerk has accepted the punishment, the problem is that the team has already It was out, so Lord Lord of the City hopes that you can rescue them if possible. I have to go back to my life and say goodbye. "The captain ran away with a hand and hurriedly.

Gold Coin said: "I said how to send such a terrible task to such a small bank, and it was a wrong task for half a day."

I thought about it and said, "I don't think this is the case, because the system does not know that we will come to these people two days after the mission, so it is impossible to envision our rescue during the previous mission. The system will not deploy Tasks that cannot be completed, according to this situation, it is inferred that the original settings should be possible. So I think things are probably like this. What they originally received was this task, but the difficulty was slightly higher. It is likely that they will encounter what The special situation of the land monster is not at home, so that the task can be completed. However, because of our sudden appearance, the task difficulty has increased, and the city owner sent a new task scroll to explain that we are also included. In this case, the task difficulty is based on Our comprehensive strength is calculated. With me, it is estimated that the difficulty of the task will rise to unimaginable levels. "

Crystal Flame also said: "The openness of" Zero "is too high. Many players apply for a task with a small number of people, and then take a large group of people to do the task. They want to take advantage of the system. As a result, the system will temporarily increase the difficulty and create trouble for those people. I am ashamed. I think the system counts us as foreign aid this time. I have never encountered such a highly intelligent main system before. It can actually drill players. "

In the previous online games, players tried to find ways to use the system ug to drill holes. Since the IQ of the main system of "Zero" was too high, the situation was reversed. The intelligence of the system has become more human, and it is impossible to drill into him. Although this system still has ug. But as long as you use ug, it will definitely be found. The main system will immediately dynamically modify the data to supplement the ug. At the same time, special measures will be taken to offset the effect of the ug that has been drilled. For example, there was a player who previously used a place called Forest Holy Land to draw lucky value, and it was a permanent lucky value. It will not be eliminated automatically because of the length of the Seal of Time. The ug was replenished within three hours of his use. After that, he was met with a task temporarily set by the system. As a result, he was intermediately cursed in the task, and all the lucky luck was returned to the curse. Nothing is brushed.

In fact, the system is quite reasonable, he allows others to use ug, but not excessive. As long as the impact is not too exaggerated, he will usually travel. You use this ug once as a reward for your current ug, but the situation like that man who brushed lucky for over a hundred is a typical greed.

Anyway, now we are included in the task, if the team that does not hurry to support the chance of survival is infinitely close to zero.

"What now?" The gold coin asked me.

"To save people, what can we do!"

Since we knew the route in advance, our progress was quite fast, and we soon reached the gate of the Di Mo Grotto. This is actually a small cave, nothing special. But because there are no animals nearby, I judge that there are really troublesome things inside. But we were planning to go in, and suddenly we heard a messy roar coming from the hole. And apparently came towards the hole. "Everyone be careful." As I reminded, I put on a defensive posture, and everyone else stood up to prepare for defense. In fact, only me, real red, gold coins, and crystal flames can really fight here. Bingbing is purely auxiliary. The combat effectiveness of Bingling is negligible. Whatever the crystal princess's organ can think of, it cannot be like fighting.

Just when everyone was ready to defend against attacks. That voice finally reached the entrance. Because the outside light is good, the inside of the hole looks relatively dark, and we can't see what's inside, we can only judge by sound that the other party is approaching. Suddenly, a large group of monsters rushed out of the darkness of the cave. Most of these things were upright creatures walking on two legs, but their bodies and heads grew strangely. The monsters are tall, thin, and thin, and they have all kinds of weird heads on their shoulders. The heads of these monsters are not like the heads of mammals, but rather some kind of birds. In front of the round head there was a wide, sharp mouth. Of course, not all monsters have the same head. A few monsters have insect-like or weird shapes.

The monsters are not naked, they are all dressed. Most of the monsters with short stature have a section of animal skin around their waists, while taller and stronger monsters usually have a coat, and a few have shoes, pants, or even a scarf. In addition to clothes, the monsters also have weapons. Although most of them only hold rusty broken knives, they have weapons in the end, and a few monsters also carry shiny high-end weapons.

Seeing so many monsters rushing at first glance really surprised us. Everyone immediately moved closer to each other to form a defensive circle, protecting Bingbing and Crystal Princess who could not be directly in the middle. However, just as we were carefully guarded and ready to fight, the monsters howled and ran away from us as if we didn't exist. Some monsters were waving their arms while running, like crazy.

We all stood stupidly, watching nearly ten thousand monsters rushing past us, but none of them wanted to attack us. True red and gold coins looked at me with an inexplicable expression, and I could only respond to them with a blank expression.

"This ...? What the **** is going on?" Bingling asked.

I wasn't quite sure: "It looks like they are fleeing something. There might be stronger monsters chasing them."

"Will it be the land demon?" Gold Coin asked.

"Isn't it possible?" The popular way: "Why are the monsters going into the cave if the demons are so powerful? They shouldn't be so embarrassed if they take the initiative to attack the demons?"

I nodded and said, "Those monsters don't look like they are attacking. They are like the demons."

Bingbing wanted to say, "If you say that, what would drive them out ...?"

"That guild?" We all shouted out almost together.

"Isn't it possible?" As soon as he shouted the coins, he began to doubt. "Do they have this ability?"

Zhenhong also said: "The probability of a monster running away is very low. It is even rarer to defend the old nest. Who have you seen when the other party runs with his younger brother when playing oss?"

"It's better to go in here and guess," Bingling suggested.

We took the suggestion and started walking carefully into the hole. I just can't see the inside because the light difference is too big, it feels much better when you come in. The hole was actually bright. At least it does not affect our observation of the surrounding environment.

The hole is a very ordinary hole with a width of about ten meters and a height of about four meters. There are many poor roads in the cave, but under the condition of each other, in fact, it is the same way. The whole hole is extending downwards, the **** is not large, but it keeps going down. The bottom of the final hole may be quite deep.

We were walking, and there was another strange noise in front of us. Judging from the figure is that kind of monster, and this time the number is larger. The echoes inside the cave sounded rather messy. Zhenhong frowned. "How does this sound like a cry?"

"So do I." Bingbing echoed.

As the voice got closer, I quickly asked everyone to form a defensive circle against the cave wall again, but obviously our actions were wasted again. This group of monsters, like the previous batch, completely ran us beside us as transparent people. However, the main group of monsters are different from the previous group, mainly they are more embarrassed and lose their helmets and armors one by one. Throw all the way. And when they passed by us, we could hear their cry more clearly, and faintly could hear some monsters shouting "help" in strange tones.

We were even more baffled. What is it that makes them so embarrassed, it doesn't matter if you lose your helmet and armor. Have to call for help. Moreover, although these monsters seem to be weak, these two batches have already run over 20,000. If they were united. It should be a terrible power. What is cruel? It's much harder to scare 20,000 monsters than to defeat them. This deterrent is definitely very powerful.

After the monsters passed, we started to move forward. Not too far after, we encountered a relatively large space, but there was no one here, a huge ground space, except for a downstairs entrance in the center, no human hair, but everywhere on the ground It's discarded equipment, and it looks very messy here. Looking at the style of those equipment, it is probably left by the monsters just now, or it may be left by the previous monsters.

We quickly reached the ground floor entrance and entered a new space after descending a tens of meters of stairs. Here is the same passage again, and we have to move on. Not far forward, we encountered the third wave of monsters, the number of which was more than the sum of the previous two gangs, and the level of embarrassment also surpassed the first two teams. The gold coin sighed: "Good guy, this is over 40,000 to 50,000. What the **** is so good inside?"

True Red Road: "If you meet again, just grab a captive and ask?"

As if in response to the call of the true red sent us captives, three monsters actually ran over and cried. This kind of three-man order team is not a waste. It is a waste of me and real red and gold coins. The monster's strength is around 700, and the combat power is already quite strong, but it can not pose a threat to us masters. The three monsters were quickly subdued, but their emotions seemed to be very excited and they couldn't calm down.

"How did you do that?" Zhenhong kicked the monster **** around him. "This seems to be insane."

"Me too." The gold coin reluctantly gave up interrogation.

I threw what I caught onto the ground. Then he made a long **** hole in his arm with Eternity. The severe pain really made this guy recover a little bit of reason and no longer roared frantically. But as soon as he recovered, he started shouting, "Let me go, let me go, please. Please don't let me stay, let me go!"

We were all baffled by his words. How could this monster react so much?

Because we were still there for his performance, the monster thought we were unwilling to let him go. Immediately changed his words: "If you don't want to let me go, then be a good person and kill me? Please, please kill me? I don't want to hear that voice again, please!"

"Let's let you go and tell us what the **** makes you run away so crazy?"

"It's a magic sound!" The monster immediately cried and replied, "These people are even more terrible than our monsters. Their magic sounds are really powerful! Please, please let me go or kill me. ? I do n’t want to be here! I beg you. "

I didn't answer him. Instead, he continued to ask, "Tell us who else is down there?"

"In addition to the ten aliens, there are more than thirty guards. In addition, our king is still below."

"How far is it from here?"

"It's all the way down to the next step."

"Okay, you can get away." I threw him up and threw it out. The monster got up and ran out. The other two monsters still in the nerves were dealt with by real red and gold coins respectively. It is fair to provide experience without providing information.

I was a little excited about Bingbing's four magic sounds: "It seems that the ally we are trying to fight is very powerful!"

Bingbing also smiled and said, "Yeah! The level magic sound that can scare tens of thousands of monsters away must be very strong. And the other party seems to use offensive magic sounds, which is exactly what we are missing."

Bing Ling has different views. "I don't think it is an offensive magic sound, maybe it is spiritual. For example, phobia can also achieve this effect. At this time, this phobia is obviously very powerful. It can scare away monsters around 700 levels. . "

Suddenly, the crystal princess said timidly, "I have a different opinion."

"Tell me about it." I asked her with a smile.

Crystal Princess thought for a while and thought, "I know there is a difference between players, but I am also a senior magic sound engineer after all. I can hardly imagine who has such a strong sound."

The gold coin said: "But the monster clearly said that it was because of the magic sound that ran away?"

"So I think it's strange, too," replied Princess Crystal.

"Not too far anyway. Let's take a look." I took the lead to go deep into the ground.

Like the monster said, it's really not far from the bottom of the cave. We soon reached the deepest point of the passage. There is indeed a downward staircase, and the entrance of this stairway actually has a layer of looming magic barrier flickering. After a little scouting with magic, this doesn't seem to be a general defense barrier, it seems to be a noise barrier. Since there was no danger, we boldly wore it.

The one who walked in front of me crossed the barrier first, and as soon as I came over, I frowned. I instantly understood the pain of those monsters, and it was obvious that we misunderstood the meaning of that monster. There is indeed a strong magic sound here, but not magic music, but the voice of the devil.

"I depend, no matter who you are, stop me right away." I started to scream before seeing what was happening in the ground, and rushed down while covering my ears, trying to see which **** was making fun.

The entire lower layer is full of this unpleasant harsh sound, the kind of sound that exists like music, but without any sense of beauty, is even more noisy than noise. This sound is like the sound of scraping porcelain or glass with metal, and people hear it. The hairs of my body almost stood upright almost instantaneously, and a nausea rolled up from my stomach. "Spit ...!" I vomited before rushing down the stairs. Fortunately, I didn't wear a helmet for the convenience of talking on the road, and it didn't feel good to spit in the mask.

The real red coming in behind me was so surprised that she slipped down the stairs and rolled down the stairs. The destructive power of this sound can make a master of martial arts who loses the balance in rolling exercises stabilizing. To say it is a magic sound is to praise it. This sound is a hundred times more terrible than the magic sound. Zhenhong rolled all the way to the middle of the stairs, and I reached out to help her, but seeing her staring at Venus was almost hanging.

The next few girls entered the soundproofing enchantment together, and as a result almost immediately turned and ran out. I rely, why am I so stupid! At that time, you should not rush down, but you should return to it. There was no way to fight normally in this terrible voice, and the guy who made the noise was completely unresponsive to the roar I just had, and I didn't know whether to ignore me or not hear it.

"True red, are you okay? I'll take her out." I reluctantly helped Zhenhong to put her out, and once I passed that barrier, I collapsed to the ground. "Huh, it ’s a life of nine deaths! Your magic sounds can only kill people. This sound is so life-threatening. You ca n’t die. Can you create a soundproof enchantment with gold coins? Add one to each of our ears. .Going on like this has to be neurasthenia by that voice. "

Popular and weakly said to the gold coins: "Have you got a vertigo? I'm dizzy and the whole world is turning."

The gold coin took the medicine and became popular, and then said to me: "This is the level of those two people in the data? It has a limit!"

Crystal Flame also said, "Yeah! That intelligence collector also said that the opponent's strength is very good, is this considered a good strength?"

Bing Ling said: "In a sense, music is hard to hear to a certain extent and can be considered one of the strong performances, right?"

Bingbing shook his head and said, "No, right ~ ~ The sound I heard just now is so unpleasant that it is not a musical instrument at all. The innocence in the materials and the mirror are used by Guzheng and May 1st. This piece is also a traditional musical instrument in our country. Even if you find someone who can't play it, it will at best be out of tune. How can you not make such a sound? "

I also remembered being said by Bingbing. "Yeah! That's not the sound of a musical instrument at all. It sounds like some kind of metal friction sound, as if someone's talking sound is in it. Is the source of the sound a land demon? But it's wrong! If the land demon Then, those monsters who ran out were all his subordinates. It should have been known that he had this ability, so why did they scare them away? "

"Dizzy." The gold coin said, "Is there a third team below?"

"It's unlikely, the mission area will not allow two teams to appear at the same time." Crystal Flame said.

Bing Ling immediately said: "The problem is that this is not their task originally. They came here by taking the wrong scroll."

"It's hard to tell!"

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