Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 38: Senior employee

"Anyway, give us a noise barrier. I'll go down and talk about it first," I said to the gold coin.

"But I won't be a noise barrier." We all settled on the gold coin. "You can't blame me again. I am a Taoist and not a mage!"

"It doesn't matter, I still have a replacement plan." Open Fenglong space to release Yeyue, and then explain her task. Yeyue nodded, and put her face to my side. Her eyepiece flashed, and my ears and a small area around it instantly petrified. Yeyue Xun turned around and petrified my other ear again, and leaned towards Bingbing. "Since there is no sound barrier, first make a partial petrification of the ear part, and there will be no hearing after turning into a stone, and it will not be affected by the **** magic sound."

As soon as they heard Bing Bing, they immediately came to understand, and actively cooperated with Yeyue Xun's petrification. Only Crystal Flame and Crystal Princess were a little uncomfortable with large humanoid pets like Yeyue. Higher humanoid Warcraft is rare and not seen by all players.

After the petrification was over, I put away Yeyue again and took everyone down the stairs. After the ears have been petrified, there is a troublesome problem that they cannot control the balance when walking. They always feel crooked in one direction, and which side they are crooked depends on the petrified areas of the left and right ears. After all, Yeyue is not an electronic instrument, and the control of the petrochemical area is not stable, so it is unlikely to balance it. Human ears play a big role in the Qingheng mechanism. Now after the ears are petrified, they feel like walking on cotton.

As I walked down the stairs, I got used to the sense of balance by the way, and after I reached the lower floor, I realized why my shout that time just came down didn't stop the annoying magic sound. Because the hole below is a huge ground space, the space inside is extremely spacious. The man who made the noise was at least three or five hundred meters from the entrance of the cave, and he carried a loudspeaker with him. Of course the voice can fill the whole space, but my shout is not that loud.

After they came down, they hid with me behind a section of stalagmites that fell to the ground and closely observed the internal situation.

There are three groups besides us. The first group is a creature that is more than three meters tall and looks like a lizard, but can walk upright. Judging by his rocky epidermis. This is probably the land demon. There were a few little monsters behind him, but they all lay on the ground, and all of them foamed, and they seemed to be noisy.

There are two groups of players standing opposite the monster. Since the points are relatively open, it can be judged at a glance that they are not a group. One of these two groups of players is relatively small. There are only four people in total, three men and one woman, but it seems that four of them are the strongest group here. Another group of seventeen people in total, I glanced at Lima and locked the two beauties standing in the back row.

Gold coins are spread out with information files. By the way, look at the magic photos. "Target confirmation."

"Is it the two of them?" Princess Crystal whispered to me.

"It should be right. Look at the instrument they are holding. That thing is rare, and it is unlikely to be mistaken."

The crystal princess sighed: "Fortunately, I have a space ring. Otherwise, I have to hold the instrument like them all day long."

Bing Ling said: "Your organ is like a small hill. Do you consider yourself a female Titan?"

True red pointed at the first man in the seventeen team. This guy holds a steel wire bow and a crystal tube in his hand. Just like playing a violin, he puts the crystal tube on his shoulder and pulls it with a steel wire bow. That terrible magic sound is made by this **** noise-making machine. . Seeing that man was still intoxicated, but unfortunately he was not present at the scene. Everyone else was about to throw up. Thanks to this group of people's determination, if I had been crazy.

"It's our turn." The gold coins jumped out first, and I originally planned to observe the situation on the scene again. But she's gone out, and it's not good for me to hide again.

We were spotted as soon as we came out, and everyone's eyes turned around, but the disgusting man's music still kept on, as if he was even more vigorous. The only beautiful mm in the four groups across the team is constantly using my eyes to hint that I can help, but in the eyes of the land demon is a kind of relief. Although their expressions are weird, their bodies are even more weird. Blame the gold coins for being too anxious, and after observing for a while I am sure that the people at the scene are actually already anchored.

I was surprised just now, these people didn't fight in a pose. But here are all around listening to music. If the man played really well, he listened, but they still stood up against such a disgusting noise, and we can see that there was a problem. All understand now. These people don't want to listen to music, but they can't move at all.

Several of me at the same time also had problems at the same time, because as the distance approached, we had noticed the feeling of obstruction, as if walking in water with a lot of resistance. It seems that Petrochemical's own ears can only eliminate that unpleasant sound, but it has no use for magic effects. The sound made by the man was not a simple and unpleasant magic sound, it was an authentic magic sound that could lead to magic, but it was too loud.

As Bingbing responded quickly, he pulled out the flute and made a beautiful circle in his hand to get to his mouth. A burst of melodious music immediately sounded, as if the substantial resistance suddenly disappeared. As soon as the resistance disappeared, the scene was chaotic. Outside of the man among the three parties, they all immediately turned around and vomited. The man's magical effect was broken and he immediately stopped playing. What he shouted at us made me stunned. Quickly summon Yeyue.

The man took a step back nervously, but the others were still vomiting and not controlling us.

Yeyue kissed gently in my ears, and my hearing recovered instantly. After that, Yeyue went on to release the petrification for others. The crystal princess was more embarrassed. Although they were all women, Yeyue was red-faced.

The man looked up and down at us, and I looked at him again. This guy looks like a priest with a white cloth and a sword on his back. But the instrument in hand

The device is really too lethal, it will be clear by watching the group of people vomiting. His looks looked handsome at first glance, but the closer he got, the more uncomfortable and even a little disgusting.

"What about you. Are you deaf?" This guy shouted at me arrogantly.

Snapped. Grade slaps crisply, the guy was hit three times before he fell to the ground. Yeyue's body stretched between me and him, staring closely at this guy. He got up almost fiercely after he got up from the ground, but after two steps, he suddenly fell forward, and then the whole person was dragged back and hung upside down. Yeyuedi's big tail curled his feet and hung him upside down in the air. "Be polite to speak to my master."

The guy didn't take any lessons, and immediately took the green sword from his back, and stabbed Yeyue's tail. Snapped. A flash of lightning struck the palm of the gold coin, right in the middle of the guy's wrist, and his sword was immediately blown out. Yeyue rolled his feet and flung him out. A bang hit a stalagmite before falling to the ground. A big mouthful of blood was sprayed immediately.

A muscular man in the team behind the man pulled out his sword and rushed up, but was caught by the beauties around him. "Master."

At this time I noticed that everyone had vomited, but they all looked embarrassed. And all of them are face pigments, just like the poisoning.

The man who fell to the ground rolled off the ground and screamed angrily at me; he suddenly turned to look at those people. "Stupidly standing still? Give me?"

The other one standing in front looked ordinary, but the player who looked very mean was embarrassed: "But the boss, he is Ziri!"

"I call him red and black. You won't die him today. Go back and die you every day."

The girl named Ming Jing who we chose came out and said, "But we can't beat him!"

"So many of you can't deal with them? What's wrong with your dad's medical expenses?"

The girl bit her lower lip tightly, and finally turned around and stood between me and that guy, and several others also came over and stood among us. At first, the muscular male and female player said to us: "We know who you are. We also know that we are not your opponents, but we have our difficulties, and we have to offend today." She waved forward. "on."

"Sister? Do you really want to fight?" The very honest man asked. The woman did not answer, but looked at him, and the man nodded helplessly. "alright, I got it!"

Qing Xinxun crossed her zither, and two legs popped under the zither to support it on the ground. She knelt down in front of the zither, pressed her hands on the strings, and stroked to the sides. Then return your hands to the middle string and press lightly. Hum ... a simple trill. A bang with a stalagmite exploded on the spot, which scared me.

Gold coins were called out first. "I rely, this girl is an aggressive musician."

Qing Xin's second note had not yet come out, and the mirror's lute was already playing. A crisp start sound immediately formed a blue magic vortex beside her. On the surface it seemed that there was no power, but suddenly a dozen spinning flying blades flew out of the vortex. These small flying blades are not as big as half a month, and the diameter is only a dozen centimeters after turning up, but it is not fun to fly more than a dozen of these small things in the sky. Suddenly a loud sound popped out, and Fei Blade rushed towards us as if she had heard the order.

"Lightning palm." True red blocked in front of us, I just felt a red shadow flying, almost a dozen flying blades were blocked, but she suddenly called out. "Oh, I missed one!"

"I'm coming." Crystal Flame jumped over and blocked it with the sound blade in his hand. At that moment, a cloud of Mars burst into the air with a crisp sound, and the flying blade was hit and flew out into the ground.

Ming Jing Xun changed the rhythm of the pipa. The flying blades blocked by the real red all flew up and flew back, but the flying blade that was hit by the ground with the crystal flame was slightly slower, because it was inserted too deeply for a while Not coming out. Der Spiegel also noticed this situation, turning the direction and aligning it to strengthen the rhythm of the instrument. Just when the flying blade was about to fly out, Zhenhong suddenly fell from the air and hit a punch on the flying blade. "Don't think about it."

There was a muffled noise, and the ground shook. After the complete set of the real weapon, the bonus power of the true red jackhammer arm is 3 tons, plus its own attributes. The base value of one-arm hitting force is four and a half tons. This punch not only failed to fly, but was shot deeper into the ground. However, the punch seemed to be too hard, and Zhen Hong punched the flying blade into the ground, and her fist also went into half. To the elbows under the ground. Zhenhong didn't take it seriously, just wanted to pull up, and suddenly heard a cracking sound of rock cracking. A large crack appeared on the ground, and the two ends extended several meters away. It's really red. The muscular man on the opposite side did not notice the crack on the ground and thought that his opponent's fist was stuck, and wanted to take advantage of it. Seeing him coming, Zhenhong quickly pulled out his hand and shook at him: "Don't come!" True fist pulled out is also bad to remember, instinctively reacted to death! She shouldn't have pulled her fist out.

The cracks on the ground instantly expanded, and a huge cobweb pattern spread around the ground. The muscular man was wrong as soon as he stepped out, but he stepped back and caused a greater shock. Everyone in the field glanced at each other. Then there was a boom on the ground, and the whole ground collapsed with a scream.

The landslide came too suddenly, and everyone fell and fell over the rock without any response. I could still fly. However, the top of the cave was shaken by the vibration, and a lot of rocks fell. As soon as I spread my wings, I was hit by a piece of rock like a car.

Zhenhong pulled the fragile Bingbing to his side, and a tens of tons of boulder suddenly fell down. With her arms folded, she caught the rock. Then suddenly

On the top, threw the rock out. Yeyue ran to my body and surrounded the crystal flame and the crystal princess in accordance with my requirements. The magic pet's defense is usually higher than that of the player. She came to block at least better than hitting two non-defensive musicians directly. Moreover, her sword skills are first-rate, large pieces of rock can be cut directly, and the remaining small rocks can not cause much damage. The remaining ice was protected by me. I was planning to take her up when I took off, but was smashed, but she was not injured. Although the gold coins were not protected, she could not use them, and at this time she was the most comfortable. He actually jumped up and down among the falling rocks with a muddy hood.

Although the protection was thoughtful, we were not buried at the end of the landslide. The air in the cave is not circulating, and the dust is not scattered for a long time. The bottom of the entire cave has fallen more than 30 meters downwards, and the top of the cave has collapsed a lot, forming a deep well. The rubble at the bottom of the well was stacked in a mess, and no figure was visible. Suddenly a flash of red light in the dust, a low-lying ground rock directly turned into fragments and scattered. Yeyue stood up from inside, her tail rolled, and both the crystal princess and the crystal flame were pulled to the ground.

"Kekekeke ... a lot of gray!" Princess Crystal coughed straight.

A pile of rocks on the ground next to it suddenly shone with golden light, and then they flew up automatically. These rocks slowly floated into the air, then flew aside to a distance before landing. The gold coins rose from the hole below, and her body was not sticky at all, and a golden mask protected her very well.

"Wow, how can this be done?" The gold coin flicked his fingers and said, "On." A vacuum cleaner appeared on the top, and the dust was pumped away instantly. "Well? Did you see it really red?" The gold coin noticed Yeyue the three of them.

boom. A huge rock not far from them suddenly rose, and real red appeared under the rock. She was holding the rock with both hands. Throwing it to the side, the rock banged elsewhere. Zhenhong jumped out of her body, then turned and pulled Bingbing up from below. "Are you all okay? What about Ziri?"

"I'm here! Really red, please trouble you to throw things next time and see if you can throw them?" True red, they looked back and saw that I was just crawling out from under the stone just thrown by real red.

Bingling followed me out. "You are so violent. You almost killed you!"

"Sorry, I don't know you are below."

"I'm not talking about the stone you threw, I'm saying you actually knocked the ground down!"

"I thought the bottom was solid! Who thought of punching through and punching it down! I didn't dare to use it too hard! It's not solid!"

I came out to pat the dust on my body and looked around. "It's troublesome now. The two young ladies will not be smashed to death, right? I want a living person not a body!"

"Try spiritualism," the coin suggested.

"Actually, I have a good way." Zhenhong raised a fist and slammed into the ground. "A magnitude shock."

It's too late to see what Red wants to do. The whole rock on the ground was shaken into powder, and the ground collapsed down a moment, because the gap was gone after the rock was shattered. So the overall volume has shrunk a lot. The rocks were turned into lime powder, not that white lime, but the grey powder that was really formed from stones.

I was surprised to see Hongyue: "Although the stone powder is safer than the large rocks, but before the following people come out, are you ...? Is it too dangerous?"

"I depend. Which **** did it? Want to murder?" A white man jumped out of the lime, and because he was not familiar with it, he had a layer of white powder. I really don't know who this person is.

The man hadn't finished talking, suddenly the ground under his feet was lifted off, and a big monster crawled out. "Don't want to live anymore? Who dares to destroy in my Dongfu?" The monster seemed to notice the situation on the scene suddenly. "Wow, what's going on? My Dongfu! Who did it? I want to kill him!"

"You don't need to kill anyone like this, right?" Another person appeared in the lime, and I recognized it, the guy who made the noise in the beginning. His disgusting voice is easier to recognize.

"I trust, I was almost buried alive!" Suddenly, the dust was flying around. Many people crawled out one after another. It is not false to suddenly fall from the top, but no one hangs up.

The disgusting man screamed at the sight of everyone coming out. "Who killed that guy for me. This month I will add 30,000 yuan to his salary."

I laughed when I heard this guy's words. "Where are the two ladies, Qingxin and Derek?"

A space door suddenly opened, and the two of them actually pulled another girl out of the room together, leaving no ash on their bodies. "What are you doing?"

"Is it good! Very powerful." I nodded. "We are here today for you two."

"Looking for us?" Derek asked, pointing to himself.

Others were also curiously watching me waiting for my answer. "Let me confirm something first? Listen to your conversation, do you seem to be the same employees?"

Nodded innocently. "Any questions?"

I laughed: "That's it for now. I'll pay a higher price, will you work for me? If there is an agreement or something between you. I will help you solve the breach of contract." Small like them A guild is usually a small group of people who know each other or their neighbors and colleagues in reality, because everyone is close together. Internally more united. At first I was worried that the two of them would not leave their guild, but don't worry about it now. Since it is the landlord who spends money, then the one with the highest price will do.

Qingxin hesitated, but Derek answered quickly. "Are you kidding us? Do you know what our monthly salary is?"

"Tell me."

"Hey, are you going to bargain with this guy?" The disgusted man on the ground stood up. "Do you think it's easy to find a job now? A salary of 10,000 yuan a month, as long as you play games with me, but there are countless people begging me to work for them! You are really too much today, and then you Say one more word, I won't hire you anymore. You are ready to beg on the street! "

"Is the monthly salary 10,000?" I said calmly, "If two people are willing to join me, I will pay you two thousand crystal coins a month in the game. How about it? This is equivalent to double. After this year, the per capita income in domestic regions has reached 9,000, and 10,000 is not that high.

Qingxin stretched out a finger and said, "Add another condition."


"We sixteen are hired together on the same terms."

"Clear you don't care about us." The girl who came out of the space door with them both said, "You and Sister Mirror both need money at home, so if you have a good chance, don't let us drag you down."

I stepped forward: "If sixteen people are to be hired together, fourteen of them can only open a thousand crystal coins per month."

The third girl who hadn't waited to speak clearly had already taken the lead: "We agreed, and now you are our boss."

That pervert man is very uncomfortable. Although the salary is the same, of course they are more willing to follow me, not to mention they don't want to drag down Qingxin and Mingjing. For me, this money is a small problem. The value of Qingxin and Der Spiegel is definitely the return of those people's salaries, even if those people are completely waste. It is enough to have Qingxin and Derby.

Sixteen individuals were collectively transferred, and the guild of the perverted man was also forcibly dissolved by the system. The system requires a guild to have at least two players. Now the pervert male has only one player, and the number is not enough for the basic line. He is forced to dissolve the guild. For this reason, he rushed up like crazy and wanted to trouble us, but it was miserable that Yeyue was hit by a tail of baseball and flew out of the sky.

The demon monster was originally a task of the other four group ~ ~ The guild of the perverted man simply took the wrong task. The task in my hand became a scrap task because the other party's guild was dissolved. Leaving the monsters to the four players to solve, we returned directly to Isinger.

Along the way, the general situation of the sixteen of them was clarified. They all seem to be a group of people who lack money for different reasons. They all joined the job advertisement of the perverted man, and the goal was of course money. At first, Qingxin and Mingjing didn't actually play the game when they entered the game with this guy, but because they two haven't played the game before, they chose a magic sound class. If old players rarely choose this class . Both of them are majoring in art, and the magic sound teacher just happened to specialize in them, so the exhibition was very fast. As for how I knew them, they felt strange. After all, although their strength is not bad, they have not reached the level of celebrities, and it is not easy to find them.

In addition, the fourteen people were pretty good after my inquiry, and they were worth their wages. Because they are not playing music, I gave them all to the Red Moon arrangement. These people are paid, they are considered professional players, so naturally they don't need to be polite with them.

After letting the real red and gold coins go their separate ways, I took the remaining six beautiful women to the conference room. "I have something important to inform you now."

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