Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 60: storm

In fact, there is a reason for our people not to prepare for war. The Army of Light was delayed for so many days by the strategy of the army god. Our people have prepared everything. Where can I use the gun for battle? Of course, it's not just this one. The God of War is best at surpassing the huge computing power of human beings and guiding the overall development with details.

Tianyu City was originally located in the Death Mountain, and the terrain was slightly higher than the plain outside, but these days, after continuous processing, it has been a lot higher than the outside. Another thing is that there are several large reservoirs in Tianyu City . The water in these reservoirs is connected to the jets under the city walls by giant pipes. With the gravity of the water, as long as the gate is opened, the water in these reservoirs will spray out like a high-pressure water column. These waters have other effects, that is, they can prevent the enemy from approaching the wall, at least the siege hammer and the climbing ladder should not be expected to approach, even if they are close, they will be pushed away again.

In the open space behind the city walls, there are a large number of launchers like honeycombs. These are magical storm systems launched by the power of giant springs. Longyuan's Storm system is actually a multi-barreled rocket launcher, while the Magic version of the Storm system is an automatic bow and arrow launcher. When the water in the Peak Reservoir is washed down, it will in turn drive the water turbine to rotate. This power will be sent from the drive shaft to the gear set at the bottom of the storm system to power the springs that are secondary energy storage devices. These springs are connected to the launching device above. Generally, there are 3,000 large cross arrows in these devices. As long as the launcher pulls the joystick, the launching device can launch these 3,000 arrows like a storm in an instant. Go out. Three thousand densely flying arrows cannot be evaded, and because they are heavy cross arrows, their power will be very large after being thrown. Even angels are not necessarily all down, let alone others.

The real power of the storm system is not in the strength of the arrow, but in the quantity. The arrow loading device is a fast integrated loading device, and the second and third batches can be loaded when the first arrows are fired. After the launch, as long as the second and third armored arrows are pushed forward and pulled as a whole, the reloading is completed, and the springs as the launcher are all powered by the spring. It can be said that no human assistance is needed at all This allows the entire launcher to maintain a firing speed of three to four rounds per minute before the arrows are exhausted. A storm launcher is three thousand arrows. We have ten rows here and a total of three hundred storm systems. As long as the enemy dares to charge, we promise to let them know what arrow rain is.

The bow and arrow system was followed by the guild's super sniper cannon, which was also modified by the **** of war. The original sniper gun was used to deal with the opponent's siege weapon, but now it has been changed into a device against the opponent's advanced players. The sniper gun itself has not changed. That is, the shells are replaced with a loose nail device mixed with magic crystal powder. The steel nails with magic crystal powder can ignore magic protection to a certain extent, and with its horrible speed, everything within 20 meters around the hit point will be sieved.

There is also a super magic cannon behind the sniper cannon ground. This thing is specifically used to suppress the enemy master cluster. Because this thing is so powerful, even the protective cover raised by the mage group may not be blocked, so it will be used as a weapon to restrain the key personnel of the opponent.

These three-tier weapon system is the only large-scale weapon in Tianyu City. I originally prepared more weapons than this, but the **** of war dismantled a part of the weapon for the reason that the weapon's repetitive effectiveness decreased, but the space made up was replaced with these things. Although the number is small, the defensive force has become stronger. According to God of War, this is called overall optimization. Not necessarily more is good. For example, to deal with ordinary soldiers, it is enough to use arrows in the storm system. Although these arrows may not hurt angels and senior paladins, they have a group killing effect on large groups of soldiers. The sniper cannon is not very useful for large-scale soldiers, but this thing is very effective against enemy attack forces such as the officer group and the mage group. As for the magic crystal cannon, the thing is to blast the hard bones that other weapons can't move. Regardless of whether you are an angel or a god, the first shot is definitely over.

of course. These things alone are not enough to completely destroy the enemy. Our real killer 锏 is ready under the city wall. As soon as the enemy starts to attack, we can immediately let them know what is the terrible battlefield.

Rested overnight, Constantine stood behind the military array on the morning of the 25th. He feels excited now, because the final attack after waiting for many days is finally here. For them, whether they win or not, it is great to be able to rush down the city. If it weren't for the temple legion's combat effectiveness, this army would have been wiped out.

The left and right elders stood beside Constantine and gave him a positive look. Constantine looked around and waved forward firmly: "Offensive."

"Roar ...!" The entire army of the Light Temple shouted a neat throat, and the power was not small.

Several senior angels took out some strange magic devices and threw them forward. Those things exploded immediately in the air. After the fire light disappeared, a large row of giant magic cannons appeared in the place, and there was actually a lightning ball projection Device.

I have been envious of the Lightning Ball Projector of the Temple of Light for a long time, but I have never had the chance to get it. This time I have to find a way to get the drawings. The structure of this kind of thing is similar to that of a trebuchet. In fact, it can throw stones, but its main function is to fire another type of ammunition, a lightning ball. A lightning ball maker is installed on the front of this large trebuchet. As long as the magic is added to this machine, it can create a blue sphere slightly larger than the basketball on the trebuchet's spoon. This sphere looks like crystal, but it is actually a high concentration of thunder element. As long as you throw it out, it will explode immediately when it lands, forming a huge electric field with a radius of more than 30 meters around the explosion point. His enemies became barbecues, powerful and unimaginable. We will do that trebuchet, the key is that the lightning ball generator we do not know how to make it, so I always wanted to get a set of drawings back. I did not expect that the drawings were not yet available. People used this thing to hit us first.

Immediately after these things appeared, a large group of infantry rushed up, but they were not trying to operate the machine. Instead, he rushed forward across the machine, and seemed to be attacking the city wall directly. According to regular tactics, such an assault should not be launched, but Constantine is probably afraid of being tossed these days. No tactics are planned and we will have a decisive battle and solve it once.

While the soldiers were charging madly towards Tianyu City, the angels in the rear also flew up, and the magic equipment just released began to operate. But it wasn't the installations that started, but the defensive weapons in Tianyu City. There was a loud noise, and a magic cannon in front of the Bright Army battled out as if it had been hit by a dragon. The people on both sides of the gun positions glanced at the cannons flying around, and then suddenly reacted to each other and started to fight back.

"Ready, let go!" The commander next to the lightning ball projector roared, and a row of lightning **** flew in the direction of Tianyu City.

From a distance, the city wall on our side is full of people. In fact, if you look closer, you will find that there is no one at all. There are indeed many humanoid objects on the walls. But those were all puppets. The biggest advantage of battle puppets is that the defense is extremely high. The damage of lightning magic on animals may be very great, but it is basically invalid to the puppets. The guilds are all multi-layer shells. The outermost heavy plate armor is insulated inside. According to the iron cage principle, although the conductivity of the metal plate armor is very strong, the surface potential difference is zero because the electrical search is too good, which means that there is no voltage at all for the people inside. Unless internal personnel connect to the ground through some kind of electricity-seeking substance to form a closed loop. Otherwise, it will not be subjected to electric shock. Although the anti-electric ability of the puppet in this armor is stronger than humans, the ultra-high voltage can still burn the control matrix of the puppet. Anyway, there is no voltage inside, there will be no charging dissolution.

A large number of lightning **** landed on the walls and in the city. The blue electric arc and strong magnetic energy field flashed alternately, but did not cause any loss. However, the lightning ball can be ignored, and the shells fired by the magic cannon cannot be ignored. As long as the purple magic crystal shells land on the ground, it is a big pit. I don't want my wall to become a ruin full of craters. A large number of magic missiles shining white flew from the city, firing them are shadow magic hidden inside the all-steel building. Shadow Devil is a high-level undead creature, and it is a mage-type creature, and there are many Shadow Demon guards. They have good magic resistance. It's also more flexible than normal mages. When enemy attacks fall, they can quickly hide back into the steel bunker.

Advanced Shadow Fiends will use "Magic Destruction". This kind of magic can destroy enemy magic regardless of the level. No matter what kind of magic you fire, if you are hit by magic destruction, it will immediately collapse. The white magic missiles were just magic destruction just now. They passed directly to the shell of the magic crystal cannon. It is better to use this kind of thing to stop the shell of the magic crystal cannon without the protective cover. However, there is another problem to note, which is which mage is responsible for which shell. The enemy will not fire only one magic crystal cannonball. If our mage is attacking indiscriminately, in case everyone is staring at a cannonball to intercept it, let alone waste, and the rest of the cannonballs will not be able to land. At this time, an accurate allocation of personnel is required to match the mage with the enemy's cannonball one by one , And in reality this work is done by the battlefield fire management system. However, there is no such thing in the game, so although we have Shadow Devil before, we have never used this interception method. The reason why we use this method now is because the army **** came. This guy is a battlefield decision-making computer, and it is not a hassle to take into account the allocation of firepower. In this way, the firepower advantage can be maximized, and firepower is never wasted.

The white magic missiles collided with those magic crystal shells in the air, and immediately burst a gorgeous firework in the air, but the actual power was almost zero. Constantine yelled at the gunners indignantly: "Shot again."

The gunners also fired fiercely, and the shells flew up like raindrops, but there were as many interceptors on our side as there were no shells that could fly halfway.

The gunners on our side began to show their might. The characteristics of sniper guns were accurate. With one shell and one gun, the number of bright artillery cannons was getting smaller. They also tried to resist by relying on the heavy shield set by manpower, but found that the power of the sniper gun was too great, and the shield could not be blocked at all, even if it was dead. A round of artillery can often knock down a row of people and blast the back of the cannon.

suddenly. A sharp hawk came down from the air, Constantine heard the sound and looked up. It turned out that the griffins hit the dragon interception unit. The angels and griffins failed to cross the city wall and were blocked in the air by a large group of dragons and lances, and both sides immediately fell into a scuffle. A griffon swooped and bite a dragon's wings. The dragon turned over in the air and threw the griffin upward, a spear rushed past, and the griffin broke into two pieces.

If you look at it this way, it seems that the griffon is unlucky, and it was just intercepted by a spear after being thrown out by the dragon. In fact, it is not the case at all. If you add the command of the army **** to this picture, you can find out the problem.

The bitten dragon was staring forward at the target in front of it. The army **** had seen from other dragon's eyes that the dragon would be bitten immediately, so a communication command suddenly sounded in the ear of the dragon. "Turn over." The dragon felt his wings bitten almost at the same time as he received the order, but the turn-over movement had already begun, and the gryphon was thrown out before it had time to bite. Also. At the same time that the dragon received the order to turn over, a spear at a certain location also received the order. "Directly in front, the supersonic assault, ejecting the winged blade." When his ground speed increased, the dragon just threw the griffin in front of him, and was stabbed twice by the wings. Although the griffin is not as powerful as the dragon, it is at least equal to the spear and should not be killed so easily, but with the command of the army god, it is very different.

In other places. Such cooperation is also ongoing. A flying dragon is staring closely at the target in front of it, and suddenly hears the command: "The tail is slammed down hard." The dragon that has been undergoing intensive training for several days does not turn back after receiving the command and follows the command. He smashed down hard, in fact, he didn't even know what the army **** let him smash.

At this time, a senior angel was fighting another low-level dragon. The angel was flying backwards, deliberately enticing the dragon into the central area of ​​several other angels, but he just flew behind the other dragon. It is said that the dragon was fighting with other angels, and he should not notice him, but the dragon shook his tail fiercely because of the order of the army god. This unlucky angel was bigger than his real body. The dragon's tail slammed into his head, and was stunned at that time, falling straight down from the sky.

The next dragon that had just solved the enemy was looking for a target and suddenly received an order. "Look up. Open your mouth." As soon as the dragon looked up, an angel fell into his mouth. "Well, swallow it, you can replenish your strength."

Such a command is constantly underway, and the commands are issued completely synchronously. The entire army composed of dragons and spears is fighting like a single person. Angels and griffins obviously have more than dragons, but they ca n’t rush through, feeling as if the enemy is almost the same as them. And these dragons and spears are always doing some strange moves. Every time they do these moves, there are always angels or griffins who are going to be unlucky.

The air melee fought for about ten minutes, and the army on the ground was about to rush under the city wall, but suddenly the city changed again at this time. The original houses near the city walls were suddenly pulled down by a group of people, but after the houses fell, what appeared inside was not rubble, but rows of strange artillery with high elevation angles.

The dragons and spears in the sky suddenly turned and ran as if they burnt their ass, and the cannons below began to rotate. The angels just listened to the sound of banging below, and then round **** were hit into the air. At the beginning, the angels were still very puzzled. These **** are neither edged nor cornered. Can they hurt people? Besides, flying such a high ball is almost powerless, and some angels even reached out to catch one, but the other angels laughed. This weapon is too bad, right?

Before the laughter disappeared, a loud noise calmed the angels. A small black ball exploded in the air. Its power is not great, but it throws out a large dense spiral nail, which is not only fast but also strong in penetrating power. The remaining artillery shells exploded one after another, and the steel nails flew all over the sky for a while. Angels and griffins were inserted and fell down like hedgehogs. The following shelling did not end, the cannon chased the remaining angels and started firing continuously. These anti-aircraft nail guns are simply air killers, and there is no place to hide in the air. Almost none of the angels ran away. Fortunately, their defense is not bad. As long as the explosion point is not too close, they will not be hit immediately. This bank conference is not the Bright Alliance. We are talking about effectiveness. It has become even more utilitarian since the army **** began to command. According to the requirements of the God of War, all the steel nails were soaked with poison. As long as a wound is rubbed on the body, the other party can lie in bed for half a month. If they are hit enough, they may be fatal on the spot. This is still calculated based on the huge number of priests in the Light Army. If the priests in the general army, at least half of them would die from poisoning.

Seeing that the Air Force was filmed like a fly, Constantine immediately ordered the Army to accelerate the impact. But this order was not satisfactory. The storm system behind the walls is finally ready. This thing is specifically restrained by infantry clusters, the only drawback is the shorter range. However, the trajectory of this thing is very curved. It can attack the enemy in front of the wall from behind the wall, which is just suitable for defending the city.

With the order of the army god, a buzzing sound was heard inside the city wall, and Constantine only saw a large piece of things flying up from the city wall. At first, those things were flying straight up. Constantine thought that they were air weapons. After knowing that those things were flying high, his head suddenly started to smash down again. Constantine they have seen the rain of archery before, but they have never seen it so densely, so they did not recognize it at first.

"It's throwing an arrow and holding a shield." Constantine didn't recognize it until the last few seconds, shouting a little late.

The soldiers hurriedly raised their shields to block their heads, but some people moved more slowly and before falling, they were shot by the rain-dense arrows. In fact, the person holding the shield felt that he was about to fall. The heavy crossbow fired by the catapult is a large crossbow between a siege crossbow and a single crossbow. Each arrow weighs two kilograms and falls from such a height. The actual strength is at least 15 kilograms. Above, and so many arrows come down together ~ ~ even more powerful, many people even fell to the ground even if they raised their shields, and then the arrows that arrived later penetrated the ground into a dead body.

In this round of arrow rain, 20,000 to 30,000 people were brought down, and the subsequent army operations were choked immediately. Constantine yelled to the herald, "Continue to rush, use the attack to rush through."

His voice was still falling, and there was a buzzing sound in front of him, and a large arrow was launched into the city like a locust. In a scream, the blood of the army suddenly flowed into the river. There was a layer of grass formed by an arrow shaft on the bare plains, and under the dense arrow shaft were dead bodies. Without the wounded, no one would survive this intensive attack. As long as it is covered, it is absolutely not alive. Even if some people bravely put their companions under their covers, their strong inertia will put them on the ground together and their defense will be futile.

This time without Constantine's order, the frontline commander immediately issued a beast-like throat cry: "Chong! The blood of the comrades-in-arms cannot flow in vain."

"Kill ...!" The infantry of the Bright Army began to speed up and rush forward, and the wall was already in sight.

Suddenly, a ringing arrow with a whistle flew over the city, and the arrow seemed to be burning with flames. What role can an arrow among thousands of horses play?

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