Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 61: Sea of ​​fire

The answer is ignition.

The ringing arrow went straight into a grass field about five meters in front of the army, and then the grass suddenly burned. Before the soldiers responded, the fire burst out and covered the infantry cluster. military

God has made a large-scale adjustment to the defense structure of Tianyu City these days. The land outside the city has actually been treated, the soil has been stirred with grease, and the sticky fire is on. The fire quickly covered the entire area, the city walls

It was completely invisible, and the flames blocked the walls behind. The 150-meter-wide fire scene interrupted the entire space, and all of its soldiers were burned to death. The soldiers who just rushed forward neatly shouting the killing slogan.

Become a group of firemen screaming and rolling around.

Burning alive is probably one of the most tragic ways to die. In the heartbreaking screams one by one, the firemen gradually stopped rolling, the body curled up into a ball, and the death was extremely tragic. The armor on them was inadequate in the flames

Any protective effect can only make them die worse. Without this layer of armor, they will soon end their lives. This armor prolongs the painful time. The Seal of Throne, and the soldiers in great pain, although they want to throw the armor away, have already

It sticks to the armor and cannot be taken off at all.

In fact, sometimes it ’s a good thing to die. The most tragic thing is people who did n’t die. The layout of the fire was not a single line of fire. After the first fire pit burned for more than ten seconds, the second line of fire suddenly ignited.

Then came the third and fourth lines of fire. These flames are self-burning, because there is a fire-seeking line connection between the various fire fields. As long as one is lit, the latter will burn after a certain interval. And that

The most miserable people are those between the two lines of fire. Although these people were not in the fire, the fire on both sides was too close to them, as if it were barbecue in the middle. As the temperature gradually increases, the metal armor will become very hot

The soldiers inside couldn't run and couldn't run. They could not die, they could only be melted by the hot skin, and then screamed constantly. Even if these people were rescued after the war, they would be miserable. The heat caused their skin to melt into the armor

Then, if you want to take off the armor, you have to tear off the skin. The skin cramps are all torture. These people still have pain after they go back! But we will kindly help them solve the problem once and for all, because in this battle we

They will win the final victory, after which they will be executed directly, without the pain of skin scraping.

The fire spread all the way forward, and a large number of enemies who could not escape were drawn into the sea of ​​fire. The fuel burns very fast, and it really does n’t make sense to escape, unless you happen to be standing on the edge of a fire mixed with fuel oil.

Slightly close to the middle, it doesn't make much sense to run or not.

Constant seas of fire burned countless soldiers, but Constantine was completely powerless to do so. Speaking of which, he can solve the problem of the sea of ​​fire by just shouting retreat, but the loss of more than 10 million has driven him to an absolute limit.

On the way. If Tianyu City can't be attacked in one go, there will never be a chance.

The high priest stood next to Constantine, patted him, and whispered something to him, and Constantine turned his head and stared at him in surprise. "What are you talking about?"

The high priest nodded surely. "It has been confirmed." (Taro Taro revised and updated)

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