Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 15: sharp knife

The presidents of these guilds talked to each other for a while and seemed to discuss the results. I have no right to speak to me as a representative: "President Ziri, I think you are coming at the right time."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"That's it." No right to explain: "In fact, we are planning a large-scale attack, of course, the goal is to **** the Japanese side of the ghost gate. But we originally planned to attack in a few days, but since you Here, I think this is a good opportunity. If you can play as a striker, I think our breakthrough plan will become much simpler. "

"Really? I'm really lucky!" I didn't expect these idle players to be planning a counterattack. My arrival brought them a strong combat power, and they had to do nothing more than advance the fighting time. .

The following details are much simpler. I have no right to be the boss here to explain to me the general arrangements. The battle time is set for tomorrow morning. After all, we must be prepared in advance. So many people are not fighting. You can fight when you talk about it.

I took the opportunity to go offline to ask about the physical transformation. Now I am still connected to the living support device. There is nothing except the brain, and the body is adjusted in the Petri dish opposite. Through the son-in-law's understanding of the situation, this adjustment seems to install a biological connection mechanism on the body. It is said that after the completion, it will allow us to dock with a special biological weapon prepared in advance like the docking of a mechanical system. This system is mainly a deformed connection mechanism designed for non-human-shaped magic pets such as Yeyue and Xiaolongnv. Although we have been electronicized, it is too troublesome to change the brain every time we change the body. Connection mechanism. Everyone uses only human bodies. When a special body is needed, it is done by directly connecting the human body and the special body, without replacing anything.

After learning about the situation, they went back online and helped them coordinate the preparations for the war before reaching the gate of the ghost. Unlike the behavior of our guild, it is difficult for ordinary players to achieve overall scheduling. Before our guild fights regular battles, there will be no small frictions with others. However, the fighting has never stopped during the whole process of my preparations, and there is still a growing trend.

In the early morning of the next day, millions of ordinary players from all over the country had gathered before the gate of the ghost gate, and the number of troops was as large as 100 million. Such a large-scale army is like a flood, densely turning a large area near the Ghost Gate into a horrible jungle.

No right to stand with me on the city head and look at the battlefield ahead. Although the official battle is about to begin, the front battlefield is still not empty, and some people who do not listen to and have no authority over them are still fighting.

A president came to us and said, "It's almost time, shall we start?"

Nodded and nodded: "Get started."

The president backed up and issued an order to the others, "Go ahead."

A dozen flag bearers took out a two-color signal flag, and then neatly danced a string of offensive signals. The army on standby immediately began to move towards the gate. It must be said here that the structure of the ghost gate is very different from that of ordinary city walls. Its structure resembles a porous bridge. The top of the city wall is like a bridge, which can stand many people. The gates under the walls are like bridge holes, one after the other. There are hundreds of rows from one end to the other. "Zero's system intentionally separates the battlefields of various players. The Ghost Gate is a combat area specially designed for free players and small guilds. This determines that there will be a large number of people, and the discipline will be worse than that of large guilds. If only one door is arranged, it is likely that a blockage will occur. Designing this large row of doors is much safer, and a large group of players can casually cross the city wall. Don't worry about blocking the gates.

National-level combat, such things as spies are impossible. The Japanese on the opposite side of us when we were still in the assembly place already knew that we were going to siege, but their preparation was only for ordinary players, and I never thought I was here. When fighting the city, the combat effectiveness of the troops follows the principle of buckets, that is, the capacity of the bucket depends only on the length of the shortest of the many boards that make up the bucket. When attacking, the combat effectiveness of the troops followed the principle of kitchen knives, which means that steel is often used on the blades. As long as the blade is sharp enough, it does not make much difference whether the back part is made of wood or steel. And I am the sharpest blade here. The Japanese did not count me in, it was their biggest mistake.

I am the main penetration force in battle. But it does not mean that I will rush up the first time. Instead, my mission was to make a spot attack like a sneak attack after the battle really started. It was spectacular to watch the army rush forward like a flood below. On the land in the middle of the battlefield, there were originally some unruly idle players who were fighting. Now, suddenly a large number of Chinese people will join in. The Japanese on the opposite side were immediately drowned by a flood of people.

The Japanese on the opposite wall had long received information from the spy report inserted, and they knew that there might be a large-scale attack here, so they did not appear panicked. As soon as the army rushed to the half, they were killed by neat and effective magic weapons, but there were too many attackers. This kind of killing was not a threat.

As the distance approached, the artillery began to enter combat. The artillery in the game is not as powerful as magic weapons, and the range is much closer, but this thing is cheap and can be mass-produced, so it is still very popular. A lot of open space was blown out of the assaulting legion in the deafening explosion, but the space was gradually filled by the head while the enemy was playing, and it was impossible to see how it had been attacked.

I said no to the right: "It's over to you. I'll go ahead. I won't come back to complete the task."

"Okay. But although you have a strong fighting force, it's best to be more careful. Once you are surrounded in this level of battle, the strength is actually meaningless."

"I know. Rest assured! I won't be surrounded." While talking, Ye Ying has appeared beside me. After turning over and jumping up, Ye Ying ran out to the front, but this time I was not in the air go ahead. A sneak attack should be concealed. Too publicity is not good.

Mixed in the charging crowd, I rushed half the distance like an ordinary knight. At this time I began to lean carefully towards the edge of the battlefield. The number of people here is relatively small, which allows me to make room. First summon all the bell knights, and then let them form a line of defense to create a large enough space for me. Summon the tank to let him unfold in the space we have circled.

The Japanese on the city head were booming, and suddenly found a purple light ball flying over. This dangling purple light ball is one of the most prominent features of the magic crystal shell. The Japanese guards immediately determined that this was a magic crystal shell, but they were not afraid. The light ball suddenly hit something less than five meters away from the city wall. The strong light flashed, and the purple arc spread along a neat plane, but it failed to reach the plane only five meters away. The walls constitute any physical harm.

Magic barrier. Most cities have this thing, the difference is just the different defense levels. The Ghost Gate is a defensive level, and it is also a national level. Of course, there will be no magic barrier. I certainly knew they would have this thing, and I didn't plan to break through the defensive barrier with this shell at all. The real purpose of this shell is a flash.

Most magic barriers have no effect on creatures. They only block magic and flying objects that exceed a certain speed. They do not block people. I also hit the protective cover when the shell exploded, and it felt like I was hitting a thick sheet of soft rubber. As I pushed forward, I crossed the magic barrier, and the wings helped the city wall at all. I even jumped up to the top of the wall. The shape of the wall on this side is almost exactly the same as that of China. The only difference is the flag and the person standing on the wall. The city walls are full of people, but they are all Japanese. The explosion just caused a violent flash. The people here were covering their eyes at this time and didn't notice that I had come up. I didn't bother them at all ~ ~ I spread my wings directly and flew back over their heads.

The flash lasted only a few seconds, and the two-kilometer-thick city wall could not fly past in such a short time. I flew for a little while when the Japanese opened their eyes, and they immediately noticed me flying above them.

"An enemy invaded." A player shouted at me immediately, and even people who hadn't noticed me noticed me.

My sudden appearance did cause a lot of confusion to the Japanese. In a hurry, a large arrow rain came towards me. With my agility, this kind of targetless arrow can't be hit at all. One side flickered past. Instead, a group of nearby people waiting for the defender were thoroughly baptized by the falling arrow rain, causing a scream sound.

Although the arrow missed, it was no longer safe in the air. As soon as my wings were closed, I plunged directly into the crowd below. He turned his body in the air, his feet were in front, and when he fell, he stepped on a guy's chest and completely stepped in his breastplate. His man was also turned over by the inertia belt. Using his body as a springboard, I took off again, and behind a small group of surprised players, fell directly behind them.

"Hey, the position is almost the same." I smiled proudly, and Fenglong Space opened beside me. It's time for destruction!

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