Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 16: 1st man breaks through Wan Fu Moutang

"Animalization." I quickly transformed into a werewolf, with my claws raised to block the attack from the front. The Japanese ninja was shaken back a few steps before being held by the people behind me. Too.

A Japanese player flew up into the air and shouted at me: "Go up and kill him, he'll be one ..." This guy was choked with an arrow before he finished speaking. I withdrew the Avengers sniper crossbow from my arm, turned around, and leapt across the crowd in front and fell into the crowd behind.


"Roar." The huge dragon head protruded from the space of Fenglong, and Long Yan easily burned all the people nearby to ashes.

"Dongfeng." Fenglong's space suddenly expanded, and Xiaofeng flew out of it. The Japanese outside saw only a red bird flying out, and thought it was ordinary Warcraft. However, when Xiaofeng came out, he suddenly turned into a giant fire phoenix with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters. The vacuum zone of the city expanded again, clearing a large unoccupied area.

While the Japanese hadn't gathered again, the space door had been fully opened, and the evil knight rushed out of the earth's gate like a flood. The space cleared by Xiaofeng was instantly filled by the evil knight, and this was a stable support point. The last group of evil knights rushing out of the space door did not ride a mount, but ran out with a huge machine.

The Japanese outside wanted to rush in, but was blocked by the evil spirit knight and couldn't rush in. They can see this large machine and know that no matter what this thing does, it is not good for them anyway, but they ca n’t do anything about it. The giant machinery suddenly vibrated under my control. All the crystals around the machine are on. Only a columnar object in the center of the machine rose up, and then smashed down quickly. With a bang, there was a shaking on the top of the city wall.

The violent shaking made the Japanese on the entire city realize that this is a pile driver and a high-power pile driver. It can only make a big hole in flat ground. For construction workers to install foundations, the only result of piling on the top of the city wall is to trample the city wall together, and this is my idea. The pile driver not only reciprocates up and down continuously, each time as if knocking in the hearts of the Japanese, shaking their hands and feet, but our side is not happy.

About five minutes in total, the pile driver suddenly shook violently, and we obviously heard a different sound. Almost at the same time, there was a very obvious huge crack under our feet. It seems that this ghost-gate-off-city wall is much stronger than we thought, and it took a long time to smash the Seal of the Seal of God. But it's almost over. Once the cracks appear, the city wall loses its overall resistance, and at this time, it will become very fragile if there is an external impact.

The facts are similar to what I think. After the crack appeared, every time the pile driver can make it crack bigger, and faster and faster. After dozens of times, the whole ground began to shake, and I began to order the evil knight to slowly retreat in an organized manner. After the people were almost evacuated, I asked them to move the pile driver back. The location of the fighter directly rammed on the ground has turned into a huge crack directly to the center of the wall. Several evil spirit knights took out a large amount of explosives from the space gate and stuffed them in, then put an explosive crystal into them.

I saw that it was almost done, beckoning to the remaining evil knights. "retreat."

The evil knight quickly retreated into the space door. The Japanese also suddenly overwhelmed. But as soon as they caught up, the space of Fenglong suddenly opened, and the little dragon girl came out of it. A huge gravitational array appeared on top of everyone's heads, and unprepared Japanese players were immediately crushed to the ground. I entered the space door with Xiaolongnv. Then the space door closed abruptly as the Japanese rushed over. Those few Japanese who fought hard and fought against the gravity suddenly rushed away. As soon as the earth door was closed, it would disappear into the space passage immediately.

Without the support of the Dragon Girl, the gravity circle also disappeared. The Japanese who had re-emerged lost their target and immediately noticed that something was stuck in the crack in the ground. A Japanese player took one out of it in doubt, but the result was that he didn't know it and was frightened. "Explosives!" His reminder didn't help, because the yellow initiation crystal in the explosives burst into a dazzling yellow light as he shouted.

boom. The entire ground shuddered, and the powerless standing on the opposite wall could see that the middle part of the wall was flying up to the sky, and the Japanese on the wall were thrown into the sky like a group of ants. Then Zheli fell down again. Players on the Chinese side did not know that there was such an explosion, and all of them instinctively fell to the ground intimidated by the loud noise, but when they exploded, they immediately jumped up and rushed up.

"Haha, the walls fell down, rush! This is the common aspiration of players on the Chinese side.

The walls are incomplete, and the magical defense barrier is no longer functional. The tank that was still outside the city quickly fired a second shell, with a loud noise, a battery turret inside the city was completely bombarded. This shot made Chinese and Japanese players react. A Chinese mage shouted to the people around him, "The barrier is gone, and he's a bomber with magic!"

The fire scenes of the mages may not be as spectacular as the knight's charge, but the visual effect is definitely more beautiful than the fireworks. Rows of flame **** flew out with violent earth bombs, and a large hole was added to the wall.

The two-kilometer-thick city wall is theoretically incapable of falling. Our explosion was more powerful because it was charged internally, and it is understandable to open a gap. The magician's attack is not so powerful, but they can collapse the outer wall of the city wall. Once the outer wall of the city wall falls down, a **** formed by gravel piles will be formed at the bottom of the wall. Then the assaulting troops will only climb on this **** It's enough to go up the wall, and the obstacles to the assault troops will not be too strong.

The ringing knights followed the tank while shelling and advancing. Anyone who tried to affect the normal shooting of the tank would be attacked by the ringing knight, as if it were a synergy team. Inside the space gate, we also estimate the throne of time. It is estimated that those things that were thrown into the sky after the explosion should have landed.

We also reopened the space door.

The explosion just long ago made the Japanese forget us. The space door was reopened and they had a headache. I remember that our culprit is still here. But I didn't give them a chance either. It was n’t the evil knight who followed me after the space door opened, but the sea of ​​terrors. I had released both the Ghost Worm and Wraith Bee while inside the space gate. Now as soon as the door opened, a huge swarm of black insects flew out.

The attack power of the small bugs is negligible, but their auxiliary effects must not be underestimated. The insects flew apart immediately after they flew out. The players below hurriedly threw all kinds of magic and shot all of them, and most of the bows and arrows shot by the rest fell on their own heads. The flying bug immediately flew over to the most enemy Japanese.

A large number of Chinese players were fighting hand-to-hand with Japanese players in the gap of the blasted wall, and suddenly a large group of bugs flew down. Suddenly, a player in the battle saw a big bug on his face, and he immediately took pictures with his hands. As a result, the opposite player took the opportunity to solve this Japanese player with a knife. Compared to the harassing tactics of the Ghost Beetle, the Iron Wraith is more scary. These guys still have a poisonous needle more than a foot long, just point at the guy's neck, and the player will jump three feet high immediately. Throw away your weapon and roll around the ground holding the captivity. Wasps actually have the ability to recruit more fiercely, that is corpse poison. If the poisonous stinger of the Wasp is not chopped, after a period of time, the Seal of the Throne will be resurrected as a zombie to help me fight. In fact, this feature is only my place. It was not known before that the poison of the Wasp had this ability. But compared to this toxin, the shape of the Wasp itself is enough to deter the enemy. The sound of such a big bee flying is scary.

After these little bugs all flew out, the people below had no time for the Seal of God to take charge of me. I took the evil knight and jumped out of the space door parked in mid-air. Immediately after landing, I entered the enemy position . There are actually many enemies in the rear, and the army density on both sides is too high. What really hit each other was just some of the forwards of everyone.

Relying on its large size, the tank simply broke through the defensive front formed by Japanese players and successfully met with us. I took them all the way back, and a large group of Japanese players immediately gathered to block my progress. As a result, the tank was swept aside.

"Careful." Scarlett suddenly blocked in front of me. With only one sound, a Japanese samurai was bounced back. After the guy flew back, he immediately jumped up and rushed to my side.

I turned away from Skott and clasped eternity. "Flash cut." A white light flashed, and the samurai's sword was cut by all two pieces, and her ghost mask fell off. Actually a woman. This is the first time I have seen a female samurai. Japanese warriors in several major Japanese occupations seem to be exclusively for men. I have never seen a female Japanese samurai before. It is said that it seems that because the Japanese have masculinity, and think that women choosing this profession will insult men's dignity, so few women choose the profession of samurai. The only exception is women who are extremely powerful, just like Nu Ren. In the Japanese professional occupation, as long as the Japanese samurai players are women, they must be fierce characters. I did not expect that today I really saw one.

Although the mask was cut, his body was not injured. The female warrior backed up like lightning, then rushed up again, but she rushed only halfway and suddenly fell down, a crescent blade stuck on her neck. I had already shot half a month ago when she attacked, and now she rushed up again and was hit by a half-moon that circled a large circle.

I walked out and pulled out half a month to plug back, then took out eternity and continued to rush forward. There are also a lot of troops from Japanese players. I rushed all the way to kill at least one or two thousand people, but it had no effect on the entire battlefield.

Suddenly a Japanese player yelled at me: "That guy is Ziri, kill him."

Dude, someone finally recognized me. When I heard my name, all the people around me surrounded me like crazy, my feelings were so unpopular in Japan!

A Japanese player rushed up with a heavy hammer. He smashed it with a hammer and I cut his hammer with a sword. Then he went up and kicked him, but a dozen long rifles beside him shot at the same time. I wanted to go forward and make a knife, but had no choice but to retreat. "Dance of the emptiness." The two and a half months were immediately divided into six and a half months and began to spin around me. Only the dense blades could be seen flying up and down. There is no place to start.

The only thing that is not blocked by the blade is overhead, a Japanese player seems to have found my loophole. He shouted to both sides: "Help me, he has nothing over his head."

Two players reached out to form a stepping position. This player jumped on their hands and jumped a few heads in the sky and fell towards the top of my head, but at this time he cried in surprise. . There is only a dense knife net around me, but once I jump over the height of my head, the center of this whirlwind of the blade is not safe. In the previous half-moon, I was really flawed when I used the break dance. The rotating blade turned around me like a tornado, but my head was empty. But it's different now. Half Moon has now combined with the Discipline Ring to form a small Discipline Ring. In addition to the two blades, there is a crystal-shaped crystal core. Now this core is spinning like an electric fan above my head. That Japanese was scared by this thing. Falling from above, he was immediately twisted into the high-spinning crystal core, and his body was out of balance. He was taken into the whirlwind of the nearby blade. The two Japanese players outside saw only a spray of blood spray, and then the two of them were twisted into flesh by their blades.

With a whirlwind of blades, I charged back and forth in the crowd. No one dared to approach me. Anyone who attacked me would be cut into pieces and flew away.

A Japanese player seemed to think of a way. This Japanese samurai player used a long-handled sword. This weapon is very similar to Guan Gong's big sword, but the shape of the blade is very different. The handle of this weapon is very long, so even if it is cut a little, it will not hurt the weapon holder.

This guy did not hesitate to hold a weapon and slammed at me. Hope to sacrifice weapons in exchange for the disappearance of my shield. But he really thought too simple. The real power of Broken Dance is not its comprehensive defense, but its indestructible nature.

There was a crackling sound, and the guy's big knife was cut to the last bar of the handle. The ninja behind him threw a row of ninja darts to sneak attack. As a result, after several consecutive Mars hits in the whirlwind formed by half a month, all of them were bombed out. Some people standing nearby were hit, and other ninjas who were scared were afraid to throw darts.

Dozens of people have been cut in a row. The Japanese know that it is impossible to stop me. A sacrificial guy suddenly shouted, "King Kong's body." Then he slammed into my whirlwind. Half a month hit this guy, there was a movement that hit the steel, and the whirlwind disappeared. The guy fell straight down with a knife in his blade. Although he blocked it for half a month, he was finished.

The people around him didn't feel any sorrow for him. After all, most of the players here didn't know it, they just gathered together temporarily. Take advantage of the opportunity to block the blade. Several Japanese samurai immediately gathered around.

"Zi Ri, you die!" A samurai waving a Japanese sword is a straight cut.

I didn't even rack up his knife, disappeared in front of him without a word, and it appeared in mid-air in the next second. Open your wings and fly forward, my mission is behind that. God of War asked me to make things bigger, but in such a battlefield, killing many people is not a big deal. My goal is the fire platform behind the city wall. Although several large gaps were blasted on the wall, it seemed to have lost its defense, but Chinese players are still actually fighting for control of the wall with the Japanese, and the real killing weapons are all behind the wall. In other words, our Chinese players are actually fighting with each other's gunfire. Although the enemy did not dare to bring the bullet too close to the fighting line, fearing to hurt his own people, the other side of the fighting line was all Chinese! At this time, the Japanese just need to fire their guns forward, which can kill people no matter where the shells fall.

Suddenly flying into the air, I caught the Japanese players below by surprise, but by the time they thought of intercepting me, I had summoned Asuka. Long white smoke trailing behind the wings of the birds disappeared above their heads, and along the smoke we could see that we had rushed behind the wall.

The Japanese player behind the city wall immediately realized that my purpose was to destroy the turret, and no one commanded them to surround them autonomously. The bird was collected by me in mid-air, and spread its wings and accurately glide to one of the turrets.

The cannon equipped by Japanese players at the Ghost Gate is a semi-shielded cannon, and the entire rear part is open. The Ghost Gate is a one-way passage, and the two sides are inaccessible space barriers. The back are all people, so there is no need to equip full-cover turrets. But now, this semi-covered turret has killed the Japanese.

I landed directly on the cannon. Several players who were in charge of controlling the cannon were non-combat professional players. There was no fighting back at all. I went up and kicked the two gunners off the high turret, and the loader behind them jumped up bravely and hugged my leg, shouting my companion to kill me. As soon as I reached out and grabbed his collar, he pulled him directly from the shoulder and fell to the sighter who called him, and the two fell down together.

The four-person turret became a vacuum zone, and I quickly adjusted the turret to rotate it backwards. Only one side has a shield to control the weight of the cannon and it rotates quickly. However, after all, my rotation is not as fast as those cannons that can shoot directly. The turret was turning backwards, and the Japanese below knew that the turret was under control. An artillery shell fired without fear.

boom. The turret was fragmented in the sound of the explosion, and the cannons on the turret became numerous parts scattered and scattered. The base of the turret, which was more than fifty meters high, also collapsed in the shelling, and the people below it fell into tears. However, the Japanese feel that it is worthwhile to kill me, the big devil. In their minds, I am the first enemy I hate.

However, I was destined to let them down. At the time of the first Sino-Japanese naval battle, I was hit directly by artillery shells. Although the solid lead ammunition was used at that time, there was no power, but now the cannon's power to improve my power is also punished. Although the shell destroyed the turret, it didn't actually hit me directly. I was just stunned by the explosion's vibration for a few seconds.

A large slab in the collapsed rubble suddenly shook, and then in the eyes of the Japanese players' surprise, the slab suddenly slid to the side. I got up from the rubble pile, holding a large slate on each of my left and right hands.

"He wasn't dead. Quickly kill him." The Japanese players around shouted immediately.

"Well? What about people?"

The player who just shouted to kill me was surprised and now I'm gone ~ ~ But the next second he screamed in surprise. The reason is that I appeared in front of him.

"Are you very good at commanding?" I smiled evilly, but with a mask behind him, he couldn't see my expression at all. "Since you want to be a leader, then I'll fulfill you, and now I'll take action on you." With my voice, his body had fallen into two pieces and fell down.

"Demon! Who will stop him?" The surrounding Japan shouted in panic.

"Huh. How useful are people? You can't stop me at all." I haha ​​continued to the next fort.

Suddenly, a Japanese warrior with a full body of armor jumped down from a nearby turret and landed right in front of me. "It's so sweet! Do you really think we are no longer in Japan?"

"So you are human?" I deliberately asked this question in a skeptical tone that didn't need to be answered.

"Well, you won't deserve to say this when you win." The samurai suddenly disappeared in front of me, and made me stunned. what's the situation? Stealth? Or is the other party so fast that I can't see?

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