Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 19: Xue Ji

A white iceberg beauty stepped out of the fog. If you are not mistaken, this woman should be a snow woman often in Japanese mythology, and it is also an advanced model. The general Snow Girl has only one human form, not an entity, but the Snow Girl has stepped on the ground in front of her, apparently already materialized. Look at her height of about one meter and seven meters, the elder with a white robe hem. A long blue head hung below the knee after a complicated flower shape on her head, and with her big ice-blue eyes, there was a feeling of icing at first glance. This woman must be strong. My magic dragon suit can be insulated, and even I feel the bone cold, it must be that the opponent's mana is extraordinary.

The Northern League player nodded to me and asked, "Are you going together?"

I shook my head: "I'm here! You can't beat her. If you don't mind, you'd better run farther. It might not be safe anywhere near you."

"None of you can get away." It wasn't the woman in front of her that spoke. The woman seemed to be indifferent. The Snow Maiden should be cold. We looked for it, and stood a ninja on a nearby tree. The height of this guy is definitely only one and a half meters, and with a white ninja suit, it is really hidden. The ninja had already jumped down from the tree and stood next to Snow Girl.

We haven't spoken yet, Snow Girl first turned to look at the ninja, then said coldly, "It's your turn." Then turned and walked backwards. What she meant was clearly that she didn't want to cooperate with the ninja.

This ninja also knows that his strength is not enough to kill two people at a time, let alone Ye Yue is standing beside me, obviously a pet player. The strongest person in the game is someone like us, and of course he dare not mess with it. Quickly turned to hold the woman. The snow girl suddenly raised her hand when he came into contact with the snow girl, and the ninja was directly blown out.

Snow Woman turned coldly and stared at the ninja who fell to the ground. "court death."

The ninja didn't seem to be angry. After getting up, he quickly said, "I'm sorry. I was in a hurry. I can't figure out these two people, so please ask Master Xueji to deal with it! I just don't want to let them go."

Xueji turned to look at us. "I will complete the task after receiving your deposit. Don't you believe my reputation?"

"Of course not." The ninja quickly courted: "I'm just afraid that adults will forget it for a while."

"Go and watch." Xueji walked straight towards us.

I quickly reached out and stopped: "Who are you?"

"Xue Ji." The answer was really concise.

"Are you a player?"


"Then who is your favorite?"

"No one is qualified to be my master."

"Then why do you help the ghost-hand Nobunaga?"

"Because of him ...!" Xueji suddenly responded, her face suddenly becoming ten times colder than before. "You tell me?"

To the humanity of the Northern Alliance around me, "Go back first and tell Yan Yu that the ghost-handed Nobunaga killed you."

Xue Ji stared angrily at me, and the temperature around me started to drop sharply. "Don't try to leave alive from me, I won't let you go so easily." She started to keep approaching me, and the surrounding temperature began to accumulate and drop. I have now seen the surrounding trees start to crystallize Already.

The Northern League man turned and ran, and Xueji waved and threw a white ball of light. Yeyue held up her sword and blocked it. As soon as she touched the lightball sword, she turned white immediately, and even Yeyue's hands were frozen on the sword.

"It's so cold!" Yeyue's hand completely lost consciousness. "the host?"

"It doesn't matter. You treat it first." I called Ariana out. "Help Yeyue to heal."

Azana looked at Yeyue ’s hand, and cried in surprise: “How is this going to land? Why are they frozen together?” Yeyue pointed at the opposite side with a sword. Ariana looked at it. "is her?"

Yeyue nodded. "Strong."

"You said that I am probably not counting on strong. I will help you to heal the injury first." Ariana took a white light sphere and approached Ye Yueyue's hand. As a result, the ice melted at an unimaginable speed As a result, even the wounds began to heal quickly.

Xueji looked at us with a complicated look, and then looked at the player of the Northern Alliance who had run far away. He turned to look at the ninja. "You." She pointed to the player in the league, for example. "chase."

The ninja stunned first, then jumped up. "I'm coming."

I reached out to open Fenglong space. "White waves, darts, block him. Sickle. Find a chance to kill him."

The three magic pets jumped out and chased after the ninja. The ninja was startled and turned and jumped out. The darts chased lightningly and opened a **** hole on his ankle. The ninja had a pain in his feet and was unable to jump up. Before he landed, Bai Lang rushed up. It was also considered that the ninja responded quickly, and turned around in the air and flew away from the white waves, but he was entangled with a thread. Pulled the sickle hard. The ninja, who wanted to grab the trunk, was slammed and pulled down hard enough. Before he got up, Bai Lang had fallen on him. A forepaw stepped on his back, biting into the back of his head and twisting it hard, only to hear a click, the ninja bounced on all four limbs, and then straightened and moved there. This guy Bai Lang directly broke the cervical spine, which was faster than biting the trachea.

Xueji froze for a while, but did not expect that the ninja was finished so soon. She stopped for a moment and then rushed over to me. At first I thought she was close to me so that the air-conditioning would affect me. I didn't expect her to be closer and closer, and she put on a posture to fight me close to me. I was caught by surprise.

I wanted eternity to resist the attack, but the opponent was too fast, she came to me as soon as I touched eternity. It is definitely too late to take eternity. With just two arms, the blades on both arms slipped out. when. With a metal collision, Xueji actually grabbed my blade claws with her hands, looking at her pair of small hands for nothing. I didn't expect that it was as hard as steel. Catching the blade can also make a metal collision sound.

In my astonished eyes, Xue Ji made a sudden effort, and only heard the jingle twice, my blade claw was broken. Taking advantage of my stunned opportunity, Xue Ji suddenly bypassed my arms and burrowed into my arms, and then I only felt a blast of frozen bones numbing me all over.

She didn't give me any response time at all. The throne of the Seal of the Seal, Xue Ji took a hook, and I flew back in a very beautiful posture. A bang crashed into a tree, followed by a click, and the big tree shattered like a glass. The low temperature allowed the water to crystallize, and the trunks of the big trees were frozen and brittle. It breaks at the touch. I suddenly thought that the reason why Xueji could pinch my blade was probably the same. Any photos that she encounters will drastically cool down, and the steel will also become very brittle at this time, so it will break as soon as you touch it.

Before I got up, Xue Ji had rushed up again. But this time I responded quickly. "Xiaofeng. Everett."

The fire elf king and the phoenix composed of the flame element are the top of the flame system, and the temperature around them starts to soar as soon as they come out. Fully open his field before him.

As soon as Xueji saw the two enthusiastic creatures, she immediately realized that her body could not be too close to them, so she quickly backed away. Xiaofeng looked at the woman in front. "Huh? Bingjing Life?"

Xueji frowned and asked, "What creature are you?"

Xiaofeng is still in human form, but as Xueji asks questions. Her head suddenly began to burn and flutter, and her body was alienating, and soon became a huge fire phoenix. "My deity is the Phoenix of Hellfire. Do you have any comments?"

Xueji looked at Everett again. Without him asking, Everett himself signed up and said, "I'm Everett, the King of the Fire Elves."

"I didn't expect to see so many top-level flames here. Well, I won't be afraid of you, let you know what is extremely cold today."

Xiaofeng refused to let it go: "Just because you can't treat me yet. Beware that you are too close to melt you."

"It depends on your ability." Xueji suddenly reached out and said, "Ice crystal pillar." A huge ice cone suddenly appeared in the air and flew towards Xiaofeng straight. Xiaofeng threw a flame ball, and the two things hit each other in the air, turning into a large ball of water vapor.

"I said your ice magic can't hurt me." Xiaofeng opened his mouth, and a flame flew towards Xue Ji. Xueji immediately opened an ice wall. The flame steamed the ice wall into a cloud of steam, but it did not cause actual damage as before.

Xueji looked at me, and then said, "It seems that I have no chance to kill you today. Your land pet is very strong. But I will beat them sooner or later." After saying that, Xueji suddenly became an ice sculpture, a few seconds After that, the ice sculpture exploded automatically. The broken flakes flew around like a bullet rain, breaking a large piece of frosty frosty trees around. Had it not been for Xiaofeng and Everett in the front, I wouldn't have run away.

"This abominable woman wants to be a wicked before leaving!" Yeyue complained. She was still angry about the frostbite that she had just suffered, and it was really rare that she would usually be injured.

I smiled and patted Ye Yueyue's head to comfort her, and then walked directly to the ninja. Although it has been hung, many things can still be found on the body. After the player dies, the body will also carry a set of the same equipment as before. This kind of thing is called death equipment, but these death equipment only have a shape, even if they are cut off, they cannot be used. The equipment that really explodes will wear the body like other equipment, but this equipment will flash and it can be used as usual.

After looking at the ninja's body, I didn't find anything useful on him. From this point, it can be determined that the other party should have other members nearby. The killed Northern League player and the Northern League player I met later apparently want to connect here, and there should be items to pass. Since that connector player was killed, something must have been searched. In the recent conversation, I have deceived a lot of information through induced inquiry. One of the most important is that Xueji should be hired to perform tasks. Not a ghost. This ninja in white is obviously a coordinator of Xue Ji, or a monitor. If something is found, of course it should be kept by this ninja. He is dead now, even if that kind of thing doesn't burst out. At least you should find dead equipment that has become unusable on the body. Since no death gear exists for this thing, it means that the thing has been taken away. A more reasonable analysis is that there are more than one person monitoring Xue Ji, and another person may bring things back to Nobunaga, the ghost hand. Unfortunately, the player in the Northern League refused to tell me what they passed.

No way, neither side would cooperate with me, and I couldn't check it. Now I can only go to Tianzhaodi trouble according to the meaning of the army god. Although he is already a complete body, he is just a cultivating human being. Besides, Mother Earth also said that as long as I summon all the magic pets, his strength is similar, so I am not afraid of him.

Changed a set of ordinary equipment before leaving the forest. Haunted by ghosts. If I don't leave right away, his people will definitely be here soon. In the end I was still too slow. The ninja that was killed must have reported the ghost-hand Nobunaga as soon as he hung back, and apparently the ghost-hand Nobunaga had guessed it was me. Later, when I fought with Xue Ji, he summoned everyone together. As soon as I reached the edge of the forest, his man arrived. Guishi Nobunaga's **** has brought thousands of people, which is really blatant.

I can't be spotted. There are too many people in Ghost Hands Nobunaga, and it may not be easy to rush out. The Mother Earth helped me scare away Tianzhao once, but she wouldn't help me often. If Tianzhao was blocked by the army and horses. Then I really want to cry without tears. According to the motherland of the earth, together with all the magic pets, I can only make a five-five with Tianzhao. If I go to the house with a ghost hand Nobunaga, I will lose.

It seems necessary to escape carefully. After thinking about it, I decided to go underground. Can't hold back the ghost-handed Nobunaga with anti-stealth people, it would be bad if they were seen. Retreat to the center of the forest first, find a no-man's land to summon rose vines and trailblazers. After receiving the order, the Blazers immediately made a hole in the ground, and then went straight down. The trailblazers only started to move sideways after dropping more than fifty meters straight. I jumped and followed him. Rose Vine is responsible for the aftermath behind me. Others don't want to follow this channel.

We walked underground, and Nobunaga's hand led a search on it. Of course he couldn't find anything. I was underground and the entrance was camouflaged by plants. Of course it is not easy to appear. I've been moving underground and it's not slow to have a trailblazer. While walking, the Blazers stopped suddenly.

"Why don't you go?" I asked him strangely.

The trailblazer doesn't speak, but he can communicate with me through personal contact, but he doesn't even use this. Instead, he stepped back and opened a fork to the side, then began to expand the hole. I walked to the front along the road he had just hit, and there was a hole in it. It turned out that the Blazers hit an underground space, so they stopped.

I looked up. The entrance is only about thirty centimeters in diameter. The Trail Blazers felt quite keen, but stopped just as soon as they got through, without continuing to drill forward. From here you can see that the outside is not the sky, that is to say, it is not a cliff somewhere, but it should be hit to a cave or the like.

The black goo rumbling inside the cave, but this does not affect my vision. I glanced to confirm my safety before I got out. This is indeed an underground cavity, with an area of ​​about three to four hundred square meters, and the difference between the largest drops is only a dozen meters, which is not very large. On the other side of the space, there is a small hole in the wall. This small hole is only the thickness of a finger, but it is very conspicuous, because there is light projected from the side of the hole.

Take back the magic pet first, I quickly ran to the edge of the hole and put my eyes together. Through this small hole, you can see that the other side is also a cave, but it is much larger than this side. The hole is also a natural hole, because the walls and the top of the hole are very chaotic, and artificial holes will not do this. Besides, the holes dug by hand need not be so high. The small hole I use to look around is actually more than ten meters high from the bottom of the hole. The ground of the hole I am in now is not parallel to the ground of the hole next to it. There is a large gap between the two. It was also because of this drop that I was fortunate not to be swept away by the flood. Because the hole next to it is simply an underground river.

From what I can see, the river is flowing fast. If it were not for my high ground, I should have been flushed back by the river as soon as the trailblazers punched the hole. Fortunately, no such thing happened.

The river below doesn't seem to be ordinary either. The liquid flowing in the river does not look like water because they are in the light. I just saw that the light that hits my side from this small hole is from the river. This river looks more like some kind of oil, and its pale blue light seems strange. After repeatedly confirming the safety here, I simply broke the small hole and then jumped down.

The ground on both sides of the river is very green. The middle river is about ten meters wide and the water flow is relatively fast. The blue light I saw before appeared brighter when approached, but the light was not river water. I didn't see it well before, but it was a shellfish living in the river. As for the composition of the river water, it is not like oil when you look at it, it is still water, but it looks like oil because of the refractive effect.

Because there is nothing worthy of note, I plan to let the Blazers continue to dig after crossing the river. When I walked to the river and planned to fly by, a sudden splash of water came from the upstream of the river. The water splash was very fast, and he approached me quickly, reaching me in almost ten seconds. I saw that the water in the river was splashing to both sides. It seemed that there was something moving in the river with a high degree, and the current was lifted by this thing.

With a bang, the water stopped suddenly in front of me. A huge and ugly head emerged from the river. At first glance, this head looks like a toad, and its mouth is scary.

Without any pause, the monster began to rush at me as soon as the water came out, and his mouth opened wide in advance. This guy's mouth had a bunch of sharp teeth, and there was a kind of disgusting mucus flowing outwards, and he knew it was a carnivorous animal.

I flashed seven or eight feet away at a stroke ~ ~ The guy bit a bit on the stone next to him. I only heard a rattling sound, and he actually chewed those stalagmites. It may be that the taste is not good, and the stone that has been chewed is spit out again. But this at least shows that this guy has a good teeth, and can even stone.

The strange thing was that the big guy couldn't move after biting the stone. It didn't come to chase me right away, but kept turning its huge head in place and seemed to be looking for something. I suddenly realized that this thing seemed to have no eyesight, it was smelling the surrounding smell. The light in the ground was dim. The eyes of this thing were obviously degraded, but the workers were strengthened. After smelling it a few times he actually rushed towards me in the exact direction.

"Lucky." It takes a big deal to deal with such things.

As soon as he was lucky, the big guy appeared, flashed aside quickly, his body turned, and his tail swept up. The terrible creature screamed and flew across the river and crashed on the opposite rock wall, and then fell down. It kept spraying blood bubbles in its mouth, obviously not falling. Fortunately it wasn't until this time that he could see exactly what he killed. "Wow, what a disgusting thing, I wouldn't touch it if I knew it." Fortunately, obviously, I had a headache when I encountered such a thing. I desperately put the tail in the river to wash it. As a result, the tail was not washed, and the upstream and downstream were suddenly at the same time. It sounded exactly the same as before.

"This is trouble!"

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