Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 20: Ghost League Lair

Dozens of these things rushed up and down the river, and there were sounds continually gathering in the distance. "It looks like they're choking their nest." I called the Blazers. "Fortunately you go back first, the Blazers dig there."

The Blazers quickly found a relatively soft place and started to dig downwards. They continued to go deeper for more than ten meters before starting to move horizontally. I withdrew my luck and jumped down the burrow. The trailblazers led me across the bottom of the river and moved on. I placed a bunch of bombs at the bottom of the river, in case the monsters would catch up, at least this could stop for a while.

After running for a long time, the Seal of the Seal of the Throne of Monsters did not catch up, and it was probably safe. I asked the Blazers to start digging diagonally upwards, and the Blazers stopped just after digging for a hundred meters.

"What's wrong this time?" I patted the trailblazer's tail to move him aside. After the Blazers gave way, there was another hole ahead. There are many volcanic activities in Japan. Underground volcanic veins often generate a lot of bubbles in the flow, and such pores will be left after the magma solidifies. In fact, it is very dangerous in this kind of place. The cave is the gas emitted from the volcano. This is not air but hydrogen sulfide. If my mask can provide backup oxygen and filtering functions, it is estimated that I have been smoked.

This hole is exactly a closed underground space like the previous hole. I asked the trailblazers to leave these holes alone and move forward, digging to the ground first and then saying that they have already left the search circle of ghosts and nobles. The Blazers no longer closed the holes when they received the order, and drilled all the way forward.

It was said that the besieger of the ghost-handed Nobunaga was unsuccessful. He thought that I had escaped with the teleporting scroll, so he ran back with the army. There is a small city not far from that forest, this place is a player city. Many people don't know what it was built for, because it is very secretive. This city is actually the location of Guild Nobunaga's guild headquarters, but few people know about it. The idea of ​​Nobunaga's hand is completely different from that of Matsumoto Masahiro. Matsumoto's idea is to form a huge guild. Thus better control and command. The idea of ​​Nobunaga's hand is to only form an elite small guild for special forces, and other Japanese players will form a roughly alliance-type organization, as long as it can be mobilized.

It is based on this theory that it is why Nobunaga's Guild has established his guild in such a remote place, and it is hidden like a secret base, and no one knows it at all.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga who returned to his old nest immediately called his own group of effective men and began to discuss why I appeared in the ghost gate, and supposedly I should fight with them in Kyushu.

A Ghost League player said: "I think this guy from Ziri must have any ghost idea. This guy never fights normally, always messes with us, it is really troublesome."

Another player said, "Whatever he wants to do. Send someone to stare at him is the priority."

Nobunaga's hand held his chin and said, "The problem is that the encirclement just failed, and at least he has to know where he is at first!" Nobunaga's hand was talking, and suddenly felt that the ground was beginning. Violently shake. "How did it happen?"

"Probably a volcano." A player was quite calm and authentic.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga said nervously, "There are no volcanoes near us. Where's the volcanic earthquake?"

"What could it be?"

"Ghosts know ... wow ...!"

They were inquiring about each other, and the large table around them suddenly flew up, toppled to the side, and two slow, slow people were smashed under the table. A large hole appeared under the table, and a huge jaw protruded out of the hole. Waving left and right. Suddenly the tongs backed back, and then saw a gorgeous helmet sticking out from below, and a familiar voice from Nobunaga's hand came out of the helmet. "Did you get through? Strange. Where is this?"

That's right, it's me who got out below. The Blazers are really fast enough to open the hole. It hasn't been long before the Seal of the Seal of God digs all the way under the house of the ghostly Nobunaga. Seeing people staring at me with surprise on the outside, I also realized that the situation was a bit bad.

"Hey ... I'm sorry to be wrong." I suddenly shook my head and shouted, "The Blazers run away."

The ghost-handed Nobunaga also responded. "Where's your bastard? Run after it." Then he took the lead and jumped down.

The Blazers immediately started to drive on the bypass as soon as they went. I think it might be too late. Although the Blazers are quick to dig, they can't run faster than the ghost-handed Nobunaga, so it is definitely too late to dig the road. I simply retracted the trailblazers and ran straight back along the original road. They didn't have to watch the road anymore, they just followed the road.

Run all the way back to the river before. As a result, I forgot that I dropped a bomb here and stepped on it. With a bang, the bomb exploded. I did n’t feel good about it. Such a bomb did n’t kill me, but there was a river bed above my head. The place was so thin that I could n’t resist such an explosion. As the shock wave of the explosion was cancelled, the riverbed collapsed. All the water in the underground river poured in all of a sudden, and the huge current rushed into the tunnel and pushed me back.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga chased, and suddenly heard something wrong. He reached out to block the people behind him. "Wait, what's the sound?"

A player reached out and listened. "It sounds like water."

"Sound of water?" Guizhi Nobunaga wondered where the water was coming from, but he soon had the answer, because the water had already washed over. The ghost-handed Nobunaga hurriedly shouted to the back: "Run back."

Although he shouted quickly, people responded by taking the time to seal the throne. The river rushed along the passage, and it was mixed with me towards this side. But Nobunaga's hand can't control me at this time, and the main job now is to escape. It's a pity that the water is much faster than him. The river water took me to catch up with the ghost-handed Nobunaga and drag him in, and then all the guys were drawn in all the way forward.

A large group of us rolled over the passage and reached the dense area of ​​the hole. The water rushed us out of the entrance to the first place, and then began to fill it quickly. It looks like you can fill it up in a while. Although we are hostile to each other, we can no longer fight each other, and quickly climb the high passage to the next hole, and then continue to run. So the river chased us all the way. He is forcing us to not even have the Seal of Throne in battle time.

It was easy to pass through the cave area. The river behind us was separated by three or four holes from us, and it took about ten minutes to flood. As soon as he saw the opportunity, he attacked me immediately. As a result, he lost his hand and turned into a fight. The ten-minute battle was not over, but the river came over, and Zheli rushed and took us out of the channel together. As soon as the river flow into the narrow passageway, the flow of water began to increase obviously, and we couldn't stop at all.

A large number of Ghost League players are gathering in the conference room of the Ghost League headquarters at this time. The guard heard the fighting and shouting in the room. When he rushed in, he saw the overturned table and the hole in the ground, but there were no guild bosses who should have been in the meeting. So he called the other members over and planned to see the situation. While they were discussing whether to go down, the ground suddenly shook.

Without any warning, a huge plume of water spurted out of the mouth of the cave. Then the waterline in the room started to rise rapidly. Although the door was not sealed, the degree of water leakage in the door gap was far less than that of the water outlet, and the water soon flooded the roof. Because the door opened inward, the water pressure pressed it firmly against the door frame, and it couldn't open at all. Seeing that the water had reached the roof. Then Xun filled the whole house, and the only exit left was the vent on the roof. The water quickly reached the vent, and then sprayed out like a fountain from all the gaps in the house. Outside players saw the players inside the window floating like a fish through the glass. A quick player screamed at the dwarf with a Warhammer next to him: "Hurry up, break it."

The dwarf player immediately waved a sledgehammer and hit it with a crack. A crack appeared on the wall, and then the crack began to spread around, and soon covered the entire wall. The players around were aware that they were not quite right, and they wanted to run when they turned around, but unfortunately slowed down a bit. The wall exploded suddenly, and the river spewed out like a flood, suddenly rushing all the people outside. After the water pressure was balanced, the large hole inside the room sprayed water continuously like a fountain. After a few seconds, a dark shadow suddenly flew out of it. Nearby players had already climbed up and hurried over after seeing the shadow falling.

Those players approached and found out that this is the boss of their own guild, but after the boss got up and coughed, he pointed at the water column and said: "Cough ... hurry, letter ... Nobunaga is still inside! cough……!"

When the surrounding players heard the boss hurried over and watched it, after a while, a black shadow was beaten out. The people around rushed to catch it, and now he is another veteran player in the guild. Follow the players that fly out. Six people came out of the water, all of them from the guild. After the seventh black shadow flew out, they rushed to catch it, but when they looked down, they didn't seem to know the person. Each other's chest. It doesn't matter if you look at it, it scares them, because what's left there is the sign of Frost Rose Alliance.

After I was caught by a Japanese player, I also noticed the change in the other person's eyes. One jumped up and flipped, and threw out the person who caught me. Summon the birds to jump up. "Fast flash." A group of Japanese players chased them up, but were struck by the air waves emitted from the tail of Asuka. The bird dragged its long tail flame and disappeared into the sky. The people in Ghost League do n’t know whether to chase or not. After thinking about it, they decide not to chase it. Their bosses are still soaking in the water. I have to be beaten by someone to beat me!

Matsumoto was the last one to come out of the water. As soon as he came out, he started looking for me everywhere. As a result, people told him that I had been away for a few minutes. He was constantly swearing at him, but it was useless to curse again. I have been tens of kilometers away.

Speaking of strangeness, it was strange to say that his city was built in a concave land under the mountain, and the underground river I encountered before was actually very high in altitude. So although it is an underground river, it is actually much higher than the geographical location of the headquarters of the Ghost League. As a result, the river will not follow the original route after the next opening. Instead, they all poured back into the channel, and then spewed out from the center of the ghost alliance city.

I took a big lap over Japan and flew back to the Kyushu area. This is the main battlefield of the Japanese battle. As soon as I flew halfway, I saw a large battlefield, but strangely, it was not the Chinese and Japanese fighting. It was a large group of Americans fighting the Japanese. A closer look at the flags of the Americans is a bit familiar.

Pat the birds. "Go down and fall behind the Americans."

As soon as the birds broke through the clouds, they saw a large group of air cavalry fighting below. The air cavalry on the American side is quite neat, all rainbow birds. When I saw this bird, I remembered exactly who was underneath. If I guessed right, it should be Rainbow Alliance. No one except them has such a flowery flag and mount.

The air had been disrupted, and no one noticed me at all. All the way to the rear of the army array, the other air defense forces noticed me, and the mage immediately hit a row of magic bullets. Fortunately, the birds flew fast. A straight assault, I took off the bird and jumped straight from the air. The following mage regiment stepped back, and the soldiers rushed forward, but Yusina recognized me. "Stop. It's yours."

The soldiers looked at me and looked at Yusina in doubt. Yusina explained with a smile: "He is Zi Ri, a Chinese."

To Americans, Chinese and Japanese look alike. Not recognizable at all. They were fighting the Japanese, and suddenly they saw a Chinese landing, and it was natural to think that the Japanese had broken through to the rear.

Driving away from the guards, Yusina came over. "How did you get here?"

"I'm looking for someone who happened to pass by you. I saw you fighting here, so come down and see."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

"Tian Zhao."

"The great Japanese god?" Yusina was startled.

"Not who else can he have."

"What are you looking for?" Yusina asked me in surprise.

I shook my head helplessly.


"Have you hit him?"

"I don't know." I pointed to the front. "Stop saying me. How did you do this?"

"Not all of them are terrible. That **** is hard to run, but it must come to our United States to make trouble. Some time ago, the Seal of the Seal of God, our guild shipped a batch of important goods from South America to return to China. I did not expect halfway They were robbed. After the start of the national war, the maritime passage between the United States and Japan actually opened. I came to find the ghost Nobunaga. "

"What? There is a passage between the United States and Japan? What kind of passage is it? Where is it?" This is major news, and it must be checked.

Yusina and I have a good relationship. Besides, it's useless to conceal such a thing, so she introduced it to me easily. "In fact, this is no secret. After the start of the national war, an island appeared on the west coast of the United States. Although the area of ​​the island is not large, there are two large caves at its edges. These two caves are south facing A cave facing north and south can only enter and cannot go out, and a cave facing north can only go out but cannot enter. In addition, there is also a cloud of indiscriminate fog on the Pacific side of Japan. .A boat on the American side will drive in from the cave on the south side of the island, and it will come out of the thick fog on the side of Japan. And the boat on the Japanese side just needs to drive towards the fog, no matter which direction you drive In the fog, as long as you don't turn the rudder, it will definitely come out of the north cave of this island on the American side. Later we determined that this is actually a maritime teleportation point, and it is completely free, and can be teleported with the ship. . "

"It's strange! I said why do you have the leisure to run to Japan to fight? After half a day, the maritime channel was opened. Oh right. There won't be only one US external channel?"

Yusina nodded and confirmed: "Of course there is more than one. There is also a teleportation point on the east coast of the United States, but that transmission point is transatlantic, and it is more exciting, and most people really dare not use it."

"More exciting? What kind of stimulation?"

"The teleportation point is a large vortex. Any ship will be sucked in as soon as it approaches, and then rotate downwards along the vortex. After a while, it will emerge from the vicinity of Europe opposite the Atlantic Ocean. But I heard that people often disappear after passing through the passage, and all the missing people are linked back. "

"Large vortex? It's really exciting." I thought for a moment: "I heard that the Canadians are attacking you. What's the situation now? You are not fighting domestic aggression, but you have come here, not afraid that there is no Live? "

"Please, we are the United States, not Iraq. Are we so bullied? Yesterday morning we started to fight back. Those guys in Canada were not our opponents at all. Now it seems that we have moved the front to the original borderline. It is estimated that today It's time to hit Canadian territory in the evening. "

"Are you all amazing?"

"Do you think the world police are so good?" Yusina raised her little fist. "That's what speaks in the world."

I smiled and didn't comment much. "Then how are you fighting the Japanese now? Just now I looked at you as if you couldn't stand it."

Yusina said a little sadly: "Speaking of you, are all Orientals used to doing things that don't follow common sense?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Because you always do things like this, this ghost-handed Nobunaga is the same as you. There is no normal way of fighting. Think about bad ideas and pit people. My people have eaten several big losses, and it is really depressed! I wo n’t say anything if I ’m defeated in the righteous manner, and I ’m not willing to be killed like this! ”

I smiled and stretched out a hand. "I'll help you with the money."

Yusina slapped my palm. "It's better to be defeated by your extortion!"

"Just kidding." I retracted my hand and said, "Even if you don't ask me, I have to help."

"When are you turning?" Yusina asked me, pretending to be surprised.

"I didn't turn around, I just saw an acquaintance in the other's army. I felt it necessary to go to a meeting."

"Say me!" Yusina reached out a little above my head. "Okay, make sure you join our battlefield. You won't be injured by yourself now."

I nodded and turned towards the battlefield. In fact, just in the sky, I noticed that there was a large white area in the center of the battlefield below. I can't think of anybody who can make this kind of white snowfield except that Xueji.

Only after entering the battlefield did the Americans fight in a very different way than previously thought. To be honest, I have never seen a large-scale war with American players like the Throne of Seals for so long since the game began ~ ~ Today is my first experience. It turns out that the battles of American players are completely different from other countries. The battles on their side are mainly long-range weapons, and the firepower is divided into several layers.

The firepower of the nearest layer is supported by a musket. Because the range of the musket in the game is small, it can only be used as the first layer of combat power. The second level is the archer. This primitive weapon uses a musket with a range and power after the projectile method, which can just hit the mid-range enemy. The third layer of firepower net is a mage. These people's damage output is probably the highest in the army. The magic is very powerful, the coverage is wide, and the range is quite satisfactory. The shortcomings are that the preparation time is too long, and the ammunition is limited by magic and cannot be used continuously. After the first three, there is a fourth weapon. These are some large magic weapons with a long range and great power, but they are usually not used in normal combat, and can only be used for defense and siege.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties under the American's intensive weapon attack, but once they rushed close, the American defense force was obviously inadequate, but the Japanese consumed too many lives on the charge, not as many as before Now, so there is no need to cross the defense of American players.

My dark man is quite conspicuous among the members of the Rainbow Alliance. The opposite Xue Xue saw me at a glance. She threw away a player who had turned into an ice sculpture, and walked towards me straight.

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