Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 21: Kidnapping in disguise

"It's you again?" Xue Ji was so impressed with me.

"I just saw you below in the sky and suddenly remembered something you might help."

"Look for me to help?" Xue Ji gave a clear frown.

"What did you say to him?" A Japanese player rushed up and slashed at me, but it turned into an ice sculpture before he rushed to me.

Xueji stared at the ice sculpture coldly, "I hate people to intervene most when I speak." Then she turned to me again. "Do you know what I do?"

"Aren't you a mercenary?"

"Very good." Xueji nodded. "Then go talk to my organization. But before that, you are still the enemy." She said suddenly rushed up.

I dare not touch her hand, this woman is too cold. Holding her hands with the restored blade, she continued to ask, "Where is your organization?"

"Tokyo." Xueji drew her hand and kicked her leg up.

I took advantage of a little on her feet, and flew out a few feet away. After landing, he turned around and jumped on the bird that just appeared: "You can't run away." The bird suddenly added a circle above the position, and I summoned them fortunately, they came to the position four times, and it was a help for You Xena. After returning to the position to say hello to Yusina, he directed Asuka to move in the direction of Tokyo.

Asuka landed outside Tokyo and flew into Tokyo as I am now. Don't even think about finding anything, it will only be besieged by a large group of angry players. I must first find a way to disguise it, and the most thorough disguise is to change the number. A whirlwind rolled by, and I had switched to Silver Moon. It looks like this now. Most Japanese are unrecognizable unless Nobunaga Miguchi and Ichino Kamano are so familiar to me. Considering that everyone knows my magic pet, I don't want to mount it, I walk to Tokyo city on foot.

The last time Isinger moved the fortress to attack Japan, he drove outside Tokyo. But I haven't made it in, and Tokyo has made several large expansions, so I don't really know what the interior of Tokyo looks like so far. Traveling all the way, soon under the city walls. You can see the wide city walls and the large defensive weapons on it all the time, and it looks really armed to your teeth.

There are a large number of guards under the city walls, but these people are full of appearances. As long as you choose to hide the guild logo, even if it is not, you can't tell which people are in your country. And, in fact, it is not as good as the player. At least the player can see from the appearance that white people and black people are not in their own country.

After entering the city I started looking around the main road. There are various shops on both sides of the road. If Xue Ji is a mercenary, there is also organization. Then there should be a place like the facade. Along the way I saw countless shops, but there were no mercenary shops. I'm not good at asking local players, it would be miserable if something was said wrong. However, players ca n’t ask, it does n’t mean bsp; first find a tea house, and then enter and order something. By the way, I asked the children. For a long time I found the wrong place. The mercenary organizations are all concentrated in the strategic area of ​​the second basement of Tokyo, and everything related to fighting is basically concentrated in that area. Out of the tea house, I quickly found the entrance to the dungeon according to the route given by Xiao Er. Go down to the ground floor from here. Then go through a dungeon entrance and enter the second basement.

The entrance to the dungeon floor must have soundproof magic, and I heard a loud noise as soon as I stepped out of the passage. The population density of Japan is much larger than that of China. Adding this number, one can imagine what level of population density in Tokyo can reach. The street in front of me is full of noisy crowds. Some people are selling with the equipment they are hitting. Some people are shouting to do missions, and they are shouting to form teams to fight Chinese players. No wonder the upper part of the ground looks so depressed that people have been in the dungeon for a long time!

"Hello." A hot-looking girl held me. "Is this a team? We don't have a mage in your team. You don't seem to be at a low level. We just need to do a big task and need a master."

I shook my head: "I'm here to find mercenaries."

The little girl obviously didn't want to let me go. Still refused to leave. "You are looking for a mercenary to do a task? You join our team first. After finishing the task, we will come back to help you solve your task. What do you think?"

"I'm not doing missions, I just need a high-level mercenary. You also saw that I'm a mage, and it's painful without the cooperation of soldiers."

"Oh, that's it! That's even better. There are too many melee professions in our team, and you can just complement each other with us!"

"I'm not used to cooperating with others. Mercenaries can fight as I order, so I only need one mercenary."

Seeing me so determined, the little girl had no choice but to say, "Sister, don't you go now? I'll call a friend, and if you look at it, you know that we are very strong, and you will never suffer."

"I'm not a woman ... a person!" This little girl was gone without saying a word, really a pioneer! Shaking his head, I continued to find mercenaries.

This dungeon is exactly the opposite of the above ground. At first, when I was in the city above the ground, I could not find the mercenary organization at all, and I couldn't ask about the situation of Xue Ji, but now there are too many mercenary organizations and I can't ask one by one. It may take three or four days to find it in this way, and that's luck. In case you find the last one, you'll find the right one.

I was worried. I didn't expect that the little girl who had just left actually pulled a group of people back. How is this girl like chewing gum! Can't come down if stuck!

"Sister, I brought people back. Look at them. They are all amazing."

A big guy nearly two meters tall came to me and asked the little girl. "She is the strong mage you said?"

The little girl immediately nodded excitedly: "How is it? I have a good vision?"

The big man looked me up and down. "Miss Master, can you ask me how many levels you have?"

, I put the staff to the ground for a meal, and rightfully said to him: "First, I'm not a woman. Second. I don't want to form a team. Don't bother me again, okay?"

"Ah? Not a woman?" The big man came up and looked at it for a long time before he was sure: "It really isn't a woman! But you are so beautiful! Hey, sorry! But you really don't want to team with us We have a very good job to do. I guarantee you will be able to get at least three consecutive levels. "

"Are you sure you want me to go up?"

"Wow, are you so amazing that you have already been transferred to Da Mo Xun? That's a terrible job title!" Said the little girl.

The big man also said with pity: "I didn't expect you to be so strong. To be honest, you are the third player to pass the 800 level I have seen so far."

Another dwarf player with them also came over and said, "Now the 800 people are all antelope horns. Those who can reach your level are masters. I don't think you should miss our mission , Although it is not sure for you that the third level is to go up to the ground, it is not a problem to guarantee the first level. As long as our task is completed, there will be a basic reward and you can be promoted to the first level. "

"I'm really not interested." I shook my head to reject them.

Seeing that I was really reluctant to participate, a mage player who had been standing behind did not speak and came up angrily and authentically: "Are you Japanese, anyway? The great Japanese nation is now in crisis, the Chinese have already come here, and we urgently need strength Wouldn't you like to help? Is it ...? "

"That's it! Then I'll join." Fainted! This works too! This guy's words clearly doubt my identity. If I were Japanese, I wouldn't have to leave him, but the problem is that I'm posing, so I didn't have the courage to do so. In case it is really not Japanese. More trouble.

"Are you really willing to join?" The mage looked at me in surprise. "Don't lie to anyone. If you refuse to do nothing now, you can run us halfway through the mission and kill us."

"Rest assured, my credibility is still possible. Since I said I would do the task with you, I won't quit halfway." In fact, I have been thinking about when to find a chance to slip away.

"Great, finally there is a suitable mage." The little girl cheerfully said to the big man: "Let's get out of here."

"Okay. Let's go with us and explain to you the specific task. Right. Do you have a magic pet?"

"Magic pet?" If I had no magic pet, no one would have a pet in this game. However, Ziri, a large land pet, is a key wanted object, and will definitely be recognized when he shows up. There are only two trumpet pets in Yinyue. One is steel teeth, and the other is red crest. Although Steel Tooth is mixed, it can basically be classified as a unicorn. This creature is so incisive that it will definitely be exposed when it is summoned. Hung Hom is no problem. Although Japan does not have a sky fox, it has a nine-tailed fox. Hung Hom is nothing more than double the number of tails, which should not cause them to doubt. Quickly answer them after making sure: "I have a magic pet."

"Okay, let's try it out of the city. Let's understand everyone's situation to facilitate cooperation."

"Ah ... okay!" I followed them step by step and left the city. On the way outside the city, I learned the general situation of the team. There are six people besides me. My little girl was named Quan Shui at the beginning and was an archer, but I never figured out which branch she belonged to. The big man, nearly two meters tall, is called Hesla, and his profession is a Berserker. The dwarf player is called a blood dragon. It grows well, but because the selected race is a dwarf, he is not tall. He is a warhammer by profession and is said to be very scary in attack. The mage who stimulated me was called a limited blue pill, but everyone called him a pill. It can be seen from their exchanges that Pill Ball is an unpopular person, but he is the only mage in the team except me, so he cannot offend. There are two others, one is Master Baiyun and the other is Meteor Lover. Master Baiyun is a swordsman, I heard that the level is quite high. Meteor lover is a man though. But he was the priest, the only medical staff member in the entire team.

When I walked out of the city, I realized that this team was not always an acquaintance. Spring water and Hesla originally knew the people, Master Bai Yun, Meteor Lover, and Blood Dragon also knew each other. The five of them met two or three weeks ago and have been together ever since. It can be considered that the throne of time has a long time. The limited-level blue pill is similar to mine. It is also a temporary occupant, but one thing is that the task to be done this time was originally other. Strictly speaking, the six of us are all helpers, and he is the Lord. That is because he is the task holder, and because he is the only offensive spell user in the team, he is so prosperous, others have to let him.

After exiting the city gate, at the request of Hesla, all of us must summon their respective pets and show them, and also use our own fighting methods to let everyone know their respective strengths, so that they can fight each other well Cooperate.

Spring water is displayed first. She first found a lonely tree far away, and then shot an arrow. The accuracy of this arrow can only be considered amateur. But for absolutely amazing. The arrow fell at least five meters away from the big tree. As a result, the big tree was slammed and smashed by a thunderous sound, showing that the power was not small. Co-authoring this girl is Burst Archer. No wonder we didn't show us in the city, and we had to blast all nearby buildings with this power.

The display of the Blood Dragon was also quite shocking. This dwarf performed a series of hammer skills, especially a few large skills. The power really wasn't unusually large. There was a violent vibration on the ground every hammer hit. But compared to his skills. His magic pet is even more scary. The blood dragon actually has a crystal dragon magic pet. I've seen a lot of crystal dragons before. This kind of dragon that looks like a tyrannosaurus can't fly or magic, but it still belongs to the powerful fighters of the dragon family. Relying on the ground is his almost invincible defense and horrific attack power. The blood dragon is a ruby ​​crystal dragon with red head and looks very shocking.

Master Baiyun, as a sword sage, has quite a lot of skills. It is almost like dancing, but the power is really great. The level of 807 makes him the second-highest player in the team besides me, and he does have a strong ability. But he has no magic pet like spring water, which is miserable. So far the magic pet is still a luxury in the game, except for a bunch of people like me. Most people are still worried about whether to wait for a good magic pet or summon a lower-level magic pet first.

By contrast, this meteor lover is much more fierce. The 701 level makes him the lowest member in the team, and the priest itself is not a combat profession, but this is the case, he is still the main combatant in this small team because he has three magic pets. A red dragon, a light unicorn and a mammoth war elephant. These three are advanced creatures, and their combat power is stronger than that of an ordinary player. The number of magic pets in "Zero" is scarce, and they are also very powerful. Therefore, having magic pets is an extremely happy thing, and three of them are even worse, not to mention that all three are all high-end goods.

Next is the demonstration of the limited blue pill. This guy played a row of magic in one go, all types, but summed up in four words-Bo and not fine. His type of magic covers almost all departments, but he can't use advanced magic at all. All magic is low to medium. In the novel, some Western teachers often use a combination of small magic to solve the scene of strong enemies, but this is a game. A low magic level means that you are not as good as others. Rather than studying so many categories, it is better to specialize. In terms of magic, there is indeed one pill, but it is just a bird of paradise. It can be used for reconnaissance. Don't count on fighting.

Hesla's various barbarian warriors performed power. Properly matched to his figure, this guy has considerable strength. However, I judge that his power is at least as big as my Ziri. Even if I fight with him, he may not fail, not to mention that I have more than power.

The last one is my show. Although I don't want to expose my strength, after all, I have more than 800 levels, and the magic power I use is not small. This is a game but not a reality. The lethality of magic skills is definite, not controlled by what I want to control. The fire eyes thrown at random were low-level magic, and after a bonus of my attributes, a small piece of wood was burned out. The power was too great. All of my equipment is equipped with magic attacks, and I want to reduce it.

I was shouted as soon as I used a few spells, and my teammates were all surprised at the power of my magic, but I shimmed myself into luck to get a good outfit, so the magic power was very great. They asked me to show the magic pet again, and I had to summon Hung Hom.

The red eyes of the spring running with the stars flashing on them would hug the red cricket, and the red cricket flashed to my back immediately. "what are you doing?"

Hesla looked at Hung Hom and looked at me in surprise. "Does your magic pet speak?"

"Any questions?"

"No problem, it's just rare to see such a high-level magic pet."

"Aren't the red dragons and unicorns of the meteor lover talking?"

"Of course, but I have seen more than a dozen talking pets after counting them, which is a rather rare type. I really envy you."

The spring ran several times around me trying to catch the red pimple, while still asking: "How much is your magic pet?"

"Not sure, it's over a thousand anyway."

The limited-level blue pill asked in disbelief: "This fox is over a thousand?"

"Don't believe it?"

"That's not it," said the limited blue pill. "Can you show him his abilities?"

I asked Hung Hom to show some simple powers. At this time, I will not expose all my powers. What I care about most now is when I can get rid of it. I still remember the organization mentioned by Xue Ji! Actually, the real value like Xue Ji is quite high. This is not to say her fighting power, but her memory. She remembers the situation of her previous client. If she can become her new client, I will be able to grasp some of the previous activities of the ghost-handed Nobunaga. This information is very important, but unfortunately I can't get rid of them because of these people.

The show of strength is over, and everyone knows how to cooperate. Guided by the limited blue pill, we started to move towards the mission target. They **** are all prepared. The blood dragon can ride a crystal dragon. Master Baiyun, Spring Water and Hesla borrow the red dragon of the meteor lover, and the meteor lover rides a unicorn. The war horse bought, although the level is lower, it is not slow. I'm alone in trouble. Most of my mounts are that air transport of one to two thousand people is not a problem, but now how can I call them? If you borrow it, only the meteor's lover's mammoth will be vacated. In terms of carrying capacity alone, that guy will have no problem. The key is that people are too slow to accept. But Hung Hom was very good at helping me solve the problem. She grew quickly and soon became as big as a cow. Although the Sky Fox is still a fox, a fox as big as a buffalo is certainly no problem riding a person. It turned out that I had the most powerful mount.

It wasn't until the road limit that the small blue pills started to explain the task to me. I had no interest in this task at all. I was planning to find a chance to run away, but a word from the pill caught my attention. "You must be desperate. That is the national guardian of our great Japan. If it is not rescued, it will be a loss for Japan."

"Guardian of the country?" My jaw almost fell. This limited-level blue pill was actually a national guardianship task, but it was no less than a regional guardianship, and the country's ultimate force! If the Japanese had such a thing, our lives would be difficult. If I don't know this, maybe I will run away. But for now, I must stay, and I have to find a way to undermine this task. The best is to let that Japanese national guardian "abandon the dark and cast the light" to follow me.

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