Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 23: Jinwu = golden crow?

Chiri is a bastard, and the black dragon who just got up is not much better. Instead of Chiri, he told me that the third method is actually similar to the second method, but changed the method and directly sealed Jin Wu with the power of the contract into a summoned creature.

I almost said in a crying voice: "It's easy for you to call, how can it be so easy to summon him? If you catch a demon pet, you must be severely wounded, so I just went in and Jinwu didn't hurt me, so I hung up."

"Cut, what is that noisy?" The huge bat above her head suddenly fell and fell, and then to my surprise she turned into a beautiful woman. "You two **** are itching? You know you're trying to trick someone into a little girl."

Chiri immediately argued: "Who says he's a little girl? Is he obviously a man!"

"Well? Such a handsome man?" The flamboyant woman came to me in a flash, and scared me to sit on the ground. This woman was still unwilling to let me go, and she lay down and crawled towards me, her face was less than a centimeter away from my face. I kept holding back with my hands, but she kept leaning forward. Although I don't mind being approached by beautiful women, the problem is that I have seen her body. I can't stand being batted so close, the ghost knows if she is a relative of the vampire bat.

"Hey, sister, please calm down, okay." Chiri and Heilong came up and grabbed the woman's arm and dragged it back.

May be irritated, the woman suddenly turned and turned into a huge flame bat king and rushed up. Chiri and the Black Dragon turned around and recovered the body, then the three giants collided together, and the mountain rocked. I feel that the hole is about to collapse!

The black dragon was suddenly thrown out of the battle group, and then a spit of dragon inflammation sprayed on the battle group, and saw that the flames had completely included the battle group. Blazing sun rolled out of it. "Hello, have you made a mistake? You haven't brushed your teeth when you just woke up? It's smelly!"

Heilong said angrily, "You have a sissy fetish. Dragons never need to brush their teeth."

The bat also rolled out of the flames, shaking his body and falling down a pile of fireballs. "The three of us are all in flames. Would you please stop spraying with fire next time?"

"It was you who provoked me first." Black Dragonmaw cried.

Chiri ignored both of them and rummaged around. "Strange, where's my comb? I got sprayed by that guy and I was sick! I want to take a shower!"

"I help you." The bat suddenly shot a cloud of red, and the scorching sun quickly jumped into the lava pool. "You're dirtier than him. Don't touch me if you don't take a bath for ten thousand years."

The bat snorted, "I don't bother you." She said she suddenly turned and faced me as a woman again. "My little boy, my sister is here."

"Stop." I put my foot on this woman's shoulder to keep her away. "We haven't known each other for less than ten minutes. We are still not familiar with it. How about keeping a distance?"

"How can I be familiar with distance? Do I need to touch from a distance to increase my feelings!" The woman suddenly pushed away my leg and rushed over. "Come on sister hug, you are still cute!"

"Help!" I put my hands on the woman's shoulders. "Is there anything wrong? Did the three of you spend too much time here with the Seal of the Seal and it was a problem?"

"Huh? How do you know?" The woman stopped suddenly, but she suddenly pounced even harder. "Sister, I'm just too lonely. Will you let my sister hug me!"

The woman and I scuffled into a ball, and in the end it was completely defeated because of a significant gap in strength. The woman hung from my back like a koala, and pressed her face to my face babblely. Thinking of Chi Sun just saying that she hadn't bathed for 10,000 years, I even shed tears! Oooooooooooooooooh ... raped by a beggar ...

After repeated efforts to prove that unless she volunteered, I would not be able to get her off her back. Fortunately, she did not do anything except to hold me. Although Chiri said that she had not taken a bath for 10,000 years. But I didn't smell anything too bad except for a burnt smell, so I had to do it first.

Helplessly walked to the black dragon who looked slightly normal and pointed the door. "Is there a fourth way?"

"No theory, but we can consider using some special means." Batwoman hanging on my back suddenly spoke.

"Special means?" I turned in surprise and looked at her close face. "What special means?"

"Jinwu is really powerful. But I just realized that you have this on your back." The woman pulled out the small commandment ring on my back. "This should be a small precept ring that can change the rules of the Seal of the Throne in a short time, right? If you have this thing, you can consider trying it."

Chiri came over with a Ujin silk towel. "Do you have this thing? Why didn't you say it earlier? It wouldn't be impossible at all."

"That's what it is." Black Dragon also came over and nodded. "If you have this, it's a solution."

"What the **** do you tell me?" I hurriedly turned around, but they looked like this, just don't tell me.

In the end, Zhiri said the method. "Okay, we can help you think of a way. First we will send you to the seal with our own authority. After entering, you must find a way to change the rules and let you ignore the influence of temperature, so the power of Jinwu is equal to Only one is left, except for the high temperature, he is not terribly bad, and he can really put one down at your level. "

I raised a hand high: "Question. First. The ability of the commandment ring is randomly drawn, in case no high temperature resistant item is drawn? This probability is not even one in a million? You wo n’t Count on my luck to such an extent? Second, there are nine Jinwus in it, and I ca n’t figure out one of them. Is n’t it that I am going to die with nine? ”

Batwoman suddenly threw the ring of commandment towards the opposite door. The outer circle of the commandment ring is half a month, which is quite sharp, but since the gate is used for the seal Jinwu, it should be very powerful. There should be huge damage to one of the two when they meet. But as a result, a layer of enchantment suddenly appeared around the ring of commandment. When the ring of command hit the door, the door actually recessed like a rubber cushion, and then it bounced out again. The ring of commandment was bounced back. Batwoman caught the ring of commandments and helped me plug it back in. "Understand? Usually, this thing is pumped randomly, but when it threatens its own security, it will choose 100% of the most important precepts. As long as you enter inside, the high temperature is enough to melt the ring of the precepts together, so it extracts The precepts are 100% isolated from high temperature or ignored, anyway you will not be afraid of high temperature anymore. "

"What about the nine Jinwu?" I asked, "Even if there is no high temperature, I can't even out the nine Jinwu at once!"

Chiri asked proudly, "Who told you that nine Jinwus were locked together?"

"Ah?" Right! No one ever said that nine Jinwus were locked together! In other words, as long as you enter any one of the cells, you don't need to worry about the other eight coming over.

"If you want, we will help you teleport." Chi Sun said: "I will not wait here for so many years to help our Chinese civilization do something. But I can explain first. Even then you are not necessarily safe. Jin Wu may have weakened for us if there is no high temperature, but he is still a very dangerous creature for you. "

"What if I can't figure it out?" I asked.

The woman on her back said, "If you can defeat Jin Wu and take him for his own use, then that cell will be empty. Of course we can open the door to release you. If you can't figure it out, you can only die. . "

gosh! This is really a gamble! Killed by Jinwu, but it ’s going to drop twenty levels! Think of it frighteningly. In case the Ming who had detonated Sunray was killed before, it would be even worse, and deleting the number once would seem to be too expensive. But the danger is directly proportional to the benefit, and I ultimately plan to take a second risk.

"We're going too." There was a sudden shout from outside. "Send us in too!"

It was Hesla. Although this guy was burnt everywhere, he walked in. Behind him was spring water. The little girl was fine on her body. There was only one minor injury that didn't look too serious. The blood dragon was gone, probably because of a hand injury. Master Baiyun and the meteor lover are all there, but only half breath is left.

I looked at them coldly. "You can still live here, it's really good! Of course you can go in, you can go through my level first."

"Wait." Hesla hurriedly stopped. "Misunderstanding. It was just misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Any misunderstandings?"

Izumi jumped out and said, "We thought you were Japanese, so I pushed you out. In fact, we are all Chinese players. I came to Japan to see if there is any cheaper to take advantage of. I didn't expect to encounter a pillball saying that he had This task requires someone to help with it. We think that messing up this task is a good way to undermine the strength of the Japanese, so here we come. But because we do n’t have a mage, Yaowanzi insists on finding another mage, so I came to you .I didn't expect that you were also Chinese. We thought you were Japanese and you are so high-level. We are afraid that if you complete the task at the end, you will help the Japanese, so I want to kill you halfway. We just I have heard your conversation. Since you are Chinese, our goal is the same. It was completely misunderstanding before! "

I turned my head to look at Sunburst. "You can see that I am Chinese, what about them?"

Chi Sun said: "The blood dragon who died outside is a Korean, and Master Bai Yun is also a Korean. The others are Chinese."

"I didn't expect you to really see it!" I looked at Chiri in surprise.

"Of course, Master Ben is also a friend of Daomen's ancestors. Wouldn't you even make a fuss about getting started with fortune telling? Then again, would your kid not let them enter with you?"

I shouted, "I'm all Chinese, why can't we go in and ask him?"

I just wanted to speak, Chiri Sun rushed in front of me and said, "Who do you think you should ask?"

"Of course I ask ... ask ... ask you."

"Will it end then? I want to ask him now." Said Chiri turned to me: "What do you say?"

I looked at them and said, "Although they are all Chinese, we are not familiar with each other. It is not good to cooperate with each other. I don't think it is good to go in together. If it is not troublesome, please help them to send them to another cell. Go, I'll do it alone. "

They don't have any opinion on what I said. The spring and Hesra immediately asked Blazing Sun to help them open a cell for them.

Chi sun nodded: "Since you hope so, I can't help it. In this way, in order to deal with the characteristics of Jin Wudi's killing and destroying the soul directly, you must use the bomb that I know, but there is only one bomb, so you go first Use a bomb to block their soul-destructive power. If you fail their teleportation, cancel it. If you succeed, I will send them to the next cell as soon as the bomb explodes. "

"Wait." I asked Chi Sun: "You mean one bomb can get all the Jinwu?"

"Of course. The cells are close together and fan-shaped, and you know when you go in. OK. We will send you in now if you are ready."

The batwoman who had been hanging on me suddenly said, "Yes, I'll send you some amulets." She said that she actually jumped down, and then turned to the top of the cave. I saw her flipping through a nest-like rock. Then came back to me. She took a talisman in front of me. "These were left by those who died there before. Take it with you! Although the strength is not strong, it should be possible to block a few attacks."

"Okay." I took the string of amulets and put them on my head.

Unexpectedly, the Black Dragon turned out a ruby ​​and handed it to me. "Put on your staff, this is the Heart of Fire."

Spring water said unwillingly: "Are we okay?"

The black dragon shook his head: "I'm just this one."

"But he has so many amulets. Should the gem be given to us?"

The black dragon immediately passed the gem to her without expression. The spring took it without asking anything. As soon as I encountered it, I heard Doraemon. "Ah! It's hot." The gem was thrown out.

Black Dragon asked her expressionlessly: "Do you want any more?"

The spring water was not convinced, took out Zhang Bow and wanted to set the gemstone on it. As a result, the bow began to bend as soon as it hit the gemstone, and it almost melted. The black dragon picked up the gem and passed it to me. "Heart of the Flame is a gemstone replaced from the core of the Sealed Array. Because of the long-term absorption of Jinwu's power, it has become a flame **** stone, and the temperature is very high. Your sun's staff is just the sun, except for this staff Nothing can be set with such a gem. "

This gem is actually equivalent to a nuclear battery. Although the power is sufficient, if you attach it to a flashlight, you can only burn the light bulb. It is impossible to turn the flashlight into a laser. My staff is high-level, which is equivalent to large power equipment. It can carry this kind of high-level energy, and the bow of spring water is just a small flashlight. If it can be installed on the ground, it can indeed cause the bow to take fire damage.

The black dragon helped me melt the gem directly into the staff, and then the three bosses stood in a triangle to surround me in the center. Chi Sun said: "Ready, we will count down three, when there is one, there will be a teleportation, this time is the official start, when you hear the teleportation in your heart for two seconds, then throw the bomb This will ensure that the Seal of Jinwu's soul damage ability is sealed by the Throne of Seals in the first time. Understand? "


"So let's get started, teleport."

I only saw a flash of red light around me, and then I felt as if I had fallen into the magma, and it was difficult for hot people to pant. Holding back the high temperature, the ink counted for two seconds, and quickly threw out the bomb that had been in his hand. After the seal bomb fell to the ground, it just ended with a muffled sound, and nothing happened, and I don't know if it was successful, but now I can only believe that he succeeded!

Take a brief look at the situation. It is strange that a bomb can deal with all Jinwu. It turns out that this cell is a round field, and then it is divided into nine fan-shaped areas, and each area is a separate room. The room where I am now is not small. This room alone has at least tens of thousands of square meters, but because it is a fan-shaped area, the range for maneuvering is not large. I looked around, and now there is a dazzling little sun flying in each sector. But I don't have it here. After looking around up, down, left and right, it turned out that the guy was actually above me. No wonder the hot people were out of breath!

Jin Wu said that he was a kind of bird. In fact, he could not see his body at all. He could only see a red light ball. The light in this cell was so bright that it could not see anything at all. The lens on the mask of the magic dragon armor has become dark black, but that's why the environment I see is still basically red. If it weren't for this lens, I would have seen nothing. Fortunately, the cell was completely empty and there were no obstacles except the dividing wall and Jinwu, so I just stared at the red light ball in front of me.

Suddenly I heard a loud shout from the next room. "Ah! My eyes!"

"I can't see anything!" This was Master Baiyun's voice.

Hesla shouted, "Come closer to me."

Meteor lover groped around: "Where are you? I can't open my eyes."

I'm hot, hot ... I ... "Jin Wu first attacked the spring. I can only see that the little girl seemed to be completely swallowed by the light ball. In fact, it should be steamed, but the light is too strong. I can only see shadows like thermal imaging across such a thick lens. So I can't tell the details.

After the spring water was vaporized, Master Bai Yun suffered a sting, and he was finished without even crying. Meteor's lover flew to Hesla and pushed him aside, but he was burned to ashes. Hesla got up and hurriedly blocked with a sword, but he disappeared with a sword. All four hung out within ten seconds of entering. Just outside the gate was the resurrection point. The four resurrected people were surprised to see that they had dropped more than twenty levels. Chiri comforts them by saying that at least the bomb was successful. Or worse.

At this point the door in front of them had become a mirror like a display screen, and the picture inside was the cell I was in. Strangely, the Jinwu above me did not immediately attack me, but just kept circling around me. I don't know what he wants to do.

Chiri laughed outside, "Jinwu seems to be confused."

The Black Dragon also nodded and said, "Yeah! The staff of the sun has the breath of the sun, and they belong to the same source of power, not to mention the flame heart purified by their power."

Batgirl added: "His clothes should also be high-end goods, with a high level of energy, and he is constantly absorbing the surrounding energy. Doesn't it have to be automatically upgraded if he **** it?"

Chiri shook his head and said, "You still haven't found the key. Pay attention to the red ring on his right hand, which has the top power of the flame system, which should be something of the upper god."

"Are you saying an artifact?" Batgirl didn't seem to believe the sizzling earth.

"Look at it for yourself! If it wasn't for the rule artifact, I would n’t take a bath for two days." If you dared to bet for two days without a bath, it would only show that he had a good grasp.

In the cell, I was still staring vigilantly at Jin Wu, who was turning around me. In addition to the three bosses outside, the four people hanging out are also following me, but their ideas are more complicated. On the one hand, they hope that I can bring a Jinwu back home to strengthen my domestic strength, and on the other hand, I hope that I can hang out because of personal grievances.

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Jin Wu suddenly moved. This guy slammed into me, and the ring of commandment almost blocked us at the same time. A ring of commandments popped open automatically, and eight connecting rods extended. "Discipline-constant temperature space."

I just felt that the temperature in the room started to fall sharply, and the world in front of me also became dim, and the discoloration of the magic dragon eye mask could not keep up. When the eye mask was completely transparent, the room was completely dark. I simply pushed up the mask and felt that the surrounding temperature was about 20 degrees, which was just within the most comfortable temperature range of the human body.

Chiri slowly said: "It seems to have drawn a very good rule, this time some play."

The temperature in the room dropped to within the range of the human body, the color of Jinwu also faded, and only their body remained. I looked at these little things in surprise. No wonder these things are called Jinwu. It turns out that these guys are all exactly the same as crows. The only difference is that they are all golden, and they are just golden crows. What's the difference, maybe it's only a little bigger, and there's really no difference in appearance.

The temperature in the room returned to normal, and the Jinwu remained motionless. Jin Wu, who was locked in a room with me, tilted his head and looked at me for a while, then fell to the ground and started to walk around me like a penguin. I watched him turn around, but I didn't dare to move him. Although this guy's most powerful high temperature has been suppressed, since it is something that can help the heavens, it will not be too simple, and I may not be able to deal with him without high temperature. After thinking about it or deciding to wait for him to attack first, I am not suitable to start in advance.

I don't know if it's the same for both of us. Jin Wu actually turned around for a few times and refused to do anything. Even the people outside were anxious. Chiri kept asking: "What the **** are they doing? Shouldn't Jinwu be silly to Guan these years?"

Batgirl gave him a white look ~ ~ Can you be stupid if you are not stupid? Looking at it honestly, I felt that they were looking for opportunities. "

Batgirl is right, we are looking for opportunities. From the beginning, I really wanted to wait for Jin Wu to attack first, but the other side did not respond for a while, and I had to decide to do it myself. First of all, I have been feeling Jinwu's way of movement and breathing rate. It must be shot at the most appropriate time.

With my intentional attention, Jinwu's breathing frequency was quickly mastered by me. Generally, when the creature has completely exhausted the air from the lungs, the power cannot be suddenly exploded at the moment when it is preparing to inhale. I was counting the breath of Jinwu, and started to attack when he exhaled.

Huh, chance ...! "I suddenly shot and rushed out.

I don't know if there are too many laps. Jin Wu was struck by me as if completely unguarded. More than a crow, his body flew straight out, bumped into the barrier and fell off, and then nothing happened. The jaw of the watcher almost fell out.

"That's over?"

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