Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 24: Born? dead?

I watched Jinwu, who was motionless on the ground, completely stunned God. It doesn't make sense to be so unpunished, right? Anyway, it is also Jinwu. How could the creature known as the little sun be killed at once?

After waiting for a long time without seeing anything in Jinwu, I walked to the outer wall of the cell in doubt, while watching Jinwu's movement and smashing the wall. "Hello, Chiri? Can you hear me? Hello!"

"Don't call it that loud, this enchantment is not soundproof!" Chiri's voice appeared outside the wall, although it was a little humming across the wall, but still very clear.

"It sounds good. This Jinwu ... wouldn't he be killed so easily?"

"What are you talking about?" Chi Ri said angrily: "Don't dream anymore, the guy must be pretending to be careful."

"But you broke through him, why is there nothing moving?"

"Jinwu didn't understand us, he didn't know what we said. You must be careful, he must be pretending to lie to you, and then attack you."

"But what should I do if he is so prone? I can't sleep with him any more, right?"

Batgirl's voice suddenly appeared. "Is there anything useless on you? Take it out and smash it."

"When you say that, I think of it, I have an arrow!" As I said, I lifted the Avengers, then aimed at Jin Wu, buckled the spring, and the arrow flew out immediately. Alas. With a cloud of blue smoke, the arrows vaporized at the instant of approaching Jinwu!

The black dragon's voice appeared: "Your ring of commandment only weakens the temperature in the room. Jinwu itself is still a pure sun flame, and your arrow cannot touch him."

The sound of the spring also appeared. "Staff, isn't your staff not afraid of heat?"

Don't say that there is really nothing you can do except this. I turned the wand upside down and held it in my hand. I hid Jinwu lying on the ground with the tail of the stick far away, but the guy was shaken and didn't mean to live at all.

"This ... wouldn't it really be dead?" I asked outside uncertainly.

Blazing sun's voice came in. "Don't hesitate, he's definitely not dead. If you can kill Jinwu in one kick, I will not be a phoenix, and change to be a crow."

"But this ...?"

"It's just that he is more likely to pretend. Don't believe it."

"then what do I do?"

Batgirl's voice came in. "You simply don't do it forever, just pierce him directly with a staff. If it is really dead, then it must be unresponsive. If it is pretend to die, it is probably really dead after being pierced. "

"Okay!" I took the wand and carefully aimed at Jin Wu, hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to stick. If I jumped him up by accident, I really don't know what to do next!

Seeing that I didn't dare to start, some people outside were anxious. Chiri shouted, "What are you afraid of? Hurry up! Sooner or later, if you have this, you will die early and rise early."

"Fuck, I'm out today!" I picked up the staff and gritted my teeth.

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