Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 26: Hexagram 8

"Why didn't you let me out?" Jinwu was killed, and Batgirl didn't let me out. How could this be done? "Hurry me out, isn't Jinwu already dead?"

Batwoman Road: "It's not that simple. You did kill Jinwu just now, but one possibility is that Jinwu used the ultimate power because he was locked up for too long."

"Ultimate power?"

"Jinwu is composed of the essence of fire. In this regard, the fire phoenix, which is also composed of flames, should have roughly the same characteristics."

"Have the same characteristics as Phoenix?" I asked in confusion: "You mean Jinwu can be born again?"

"I'm afraid it's even worse." Chi Sun replied, "I'm a Phoenix myself. You don't say that I didn't think of it this way, but since you mentioned it, it really can't be said. We Phoenix reborn. It will incinerate our body at times, and the flame rising up at this time is pure energy essence. Any damage is meaningless to energy itself, so energy will not be injured. We will keep our sperm when we are born again, That ’s what you call the soul. Since our soul comes from the flame, it completely matches the surrounding flame energy. With a little force, we can quickly gather the flame energy to form a new body. After such a process, our body will It is equivalent to replacing it once, and any damage will be offset. That's why people say that our phoenix is ​​an undead bird, because of this rebirth ability to offset the damage. "

Heilong, who has been sitting on the side, said: "No wonder you can't leave a wound every time you fight!"

"The rebirth of our tribe is a way to avoid harm, no matter what the body's injury is, whether it is poisoned or injured. After the rebirth, a new body is used, and there is nothing in the previous body. Relationship, so no matter how severe the injury can not do us. Jinwu and our Phoenix are the same creatures, but they are more pure than our Phoenix's fire element. So they will only be stronger than us, not worse. Since we can rebirth, Jinwu can't. "

"But what is the ultimate power you said before?" I asked.

Chi Sun explained: "Just now I have told you the true method of rebirth, but Jinwu has lower intelligence and higher energy purity, which means that their souls are stronger than us. Complex and intelligent souls require a lot of Supported by energy, creatures like Jinwu who have no brains are more likely to retain their souls, but his energy is too strong to be outrageous, which leads to their terrible souls. When we reborn, we need the soul to reorganize the surrounding fire elements The body, but if the soul is strong enough, you can absorb energy from other places and recombine the body, or simply fly over and fuse with that energy. "

"What do you mean?" I began to worry.

"I mean there are nine Jinwu here, they were killed by you by voluntary death. Then the soul was detached, and as soon as I opened the door, their soul would come out with you, and then no matter where it was As long as a blaze of flame is left, they can be reborn immediately. This way they are running out. "

"Is this too exaggerated?" I asked, "Isn't they brainless?"

"What I said is no brain compared to our own intelligence. They are not mentally retarded. The basic intelligence still has land. Even thinking of these tens of thousands of years should be a fool!"

"So what do I do? Do I want to be here forever with that guy's soul?"

"Of course not." Chi-ri said something that almost didn't make me mad. "The soul cannot be separated from the long-term existence. Even if it is transformed into an undead, it needs to be supplemented with external energy to retain the state of the soul. There is no external energy to supplement it. You wait for 8,000 years in it and his soul will automatically dissipate. ... "

"I won't even find my bones by then." I growled. "You **** will let me out."

"But Jinwu is in your room, just in case ...?"

"Ji! Think of any other way to get me out?"

"You commit suicide, this method is the fastest. The four people who just entered after you are still here, aren't they just hanging out?"

"Is there any other way?" I was going crazy by the blazing sun!

"Let's think about it." The three giants held their heads together for a while to negotiate, then Chi-ri turned around and shouted to the gate: "We figured out a way."

"Say it."

"There are three methods. The first method is to immediately put a flame ball to seduce Jinwu's soul. In this state, his soul will automatically attract the flame uncontrollably, so he will be forced to be born again. Using this method is more You can beat him a few more times, and every time he dies, he will return to the state of soul again, and it will consume a lot of energy. His soul power will be exhausted several times, and he will die completely at that time.

"Rely on, are you dreaming?" I said angrily: "I may not get it once, but come again a few times. Do you think I am God?"

"Then there is the second method. Freeze the entire room directly by freezing, and then get you out with the ice cubes. The ice-bound Jinwu's mana will be suppressed to an infinitely close to zero state. At this time, just remove you from I dug it out and shoved the ice back into the room, so there was no problem. "

"This method is good. Come on now and use Frozen."

Chiri then added: "I won't."

"What? You won't?"

"The three of us are all top-level flames. You asked us to use Frozen. Isn't this difficult for strong men?" Chi Sun said: "I think you should come by yourself?"

"Fuck, wouldn't you guys know me? Although I have a Frost Star, I want to freeze the entire room. Unless there are ten of your mana to support, there are no doors."

"Then you have to use the third method." Chiri reluctantly said: "But this method probably will not work."

"Come on. What method?"

Batwoman's voice said in advance: "This method is very simple. It is to directly break up the soul state Jinwu, so that he no longer exists, and we can release you. But the problem is that you seem to be a flame mage. Fighting with the soul requires an undead mage or a light mage, or you can be a priest, but you are a fire mage that can't hurt the soul! "

"Cut, why didn't you say it earlier?" With my voice, a small black whirlwind in the room rolled up around my body. After the whirlwind, I have appeared in the center of the room in the form of purple sun. "Don't you know who I am? Don't even know what my specialty is!"

Chiri said happily: "Yeah! How can you forget this? You are Ziri! You are the Lord of Darkness!"

"Zi Ri? Is he Zi Ri?" Spring water almost jumped in front of Chiri.

Chiri said naturally: "Yeah! Don't you know?"

"Of course I don't know. How can we know who he is like that?" Hesla also said: "When you first formed the team, you obviously called Yinyue, how could it become purple sun? Does the system allow players to change their name at any time? ? "

"Of course the name change is not allowed in the system, but I can change the number!" I laughed and said, "That's my trumpet, it's used to hide people."

"What? Your trumpet? A trumpet can have more than 800 levels?" Spring could hardly believe his ears?

"What's wrong?"

"Then yours ...?" The spring asked, shaking.

"Level 982, is it okay?"

Boom. The spring fainted.

I no longer care about the situation outside and turned around and swept across the room. As a result, a pale golden bird-shaped ghost appeared by the door. "Haha, you are really here."

Humans can see from the other's eyes whether the other is looking at themselves, and animals also have this ability. Jin Wu instantly realized that I noticed him. Hula, he flew to the corner of the other side to try to hide. But to me who can see the soul, he has no possibility of hiding at all. There are no obstacles in this room. If he can't see such a large group of golden fog, it will be a problem.

Maybe he realized that he had nowhere else to hide, Jin Wu suddenly turned and rushed at me. Boom. Jinwu was bounced out after a clear impact, and at the moment of the impact, Jinwu also showed the shape of Jinwu, even those outside.

Chiri said to herself: "It really is a state of soul!"

Jinwu got up and stared at me alertly. He was confused as to why he was suddenly bounced back. I saw a beautiful little girl from Taobao Mall Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket stepped out from behind me. I pulled the pepper in front of me and put my hands on her shoulders. "Introduction, this is a pepper. Specializing in strength. You are the soul, which is pure spiritual power, so she is your nemesis!"

Jin Wu put away the energy mist on his body, and gradually changed back into a crow form. It looked so shiny that even outside people could see his image.

I spread my left hand to the left, and a white mist separated from me. "This is a phantom, a high-level spiritual body. Maybe you were very strong before. But you may not be his opponent in terms of spiritual power." I finished the mist and returned to my body. "Now do you want to simply surrender, or what?"

A hoarse, almost harsh sound sounded, and the crow's voice really did not listen! "You are the first person to enter here for tens of thousands of years, and it really is different."

Blazing surprise appeared outside the door. "When did you learn to speak?" He didn't expect Jin Wu could already speak.

Jin Wu said almost mockingly: "Hahaha! Do you think we are stupid? Human beings can learn to speak only a few years after birth. We are here to hear the three of you quarreling for tens of thousands of years. Oh, you guys thought we couldn't speak! It's ridiculous! "


I smiled and said to the outside: "Chi-ri, are you hurt? He listened to your quarrel and learned to speak, so talking is like a quarrel, you may not have scolded him."

"Ah ... I'm so mad!" Chiri turned around in the air. But there was no way to get Jinwu, and he couldn't go in to find his account.

Jin Wu is proud to continue to scold. I know that Jin Wu is using the radical method, and wants to make Chiri lose his mind and open the prison door. He's running away. But since I am here, he cannot succeed. "Don't be complacent about the little crow. Do you think it's enough to scold him?" For tens of thousands of years, you're still a prisoner on the ground. What's the advantage of taking advantage of your mouth? "

As soon as Chiri heard me, she was happy, and her natural mood eased.

I continued to Jin Wu: "Well, now let me see how much strength you have left in your soul."

Jin Wu said disdainfully, "Even if you only have 10% of your power, you are not my opponent."

"What if only 0.011% left?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Ling flashed out from behind me, her staff was already flashing purple light. "Soul shackles." A purple current suddenly flew out. Jin Wu did not want to flash, but was tied by purple light. He was constantly struggling, but the more he struggled, the thicker the electric light, obviously this thing was absorbing his soul power.

I introduced to Jin Wu: "Ling was a goddess of darkness. Even now you are retired, there are countless ways to deal with the state of your soul. The things on your body will absorb your power as long as you move or struggle. Including the use of spells , It will absorb half, so the more power you use, the less power you have left. I guarantee you will be completely drained in less than an hour, so you better still ... "

I was talking. Jin Wu suddenly jumped up. "Don't be proud." He suddenly struggled and worked hard. Although he didn't break the current, he suddenly made the current several times thicker. Several electric sparks flew out. Only then did I realize that it was bad. I saw that Jinwu, who was trapped in the center, suddenly disappeared, then all the sparks flying out suddenly gathered to one place, and then a Jinwu exactly the same as the original appeared in place.

"Substantiated!" Chi Sun reminded me: "Be careful, once substantiated, he is a complete Jinwu, your soul pressure will not work."

"Fuck, think I can't do anything about you because of materialization?"

"I know you're strong." Jin Wu calmly faced me and said, "But you don't understand the full content of power. The more ignorant the more they feel they know everything, the more knowledgeable people feel I do n’t know too much. Those who know the strongest power will only feel that they are too weak. Anyone who thinks they are strong must not know what is the peak of power. Just like the guy outside, you are all The frog at the bottom of the well. I know that I still have many weaknesses. I also know that I am not the strongest, but I know that there is still a huge gap between you and me. You are not my opponent at all. Maybe you are not convinced by me, but You better believe him, if you can leave alive, then remember me. I hope you can come and challenge me after a thousand years, at least you are a passing opponent. "

"Do you like me so well?" I faced Jin Wu with a smile. "Then I must work hard and try to put you down a thousand years in advance."

"Huh, meaningless arrogance." Jin Wu suddenly disappeared in place.

"Goal?" I asked.

"Here." Pepper suddenly turned to stare at a corner, and Jinwu in that place immediately showed his figure. Covering such a small room with Chili's spirit stand is absolutely enough. Jinwu can't hide here.

Immediately after Chili had positioned the enemy, I threw the Frost Star over. The white light spot flew towards Jin Wu, and there was only this thing in my body that could hurt him now. What I didn't expect was that Jin Wu returned the Frost Star to the fan with a wave of his wings, and even the airflow produced by the small wings even blown me. Fortunately, this is a confined space. If it is open enough, he can fan us all to one hundred and eighty thousand miles away.

"Little Dragon Girl." I opened Fenglong Space again and started calling.

Little Dragon Girl called out as soon as she came out, "Boss, why did you fight such a bomb? Jinwu is not ours!"

"Anyway, we're already up. Find a way."

"Okay!" Xiaolong's hands were printed. "Dragon Curse-Set Wind."

Suddenly the airflow in the room calmed down, and it seemed that Xiaolongnu's technique was good. Ling aimed his staff at Jinwu again. "Summon in the name of Darkness-Devourer of Light."

A black hole suddenly appeared beside Jinwu. Fortunately, I responded quickly and put the sword on the ground. Everyone held them in a ball and fixed themselves on the ground. Black holes appear in such a narrow space. Even if it is a compression type, the power is too great. Jin Wu fixed his body with his mouth on the ground, and the surrounding air and all materials were flying towards the black hole.

The small room was so big in total, and all the material was completely wiped out. Out of air. The suction has decreased a bit, but due to a problem with the gravitational field, we still feel that we have the feeling of being sucked away. Suddenly Chili's hand flew out of my side, and I reached out to pull without grasping it. Ling was forced to retract the black hole, and the pepper fell to the ground. Jinwu immediately jumped at the opportunity, but he just flew up, but he didn't expect the pepper that fell on the ground turned as if he was okay, and turned his arms to the stiff rocky ground. The black hole above his head opened again and flew to Jinwu in heaven There was no effort on all sides, and I was sucked in after a hula.

Ling closed his staff. "Get it."

The sun's voice came in first. "Is it really over?"

The pepper got up and patted the dust on his body. "It seems to be over. I don't feel any trace left at all."

Ling's eyes flashed red and he nodded after turning around in the same place: "There is no soul reaction, it should be really sucked in."

Batwoman was a little worried and said, "Where is your black hole connected? Wouldn't he let him out?"

"Don't worry. The black hole itself can't be penetrated, everything will be torn when it enters. Even the soul is the same, he can't get out."

"Hey, can you let me out this time?" I asked outsiders.

"Wait, look at the room next to you," Chiri said suddenly.

"Aside?" I turned and startled. I saw a black hole in each of the separate prisons, and then all the Jinwus got into it. A few seconds passed. Eight Jinwu suddenly appeared beside Jinwu in the room next to us, plus a total of nine. "Fuck, what's going on?"

One of them came out. Then he said to us with a hoarse voice: "Haha, thank you very much. What we haven't been able to do for tens of thousands of years is actually handled by you in a few minutes."

"Ah? What have we done?"

"The black hole you called has disrupted the energy balance of this room. For tens of thousands of years, we have been trying to gather into a room and then break out. However, we have not been able to succeed. I did not expect that you actually helped us penetrate the space channel. Now we finally Come together, hahahaha! "

Chih-ji said: "The prison and the defense before the prison are indeed thinner, but you can only move within this range, even if they all come together, you still can't get out."

"That's not necessarily true!" The talking Jin Wu suddenly turned to the other Jin Wu and said, "Ten thousand years! We've been covered for too long and too long! It's time to get back what we deserve! So let's get started!"

"What are you doing?" Chi-ri asked worriedly.

The Jinwus ignored him at all. Instead, they all come together and start to light. As the light became more and more dazzling, my eyepieces also became dark black, and then I saw nine small suns starting to move closer together, and soon merged into a shiny light spot, and then suddenly flashed, The strong light flashed even with the black reflector. I only felt the hot pain in my eyes, as if blindness had already appeared.

"Master, where are you? My eyes hurt!" Cried Xiao Longnu's voice.

"Feng Long, put them all back." Now I can't see them either, I can't help them, so I have to let Feng Long put them all back one by one.

The light in the room had reached a terrible level, and the defensive barrier began to flash irregularly, but no one saw it because the light was too strong. Suddenly a strange cry came out of the cave outside the cell. After hearing the sound, all the big three looked up in surprise. "No, the energy conversion matrix is ​​at its limit."

Batgirl covered her eyes and said, "Willn't they just try to force them out?"

It seemed to prove the words of Batwoman, and Jin Wu's voice was heard in the cell. Unlike before, Jinwu's voice after the body became quite crisp. And it's still a female voice. "Sword of the Sun!"

At this time, the whole area of ​​Honshu Island in Japan began to shake violently. Players above it were all inexplicable. I don't know why such a serious shock suddenly appeared. Just as everyone was looking for the cause, in the central part of Honshu Island. A golden beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and it could be seen all over Japan and even parts of China and South Korea. The brightness of the light beam instantly exceeded the brightness of the sun, and the land of the throne of God Seal was dyed pale gold for a while.

As if it had been suppressed for a long time, the force suddenly got a venting channel, the beam of light broke through the ground, broke through the clouds, and went straight into the sky, then flew to the endless starry sky. This is not to say, the light beam is gradually increasing brightness while gradually venting. At first, the people below just feel more dazzling, and then gradually start to feel that the place where the light shines is a bit hot.

In several battlefields in Japan, players on both sides have been burned to varying degrees. Began to throw out the teleportation reel and run back. The light is still intensifying, and the temperature of the ground is rising. Some of the more dry forests suddenly burned, followed by houses in the city. Even some wooden vehicles walking halfway started to burn.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga, not far from the gate of the ghost, took a large group of people and ran into the bunker and asked, "What the **** is this?"

A classmate said carefully, "Wouldn't it be another ZW weapon from WIZ?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga scolded indignantly: "Have you a brain? Even the atomic bomb is not so powerful! Look at the intensity of the light outside, I am afraid that the entire area of ​​Japan is covered. If such a strong light radiation comes from Some kind of weapon, then we're still fooling? "

"But it's too scary!"

Kamiichi said quietly: "Don't worry too much. I saw it when the beam first appeared, and it seemed to be facing the sky. In other words, we were just implicated."

A long, big five and three thick humane said: "A big brother, don't you say I don't worry about it, but when you say that, I start to worry. Such a powerful force is only involved. What if we attack us directly?"

"Stupid!" Kamino said: "If it was the weapon that Ziri had made, where do you think he would hit the first shot? Such a powerful weapon probably went into space. Do you think he wants it? Do you fight satellites? So it ’s definitely not his fault. Some time ago, the Throne of the Seal of the Seal of God heard that a guardian beast from Japan was launched. Perhaps someone completed the task, probably because our unprotected **** came out. . "

"Really? If such a strong protector is really something of our Japan, then we can completely defeat the Chinese!"

"I'm not sure for the time being, but it will be clear when we see this situation."

Kano Ichichi said roughly, this is indeed supposed to be the guardian of Japan, but something is wrong now. Jin Wu, so miserable by us, doesn't want to protect Japan now. He only cares about going back to revenge. That beam of light not only penetrated the cell's defense, it almost caused a fire across Japan. The only one near me was the worst. The high temperature almost cooked me, and even the repressive high-temperature properties of the ring of commandment were about to fail.

It may be enough to vent, the beam suddenly ended, and the survivors only saw that the bottom of the beam rose up to the sky, and then disappeared above the clouds. Although the temperature is still hot, without the energy source, everyone can feel that the temperature is falling rapidly.

Nobunaga's hand reassured a little, "It looks like it's over."

Kamino nodded, then turned around and ordered, "Go and see what's going on, be quick."

"Yes." Several people saluted and ran out.

In the underground prison here, the three of them were completely dizzy. There was a big hole in the top of the cell, and the sky was always visible. The compartments in the cell were also gone, and the original nine compartments now became a whole.

In fact, I think I should be more dizzy than them. The barrier dividing the cell was gone, and I became standing in the cell with the integrated Jinwu face to face, and she had become a beautiful woman wearing a golden cloak. of course. I don't have time now to care if she is beautiful or not. I care more about where there is a way for me to run away safely. Standing with such a big ss is definitely not a happy thing, especially when the other party is hostile to you.

"You are very good." Jin Wu, who was behind him, took a step forward, and then pointed at me and said such a sentence. I do n’t want to pick up or not pick up.

Seeing that I didn't respond for a long time, Jinwu didn't seem to plan to ignore me anymore. She looked up at the sky and seemed to be planning to fly away. I was praying in my heart that she would fly away, no matter how much she hit me, I definitely didn't expect it. One Jinwu is enough to kill me, and now the nine Jinwu women are definitely not something I can handle. Even if they and the body are not equal to nine times the original strength, as long as they can retain two to three times, it is enough to play me!

I was praying, but suddenly there was a blazing voice outside. "Zi Ri, stop her, don't let her run away."

I yelled outside the door: "Fuck, you can stop it yourself!" Then I turned to Jinwu again. He said with a smile on his face: "Please, please, I will not disturb you!"

"You're savvy. But wouldn't it be too much of a friend to ask for it?"

"Friend? Who said we're friends?" I hurriedly cleared the relationship with Chiri. "We just got to know each other for a while. What a friend!"

"Then I'm welcome." The woman who formed Jin Wu and his body jumped forward. Jumped out of the cell with a dazzling golden light.

The door of the cell was opened after Jinwu went out, and the blistering sun rushed in. "Why did you let her go?"

"I depend, you are so embarrassed to ask me. Why didn't you just come in? I have the ability to stop myself! I'm a little person. You asked me to stop her, and someone's eyes could make me burn even the slag. How can I stop it? "

The Batgirl ran out and opened Chi-ri Road: "Not to blame Ziri, that guy is too strong. The problem now is to remedy it quickly, let's chase it. It's best to get her back immediately."

Heilong shook his head and said, "It is impossible to catch her back, it is best to eliminate it directly. But the three of us are definitely not enough. Ziri, how about you going to report a letter?"

"Is it a letter to heaven?" I asked immediately.

"of course."

I nodded. "Okay, I'll go now. You control her first, don't let her run too far, it will be trouble when you can't find it."

"Okay, let's break up."

Suddenly the spring cried, "What about us?"

The black dragon glanced at them. "Change what you do."

I looked at them and smiled, then turned the teleportation ring. The blue light flashed. I've appeared in the Fulcrum Teleport. The players around me saw me saluting, I didn't have time to pay back, I just ran forward all the way. "It all flew away, 100,000 people were in a hurry. Whoever notified the first-level combat readiness of the guarding city, there was a big trouble!"

I also didn't care if I had written down my words, ran all the way into the transnational teleportation array, started the teleportation array, returned to Isinger, and rushed directly to the command center of the **** of war at the top of the tower. "The **** of war, an emergency situation. The highest priority. The horse sent a high alert to all guild members, and at the same time informed the guild, that there was a creature that might be detrimental to Chinese players, and everyone should pay attention to the Japanese side coming to bsp; After speaking, I rushed out without waiting for the army **** to answer. I used the teleportation ring to teleport outside Nantianmen. As soon as the teleportation array was out, I rushed inward. The four gatekeepers saw me all the way and started talking. : "What do you look like? Heaven is so good ... "

"Don't block the way." I ignored them at all and rushed straight through them, turning over the gods.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" The two gods will shout as they get up from the ground. "Stop, you stop for me."

I ignored Ben and shouted while running. "Jade Emperor! Jade Emperor! Where are you? Come out fast! One hundred thousand in urgency, no matter how slow heaven is going to turn heaven! Quick ... wow ..." Just after turning a door, I bumped into someone's arms and turned I bounced back several big heels. He got up and saw that he was actually the Jade Emperor. He was lying in the distance, and a few gods were helping him up in all directions.

"What are you doing?" Jade Emperor patted his clothes and said, "Is it panic?"

"Nearly!" I hurriedly said, "Is Jade Emperor still remembering Jinwu shot by Xun?"

"What do you ask this for?" Jade Emperor looked at me puzzled.

"I saw those Jinwus in Japan. They just got together. The nine Jinwus were combined into one Jinwu, and their strength must have been greatly improved. And they just broke through the cage. The fire Phoenix and the other two guards are now Chase, please send reinforcements! It will be trouble later! "

"What? Zizhuo ran out?" Jade Emperor's eyes almost glared. He shouted suddenly after shaking for a few seconds. "Taibai. Quickly inform the various gods to concentrate their forces. All the gods in the heavenly courts will be scattered, and they will be able to adjust the land. Come back. Yes, go to a few people to inform the original Tianzun and Hongjun God, Yes, call the eighteen sacred beasts in Lingyun Mountain. Please hurry up for me. "

The gods next to Jade Emperor were blown up by the Jade Emperor's command. The Jade Emperor pulled me and said, "How is the situation over there now? Did she say something to Zizhuo?"

"Does Zizhuo refer to the Jinwu behind him?" I asked in confusion.

Jade Emperor had no time to explain to me, but nodded: "Anyway, this is her former name, you just have to remember it. Now tell me what she said after coming out?"

"She said what she should have taken back."

The Jade Emperor was paralyzed as soon as he heard it. "It's over, she decided to fight with you and die! Live! By the way. How long have you been delayed on your way to the Throne of Seals? How long has it been since she came out?"

"I came back with a teleportation team, at most only a few minutes."

"That's fine!" Jade Emperor was a little relieved. "You follow me now, let's see how the team is assembled."

Although I don't know what happened to Jin Wu and Zizhuo behind the body. However, judging from the reaction of the Jade Emperor, this is also a troublemaker, and it is a particularly troublesome type, otherwise the Jade Emperor will not be anxious.

It will take some time for the Celestial Army to assemble the Throne of the Seal of God, but after receiving the news, the original Tianzun and the leader of Hong Jun rushed to the Celestial Court quickly. The Jade Emperor originally planned to concentrate on manpower to discuss how to hunt down Zizhuo. I didn't expect her to be more arrogant than we thought, so she flew from Japan to China in a while. Tian Zhuo's army was blocked in Nan Tian Men by Zi Zhuo before they had assembled. Most gods will not know this Jinwu and Zizhu, which is formed behind the body. At first, some people regarded her as an ordinary monster. Turned up and hit her to leave. It wasn't until more than a dozen people who went up to chase her were the gods would know that this guy was the target they had to deal with after assembly.

The Jade Emperor heard that Zi Zhuo had hit the door, and he was scared not to know what to do. Still, the leader of Hong Jun is more determined. He didn't rush out to see Zi Zhuo, but thought for a while before he started to issue orders. "Let the heavenly soldiers all disperse. The strength of this level is all sent to death. Do n’t let Sanxian come, too. The Seal of Time is too late for the throne. Find a place to hide. Also. Close the door when we get out of Nantianmen, so as not to hurt Lingxiao Palace. "

A group of gods were ordered to leave. The Jade Emperor followed the leader of Hong Jun. I had to follow the Jade Emperor and had to walk out of Nantianmen together. I didn't know how strong Jinwu and the strength behind the body was when I was out of the Nantianmen. I thought that I wanted to take a Jinwu as my magic pet. It was really delusional! My Wheel of Discipline has completely suppressed the power of Zizhuo. The high-temperature air waves are pulsating around like a tangible substance. Every layer makes me feel more familiar. Nantianmen, which is known as the invincible defense ground, has been red roasted by this high temperature. As long as the temperature continues to rise, it will likely fall down softly.

"You haven't figured it out for so many years?" I expected. Hong Jun ’s teacher said in a mouthful, “Sentence tells me that there is an inside story, but I do n’t know if I should listen. Mastering the information can sometimes control the enemy first, but sometimes it will ignite the fire, especially the unseen. The boss's gossip news, if you know too much, you will die very quickly. It seems that the leader of Zhuo Zhuo and Hong Jun have some entanglements. At least they also know each other. Now I need to first determine whether this is an invisible person Local news can still be seen. If it is unseen news, I'd better withdraw quickly. Otherwise, once the leader of Hong Jun intends to block the news, I will definitely be unlucky. Listen to a few words before I say it anyway.

Zi Zhuo's questioning of the leader of Hong Jun seemed very disdainful. "Want to understand? Is it necessary to think? I didn't do anything wrong, why should I think about it. Mom is right, you have no heart or lungs."

Blue sky thunderbolt! Why didn't I just leave now! This is miserable. Heard such a secret gossip! Take a look around. As a result, the fairies in the field are all like me, obviously they also realized that they should not listen. In a place like heaven, if you want to mix well, you must keep in mind that you shouldn't see and don't look, and you shouldn't listen. We actually heard something that shouldn't be heard, so we had to use a backup solution: we shouldn't listen, we didn't listen.

The fairies nodded to each other, apparently playing the same abacus as me. Everyone is secretive.

Now that we have heard it, we are not good at flashing people. Before Shanren can also be said to avoid leisure. Leaving it now is a bit confusing. We regret that we can only listen hard.

The leader of Hong Jun, as if we no longer exist, is still talking to Zi Zhuo. "Your mother is a kind of woman. It doesn't do any good at all. You know too little. Can't understand our intentions. Do you think I'm hurting you?"

Zizhuo nodded. "Isn't it? I divided my Yuanshen into nine and kept it in my cage for tens of thousands of years. Don't tell me it's for my good." Said Zi Zhuo took out a ribbon and then stood in front of Hong Jun The leader's face burned it to ashes. The leader of Hong Jun seems to want to go to the rescue. But in the end it didn't move. Zizhuo said with some sadness: "This is our last contact. I have burned it now. We will never die again. You are no longer my father!"

I felt as if I had been punched. But before I got dizzy, the Jade Emperor beside me fell down first. "I can't do it, help me!" The Jade Emperor fell backwards directly, and an unknown fairy on the other side hurried up to hold him. It seems that the Jade Emperor did not know that the leader of Hong Jun actually had a daughter, and this level of news knocked down most of the people present.

Hong Jun teaches his master's status in the fairyland, and no one is with his young people, so it is impossible for anyone to chat with him, even if he talks for a long time to ask questions, it is impossible to talk about the home. That's why. Some of the other deities' deeds are known to some extent in the heavenly courts, but no one knows about Hongjun's teachings. I didn't expect that he had a daughter, so he should be right with his wife. His daughter is so powerful, I don't know how strong his wife will be!

I was thinking wildly, the Jade Emperor suddenly said to me: "Hurry me up."

I was anxious to leave here, and when I heard these words, I was rushed to help the emperor to transfer his position. Our behavior of entering Nantianmen obviously played a leading role, and those gods also began to evacuate the scene following the 6th. Soon, only the father and daughter of Hong Junjiao were left outside Nantianmen. Seeing this is still a housework, we really don't get involved.

After helping the Jade Emperor to the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, Erlang Zhenjun and Taibai Jinxing immediately pulled me aside. Taibai asked anxiously, "What is this Zizhuo?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"Don't you know?" Too wrinkled and not thinking ~ ~ So the news was blocked at the time. That's troublesome! "

"What's wrong?" I asked with Erlang Shen.

Taibai Jinxing said: "You think! This Zizhuo Mingming is the daughter of the leader of Hong Jun, but was divided into nine Jinwu. He also compiled a story of Houyi's shooting day to cover up the truth. Surely I don't want others to know about this, otherwise I won't engage in so many things to cover up. Now we have heard what he least expects us to hear. What do you say he will do? "

Erlang Shen asked with uncertainty: "Don't the leader want to kill us all? Are there thousands of gods hearing this today? If all is gone, heaven will be gone!"

"Chairman Hong Jun can build one heavenly court and he can build the second one, so he certainly does not account for it." I comforted: "However, although this matter needs to be kept secret, it will be revealed if it is revealed. There should be no Nothing is right. Now we pray that their father and daughter can talk happily. As long as the leader is in a good mood, everything will be easy. "

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the fighting sounds between Master Hong Jun and Zi Zhuo in the distance. Erlang Shen and us looked at each other, and then sighed together. Speaking of fighting, this father and daughter probably don't have a good mood!

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