Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 27: Hong Jun teaches the housemaid

Facts have proven that the mood of big men cannot be randomly guessed. The Master Hong Jun and Zi Zhuo hit the ground from the sky, and then flew back to the sky. Let us not help, we could n’t even watch. In the past, the Jade Emperor did not know the relationship between the leader of Hong Jun and Zi Zhuo. He knew that she was a very powerful person, so she called so many people to prepare for the battle. But now that we know this, we can't do it anymore. No matter how they are father and daughter, at this time, as outsiders, we will be regretted no matter who we help, and maybe our father and daughter will suddenly unite to fight us. Maybe this is possible, so we It must not be involved.

The leader of Hong Jun seems to be more powerful than Zizhuo. After all, he is the dad. After a few rounds, Zizhuo can't stand it. Suddenly, there was a golden light outside, and then it went dark again. It seemed that Zizhuo ran away. We didn't know whether we should go out in Nantianmen one by one.

When we were hesitating, the two door panels of Nantianmen suddenly popped open as if they were hit by a meteorite. Several goddesses standing behind the door were directly hit by the door panel and were blown by the wind brought by the door panel. Turned a lot. We didn't have time for the God Seal to control those who were overthrown, all of them were nervously watching the door, and saw the leader of Hong Jun standing there with a strong face.

Seeing this situation, the Jade Emperor hurriedly wanted to say something, but was robbed by the original Tianzun first. "Master, miss she ...!"

"She's not my daughter." The original Tianzun didn't finish speaking, and was shocked by the lion-like voice of the leader of Hong Jun. The Jade Emperor flashed aside when he saw the situation. Master Hong Jun is now a gunpowder bucket, even the original Tianzun has been scolded, whoever goes up is unlucky.

Hong Jun taught the Lord to start striding forward after roaring the original Celestial Master, and we followed each other as if chilling. For fear of offending him. But in this case, you don't ask for trouble, trouble will come to you. The leader of Hong Jun walked a few steps and suddenly turned around and looked at us. The scared goddesses quickly stepped back. In fact, compared to the next fairy. I'm the most unlucky here. In the court of heaven is also about capital. The leader of Hong Jun walked forward, and of course the Jade Emperor and the Primitive Heavenly Supreme followed. I had an amnesty order to follow the Jade Emperor, and all the other immortals followed. In other words, I am very close to the leader of Hong Jun now, except for the first two bosses, I am left.

The leader of Hong Jun swept back and forth on the faces of Primitive Tianzun and Jade Emperor, and then his eyes turned around, and suddenly his eyes fell on me. "you."

My heart was beating, but the front two were obviously loose with shoulders. Although scared to death, this is not the time to hesitate. I hurried forward. "What does the leader tell me?"

Maybe I have a good attitude. It may also be that the qi training is excellent, and the voice of the leader of Hong Jun is much more peaceful than before. He took seven or eight bottles out of his body. "These five bottles are taken orally, take three each. Go to a pot of holy water in the lotus pond. Then pour the contents of the bottle into the bottle, apply them after twisting, and then go for it."

As soon as I was about to leave, the Emperor Jade next to me actually asked stupidly, "Are you the leader, are you injured?"

Before the leader Hong Jun came to open his mouth, I went up to hold the Jade Emperor. "I know who it is for. Jade Emperor, please don't worry." As I said, I hurriedly bowed to Master Hong Jun. "I'll do it right away." Then he turned and ran. Jade Emperor, an idiot, who can you give to medicine in addition to Zizhuo at this time? What did he do if he gave me the medicine? Go back and handle it yourself?

Before I ran out of two steps, the leader of Hong Jun suddenly shouted, "That ...!"

I quickly turned around and waited for the next order. Although the old guy, Hong Jun, is ignorant of the world, he is a super-elegant figure. Stabbing is good.

"That ...!" Master Hong Jun thought for a long time and couldn't say it. "That ... that ... that she ... my ..."

Fortunately, research in psychology is not a problem. Although the leader of Hong Jun said only half, I nodded immediately. "Yes, the leader is assured, she will understand your heart, I must persuade it. Does the leader have any instructions?"

Finally, the leader of Jun Jun nodded with a slight smile on his face. "You go. You are a personal talent, yes, very good. Jade Emperor, remember to take care of it in the future!" Then he turned and took the gods away.

Haha, let me say that the Emperor is very powerful! The Jade Emperor was like the three grandsons when he saw the leader of Hong Jun. The leader of Hong Jun directly asked him to take care of him, so I will never dare to take care of me as long as I do n’t jump to the Lingxiao Baodian to expose the tile heaven.

I went to fill two buckets of lotus pond holy water before I entered outside Nantianmen. Although it is enough to adjust the medicine, we have to collect some labor charges, right? Anyway, the lotus pond is so large that no one can see it if it is just two or three barrels.

Immediately after I came out of Nantianmen, I looked around. This purple Zhuo is so easy to find. There are lumpy clouds left in the clouds obviously because of the high temperature. Followed the flight path and chased out all the way, and finally found a trace of a forest fire in a deep mountain located in the middle of a large virgin forest. This Zizhuo really has the character of a little girl, and it cost her tens of thousands of years of confinement!

As soon as I landed on the area, I saw a huge cave entrance, and a large group of people stood opposite me. These people are very messy and should be scattered players. They looked at me for a moment. I ignored them, jumped out of the night shadow to put him away, and walked over. "I know you must have been brought to the ground by the fire here, but this task was not done by you, so please go back."

A young man about my age came out and said, "Although you are the strongest person in China, what about it? This task is ours first. Why should we give it to you?"

I laughed: "If you think you have a monster above 10,000, please do it."

"You say ten thousand?" A little girl asked me in surprise.

I shook my head: "I don't know how many levels she has collectively, anyway over 10,000, because she ran out of the joint guard of three big 10,000 SS, so she must be more than 10,000."

"Cut. Even if you are better than us, you can't deal with 10,000 levels, right?" The young man was so arrogant that he didn't dump me at all.

I took a small bottle and shook it, "That's why I said you don't go in. I have this."

"what is this?"


"The monster inside is hurt?"

"Well. But I can't tell you who hurt her, because the person who hurt her is even more terrible. I'll tell you I'm finished. Go back now!"

"I don't believe it," said the young man and waved backwards. "Follow me somewhere. There is not much chance of a 10,000-level big ss being injured. We will reach it if we can."

The mm who just talked to me thought for a while and didn't follow up, but stood beside with a few sisters. The group of people had just reached the entrance of the cave, and before they came in, they saw a flame shoot out from it. There was no screaming or anything, all of the dozen people standing at the door disappeared. The rest of the people who didn't go in looked at all the front cars and turned away with interest.

I watched them go far before turning around and going to the entrance of the cave, first putting the ring of commandments in front. It may be that the high temperature here is sensed, and the ring of commandment automatically collects the constant temperature commandment, so I am not afraid of Zizhuo's high temperature flame. As soon as the protection had completed, a flame flew out, and I was scared to hide behind the ring of commandments. It's just scary enough to hide my head and burn my head. Fortunately, the main flames were blocked by the Ring of Discipline. Otherwise I'm as finished as those people.

"Hey, it's me, don't spray it!"

The land that answered me was a more violent flame. Despite the Disciplinary Ring's protection, it feels like it's in a steamer.

"Can't you hear me?" I called again. "Don't spray it!"

Listening to my ears, it seems that there is no sound, so I dare to go in. The cave is not too deep, and it's over in a few steps. From a distance, he heard intermittent sobbing sounds, apparently Zizhuo was sad. I walked in carefully. I saw she was crying sitting on a stone.

"Hey, how is your injury, Miss Zizhuo?" Seeing she didn't respond, I took two more steps forward. "Actually he is also the leader ... wow ...!"

Zi Zhuo actually threw her hands and threw a flame over, hitting the ring of commandments and was bounced out. But it scared me. These bosses are so scary, they are all kill-level magic, they can kill you if you touch them!

"Don't mention him." Zizhuo said angrily.

"Okay, don't say no." I quickly jumped over in three or two steps. It turned out that Zi Zhuo ’s injuries were not serious. It ’s unlikely that the leader of Hong Jun would really hit his daughter even if he was angry. , Hit the ground injury can not be eliminated at all. That's why it seems a little embarrassing.

"What are you looking at?" Zi Zhuo raised his hand and threw flames again.

I hurried up and grabbed her wrist, but touched her wound, then we both cried together.

Zi Zhuo shed tears while covering her injured wrist, while I was pinching my smoking hand there. This girl has at least 10,000 degrees, and I'm hot like this through the magic dragon suit! Looking back at Zizhuo, she was crying with tears on her face. Originally I wanted the gentleman to wipe her tears a little, but after seeing her golden tears bubbling on the ground, I decided to be a turtle with a retracted head.

Suddenly remembering that I had medicines here, I quickly took out the bottles and poured out three each according to the request of the leader of Hong Jun. The rest I was corrupt. Put all the medicines together, then take out a glass bowl, carefully put the medicines in, and push them in front of her. I dare not give it directly to her, who will be hot? "Eat it. This is a medicine that treats this injury, and it works well."

"Huh!" Zi Zhuo sighed at the bowl, but the glass bowl quickly melted into a pool of glass water, and then quickly solidified into a muddy glass, and even the medicine was wrapped inside. I am now fortunate how smart it was that I did n’t do it by hand, otherwise it ’s my hands that are melting into mud.

I took the rotten glass back and said, "Miss, you don't have to be so sad. In fact, how can there be parents who don't care about their children? The master has different statuses. Of course, he can't give too much love to him like ordinary parents. Miss, you should understand the difficulty of the leader. I said ... I'm stuck! "I suddenly stunned out like a rabbit, still smoking behind. The fire set by this dead girl was more troublesome than the real fire of Samadhi, and even the dragon set was burned. No matter how I roll, I can't fight it. Suddenly remembered that I also brought a lot of holy water in lotus pond, and quickly took it out and poured it down from the top. The fire broke out at last. This kind of high-temperature flame can only be lost by holy water. If the general water is useless at all.

"Huh!" I was just burned by the fire, and now I was covered with water again, and the ash I had just gotten on, and now I was really embarrassed.

"Oh!" Zizhuo smiled when she saw my embarrassment. The father and daughter still have something in common, at least they have the nature of a demon. She smiled and suddenly noticed that I was staring at her, so she embarrassedly stretched out a hand. "give it to me!"



"You want to eat now?" I didn't want to give it, but I was afraid she would waste it. There are nine pills in the bottle. She wasted three of everything just now, and now gives her three more, if it is wasted again. Our corruption plan is hopeless.

"Well, I didn't let him do that. I was hurt because I was hurt. What am I doing cheap for him?" Zizhu said angrily.

I nodded: "Is that right?" She quickly took out the bottle and poured it to her, but she snatched it. "What are you doing?" I was anxious but didn't dare to **** her. People describe the lively girl as radiant, but she is really radiant, and grabbing things with her will only turn me into raw meat.

Zi Zhuo poured three each and swallowed the bottle. "Huh. I'll have to reserve some medicine after fighting him later?"

gosh! This trip with me was a vain run, and it was so easy for people to get corrupted, and I have nothing to say! This is really dumb to eat Coptis!

She was not satisfied with these, and I still have two bottles here. "what is that?"

"Oh, this?" I quickly said, "This is topical."

"Hurry up then?"

"This cannot be used directly, it needs to be reconciled." I first got a large pot out of Fenglong Space, then poured the lotus pond water, and then poured the medicine in. Two buckets of water had been used for fire fighting. Now went to half a barrel. At this point, only half a bucket of water is left! Put the medicine in for a long time and finally turned into a pot of reddish-brown, paste-like substance like red clay. "Here. Just apply it wherever it hurts." Just in case, I left a demon for her. "There isn't enough space for it to help you apply. I'll go back to life first, and come back later."

"Well." Zizhuo nodded and began to undress, and I quickly turned and ran out.

I was too lazy to fly, I used the teleport ring to return to the teleportation array outside Nantian Gate, and the guards of the door saw me hurried to the side this time, so as not to let me bump into a big heel again. Rushing all the way to Lingxiao Baodian, it seems that there is a meeting.

After seeing me, the leader of Hong Jun concluded: "Okay, that's it! Let's do what you do!"

"Yes." After the final immortal responded, they all turned around and went out. In the hall, only the leader Hong Jun and the jade emperor remained, and even the gods of Erlang and their ranks were also driven out.

It was only when I saw that everyone was there. "Islamic Lord, I have found it over there."

"So ... how's the injury?"

"The medicine has been used, but the bottle has been snatched, and the rest ...!"

Hong Jun taught the master a big wave. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. But you ..." The leader Hong Jun apparently noticed my miserable look. "Oh! You have worked so hard!" The leader of Hong Jun flicked his fingers, and a red Danwan fell in front of me, and I quickly reached out to catch it. "This is to avoid fireballs for you. After swallowing, you don't need to worry about her high temperature."

"Oh, thank you God."

"I don't give you anything for nothing." Sure enough, there is no pie in the sky! "This ... she will be responsible to help me stare in the future, so that I can rest assured. If she wants to retaliate against me. As long as it is not a big deal, you can follow her, it is an excessive thing, you will notify me again. It's something that is related to her. The heavenly ministries call you. "

"Respect the law!" Haha, in the future, we can mobilize the heavenly army, and we must grasp this good thing. Unfortunately, it must be something related to Zizhuo, otherwise it is not easy to explain. But it ’s okay to find an excuse to use it occasionally. Hey, do n’t hesitate to make me so miserable, and finally see the benefits!

It hasn't been long before I am proud of the Seal of the Seal of God, and the leader of Hong Jun suddenly said something. "If anything happens to her, I'll look for you."

"Ah?" Isn't it? Find me? Where do I live with that aunt? Does it mean that nobody cares? "Master, this ...!"

"Stop that and that, it's so decided. You can stare at her now! I still have something to do, let's go."

Damn, are you okay with me? Although I really want to say so. But I actually dare not say, otherwise, the previous efforts will be wasted, and the points may be deducted. The only way now is to let the aunt and grandma calm down, so that it can be considered.

Out of Lingxiao Baodian, the gods along the way saw me enthusiastically. We are now also a celebrity in front of the leader of Hong Jun, no matter what gods have to be kind to me. However, I don't have time to enjoy this attention-grabbing feeling. What I have a headache is how to make Zizhuo listen to me. After thinking about it, it seems that there is only a way to think about the relationship between her and the leader of Hong Jun. First I have to despise her strategically. Although her combat effectiveness may have surpassed any single person in heaven. Only the leader of Hong Jun and his apprentices can get Zizhuo, but from an emotional analysis, she is basically a little girl in the rebellious period. Coaxing children is a very troublesome thing, but this is still a child with a weapon of mass destruction. It can be called a troublesome and extremely dangerous person.

So I went to the cave without knowing it, and I walked into the cave again after taking back the shadow of the night. "Zhuzhuo, Zizhuo?" My own voice echoed in the cave, but didn't respond. After I ran in, my pot was still on the ground. But Zizhuo was gone. I looked around quickly. There were a lot of burnt marks on the wall. Obviously someone had fought here, but I didn't know what the ground was like. Want to come with Zi Zhuo's power will not be injured, but the question is who fights with her? Could those players be back? It's unlikely! Their combat power, Zizhuo, can be achieved with one blow. There is no need to fight here.

I suddenly thought of three people. They had followed her when Shizuo ran out in Japan before. The problem was that she was in heaven soon, but the three were gone. It is likely that they could not keep up with Zizhuo's degree, and the actual battle was over when they came over. They may not have gone to heaven, so they do not know that the leader of Hong Jun has decided not to arrest Zizhuo for the time being. They thought that Zizhuo was running around, so they arrested her. Thinking of this, I know that there is another trouble. If they hurt Zizhuo, it ’s not clear to me if Hong Jun ’s master spares them. I ca n’t run anyway!

boom. A loud noise came from outside the cave, and the cave door collapsed. It was a house leak that happened to be rainy night. I was stuck here just as I was going out to find someone. Open the space door to summon Jingjing and the tank. Jingjing supports the protective shield in front of us, and then let the tank shell the mountain gate to blast out a hole.

A large group of players were standing outside the mountain at this time, and it was the one who did not listen to my advice and was burned to the ground. He was proud to say, "Huh! Don't let me in, then don't come out."

He was talking, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and the whole cave collapsed outward, and the rubble instantly knocked down a group of people. Before they got out of the stone, they saw a huge insect crawling out of the hole. At first they didn't see what was in the hole, but now they saw the tank coming out and thought he was the one who called immediately. "Run out soon."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it ..." The guy was flattened by the tank without saying anything. I came out from behind the tank and looked around.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Another player stared at me alertly.

I thought about it and shook my head. "See four large creatures leaving from here?"

A player shook his head habitually. I nodded, withdrew the tank, summoned the birds and jumped up. People behind want to call me. But his voice will never reach me. The flying bird launched a sound assault as I landed, and the sound was inaudible behind me.

After flying high, I started looking around. It is said that the four bosses are fighting together, and the movement should not be small, but when you look around, you can't find anything. Such a large creature suddenly disappeared without reason? Is it humanoid? Maybe not! They are creatures of this level. Only by restoring the body can you wield maximum combat power. Normally, ordinary people can use human appearances if they are bullied. If they fight with Zizhuo, it is impossible to reduce the cost. Then the only possibility is that they have run away.

After thinking about it, I just started the ring of love. "Rose. Where are you?"

"Is there anything in Isinger?"

"That's just right. Go to the army **** immediately and let him use the guild command system to help me find a target."

"I'm here with him, let's talk. What's the goal?"

"Three of them are a giant flame bat king, a black dragon, and a fire phoenix. The other may be in the form of a woman or a bird."

"Don't you mean the sun in the sky?"

"The sun?" I was choked.

Rose's voice was very helpless. "look up."

I looked up in doubt. It turned out that there were actually two suns in the sky, and one of them had three black spots around her. I said why I could n’t find it. It turned out to be flying! "Okay. Then nothing happens. I see them." I cut off the contact and quickly let the birds fly upward.

Climbing to the clouds and mountains in one breath, the situation finally became clear. As I thought, the sun really arrived, but only he and the black dragon arrived, and Batwoman was not present.

"Stop it. Stop it." I started shouting all the way, but the above ones were obviously not heard. The dragons and phoenixes are too big, and the sound of flying is far more than my shout. Zizhuo is keeping human form. However, considering the movements of the two around her, she was probably inaudible. After returning for a long time, it seems that there is no place to arrange a sound reinforcement method for me, so I had to summon luck to help me shout. Fortunately, the dragon's voice was loud enough, and several of them immediately heard it.

The two sides shouted for a moment, and Zhiri and Black Dragon flew to my side. Zizhuo still drifted away quietly. Chiri turned into a humanoid and flew around to me, asking me worriedly: "Why are you here?"

"It's what Hong Jun means."

"Master Hong Jun? Did you see him?"

I thought about it, pulled Chiri aside and asked, "Do you know what the relationship between Master Hong Jun and her?"

"Is the relationship between the two of them?" Chiri looked confused. It looks like I don't know the inside story at all.

I said helplessly: "This matter is very complicated anyway, you don't have to worry about it. I just got a direct instruction from the heaven court, and her affairs will be my responsibility for the time being. Let's arrange. By the way, where's that colored bat? "

"She went to Tianting to rescue the soldiers, but looking at you like this, has she been to Heaven?"

"Cut. The three of you are too slow. It will be cold when you come to the daylily! Zizhuo has just gone to heaven to do a fight. Am I not sent to be the attendant?"

"What? You've all played one game? Why is she still here? Didn't the people in heaven catch her?"

"That ’s why I told you that things are complicated. The inside story is not clear in three or two sentences, and I do n’t know if I can tell you some things. You still take the black dragon to go back and ask the leader Hong Jun! If you don't know, ask him. He thinks he can tell you what he will tell you. If he thinks he can't let you know, I dare not talk with you! "

"Are you sure you don't want to arrest her in Tianting?" Chi Sun asked doubtfully.

"Can I still lie to you?"

"All right ~ ~ He turned to Heilong and said:" Let's go, go back first and go back to life. "

The Black Dragon looked at me in confusion, but in the end he didn't ask anything, turned around and followed the burning sun and flew away. After seeing them flying away, Zizhuo's light faded. I quickly flew over. The fire avoidance effect given by Hong Jun's leader is really good, even if I don't activate the ring of commandments, I don't feel any heat.

"What are you doing back?" Zizhuo looked at me and asked a little bit angrily.

"Do you think I want to come back?" I have just been appointed by the leader of Hong Jun to do this kind of task, I am still angry! I didn't expect her to fly at me first!

"Why are you so angry?" Zizhuo was really angry, but his tone softened. "Did you get forced by the old man?"

"Old man? You call your dad old man?"

"Well, if you are afraid of him, I am not afraid of him. Anyone who does not scold him is always looking at my mother's face!"

gosh! I have to watch such a big living treasure in the future. It seems that the future will be difficult! But what about Seon's loss?

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