Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 38: gap

Chapter 13: Chapter 38: The soldier was actually right. When they ran back to the car, we had already reached the exit on the other side of the community. Standing on the top of the six-story building, I looked down. Fortunately, most people went to work, and basically no one was walking. Beckoning backwards, I jumped first. With a bang, I landed directly in front of the unit door of this building. The sixth floor is not high for us, and it's okay to jump down. However, some girls are wearing high-heeled shoes, and jumping from the sixth floor wearing that thing can nail the roots into the concrete floor.

As soon as I landed, I heard a click and looked down, and the ground cracked. "Cut, what kind of tofu project is this?" After complaining, I turned to pick up the roses and ended up there.

The hallway door was open, and a large group of people stood in it, and I was just in front of them. I smiled awkwardly, and I heard a bang as I tried to find an excuse. Scarlett fell directly next to me. He also looked down at his feet first, and now even half of his feet fell into the ground. This building is too old, and the cement is a little powdered, so it cannot support such a large impact. And under the cement at the doorway is a pipe trench, which is completely hollow, so it is easy to break it. But it's cement anyway! How hard does it take to break this thing?

After Skott pulled his foot out, he noticed that a large group of people were standing in the doorway of the corridor, so he also caught on the spot. It doesn't matter if the two of us stay impatient. I saw with my own eyes that the eyes of the people inside were gradually widening, and finally there was a tendency to burst out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The woman in the front asked to cover me up.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh!" I put the other hand in front of my mouth and made a silent gesture. The woman was about to scream back the cry, but Scarlett added: "I want you to look good again."

"Ah ...!" It's better to say nothing! This woman is completely hysterical this time, and her screaming through the clouds is absolutely shocking. The problem is absolutely shocking.

Azana covered her ears and said, "It's almost time to catch up with our sonic weapons! The boss knocks her out quickly."

I reached out and nodded around the woman's neck, and the woman's eyes closed immediately. I shook my fingers at the others. "Take her back and just sleep for a few hours. Don't let me know what you guys are saying today, otherwise ... hum! I know where you live."

The people inside nodded desperately together. I turned with satisfaction and quickly disappeared at the gate, and Skt followed them with lightning. After leaving the community, we first found a cash machine and took some money. With only a card on you, big malls can do it, but some places that need change are not. Holding a big ticket to find a small city to exchange some parts for everyone, the salesperson saw the bell suit of the Knight Rider and thought we were gangsters.

It's easy with cash. The Beijing base is definitely unable to go back. The current task is to return to the Nanjing base as soon as possible, as long as you enter the base. Veteran General Wu is an important figure. Even if he retires, he cannot easily leave Beijing. So he couldn't chase Nanjing so quickly. As long as we meet him in the base, and then insist on not having this thing pretend to be stupid, they have no evidence anyway. The generals could n’t take us any further, and some of the big guys back to the base helped us to support the scene, much better than being caught here.

Find a restaurant and book a big private room. Have a meal first and discuss how to run by the way.

Wei Na said: "Common travel methods can be directly ruled out. Wherever there is a station, there are police. We cannot hurt innocent police for this kind of thing, so it is not suitable to go to those places."

Scott said: "But it's not appropriate to run back with your legs, isn't it for physical fitness!"

Xiaochun said: "Isn't there a car at the Longyuan branch? Just borrow it!"

I shook my head and said, "They will keep an eye on all the Long Yuan branches, and we go there to throw our nets."

Suddenly, Ling came up with an idea: "Oh, how about we buy a car?"

Rose thought, and said, "Buy a car and drive it home? This is something to consider. When a new car is sold, there will be a temporary notice card. It is used. But the notice card is actually affixed to the front windshield. The traffic police can't see the small letters on it, and can only be judged by the color and switch. It does n’t matter, and because there is no license, there is no way to track it. This is a feasible way. "

"Then let's go quickly?" Wina ran as I pulled.

There are many places to sell cars. We hit a row of taxis and asked the driver to help us find a car sales market. The driver directly sent us to the largest New Century car sales center in Beijing, not because there are many cars here, but because it is the farthest place from where we got on, and the fare naturally followed. You ca n’t say he detoured , People are really straight-forward, but they just chose a farther destination!

We do n’t really need a car, we just use it temporarily. So you don't have to choose carefully. We found a business car that looked bigger, and then we ordered five at a stretch. Because it is a best-selling model, the parking lot is in stock, so don't wait. The shopping guide kindly invited us to the checkout counter, and I passed the credit card.

The cashier took the card and swiped it on the machine. Then passed me the card calmly. She did a pretty good job, but we all noticed that things were wrong. Because at the moment she swiped her card, we received a strong neural signal. This shows that she had a strong emotional fluctuation for a moment when she swiped the card. We looked at her in doubt, trying to find some clues from that professional smile, but unfortunately her training was so good that we could see nothing but a smile.

The cashier who returned the card beckoned to the middle-aged man who gave us a shopping guide. "Pharaoh, come and sign the insurance policy."

Pharaoh's look changed instantly, but he immediately returned to normal. We all looked at him in amazement, wondering why the people here were so weird, there was nothing apparent, but their nerves always beat.

Pharaoh went to the cashier's counter, and the cashier pressed a hidden button under the keyboard drawer with a smile. A cylindrical glass cover was heard when a brush fell, and the entire cash register was covered in the middle. I was still lying on the cash register. Thanks to Rose's response, I was pulled out from behind. Repeatedly falling heads in front of me, and later I don't know what is falling!

I looked up in surprise at the front glass. I saw the cashier lady and the shopping guide staring at us with a look of drama. When I looked around, all the shopping guides in the hall were running towards the exit with their guests, and a dozen armed guards were rushing inside at the gate.

"Fuck! It's a trap!" A bell knight said angrily.

"Impossible," Rose said. "Even if they guessed that we were going to buy a car, they didn't know that we would come here. It's impossible to control the city. This is not a trap."

Ling suddenly pointed at my hand and said, "Your card?"

I immediately understood what she meant. Turned and punched the glass cover. With a shout, my hand was popped open, and there was no crack in the glass. The two inside looked at me proudly, and the old king actually smacked the glass proudly: "Hey brother. This is bulletproof glass. You don't have to work hard. In addition, our alarm is connected. You can't run away from the Public Security Bureau. "

I ignored him, but turned to look at Ariana. "Ana."

"Well?" Ariana looked at me.

I pointed at the glass. "Blow it up."

Azana nodded her head, then put her hands on both sides of her forehead. Opening his mouth, he sang an extremely loud and powerful sound. With a crackling sound, the huge bulletproof glass cover burst out. The two inside looked at me open-mouthed. All silly. I jumped straight in and pushed away the two of them, then started knocking on the computer a few times, but now the computer was locked.

"I'm coming." Xiaochun pushed me away, and then she smashed the keyboard directly, then pinched the keyboard cord in her hand and closed her eyes. I saw a set of green screens pop up on my computer screen, and all the things that were locked were eliminated. A stream of data in the form of machine code started popping up on the screen. Xiaochun frowned with her eyes closed: "This is not a trap. Someone has locked your bank card, and the lock information is extremely dangerous for the cardholder, and he is required to catch it on the spot Arrest. These people have treated us as wanted criminals. No wonder such a big reaction! "

"Where does the locking information come from? My card should not be locked?" I asked in confusion.

Xiaochun closed her eyes again. The dense information on the screen flashed to the naked eye. "Checked. The lock order came from the Bank of China headquarters and was locked with the password of the CEO."

"executive CEO?"

Rose said: "I remember that the recent CEO seemed to be the wife of Major General Wu Anping."

"I said it!"

"What now?" Asked Skt.

I've been looking at the computer, without looking up at all, casually: "Take those guards down first."

Skott glanced back and asked me in confusion: "Where are the guards standing?"

As soon as I looked up, I saw the guards lying in the hall, accompanied by the snoring noises. They are fragrant to sleep, but I have a headache. "It seems that the military general is really mad this time. He even did such a thing!"

"So what do we do now?" Rose asked.

I said: "The general can trust my card, but he can't mobilize the police to arrest me. He is in control of the army, but the troops can't operate on a large scale in the city. They should not have many staff. That being said. The way we buy a car and leave should still work. "

"But we have no money!" Rose said: "If you grab a car, you will be tempted by the police, but the old general Zhengzheng has no chance to catch us!"

"I know this. Robbing cars is not working. We can't go anywhere without roads. But the lock-up office only recognizes money and won't help them catch people. We only need to have a way to trade in cash."

"Cash?" Rose suddenly said, "I know where the cash is."


"Remember the villas we attacked last night? They were all big men, who didn't have 1.8 million cash in their house? Several commercial cars didn't cost much. One of them was ok."

"Then go to that Huang Wanfu's house. The kid opened the entertainment center in private. There must be cash in his hands. We will go now."

Scarlett hurried to me and said, "But the equipment has been mailed back. What do we rush in?"

I smashed the cash register in front of me with a punch, and my fist penetrated the cash register into the granite floor an inch deep. "Forgot who we are? Weapons? Can they be used?"

After we set our goal, we quickly left the sales center. As a result, we went out on the front foot and the police arrived. We first entered the city center by bus. Then change to a taxi near the target villa. Fortunately, I also took some cash in advance, and a taxi was enough.

After getting out of the car and running a short distance to the target villa, here is a mess, a large group of workers are clearing the scene, but no police appeared. All the people who are attacked by us are understandable people. Is this kind of alarm useful?

Our presence stunned the workers. A housekeeper came over to stop us. "What are you doing ...!"

I threw him directly into the flowers. In the villa lobby, Huang Wanfu is standing with several workers. "Is this door strong enough?"

The contractor immediately said: "This is a brand-name explosion-proof door, let alone a person. Even the bomber and the nucleus want to blow it up ...!" Come down.

I stepped on the door and walked in from the outside. "I'm sorry! I want to knock on the door and drop it accidentally. You need to be careful in the future! There are so many counterfeit goods this year, but there is something wrong with buying fake and shoddy products."

The contractor wanted to argue that the doors he bought were of good quality. But he shut up when he noticed a large piece of cement at the edge of the door. The door was obviously fine. We pulled the cement on the wall together with the steel that fixed the door frame. The wall fell, no matter how good the door is!

Skott snapped his fingers in front of the contractor's eyes to draw his attention back, then poked out. The contractor immediately turned to Huang Wanfu and said, "Since you still have something, I will come again later!" Then he jumped out like a rabbit, and took the worker away by the way. These are all his people. They are all injured at work. He has to give money.

As soon as Huang Wanfu was about to speak, the two bell-tone knights walked up and left him on the second floor. The damage is not serious here and it has been repaired. We just opened the door and threw him into the study. The roses knocked off the oil painting on the wall. The safe behind was exposed.

"Hey, I know you have cash. Borrow some help, right?" I smiled kindly, but Huang Wanfu was sweating like sweat.

"Grandpa, please forgive me! Yesterday you guys were tossing me to death. I didn't agree to those who would no longer participate in them, would you let me go?"

"I didn't say it was for that. I just wanted to borrow some money from you."

"Master, don't make fun of our little people!" Huang Wanfu humbled himself: "Others don't know, I don't know who you are? If you don't have money, we little people should not live!

"Of course I have money, but now I have a little problem. I'll borrow about eight million from you. Tell me the key and password honestly."

Huang Wanfu thinks that life is more important than money. Besides, there was only a small amount of cash in the safe, and he was told that it wouldn't hurt his bones, and it wasn't worth the death for the money. "Here, I'll give it now." He took the key out of his body and handed it to me. "password is

I turned around with the key and handed it to Skort, only to find Skort holding a metal cover in his hand. Looking up at the wall again, the safe door was gone. "Fuck! Savage!"

"Take the money and flash quickly," Xiaochun said, "that contractor called the police."

"How do you know?" Ling asked.

Xiaochun means his head. "I've been monitoring the police channel."

"Ok. Flash."

The police came late again, and by the time they arrived we were gone. With more than 9 million in the safe, we went directly to the nearest car sales market. The military general never expected that we would go to another sales market within such a short time. This time without any interception, five commercial vehicles were quickly obtained. He left Beijing with an unlicensed commercial vehicle and was lucky. He did not meet the police at the checkpoint. I thought I needed to clear it!

Soaring all the way back to Nanjing, I was finally relieved. We drove back to the Nanjing base. We parked the car in the garage. As soon as we got out of the car, we heard footsteps behind us. We looked back at the veteran general and a large group of officers standing at the garage door.

"Grandpa Wu? Why ... how ...?"

"Don't you think I can't leave Beijing?" The general commander shook off his son's hand and came over ferociously. "Your dad was bold enough. I didn't expect your kid to be bolder than him. Your family is more than one generation!"

"No ...!"

"Not what, isn't it? The power is big, the wings are hard, isn't it? Senior officers, you dare to catch, business giants, you dare to assassinate, what do you think of the law?

"Isn't that thing out of my control?"

"Can't control you?" The general's fire raged, raising his hand gave me a slap. Of course, it doesn't hurt me much. The fan of the excavator might hurt me. It is impossible for anyone to hurt me. Seeing me being beaten, Rose they hurried up and pulled me behind. The general's children also hurried up to hold him, but the general general still shouted at me angrily: "Don't you dare not control you? Who do you think you are? Tell me the truth. The whole dragon fate is a country Yes, you are just a heir to the shares. Don't treat yourself as a privileged class. The country needs you to die, you have to die with a smile. "

I looked at the general with red eyes. The slap just didn't hurt me, but it hurt my heart. Breaking away from Skt's arms, Major General Wu quickly blocked in front of the old general. "Shenlin, what are you doing?"

I ignored him and looked at the general. "I said that I can't control me. You can sue me! Tell me everything about the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter, you can say it. I will never quibble, I will admit that I did it, see you Who can treat me? Does your law work for me? "

"To you ...!" The old general suddenly realized something, his expression paused slightly.

I yelled angrily: "I'm not a natural person ~ ~ Who sees us as people? These people say that we are not people, that we are monsters. Well, they are right, I am not People. We are monsters, different from you. Your laws do n’t control me. When did you hear that tigers can be sentenced to eat people? We do n’t need to kill people. What are some of them? To me, they are pigs. There is no difference between dogs, cattle, and sheep. To me, they are all other animals. They are not my kind, not ... not ... "At the end of my tears, I felt a panic in my throat. The words just cannot be said.

The general was stunned, and his anger was instantly gone. The people around us looked at us with complex looks one by one. conflict. This is an ideological conflict. On the one hand, we all hope to defeat our enemies with our powerful destructive power; on the other hand, they forget the feelings of some of us. We feel like individuals, at least mentally. But these people don't treat us as people, they don't accept our human identity, but they can't give up our power. Contradictions are not just caused by us, even the main responsibility is not on our side. It is a problem for the entire human society. We artificial creatures have been rejected by most people from the beginning. Except for the real scientists at the Longyuan base, no one can treat us calmly after knowing our true identity. There has always been a vent of the conscious conflict that has been accumulated over the years. What I am doing now is to make this gap early so as not to release it when it accumulates danger and hurt myself and others!

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