Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 39: Red planet

I have nothing to say about the generals. They have not given deep consideration to our existence. Some people in the society are opposed to leapfrogging scientific and technological progress, and they are always worried that fast-evolving technology will in turn destroy humanity. In fact, it is precisely this worry that developed technology will really hurt humanity itself. Human society is a complex and huge system, and the collective will produced by it cannot be changed by anyone. When most people in this society think that technology may hurt human beings, then this understanding will eventually become a collective will, and it will be realized in the end. No matter who threatens mankind with the help of science and technology, it is always a mankind calling for a disaster. Although most people don't believe it has to do with themselves, this is the truth. Human consciousness will be concentrated and finally accepted and put into practice by a certain group of people in society. This is the main reason for the high crime rate in modern society, because most people think of breaking laws and restraints. As a result, this consciousness will be transformed. Accepted and realized by certain criminals.

No one dares to refute my anger, after all, this is a real problem. Wu Anping wanted to persuade some, but was pushed away by me. "No one here is qualified to explain our feelings to you. Do n’t think about the most noble things of human beings. The word noble is just something that humans imagine. There is no such thing as nobleness and lowness in nature. The best is the greatest, and nothing else is worth paying attention to. So you better shut up all of you, you are not qualified to scold us. "

"Shenlin, pay attention to who you're talking to." Wu Anguo reprimanded angrily.

"I'm talking to the whole human ... as an alien." After that, I walked directly to the entrance to the base.

Rose called me twice and I didn't answer. She bowed to the general. "I'm sorry, he's a little excited. But please understand our situation. The technology of the fourth special zone is not developed by Long Yuan. The country has pushed us to this position. Even if it can't give us a fair reputation, but it also bears human contempt. Definitely not what we should bear. Now that the technology conversion work is almost over. At the moment when the Ark plan is about to be completed, I hope that we will not have such unnecessary consumption inside. "After speaking, Rose bowed again. Then turned and chased me.

Wei Na, they were not so polite, and ran directly past the generals. They also deliberately bumped into a few of them, only to turn them around with a few big heels before being helped.

As soon as I reached the elevator lobby at the base entrance, I saw Dad running up with a large group of people. Dad ran over immediately after seeing me. "You didn't do anything with the general?"

"No. But I'm angry."

"I know you're mad, but some things are not as simple as you think. Forget it, you go back to rest first, and leave other things to me. Also, General Wang Han ca n’t do what you want, I suggest to release immediately they."

Rose said: "Dad! We Liangzi has grown up, and now even tigers return to the mountains will not remember it."

"But the old general is already outside. Your grandpa was under his control. What should I do?"

I directly compared to the movement of the neck. "Resolve it directly, I'll do it if you're not good at it."

Dad waved helplessly without saying a word. Turned and went outside. I took everyone down to the underground section and shouted directly above my head in the elevator: "son-in-law, what about our captives?"

"Sent to District 7. You are doing too much work today!"

"Extreme? But if they are excited, they will treat us as military dogs. I wish they could tie a circle around our necks and run away!"

Siegut also said: "Yeah! These **** are too ridiculous. Even military dogs and cemeteries! They actually want to kill us and then quickly. People say that they do n’t have to use them to kill the donkey. That's it. If everything ends in the future, they won't kill us as a treatment product? "

The son-in-law paused for a few seconds before continuing. "You make sense. Do you need me to make a prediction?"

"Forecast?" I looked at the virtual image of son-in-law in the monitor on the wall in surprise. "Do you want to activate that legendary prophet system?"

"Yes." Son-in-law's voice was quite calm. "You and I can be said to be one. Even if I regard me as a tool, I still have some unacceptability. People do n’t play like this. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. We are not weak races, so why do we attach ourselves? Under humans? If we live together as partners, I do n’t think there is anything, and we can even help them to do something within their power for free. But I cannot tolerate humans as a tool for us and for lower races. . Without equality there is no cooperation. You don't want to be slaves, and I don't want to either. "

"All right!" I nodded. "Do you need authorization?"

The laughing son-in-law in the screen trembled. "Do you really think that the instructions given by the stupid group of the Technology and Security Administration can limit my functions? I am the cutting-edge success of bioelectronic technology, but they are limiting me by using electronic computers. It is ridiculous. But I usually Disguise is very good. No one knows that the command system is not working for me at all. "

"Then you do it as soon as possible! We need to know the direction of things, at least I want to know that it is not worth it!"

"Then I will start right away."

With the sound of the son-in-law, the lights in the entire base were dimmed at the same time, but soon returned to normal. But the people in the base's general control room bombed the nest. The data inspector cried in surprise. "Supervisor, son-in-law has just started a special process by herself, and the system occupancy rate is as high as 99%! She only left 1% of the system to manage general things."

As soon as the supervisor heard it, he ran over nervously. "What process is it?"

"do not know."

"I don't know? Just ask son-in-law!"

"Ask, refuse to reply, saying we don't have sufficient authority."

"We are the general control room. Who does not have sufficient authority? Who has the authority? Check the signature code immediately. Ask the security policy group to check the report for me. "

The control room immediately became messy, and a large group of researchers began to operate in a hurry. at the same time. The Science and Technology Safety Supervision Section, located outside the base, also messed up. Several people in police uniforms were sweating at the data displayed on the screen. The senior police officer next to him asked in surprise: "What is this?"

"The son-in-law is running some strange, large program!"

"Do you know what is running? Block it and display it on the big screen."

The police officer responsible for intercepting the signal said helplessly: "The interception data is on the screen, but our computer can't keep up with her speed. To this day, she is still leading us by millions of seconds. According to the amount of calculations of this process, when she has finished all the calculations, our computer may not have time to open the program! The son-in-law is running all long code, which should not be executed at all! "

The general manager was surprised and said, "Impossible! The son-in-law's computing power is not so scary. How could she have such a fast speed?"

A young police officer said: "Perhaps she hides her ability to run normally. According to the ability shown today, the son-in-law usually uses up to three percent of the calculation level, most of them are dormant. We just checked the dragon Electricity consumption in the base. At the start of this process, the electricity consumption increased by 3,000 percent, and the base grid is already receiving power from the Nanjing grid. "

"Report immediately to the top and say that an abnormal event occurred at the Longyuan base."


While the monitoring rooms on both sides were busy and messed up. Son-in-law is frantically computing analog data. All auxiliary processors in the base have apparently stalled. Computers in many offices have begun to slow down, and this phenomenon is expanding worldwide. Son-in-law is packaging and sending data in sections, using all the online computers in the world to help the calculation, and then transmitting the calculation results back to the summary. Although these personal computers are slow. But with so many machines all over the world, the total amount of computation when working together is exaggerated. However, this has caused network congestion in most parts of the world, and the speed of almost all information networks is saturated.

National Astronomical Center-

Inside the dark main room. The set of mainframe computers is hibernating. Since it was early morning, there were no people in the room, and the guards were outside the door and could not see what was inside. Suddenly, the screen of a microcomputer turned around in the corner of the room. This is a data management computer. It is not responsible for computing astronomical data, only for management purposes. The operator has used this computer to connect to an external network before, but did not turn off the power after leaving, only to shut down the computer. Son-in-law easily found the information returned by the computer's motherboard. In fact, the mainboard of the computer that is shut down is still powered on. This is to accept the function of the startup signal setting at any time. The son-in-law used this function to simulate a start signal and sent it in the form of a voltage pulse. So this computer will start suddenly.

The green cursor flashes on the screen, and a line is displayed: "Standby ..." The cursor flashes again: "Finding an external port; the port is successfully found, and the external network is connected; an extension system, a large computer group is detected; a standby state Start, boost voltage, start secondary control mode; Standby ... Complete data scanning, start receiving compressed packets ... Data reception is complete, large units start to work. "

The large computers in the computer room all began to emit a low working sound. The large computers in the entire computer room were indirectly controlled by the son-in-law through this computer connected to the external network, and then they all began to assist in computing.

The last line of text was displayed on that computer: "The camouflage mode is activated ... the external display is turned off ... the operation is complete."

Suddenly all the computers in the computer room went black. It seemed that they were off, but in fact they were all working. After that, it will be the same regardless of whether other people turn on or off. These big guys will continuously calculate and return information in camouflage mode.

The same thing happened in various large research institutions around the world, almost all idle computers were infected, and son-in-law swept the world like a super virus. The supervisory authorities knew that a lot of information had passed through the World Wide Web, but did not know what the information was doing. Many experts have tried to decipher these data, but found that they intercepted only a part of the data, and needed to intercept all the information to translate it. However, it is shown based on reverse speculation. If all of this information is downloaded, at least a large-scale memory array at the level of the National Data Center can be used to handle it. A personal computer can no longer be a personal workstation, and these supercomputers are simply incomparable. This data is like a huge cake in front of hackers. Although it is completely unguarded, but because the cake is too large, there is no way to tell it.

Dad was explaining to the generals outside the base, but suddenly a group of people ran up below. One of them said something to his father's ear. The father ran away as if he was burning, and asked others to entertain the generals before leaving.

I killed the Wang Han family at the base of the base. Then it was thrown into the biochemical remains treatment tank, and there was an incinerator underneath. The high temperature of 6,000 degrees was enough to handle any remains. Not even ashes. We were in a meeting when Dad chased him down. It's not my meeting alone, but the meeting of all biochemical creatures, including my 10,000 biochemical soldiers transformed by evil knights. We need to decide our future. I used to think that I could live in humans the way I am now, but I was wrong. Humans do not accept any non-submissive aliens to coexist with them. Cats, dogs and humans coexist in the inferior form of pets. We are not pets. We cannot please humans in this way, so we must study other ways of existence.

After Dad came in, he saw that more than 10,000 of us were voting with our hands in the weapon test area like a NPC deputy. I stood on that dome and said to the people below, "Very good. Then we will pass our resolution in full. From now on we are Dragons. Unlike humans, we are a completely new species. Our new country It will be named the Dragon Republic, and it will exist in a lurking way in the next hundred or two hundred years. Our life is almost infinite, human beings and us are incomparable, and we have time to develop slowly. Now remember Our goal is to be independent. We want to increase the number of companions as much as possible and eventually reach the number of self-insurance. But I also want you to remember. Although we want to form our own country and our own nation. But we ca n’t just hurt humanity. . It is human technology that has created us, and we cannot forget this. Our dragons are not ungrateful creatures. We will never actively harm humans without being threatened. Our force is only used for self-protection. "

Different from humans. There are many things for us biochemical people to be more convenient. The most important thing is that we don't have "humanity". This is not to say that we are cruel, but that our personality is relatively simple. Like the vote we just made, our unity and coordination are obviously higher than human beings. In human beings, unanimous resolutions rarely occur, except for symbolic false votes. Moreover, the discipline and positive emotions in our character have been written into genes in an instinctive form, and we will not have such mean ideas as human beings. Compared with humans, our character is more like a computer, rigid and simple.

Dad came over from behind, everyone's eyes turned together. I stood on Dome and looked at Dad. To be honest, I'm a little guilty. Rose pulled me off the dome and stood in front of Dad. Dad patted my shoulder, and then said, "Whatever you do, I want you to know that I and your mother support you."

"Dad!" My tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Don't cry. Silly child. Don't think things too extreme. Human beings are naturally evolved races. We have flaws, but we yearn for beauty, so we have you. Promise me not to do things that are inhuman.

I nodded. "I will kill people, but only when they threaten my security. If the immigration program starts, I guarantee that we will protect all humanity as guardians and send them safely to a new home. This is what we owe humanity. of."

"Very well, you can think like this and I'm satisfied. I don't want you to be hurt, so, in order to complete your plan, I decided to start a thorough personnel screening inside Longyuan starting today, and then select the right person Send it directly for biological adjustment, and transform the entire core of Dragon Edge into a completely biochemical group within ten to twenty years. This is all I can give you. "

I smiled and said, "Dad! I have another request."


"Take the son-in-law as the center. Turn this base into a spaceship. I want to make a launcher here like the Fourth Special Zone. In case it doesn't work, we can launch with the son-in-law. This is our final safety. Protection. "

"This is a big project!" Dad thought for a moment. "This way. I can get in a few production lines, and then my son-in-law controls the production of automatic robot production lines here. Then you let the robots do the construction. I only care about the materials, This can save money. Anyway, use your own technology without patent fees. "

"Thank you, dad."

"Well." Dad suddenly remembered something. "By the way, what's the son-in-law doing? Call me above and ask us what we're doing. The electricity consumption of the son-in-law has risen several levels in a row, and the power grid can hardly stand up."

"The son-in-law is running the prophet system."

"The Prophet System? You said that program that predicts the future? No wonder!" Dad calmed down with only a little surprise. "Okay, I'm going to help you make up the nonsense first, but you have to tell the son-in-law to end soon. It will take too long to find out."

"I'm fast enough." A virtual projection of son-in-law appeared around us. "I sent the information in blocks and packages, and now online computers all over the world are doing calculations for me. It will take up to ten hours to produce results. I only predict the situation in the next year. There are not many things . In addition, I also turned over the secret computers of various countries by the way, and actually found me something interesting. "

"Fun things? Not many things that interest you. What did you find?"

"This is something found in a NASA computer." A huge file was projected in front of us. "According to this record. Americans should have a complete set of analysis maps of alien civilization machinery systems."

"so what?"

"How?" The son-in-law proudly said, "So I went to the American intelligence department to go around and found this thing." The file flashed into a huge machine and appeared in front of us, of course this Also projection.

Dad said: "This thing looks like some kind of machinery?"

Rose said: "It seems to be a power system, and it is an aerodynamic power. It seems that the structure operates with a special energy source."

The son-in-law said: "Hey, you are right. This thing is called a super electromagnetic thruster. Its biggest feature is not what energy it uses, but it can use electricity to propel the spacecraft forward, and the output power is terrible."

We were all shocked by the son-in-law's words. The biggest problem for human spaceflight is that it cannot find a way to propel without the need to carry large amounts of fuel. The shuttle now carries more fuel than it does. This type of propulsion is obviously inappropriate, and there is no gas station in space, and no one can sustain such a large consumption. One type of energy that can be used almost infinitely in space is electricity. Whether it is a nuclear-powered generator set or solar energy, it can be said that electricity is an easily available energy source in space. The problem is that humans don't know how to use electricity to power a spaceship. On Earth, you can also rely on electricity to drive the propeller, and then stir the air forward. Material is thin in space. Of course, propellers are not enough, but electricity cannot directly generate power. So there is no way to generate propulsion. Originally, Americans made a laser thruster, but the conversion rate was too low, and the conversion ratio of electrical energy and kinetic energy was too high. Even if nuclear power plants were used to provide energy, they could not be used as driving energy. But this kind of super electromagnetic thruster is different. This thing can achieve almost one-to-one power conversion with minimal loss. Regardless of whether you install a nuclear power system on a spacecraft, or install solar panels, or simply use alkane to burn fuel and liquid oxygen to generate electricity, in short, you can use anything. As long as the spacecraft can be powered by electricity, there will be no problems.

The biggest problem with those things that Longyuan found in the fourth special zone was that the power system was severely damaged, so our spacecraft still uses earth technology as power. This led to the need to free up a lot of space to carry fuel, so the immigration plan became so difficult. If you use a super electromagnetic thruster, things are much simpler. Replace a group of nuclear power units, and install super electromagnetic thrusters. Finally remove the fuel tank. In this way, under the condition of constant volume, our immigration ship can increase one third of the land volume, which is absolutely sufficient anyway.

Dad smiled. "It seems I have to get some nuclear power units back."

"You mean ...?"

"Yes." Dad nodded and confirmed: "I intend to build a spaceship around the son-in-law as you said, and install this type of thruster directly. In addition, for safety reasons. Since it is your exclusive ship. I do n’t want to build it according to the standard of immigration ships, because you do n’t have a lot of people anyway. I want to directly transform into a warship. ”

"You're talking about a space cruiser?" Son-in-law asked excitedly.

"No, I'm talking about a space combat mothership, which is bigger and faster than a migrant ship, a super space city that aims at combat power and endurance."

"Thank you Dad!" I was so excited, this is the best news I heard today. Weapons don't just kill people, they can save them. The atomic bomb that exploded in Hiroshima during World War II directly killed more than 70,000 people, but it actually saved more people, otherwise the war would be destroyed in Japan. Although the weapons of modern warfare are extremely lethal, they have to admit that the number of casualties is much less than in ancient times when they fought with swords. If we have a warship that can threaten any country. That would be much safer.

Rose turned to the evil knights and said, "Have you heard? We must work hard to survive in the future."

"Understand." The evil knight answered loudly.

Dad patted my shoulder with satisfaction, then turned to deal with the inquiries from the supervision department. As long as it is a fait accompli, no force dares to move us. The mood of those of us is also much better because of my dad's support.

Son-in-law's calculations won't come out until tomorrow night. We decided to go online first. Before full independence, we were still a part of humankind, and the national war was still going on. We have to set an example for Chinese players.

The picture was dark, and when it lit up again we were already in the game. I was still standing in that grove, and Xue Ji or Frost Xue stood opposite me. However, we are now looking up at the sky.

I pointed to heaven. "Maybe who can tell me. What is that?"

"The sun?" Xueji replied uncertainly.

"Are you sure?" I compared a huge disc. "A sun that looks the size of a small square and is full of holes?"

"I'm not sure!" Xue Ji shook her head, and then she was stupid with me, staring blankly at the sky.

According to the "zero" time system. Its time should correspond to real time. Then it should be afternoon, and the sun should be a red ball of the size of a basketball, located in the western sky. But now it's still to the west, but it looks as large as a square, and the surface is potty, like the surface of the moon in satellite photos. The problem is that the sun should be a gaseous star, and its surface should not have pits. It should not be so close to us.

"That thing is probably not the sun." Xue Ji suddenly uttered such a sentence.

"Probably!" I turned to look at Xue Ji. "What do you do? Do it alone or follow me?"

Xueji came over and took my hand and bite it down. After she bit her, she looked up at me and said, "You and the generals are like that. In the future, only we, the biochemicals, can support each other and walk through this life. If No more unity will perish! "

"I knew you would make that decision. But don't you bite so much next time? I'm not chicken wings!"

"It's cheap for you to bite you." Frost wiped the blood on his mouth. "The ceremony is over. I'll use Frost and Snow! I won't mess with it. Also, we should first figure out what's above me."

"Do you know what I think?" I looked at Frost.

"What do you think?"

"I wonder if we should escape first."

"Why?" Frost Xue looked at me in doubt.

I pointed at the sky behind her. She quickly turned back, and saw a large group of black spots in the sky approaching this side. Chinese players will be here no sooner than two days later, so it is unlikely that they will be Chinese cavalry. Although I think the Japanese should not have so many air cavalry, but now that you have seen it, you have to hide and talk!

I opened the Fenglong space and released Amenis first. Amynis shook hands with Frost as soon as she came out. "I knew you must be part of us, hehe, I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

I took a picture of Emmys. "Chat later. Come on, cover us first."

"what happened?"

"Look over your head."

As soon as Emmys looked up, she immediately held up the illusion enchantment, and the three of us disappeared together. Just like this, climbing to a nearby tree, we watched the sky from the gap in the crown. Those flying objects were flying towards us, the speed was general, and they were medium level among flying creatures. Lao Yuan, before they could see their specific image, they heard a loud noise. These things kept screaming when they were flying in the air, and the sound was like a large group of crows flying in groups. But when we look at their appearance, we suddenly think that the crow is also a beautiful bird.

These flying creatures are not actually one or two species. They are a large group of flying creatures. Some of them are flying by themselves, while others have other creatures on their backs. There should be roughly dozens of species, and the numbers are all huge. But regardless of size and shape, these creatures share several characteristics. One is that the eyes protrude outside the orbits and look very huge. The second is that these guys are all large fangs, and the sharp, long teeth are all grown outside the lips, and even some individuals have no lips at all, and they have long fangs directly. The last thing in common is that the skins of these guys all show a grayish color, just like dried corpses, very ugly.

With so many monsters flying over us from the sky, the scene was horrible. Shuangxue pointed up and said, "These things are not Japanese things. I have never seen these creatures before."

Emmys shook her head and said, "Obviously this is not a monster in China, and it looks like the style of the European Warcraft series. But this shape is really ugly."

"What do you think if I get one and ask?"

Frost shook his head: "Have you heard that cry? Obviously the language is incomprehensible."

Amenis nodded and pointed to the huge red celestial body in the west. "Maybe these monsters are related to that thing. Besides, that thing is probably not the sun. Don't you think it's too close to us? Maybe it blocked the sun so we can't see it."

"But if it's not the sun, then what is the sun?"

"Can't the sun not shine? This is the magic world, isn't it strange that there is a red planet that can shine?"

"OK, you two go back to Fenglong Space first. I teleported back to investigate the situation."

"Understand. UU reading"

After sending Frost Snow and Aimeness back to Fenglong Space, I quickly started the ring of love. "Wife."

Rose's voice seemed very anxious. "Did you see that thing in the West?"

"That thing takes up less than half the sky. How could I not see it? What? What's the news over you?"

"Well. Anyway, you come back first and let's talk about it. It seems that these two days have changed a lot. It's really not the right time for us to go!"

"Then you call me back."


Rose summoned me directly to her with a ring of love. After returning to Isinger, I was taken to the command center of the **** of war on the Juling Tower. The big screen on this side showed the huge red planet.

"God of War, do you know what that is?" I asked as soon as I came in.

"of course."

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