Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 8: The most powerful collection

My proposal undoubtedly created a new direction of thought. In the past, Haber thought about how to combine stronger and more mighty beasts, but never thought that biosynthesis technology could also be applied to humans. Once this synthesis technology is completed, then each player can be synthesized, which is equivalent to adding additional attributes to the players. This advantage is irresistible to any player, and it is absolutely popular.

At my request, Pu Gui immediately recruited some players willing to participate in the experiment within the guild. The reason is that they are not willing, and the players' expression skills are usually very good. After the experiment, they can express their feelings and opinions. These things are not willing. However, the experimental body used by these players is not the ordinary large size, but the small size. Wu Gui said before the solicitation that experiments may fail, and once synthesized, they can never be separated. Therefore, the trumpet has become the best experimental product, especially the trumpet that is just twenty. No one would be distressed by this trumpet. If the composition fails, simply delete the character and rebuild one. Anyway, if the first 20 levels are fast, you can rise in three hours.

At about ten o'clock in the night, we have recruited more than three hundred registered players, but I only selected a dozen people from the middle to participate in the experiment, and others had to wait in line. Hubble is very surprised that there will be so many volunteers. He is just one and understands that the trumpet is not worth mentioning to players. Besides, we have said in the guild that participating in the experiment will be rewarded, and my reward It has always been precious, and failure is nothing more than rebuilding a trumpet. It is more cost effective to compare the two.

It is much more convenient with volunteers. It is very convenient for the experimenter and the player to direct everything, and a lot of data can be read directly from the attribute list, which is more accurate than our experimental results.

"Little flower, you can enter the No. 1 area." I took the broadcast crystal and shouted the name of the No. 1 player. This little flower is only thirty-one grade, male archer, very standard experimental material.

According to Xiaohua's own ideas and our arguments. A dagger was placed in the No. 2 raw material area. We dare not use too much for the first synthesis, and according to Habor, as long as we have mastered the secrets of non-living and living synthesis, it is better to synthesize the non-living when it is true, rather than simply using life. Mutual integration is much simpler. After all, non-living things do not move, so the state is stable and it is not easy to cause accidents.

Hubble started the magic circle, we only heard Xiaohua screamed, but the call suddenly jumped from the outside No. 1 raw material area to the central completion area. After the smoke dispersed, Xiaohua was standing in doubt. In the middle of the venue. I quickly picked up the radio crystal and asked, "Little flower? Or are you?"

The little flower in the crystal display waved at the surveillance crystal. "No problem. It doesn't seem to turn my brain into an iron golem."

"What about the dagger? Do you feel where the synthesis is?"

Xiaohua showed her left hand, then turned her wrist. Hearing only a purine, a dagger slid out of his wrist, but the handle was still attached to his wrist. Xiao Xiaohua said to us: "This thing is a good thing for a wicked person."

Habo laughed: "Haha! The experiment was successful! At least I know that this technology can perform high-end synthesis, and the directional matrix can indeed guarantee that the human brain will not be destroyed."

I took the crystal and said, "Little flower, we have a bigger experiment. Do you dare to do it?"

"It's okay. It just scared me just now, but it didn't really feel like it. It's a trumpet anyway, it ruined the big deal and deleted the reconstruction.

"Okay. Tomorrow I will send you a synthetic beast as a magic pet. Although the intelligence is not high. But the fighting power is comparable to the dragon."

"Thank you, President." Xiao Xiaohua almost jumped from the ground. The magic pet in "Zero" has always been a priceless luxury, a magic pet with the same strength as a dragon is simply a big cake, it's no wonder that you are not excited!

"Okay, you go to the No. 1 raw material area first. We have a hodgepodge this time, hoping to make something good."

Xiaohua Xun ran to the No. 1 raw material area, and I discussed with Hubble what was better to put in other experimental areas. After discussion, I think that large creatures will seriously affect the player's size, so only small creatures can be used, and they cannot be too disgusting creatures.

After half an hour of deliberations, we finally decided on the content of the experiment. The No. 1 raw material is Xiao Xiaohua, who is the synthetic subject. Ten kilograms of refined steel were sent into Zone 2. Placed in the third area is a giant winged swan. This creature has a pair of huge wings that are completely disproportionate to its body. We hope to transplant his wings to players. The No. 4 raw material is Zhang Huicheng's scroll. Hope to give players the ability to teleport. The No. 5 raw material is a five-color poisonous python.

After all the materials were in place, Haber started to host the law formation. The law formation flashed, and Xiao Xiaohua appeared again in the central completion area, but his image had changed a lot. In order to avoid interference during synthesis, players only take off their underwear when entering the raw area. Xiaohua was originally wearing only pants. His whole body was bare. He is still wearing only pants, and we can clearly see the light blue light under his skin. And he has a pair of huge wings on his back, just like an angel. However, the color of his pair of wings is handsome, and they are colorful, like a peacock.

"Little flower? Is that all right?"

"Well. I'm still here, it just feels weird."

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Hubble asked nervously.

Little Flower shook her head. "The body is nothing, it just feels that it is not easy to grasp the center of gravity, and the body always feels backwards."

"That's normal. You have more wings behind you, so the center of gravity is relatively backward. When you stand, try to lean forward as much as you can."

"I know this, but I feel like my body has become a bit heavy."

"This is also normal. You have more pairs of wings on your back, and you have also incorporated ten kilograms of steel. An increase in weight is an inevitable result."

I said to the crystal: "Look at the property bar, is there any change?"

Xiaohua disappeared from the place for a while and reappeared, "There is something in my land attribute."

"What's more?"

"One more time-of-flight countdown to the Seal of the Seal of Siam, and one more durability item and several additional attributes."

"What is the specific change?"

"Time-of-Flight Seal of the Seal of Throne Shows Twenty

Clock, as soon as I flap my wings, it will start to count down, but as soon as I stop, I will start to count down, that is, how long the seal of the throne has to rest. The extra durability attribute shows a thousand, but I don't know what it is for. In terms of properties, I have added a toxin resistance. Moreover, the properties of individual fluids are more toxic. In addition, my health and defense have all increased a lot, but my agility has decreased, but not much. Oh, by the way, I have an option to teleport back to the nearest teleport position by myself, but I am limited to use it at most once a day. "

Hubble turned to me and said, "The body becomes heavier and the agility drops naturally. As for the increase in vitality, it is probably because the three creatures merge into one, so the health is added together. The defense and the extra durability attributes are probably caused by that piece of steel. of."

After I heard it, I immediately proposed to experiment with Xiao Xiaohua in person. After a few minutes, we carried a bunch of equipment to Xiao Xiaohua. I asked the experimenter to give me a normal weapon, and then let Xiaohua reach out. "Take it easy." I cut it down against Xiaohua's arm with a sword, but it didn't work much. Just want to try the defense situation.

Xiaohua looked tense with her eyes closed, but the blade rang into his arm with a crisp sound. Hubble walked in surprise and knocked on Xiao Xiaohua's chest, and the result was completely the sound of a steel plate.

"Good guy, it's all metallized. No wonder you said that the agility is down. It's good to have such hard muscles."

Xiao Xiaohua also knocked on the chest in surprise, but it turned out that the sound of steel knocking on steel, but it was strange that it was still elastic when pressed by hand. It seems that the steel plate is not outside, but under the skin.

Hubble took a sledgehammer and said, "Give it away. Let me try to see if durability is added to the defense and the layer attribute is added."

We saw that the big hammers all flickered to the side, Xiao Xiaohua watched nervously as Haber waveringly held the hammer larger than him and walked to this side. I simply walked over and took the hammer with one hand. "Let me do it!"

Holding up the big hammer and hitting Xiaohuadi's chest is a heavy hammer, and Xiaohua was knocked directly for more than ten meters before falling off. He got up and patted and ran back again. "It's weird, I didn't receive a warning!"

"What? No harm reminder?" I was scared too. No damage reminder means no change in health. But even if I can't break his defense. At least there is a mandatory blood deduction for life, right? How can there be no defense? "You go offline and see how the attributes change."

Xiao Xiaohua took a look at the attributes and ran back. "Durability has fallen by more than 600."

"It doesn't seem to be a reaction, but it will not cause any damage until the light is dropped. Isn't it equivalent to adding a level of protection?" Habor exclaimed: "I still think it's unimaginable that President Ziri said that it is a kind. It seems that the president still has the vision. If we strengthen our cavalry in this way, the light cavalry can also have the combat power of the heavy cavalry. "

I waited and said to Xiaohua again: "Look at the attributes again and see if the durability has changed."

Xiaohua nodded and went offline immediately, and after a few seconds, he came up again. "Durability has been increased by three points. It seems that as long as I'm online, the durability will automatically reply, and it doesn't seem to be slow if I don't overdo it."

I gave him a wound medicine. "Eat it. Wait five minutes and watch it offline."

After taking the medicine and waiting for five minutes, Xiaohua went to see the property again. As a result, he came up and said, "Another four points."

Habor immediately said: "It seems that durability is not a loss of life, and the injury does not have any effect."

I thought about it and said, "Little flower, don't move." After that, I picked up the hammer, and then started the repair skills to knock at Xiaohua for a while. I have a blacksmith profession in my supporting profession. Of course, the skills to repair equipment also have land. It's just that the player has never used repair skills before. This thing should be repair equipment. Isn't repairing a man a hit?

After a mess, I let Xiaohua go offline and cut the secondary attribute. After going online, Xiaohua said excitedly: "Chairman, the durability is full!"

"Sure enough!" Durability is not a life attribute and must be treated in the same way as equipment. "Stand again. I'll lighten your durability with a hammer and see if I can recover after falling out. It would be useless if I used it once!"


I picked up the hammer and knocked it down with a third of my strength. I didn't work hard a few times before. This time, Xiaohua flew out like a shell, hit the wall and bounced off. As soon as he landed, he sprayed a lot of blood, which scared me: "Fuck! Forget this is a trumpet!" I have more than 900 levels, this guy is only 31, even if the pk mode is not open, Pure shock damage alone is enough to kill this guy. Fortunately, I used a hammer with very low damage and did not use all my strength.

Hurry up and turn over the little flowers. "Sorry, I forgot that your land is a trumpet!"

Xiaohua spit his blood and said, "Fortunately, I lowered the pain mode, or it would hurt you! Wow! It seems that the bones are broken! Who will heal? This is a serious injury, and the life value cannot be Automatically restored! "" Zero "is very high fidelity, the degree of personal injury will determine the degree of damage recovery, if the damage has a certain degree of health, not only will not recover, but will continue to decline, this is the serious injury mode, no rescue must die .

"Don't move." I'm an animal trainer, with a lot of auxiliary magic. Of course the treatment will also. A white light flashed through the little flowers and no longer vomiting blood. "how about it?"

"No problem! I just have no energy to stand up!"

"Then you went offline and saw how durable it is."

"Okay." Xiao Xiaohua looked down at the attributes and returned, "Durability is one, it looks like it is not a one-time attribute. It should be restored automatically after being destroyed."

"That's good." I thought for a moment and asked, "Did you have a dull feeling of injury after you were beaten for a long time?"

"No, nothing at all. It's like full state."

As soon as he heard it, he understood what I meant. The actions of the injured in Zero will be affected. The more severe the injury, the greater the impact, which makes the injured person more likely to be injured again, and the weaker the attack. But if you increase the durability, it will be different. No matter how you fight before the end of the durability, it will be the same as if you were not injured. This greatly reduces the possibility of being injured again, giving the player more chances to make mistakes and not being negligent Being injured resulted in no longer being able to beat the opponent. Players like each other are fighting each other

Winning and losing depends on who gets hurt first. After the injury is affected, the action must not beat the opponent. But with this durable player, they are in a complete state before they are really injured, and the enemy will start to weaken with only one injury. This is too cheap.

A mage in charge of research suddenly said, "I don't know if steel is more durable if it is more durable?"

"This is a problem," Habor hesitated. "I always think that durability is not necessarily related to the weight of steel."

"I think so." I agreed with Harper's idea. "That's it. Let's find more people to infiltrate different amounts of steel to see how it works?"


Just do it. Let Xiao Xiaohua delete the trumpet to re-train, and we called dozens of players to participate in the test. This time we didn't leave anything else, we just merged the player and steel. The amount of metal used varies from one to twenty kilograms. One kilogram per level, then record the test results. Soon all the fusion was successful, and everyone got the same durable properties as Xiaohuahua, but something else went wrong.

After our repeated tests, we concluded that the amount of steel penetration should be related to the weight of the main fusion. The actual penetration of steel cannot be less than 2% of the player ’s weight. That is to say, an adult man weighing 70 kilograms must not have less than 1.4 kilograms of fused steel. Otherwise, there will be no durable properties. Not that more is better. After several tests, it has been proved that the amount of steel penetration is between 2% and 3% of the body weight, which is the most suitable amount, because the durability value is completely independent of the amount of steel penetration. Adding more land to steel will not improve durability. As long as you are over 2% of your body weight, even if you and your weight increase by half, it won't improve even a little durability, it will only make your agility decrease continuously. When the penetration is between 2% and 3%, not only does it not affect agility, but it also forms durable properties, which is the most appropriate ratio.

After determining that the durability value has nothing to do with the weight of steel, we studied how to improve the durability. As a result, we tested it with a different metal under the suggestion of a mage, and the result really found the reason. What really determines durability is not the weight of the fusion substance. It is its own hardness. We tested it with refined steel, pig iron, brass, gold, silver, mithril, and crystal, and the results are a lot of interesting results.

First we show that the higher the hardness of the fusion, the higher the durability. In addition, we also find that substances with magic properties can actually overwhelm the players themselves, just like making magic weapons. A player fused a large piece of dark crystal in our experiment, and as a result, any attack from this guy was accompanied by dark elemental damage. Another player was fused with mercury, and as a result, his attack was brought with mercury poisoning. All the people injured by him would be poisoned, but he did not react at all.

Although we know that the hardness of synthetic materials can determine the value of durability, but after thinking about it, we still can't use the hardest substance to blend for players, because the hardest thing is diamond. And we really can't afford this money. It is no problem to make diamond fusion for individual players. The whole bank will do me together. Repeated experiments have proven that the cheapest hard substance I can afford is glass. This thing has a large output, and it is not worth it. Its hardness is higher than steel. Pure glass also has the disadvantage of being easy to burst, but you don't need to worry about it when you merge with the player, because they do not appear in the form of a block after the fusion itself.

After confirming that glass is the best fusion, we started to study the fusion ratio of this thing. The fusion ratio of each material and player is different. The fusion ratio like steel is perfect as long as it is between 2% and 3% of body weight, but other materials are not this ratio. The fusion ratio of glass is very low, as long as it reaches one thousandth of the body weight, it will be ok. If it penetrates two percent like steel, it will make the player's mobility as the stone giant. Walking is like slow motion! One-thousandth-weight glass is enough to give a player three thousand points of durability, and fusion glass can also allow all attacks on the player with puncture effects, which is an unexpected gain.

After confirming the synthetic substance of glass, several mages suggested that we study whether there are any substances that can be added for special attributes. Although the simple increase of durability attributes is very useful, no one will find it more beneficial. In the previous fusion experiments, many substances have been found to allow players' ordinary attacks to bring some good attributes. So this time we can specifically study the use of these special attributes.

A large number of players are again invited to participate in the experiment. We will soon make certain substances show their attributes. In fact, only a small amount of addition is required. And in the process, we even have even better performance if we fuse multiple substances. As a result, we must overturn the previous research, because if multi-metal fusion is carried out, it will inevitably affect the weight ratio. There is nothing wrong with the fusion experiment. If it is wrong, delete the number and replace it. There is no problem with less fusion, the second fusion does not affect the effect. But in case we get more, we cut back. We're doing experiments now. Once the player's large fusion is really overdose, it will be troublesome. We had no choice but to overthrow again.

Multi-material fusion in the human body is not as simple as multi-material fusion. And the combination of matter and human body is not a simple alloy theory. The high-manganese steel produced by the combination of manganese and iron is astonishingly hard, but blending into the human body is another effect. We haven't seen it before. The original fusion of iron and steel was a kind of composite fusion. No wonder the fusion effect of steel has been unstable. The reason for this is that there are impurities in steel and the content of impurities in different batches of steel is also unstable. So the composition effect also fluctuates.

One night we were constantly researching, but the results not only did not find the best mix ratio. Instead, we are even more at a loss! The more we study, the less we know about it, and we ca n’t feel it at all. Any knowledge is like the sea. The complexity of alchemy is just as terrible. The frog sitting at the bottom of the well felt that he knew the whole sky, but the people who stood outside felt that they couldn't understand the whole of the sky, while the people in the universe felt that they were almost as small as sand and dust. This is the gap. We used to think that blending several metals can simply enhance the player's attributes, but after one night, we don't know how to start! Perhaps the main system has no intention at all to let us simply complete this integration in some way.

Until the sky was completely bright, Hubble finally couldn't help rubbing his eyes and said, "No! I can't hold it!" It is also necessary to rest, they also have their own in the game

Rest time seal of the throne. Not a 24-hour service. Although I don't need to sleep, they are all human mages. They were busy all day yesterday, and they didn't sleep that night.

I shook my head and said, "Fuck! I didn't expect the system to be so complicated!"

Harperley said with an ambiguous accent on the console: "Alchemy is actually a comprehensive study of the entire magic system and all matter. Complexity is for sure. Thanks to this machine, our achievements this evening have been It ’s more than what we have achieved a few years ago. ”Harber said he paused for a while, but then his voice became quieter. "We need more materials, more time for the Seal of the Throne, more ...! Huh ..." The snoring sounded more than ten seconds after the language disappeared, and the physical strength of these old guys was seriously overdrawn. Now if someone who didn't know entered the operation area, he would definitely think that someone had been attacked here. Every mage fell on his post like a corpse in various positions. As a big boss, I am very satisfied with the professionalism of the employees. Unfortunately, I am a little dizzy! Although I don't need to sleep, the previous research is too responsible, and I will be tired if I use my brain too much.

I asked some people to come in and move all the teachers to the rest area. I asked everyone to do their own work before returning to Isinger. A notice was issued to the entire guild through the guild management system, announcing the preliminary results of this alchemy experiment, and let players decide for themselves when to accept the transformation. I only limited to five days after I started accepting the transformation requirements of our players, but I also explained that the early attributes of the changes may not be perfect. But too late transformation may not be able to wield combat effectiveness. This is the same as players choosing magic pets. The magic pets chosen too early may be too weak, but it is not a way to wait any longer. Anyway, let them decide for themselves. I can't control the good or bad, at least we will not be worse than the original after the fusion.

After publishing this news about strengthening, I called Red Moon again, and the quota for the expedition with us in the evening was basically determined. I definitely can't run it, and Hongyue, as the strongest combat mage and vice president of our bank, can't run. The rest are not simple.

Chris Dina. The name of the first turret in Europe is not white. This girl fired magic bullets faster than machine guns. At the German General Assembly battle that helped the Iron Crusaders to establish their dominance, she suppressed a hundred-man mage by herself for a minute. On the other side, more than a hundred mages were chopped on the ground by her, and no one dared to look up.

Gorgeous. Although few shots were taken, Pu Gui has always been the strongest resurrected mage in the bank. A team of twenty people with her can take care of all of them. The saved places can be used to carry the main battle class. And her pre-eminent stunt life transfer can resurrect players who have died in battle. This kind of trick is more powerful than cheating in such a small number of knockouts. Think about how much it costs the enemy to kill someone like me? What would they think if they tried hard to kill me and now I stand up again? Besides, there is a rose Zhuge who can help us with some problems. Many of the tasks in "Zero" are not better than combat power, and they will suffer if they have bad brains.

Real red, gold coins. Needless to say, the two girls are overwhelming.

Dark pills, shadow spring. The bank will be the two strongest assassins. Twenty-person combat teams belong to the large formation and require at least two such professionals.

rag. Special profession props division. This guy wasn't very good at the meeting. But then I did n’t know what to do, and suddenly the strength soared. In fact, his profession is a bit like a blaster in the special forces, but he also has the ability to make traps and some special props, which can often play some unexpected roles.

Grab ice. Ghost Dragon Knight. Powerful Main Battle Profession. People who have no fancy skills, are strong enough to speak, and rely on their strength to speak.

Purple Moon. What else does my sister say, apart from the magic pet, she and I are basically on the same level.

Bingbing, Bingling, Qingxin, and Mirror. These four are all in the music department. After repeated demonstrations, Red Moon believes that the more partial occupations in "Zero" are, the stronger the players are. They are basically equal to the priestly and cursed mage professions. It can add status to yourself and harass the enemy. Considering that I have a lot of summoned creatures, it is actually more cost-effective to have a secondary occupation than a main battle occupation.

Dancing angels foursome. These quadruplets have been confirmed by us to be the typical members of the invisible killer. They are not necessarily used for fighting. They are fast and fierce in multiplayer pk.

Lark. Don't look at the hawk guy's idea, he can't beat his wife. Lark's archery has nothing to say, just one, in fact, archers have this. Besides, she is a magic archer, and she has a lot of fancy arrow skills. Especially, the peacock plays a special arrow, and one person is equal to a small archer group.

All twenty were gathered. Under my leadership, everyone found a top monster area for a short running-in training. The training area we entered was actually a leveling area with the highest monster level in China. Except for the non-dedicated leveling points such as the heavens and demons gathering places, I am afraid that there are no monster levels here. The monsters here start at 800 levels, they are not capped, and monsters around 900 levels are often seen in groups. When the twenty of us crossed the low-level leveling area and entered the area, the chins of nearby players almost fell off. Several of us are well-known characters. The mounts are no less than 800, and the equipment is shining brightly, which is clearly the full artifact army. For ordinary players, one artifact is a miracle. Twenty people with full-body artifacts are dizzy when they see it.

When we went out a long way, a player pumped down the air and said, "I'm not mistaken, right? Those are artifacts, aren't they awesome?"

The player on the side said, "You do n’t see who it is. Do n’t you recognize it? The one who leads is Frost Boss Ziri, and the one next to him is his wife Rose. The one behind is the original Goddess League. Chang, the first mage in China. There are two other holders of our country ’s national weapons in the back, do n’t you know them? I do n’t know the rest, but since they came out together, they were probably frost. The elite of all China are in the Frost Rose League, the elite of the Frost Rose League are here, what is the full artifact set? "

The player nodded and said, "That's it! But it's so dazzling to look at! We can just do a suit!"

"Get yours! Another set? If you can get one, it's time to burn high incense."

The player slashed the undead in front of him. Really, I have an artifact ... eh? What is this? "The player who is complaining suddenly has something flashing on the enemies that was cut down, and he is really out of gear. He picked it up and looked at it, then jumped three feet high." I rely on, artifact wand! " Booming ... "

The man next to him covered his mouth. "I don't want to live? Explosive artifact flashes quickly. Dare to shout with this thing, beware of being snatched."

"Then why aren't they afraid?"

"Your head was kicked by a donkey? I want to grab it. Who dares? It's only a matter of a few minutes before we go up and down like this."

"Well, I'll send this back before I say it."

The two noisy ran away and our team entered the mountain. Although the advanced monsters are powerful, the monsters in the leveling area are not as clever as the mission monsters. And what we have here is the elite among the elite, and the combat effectiveness can only be described as exaggerated and indescribable. Sweeping all the monsters all the way. Before the game, I killed a seven in and a seven out in the mountains. Monsters below the thousand level could not even touch our side.

We returned to Isinger an hour before the start of the second phase of the ace guild hegemony, first took a break, and then discussed some of the problems in the cooperation before we began to prepare. Although there is a nurse at the Rose level, the medicine is still required. In addition, food and water can not be less, who knows how long the race will take to seal the throne? In case of an abnormal race, we need to be more endurance. Isn't that a failure?

After all the preparations were completed, we took a rest for a while, and the game finally started. There was a sudden sound above my head. "The preparation time for the second stage of the game, the Seal of the Seal of God, arrived, and the president of the bank personally ordered 20 people to enter the competition space." After the voice was over, a space door appeared in front of the ground. Twenty of us walked in quickly, and during the time we were away, the Throne of the Seal of the Seal of Insignia was handed over to the eagle and Shura Ziyi. Anyway, they were all the highest commanders. There should be no problem with them here.

I was the last one to enter the space door. The space door closed as soon as it came in, and it probably counted people. We appeared directly on the side of a large road. It seemed like a huge city in front, only a kilometer away. There were many people coming and going on the road, and it looked very prosperous. Behind us is a forest, as if the area is not small. There are grasslands on the left and right, and they seem to have been cleared manually. Such vacancies are generally cleared out of the periphery of the city. The main reason is that the enemy will not be able to see if they rush forward, so clear the vacant land in advance to facilitate defense.

A voice appeared above us. "Welcome to the competition space. This space is dedicated to the competition and will not appear again. It is completely isolated from the regular map and can be destroyed at will. There are ten minutes to start the official competition. Please read the mission description during this period."

A scroll fell under my feet. I picked it up and looked at it. This is the mission statement. Wu Gui took a look and then told us the key points. "This task is actually not a task, but a point game. Our five participating guilds were thrown into a map, and each team was twenty. Every killing of another guild player It can win 10 points for the team, and no penalty will be given for death of its own players. However, fighting in that city requires attention to the defense team in the city. Because this is a high-level mission mission space, the city ground guard is not like the city in the regular map. The guards are so weak. The guards here are all nine hundred levels, and there are a large number of them. It is best not to be seen fighting in the city. Otherwise, you will be disadvantaged if you are killed. In addition, there is a soul crystal in this mission map. There are an unlimited number of things, you can look for clues in the city in front, and then follow the clues to find the crystal of the soul. But remember that every clue must be found immediately because you will not find it again until you find this crystal Get a second hint. Each soul crystal can win 20 points for the team, and this crystal itself is also a quest reward. After leaving the quest space, you can .Each of these crystals can offset one death penalty. The time limit for the Seal of the Seal of God is twelve hours. When the Time of Seal of the Seal of Throne arrives, the points will be calculated, and the two teams with the least points will be eliminated. That's it. Put away.

"Is the point game?" Hongyue asked, "What do you think we should do?"

Wu Gui thought for a moment: "First, we should focus on finding crystals, supplemented by fighting. Because this kind of crystals have a very large role. And the points are very high. We all have guardian spears, and we will not delay too much time on the road. Indian throne. Find more crystals to get high points. Moreover, we will definitely meet with each other. Taking advantage of the opportunity to kill a few people can also add a lot of points, but can not fight. There are some things worth noting. Fortunately, switch to Silvermoon mode, and use your high charm value to investigate clues faster than us. Also, if possible, it is better to frame the other four guilds, which will be targeted by the city guards, so they search for crystals in the city Things will become troublesome, and we can take advantage of them. That's all for now. "

"Okay, let's get out." I switched to the Silver Moon trumpet and immediately took everyone to the city. "Oh!" I just ran two steps and was hit by an invisible wall. Forget that the game hasn't started yet, we can't get through! After being ridiculed by everyone, I could only take it awkwardly until the start of the game and then ran to the city behind Rose, really shameful!

This city is quite large, probably just to make it difficult for us to find clues! As soon as we entered the city gate, we saw the guards here. It was really an exaggeration. The high-level cavalry was followed by a mage. It was more exaggerated than the elite guards in our guild. The most frightening thing is that such a lineup is actually used as a soldier. Such cavalry teams are wandering around in the city. It is estimated that the road cannot be opened. Otherwise, wait for the enemy to be killed by these bsp first; the intelligence level in the city is obviously very high, seeing that we will actually stare at us drooling, seeing me fight the Cold War! At Rose's suggestion, we first found a shop that looked good, and walked in.

The boss saw us as a group, and immediately came up to entertain us. "Do you have anything you want?"

"We need a soul crystal. Do you sell anything here?" Hongyue asked directly.

The boss looked at her with a little embarrassment.

Pu Gui patted my waist. "It's all on you."

I shook my head helplessly. I walked over and pounded my boss, and the boss turned around like a power. "What do you command?"

I smiled and touched a crystal coin and pinched it with my right thumb, and bounced it into the sky, and the crystal coin flipped in the sky and gave out a wonderful sharp sound. "We really need a soul crystal. If you know, please help us. We won't treat you badly. I know you are a good person, please!" I said, took a small bag and stuffed it in Boss hands.

The boss looked at the pockets in his hand, then looked at me, and finally surrendered for only a few seconds under the value of money and my wicked charm. "Okay! It seems that you really need this thing very much. I myself can't look at others, and I have to help you. The Soul Crystal is an item designated by the royal family, and we are not allowed to resell and use it as ordinary citizens. It is better to be careful. You go out of the city and head east, there is a river over there. Enter the forest along the river, and at the end of the river, there is an eye of the spring. Above the eye of the spring, there is a soul to purify the water Shi, but there are more than thirty guards there, you better be careful. "

Immediately, my eyes flashed, "Thank you very much!"

The boss was excited and handed a piece of paper. "If one is not enough, just go here and ask! Maybe there will be." Damn, not only got an accurate clue, but actually got the next one to find clues, no need to go around. High charm is to take advantage.

After bidding farewell to the boss, we rushed out of the city immediately. The result was a failure. When we approached the gate of the city, there was a team of combatants talking with passersby. A row of red arrows flashed immediately above these heads, exactly twenty arrows pointing at twenty people. A beep sounded in the ear. "The first encounter reminds the enemy, please remember the appearance of the opposite party. It will not be displayed next time."

Damn, we met the enemy so early. These people here are all white, most of them are warrior occupations, and few other occupations. I don't know if the composition of their guild is unbalanced or specially matched.

The other party saw us for a moment, but didn't move immediately. We tried to lean on the side of the road to pass them, and watched carefully. Although it is surrounded by city defenses, who knows if they will have a sudden attack in here? It's always good to be careful.

In fact, the other party is just like us, one by one wary and careful, they are afraid of what we do. It turned out that this excessive care hurt them. I said that carrying the magical think tank is very useful. When we passed by those people, Rose suddenly lifted her staff, and the person in the opposite side had strained her nerves. When she saw such a move, she moved immediately. But they knew bad things as soon as they shot. Wu Gui raised her staff and just stretched it with a staff, but the opposite side had already pulled out the weapon, and another assassin had hit the dart. I had already received a hint in advance that the dart was taken down.

It moves faster than us. Hula rolled around. This is the gate of the city, which happens to be the place with the most soldiers. The men quickly explained to the guards. Unfortunately, the guards did not listen at all, and they had to disarm when they went up. The result was a fight. One by one with a smile on our side, Jia left the gate, leaving only those angry throats behind.

Hongyue laughed as soon as she left the city gate. "Hahahaha! You are so insidious! You are sure that the intestines are regretful now! I don't know if they will be completely eliminated and kicked out in advance."

Bingbing suddenly asked: "Sister Rose, is there no penalty for death in this match?"

"No." Wu Gui said: "This time it is a real game. You will be punished like death, but you will not lose your equipment."

"Oh. Those people are really miserable!"

We switched to flying mounts and talked and laughed and flew to the upper reaches of the river. The forest below was not dense, and we could see the direction of the river from the sky. The river is not long, but Quanyan is ten kilometers away from the city. It would take more than two hours for the six cavalry of the general guild to go back and forth. We have flying mounts, all of which are spears, and we are very fast. We arrived near Quanyan in ten minutes.

"Did you see the guards?" Instead of going straight down, we circled nearby. I plan to spy on the number and distribution of enemies below.

Lark has better eyesight as an archer. "I have twenty-nine people. How many do you see?"

"I only saw twenty." Hongyue said.

"Lark shows us where you see the people."

Lark's guidance made us immediately notice the position of those people. Among the people who were present on Red Moon, there were 33 people on the two sides that were not noticed by Lark. To other enemies. After confirming the positions of these people, the auxiliary occupations began to increase protection, and our main occupations divided their goals. I threw down all four dragons and dragon girls in one breath, and they will definitely have a deterrent effect if they contain the enemy.

A mouthful of spring eyes is actually not very important. These guards are only here to protect the soul stone in the eyes of springs. If it ’s a general game map, it ’s good that there are more than a dozen 600 soldiers in such a place ~ ~ But this is a place dedicated to us elite competitions, and the 33 soldiers are all It is a class 950 soldier, one by one and the ringing knight, the battle is terrible. The four dragons went down and did not calm them down, thanks to the dragon girl behind. Long Yan and Shenlong Secret Method went up together, and the sky near the spring eye immediately filled the sky with dust. Hongyue and I jumped off the mount and rushed into the smoke.

We are all cattle, but we are raids, and there are many people. As soon as I landed, I summoned the Bell Tone Knight and the humanoid pet. Everyone went up and beat them, and brought down all of them a few times. A soul crystal was in hand within five minutes.

I'm still not convinced with the crystal with a purple flame in the center. The twenty cents are too good to make a profit, right? "Rose, keep this first." I stuffed the crystal with the rose.

"I always feel like I'm staring at something." Hongyue said suddenly.

Almost as soon as Red Moon finished speaking, we suddenly heard a prompt sound at the same time: "The first encounter reminds the enemy personnel, please remember the appearance of the opposite side, and it will not be displayed next time."

"Fuck, and help people follow us." At the same time, a bunch of red arrows appeared in the sky at the same time, and it goes without saying that the shoulders are also enemies.

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