Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 9: Joint raid

"Rise up and take advantage of them." Rose cried as soon as she saw the people.

I have to say that Zhu Gui's mind is good. The flying creatures in our guild have absolute advantages, and the airborne operations are very beneficial to us. The guys above are actually not stupid. Now that they are out of town, they must be looking for the Soul Stone, and the Soul Stone cannot be freely placed in a place for anyone to take, so there must be guards. Once we and the guard were defeated, they could take the opportunity to kill us together and get a soul stone beside them. They did a good job at this abacus. Unfortunately, they misestimated our degree of flight first. As a result, they not only failed to track us on the road, but they drove farther and farther, and finally pulled away for twenty minutes. Second, they misestimated our efficiency. It took us only ten minutes to detect the enemy situation, and it took only five minutes to settle these guards. When they catch up, we are ready to leave. The result is that not only did they not have time to pick up the cheap seal of the throne, they ran into our team head-on.

A large group of flying creatures took off quickly on our side. I let the Crystal Dragon Fairy carry roses and Bingbing, their auxiliary department members, and the others mounted their spears to start the battle. Naturally, my dragons and other flying magic pets will inevitably follow the fun.

Seeing that there are so many flying units on our side, the other party immediately realized that there may be a large number of trainer professionals on our side, so the throne of the Seal of God released its own magic pet. Although the magic pet is still a precious and rare thing so far, the other party is also an elite and there are many magic pets. And the level is quite high.

The magic pets on both sides smashed together, and as a result, my magic pets showed amazing combat effectiveness. Without the spear-like synthetic creature, the dragon is the overlord of the sky, and not many creatures can fight with them in the air. After landing, there are still things like war monsters and Bemon monsters that can fight with dragons. Dragons in the sky are much stronger than on the ground.

Fortunately, plagues and plagues, one person hugged a giant divine angel in the air and bit it. Angels are skillful, and divine angels are energy creatures. It doesn't actually belong to the angel family, but the combat power is even stronger than the angel. However, the dragon admired the rogue play, and hugged it. The dragon's four claws had a mouth, and a tail was a weapon. When the angel was hugged, he was bitten and wounded, and the feathers in the sky were flying around.

I stood on Asuka's back and rushed towards the center of the opposing team. There was a light bulb-like teacher standing in that place. I know this guy must be dangerous and must be killed first. Turning back to Lark, he shouted, "I'll make way for your arrow, kill the mage first."

Lark turned to Zhang Gong as soon as he heard it, and struck a string with a magic arrow with attributes. A large number of white light spots quickly appeared in the surrounding air, starting to converge towards the tip of the arrow, and it was getting faster and faster. I rushed towards the mage all the way, and the other party noticed my assault and immediately blocked my flight path.

Because everyone came to intercept me, Lark's offensive line immediately cleared a gap. Braun strove to pull the bow all the way, and then threw a hand. "The demon blasts the arrow." The arrow with the huge ball of light dragged its long tail like a meteor and flew towards the division with a terrible degree.

The teacher noticed the little sun's arrows, one hand raised, and a protective light shield appeared in front of him. The arrow slammed into the protective shield, listening to a bang. The magic arrow and protective shield disappeared into the air together. But the mage didn't take any advantage. The huge shock wave lifted him far away before being caught by an angel player who came over.

"I'm fine." The player pushed away the angel player, then resuspended and began to chant.

As soon as the player who helped the division turned around, he saw that I rushed straight up, and he immediately drew his sword and caught my attack. "You ...?" He was very surprised that I was able to rush up even after being intercepted by so many people. But he soon noticed that I was standing in front of everyone in his companions. "Multiple avatars?"

"It's multiple illusions!" I flew straight to the division after shaking this guy with a sword. That player wants to chase me. But a black hole suddenly appeared behind me, Ye Yue jumped out of it, entangled this guy, and the two fell down to the ground together.

I jumped from the bird's back and spread my wings. "You go to pick up the night moon." After leaving the flying bird, I had arrived at the mage who was suspended in mid-air. The guy immediately turned his staff and threw the magic he had just prepared at me.

"Here! Where are you throwing?" My figure appeared behind the mage. The mage was surprised to see that his magic passed through the body in front of me, and it was clearly an illusion. But I was already behind him, and I didn't even give him the throne of the Seal of Time, a cross. Immediately I heard the system prompt to add ten points, it was really simple. Just after the first reminder, I followed another plus one, and it turned out that the guy entangled by Yeyue fell to the ground after being petrified and broke. The petrification is not the killing target, the restoration of time will return to normal after the seal of the throne, but if it turns into a stone and then falls. That's a complete death.

The bird catches the falling night moon and flies back to pick me up. Yeyue was sent back to Fenglong Space. I stepped on the flying bird and rushed to the next few people. They are really red. The melee in the air immediately fell over. The superiority of the mount allows us to freely decide when to attack the enemy, and we are a team with more auxiliary professions. Even if the single-player combat power is similar before, after receiving so many auxiliary professions, it will definitely be better than the opponent

Less, the opponent's degree can't slow down the number of advantages on the premise of being defeated by each of us is taken for granted.

Twenty players have added 200 points for us, plus a crystal to make 220 points. Even if we start to rest now, it will probably not be eliminated. There were few casualties on our side and very few injuries. The best fight with us is on the ground. No one is afraid of flying.

Because the equipment is not exploded in the mission, we do not have to clear the battlefield and return directly to the city. When entering the city, there was a large area of ​​blood on the ground. Several soldiers leaned on the side of the road to receive bandages. Obviously it was the team we framed. However, if the 900-level guards are made like this, they may not be much better. In addition, a lot of their portraits were posted on the side of the road, which appeared to be a new cloth wanted. Now they have to play ground.

Just outside the city, I have switched back to the Silver Moon mode again, and took out the address given by the boss and took a look. This seems to be a business card with 8 Baima Street written on it, and the address is called Universal Auction House. This kind of place usually operates some underground trading, and the boss will really help us to contact the business.

I tried to pretend to have an innocent smile and inquired the passerby about the address, and immediately got a warm response. High charm is good! If it were not for me to refuse firmly, those people who were asked for directions would even show us the way, the enthusiasm would be beyond description.

I quickly found the shop, and the area was quite large from the outside. I was planning to go in, and there was a sudden flash on the top of the building next to it. I quickly reached out and pinched an arrow. The arrow was only an inch away from Pu Gui's neck, and if I take one more step, the rose will be finished. Rose also responded slowly, quickly recovering and pointing to the opposite roof: "Master, there are wanted men."

The nearby guards turned to look at the rooftop at the same time, and then hurrahed up to dozens of people. These are all 900-level guards, jumping on the roof is just like going up the stairs. The archer did not recover from the shock that the arrow was taken by me until then, and quickly turned and ran out, but there were more guards on the ground rushing in the direction of his escape. Let him play hide and seek with the guards! We have more business to do.

Entering this auction house, a buddy ran over immediately. "Several guests, sorry. Today is not an auction day. If you are here to entrust auction items, please go to the reception next door."

I took out the business card that my boss gave me and handed it out: "We are here to introduce xxx." Report the name of the boss and see how this guy responds. He seemed to understand it.

"Oh, that's it. Then follow me, everyone."

We followed the guy into the back yard, and this guy took us directly into a corner on the side of the yard. Long distance we smelled a familiar taste.

"Hey? We're here to buy things. Why do you take us to the toilet?" Zhenhong asked angrily.

The man laughed and said, "It's just a blind eye. The door to the special sales area is behind this." He said he walked in first.

Since it's just camouflage, we can't say anything. Turn into that narrow dead end, and at the end is a spear toilet with several compartments. Dude went to the door of the last compartment and knocked. There was a rude sound inside. "Someone."

The man immediately shouted, "I want to buy you this pit."

The door creaked open from the inside, and a muscular man leaned against the door. "How many times is your kid today? Fei's hurting me to come up and help you open the door. It's smelly!"

The man laughed and said, "I can't decide how many times to drive. There are guests, there is no way!" He turned to us and said, "Come with me."

Entering the compartment, there was suddenly a door behind. It's a narrow alley through here, and then it's a door. After opening, it went directly into a rather luxuriously decorated hall. Damn, it's an underground exchange!

Man is polite to us. "Everyone please help yourself. I'm going to greet the guests."

I threw him a gold coin and turned around and took everyone in. This place is really big enough. At least there are hundreds of people here, but it is not chaotic. In the middle of the room is a table of people talking about something, and there are huge kanbans on the left and right sides of the room, and a lot of people are gathering under the kanban. As we walked past a few of them, we could hear what they seemed to be trading, and it seemed that those who had already bought and sold were talking about specific prices.

I stretched out two fingers, then left and right fingers. The shadow pill and shadow spring have been under the kanban on both sides, and ran back again after a while.

Yingquan Road: "There is a notice board for sale news."

Anmaru also said: "The side I'm looking at is the buying news bulletin board."

Pu Gui said to me: "Go first to see if there is a sale bar. If you have one, buy it directly. If you don't, go to the other side."

I nodded and walked under the sale bar and looked up. This thing seems to be a magically controlled blackboard. The text on it is made of white crystal powder, and it is constantly changing with the master's control. There are a lot of things for sale, but there is no soul crystal. I don't think it would be so simple to let us buy this thing, so I had to take everyone to buy news.

Cloth purchase requirements just need to say to the mage who operates the magic display board, but to pay, you have to buy a table. Because if someone wants to sell, you have to find you!

We paid and sat down at a numbered table. This place has a large table specially prepared for a multi-person team, so twenty people also sit down. Not to mention, someone came over in a few minutes. "Do you need a soul crystal?"

"Do you have it?" I asked immediately.

The young man shook his head. "This kind of thing is very tightly controlled by the royal family. Even in such a black market, you can't acquire it. But I know where it is, and there is more than one place. If you are willing to give money ..." He glanced at me. "I can tell you the locations. Ten crystal coins for each location."

Rong Gui immediately rushed in front of me and said, "You go with us. Every one you get will give you a hundred crystal coins."

"No." The youth immediately said nervously: "There are either guards or monsters in those places. I won't lie to you. There are really soul stones in those places, but I don't want to take risks with you."

"Each place adds one hundred crystal coins." Pu Gui is a human expert, and directly hits the subject.

"Okay ... okay!" The youth eventually bowed to money.

With this living signpost, our next actions will be much more convenient, and Rose has another meaning to him. According to the rules of the game. You can only get one of the Soul Stone news at a time, which means you will never get the position of multiple stones at the same time. Then if this young man tells us all the positions, then we are likely to be unable to take the other pieces for various reasons after getting the first piece, or the other pieces are not in the original position for various reasons. Anyway, we are Don't rely on this news to find another place of crystal. But taking this guy is different. He only tells us one location at a time, although he knows all the locations, but we do n’t know the other locations until we get the first piece he said, so that it wo n’t trigger the rules and cause the system to modify the settings and affect our actions. .

You can drill down into the rules, but you must not defend it hard, otherwise it will always be you who suffer.

We left the auction house with the youth. As soon as I stepped out of the door, I heard a system prompt saying that we added ten points. The total score of 220 points actually jumped to 230 points. Everyone was baffled, and I don't know why they suddenly got extra points.

Su Zi suddenly said: "Very much, that means we killed the other team member? But we are all here, and no one has to do it .... Can it be said that framed others to be bsp; Su Que said that I immediately wanted to understand:" Probably this. Although the rules say that being killed does not add points. But that was the case of the melee between the two sides, but we are consciously framing each other, which means that we have borrowed power, which is not the same as the current state. Maybe the system thinks that killing people with intelligence is also a kind of combat power! "

"What's wrong with you?" The young man asked a little puzzled as we all stopped.

"It's okay." I took the lead out of the gate and climbed back to Ye Ying's back. The young man was dragged to his bones by the ice. This is the city, he is too big, so he had to use bone horse instead.

According to the youth's instructions, we started to run towards Xichengmen, but as soon as we reached the middle of the road, we heard one after another. The group of guys were killed by six people in a row, and our points jumped to 290. But the framing has stopped here, and not far from the city, we saw ten people standing on the road waiting for us. These are the guys who were framed. There were seven in total, and there are now thirteen people left. However, three of them were not seen, probably hiding somewhere to plan a sneak attack.

The ice grabber scooped up the youth and threw it to the ground. "You protect him." He removed the bone horse and released the ghost dragon. The youth saw a terrible beast shaking on our side. If it were not surrounded by four mm, I would probably turn around and run away.

Ding. There was a sudden sound behind us before we started. An assassin jumped out of the ground and threw a dart, but was blocked by the dense vines. Bingbing has six arabesque pets, and his defense is tight.

The assassin was unable to make a surprise attack, and fell from the air to the ground and sank directly as if he had fallen into the water. The dance angel quartet quickly rushed up, rushed to the front mm and jumped up in the air with a quiet turn. Then she straightened her legs, raised her hands together, and the whole person became a long stick. Then she turned around with the strength of her spin in the air after she just took off. I saw her slamming into the ground, her legs nailed into the ground like a drill. Less than a metre from where she entered, the ground suddenly burst open and the assassin jumped out again.

Another dance angel rushed forward, a beautiful turn and threw her legs, and a pink arc flew from her feet. The assassin was cut off by the arc as soon as he jumped into the air, and the corpse broke into two pieces and fell off. These four girls are really a combination of angels and demons. Killing is the same as dancing.

Kill this assassin and at the same time we have already laid three people down. The other party is like we are strong, the number is still small, and it is normal to be killed one after another. Seeing that the enemy was killed, our points have accumulated to four hundred points, but two people are still missing.

Qingxin put the guzheng on the cane summoned by Bingbing, pressed his hands on the piano, a buzzing sound, an explosion in front, and a big tree was blocked by the waist and blown. An assassin fell from the trunk with blood spray. Good guy, I now know why I said that the more professional the combat strength is, the stronger it is!

Qingxin did not stop after killing the assassin. Only the sound of the piano became soothing and calming, as if playing an ordinary instrument at will. But I know these girls. As long as their playing music is not an auxiliary effect, it must be an attack or a curse. There will be no completely useless music. Now that we don't feel the auxiliary attribute, it must be the other two.

really. Ten seconds later, the sound of the piano suddenly changed, and a loud blast of more than four meters in diameter exploded on the ground on our left, and a pile of human debris spewed out of the hole. This mm is more scary than the dance angel quartet!

"Four hundred and twenty." Wu Gui said: "We have killed the two teams are destined to be eliminated, and then if we encounter other teams can not fight, we will not fight. Now start to collect the soul stone is The first goal. "

"What if others stare at us?" Derek asked.

"Of course I fought back," I said. "Now advanced mountains."

Under the guidance of the youth, we got a soul stone in Xunjin Mountain and raised our points to 440. With the help of this young man, we don't have to go back to the city to find clues. However, the system may restrict our collection behavior, the more soul stones we get. The task becomes more difficult afterwards. The first time we were at the side of the mountain spring, it only took five minutes to level the guards, but when we went to grab the seventh block, we encountered hundreds of guards, played for thirty minutes, and hung a few magic pets. Get the Soul Stone. And now we are attacking the eighth soul stone. The battle is unprecedented. Nearly a thousand monsters have protected the soul stone in the deepest part of a cave. This ghost place is very narrow. Large pets cannot be summoned, and we lack overwhelming fighting power. There is no way to break through the defense.

"Woo!" A snorting moan sounded, and Red Moon wore a stalagmite on her stomach and fell to the ground. The monsters here are very smart. They will pull up a few feet of stalagmites on the ground to use as javelins. This place is full of sharp stalagmites, which are almost all their weapons. We can't help it.

"Don't move." Zhu Gui held down the red moon struggling to rise, and then stepped on her shoulder with her feet, holding the stalagmite with both hands and pulling it out.

"Ah!" As soon as the stalagmite left the body, Hongyue screamed and fainted.

The continuous treatment resulted in large-scale treatments being thrown up, and the rapid fusion of wounds recovered as before. Taking a small bottle from her body, Rose shook it under Red Moon's nose. Hongyue jumped up immediately. "Gee!" A spit of blood spurted from Hongyue's mouth.

Pu Gui patted her back. "How's it going?"

Hongyue took a few breaths before she said: "There are a lot of health drops, and they are weak!"

Fang Gui quickly lost a few more enhancements, and Red Moon was better.

Cristina, who has been preparing for magic since the start of the war, suddenly yelled at us facing the enemy and shouted, "I'm ready, you're down."

As soon as we heard it, we shook away the enemy in front of us and lay down on the ground. Cristina pointed her staff forward: "Meteor Jet!" I saw a small magic array appearing at the tip of her staff, and then numerous volleyball-sized white light bombs spewed out of it, and its density was almost even Into one piece. We slammed our heads on the ground. There seemed to be dozens of heavy machine guns firing around, and the sand and stones were flying on the ground, regardless of whether you were a stalagmite or a monster. This magic ejection is all first-level magic light bombs. In fact, the power is not great, but the number is too large. The monsters are not directly killed. Instead, they are gathered by the magic bombs into the magic flood of the earth. Gone the same.

The jet lasted for a minute before stopping, and Kristina slumped to the ground. We trembled from the ground, and the surrounding area became a pile of rocks. The stalagmites were all wiped out. The walls and the tops of the caves were full of pits. Many places were emitting green smoke. The walls in front were full of red and green liquid, which was the residue of the monsters being blasted.

Real Red turned and gave Chris Dina a thumbs up. "The First Battery really deserves its name!"

"Huh! I'm exhausted!" Chris Dina took a handful of potion back and stuffed it into her mouth like jelly beans. The first turret is really strong, but the money is also great. The potion was worth at least thirty crystal coins. The pk is ok. No player dares to level this way unless he is the son of an oil tycoon.

Papap ... A round of applause rang behind us. We turned around in surprise, only to find a group of people close to the hole, and the acquaintances who took the lead were still acquaintances.

"God of guns?" I didn't dare move as soon as I got up, because a gun was resting on Rose's forehead.

"Oh oh, don't move around. My hands are not very stable." Gun **** bastard me.

"My hands are not very stable." Shadow Spring's figure appeared slowly behind the Gun God. A red lighted dagger was on his neck. "Do you want your neck to be attached to your head or to your body? If you don't get your idea, I suggest you leave your neck on your body so that your head is flat and you can put it on the table for decoration. "Yingquan proudly teased the Gun God.

The Gun God smiled awkwardly and slowly raised the gun and hand. We rushed over and blocked the gangsters and their auxiliary occupations behind me. Dark Pill was explained to me by a few sentences and ran into the cave. I asked him to get the soul stone first.

Yingquan forced the Gun God to turn around, and then came back to our side, and finally shot the Gun God out. After Gun God returned to his own team, his people wanted to rush up. But the gun **** stopped them. "

Hehe! Just kidding. The Gun God looked at the situation deep in the hole, and then said, "Since you have eliminated the monsters, we are not good enough. That way, we leave now, when we haven't met. "

I asked, "How many points do you have?"

"Over one hundred."

"Then you don't need to do anything." I told the gun God: "We have completely destroyed two teams before. They are both out of zero, this time it is five in three. So as long as you are not zero, you can't be eliminated steadily. Now. "

"Oh, it seems that we don't have to fight anymore." Gun God said untruely.

Wu Gui finally understood what I meant. "How are we working together?"

"Why should I cooperate with you?" Gun Lord asked.

Pu Gui glanced at his team. "Now you are destined not to be eliminated, and the remaining task is to get more soul stones. But I think you should also notice that the defense force of soul stones is getting stronger and stronger. You have only sixteen people left , The team is no longer complete. With such a team, you can take at most two more soul stones. Our team is more complete, and our mount is faster. It can save time and delay time on the throne. If we cooperate, assault Speeding up, we can take more soul stones. "

"How do you get the Soul Stone?"

"We take five for the first nine, and four for you. If there is more, divide it in half. If the extra amount is singular, then put it in the auction and the profit will be split in half."

"The deal."

Gunslinger and I are actually the same people. Both of us are arrogant, so it's not easy to see each other, but at the same time we have to admit that each other's strength is very strong, and we have to cooperate often if there is no way! What a depressing enemy!

We started cooperation after signing the system guarantee place agreement. The Gunslinger's Sharpshooter League is the most violent guild in the United States. None of the people around him is easy to deal with, and the fighting power is scary. In fact, if we add single-player combat power, our side is not as good as the gun god, mainly because they have too few auxiliary occupations, so the team strength is not as good as ours. After the two sides merged, their shortcomings and our shortcomings just covered each other, and their strength suddenly skyrocketed. Rose said that the first nine shares of the good land took only a short time to get all the seals of God. Rose herself said she was miscalculated. She knew that she wouldn't use this rule. The division of Pu Gui is because he thinks that we do not have such high efficiency. Who knows that the merger and strength have increased so much. By this degree, we can get at least twenty soul stones by the end, and we only have It ’s almost equal to half the score with them! The problem is that we cannot return now, let alone being lazy, or we will lose more! It's terribly joyful to shoot a gun, because the more he takes, the bigger his share will actually be.

Gun God originally brought a lot of auxiliary occupations. Who knew it was attacked by another team. Four helpers were killed as soon as they came up. As a result, there was no player around him who could heal, so he was so embarrassed. Now with the help of the nurses at our level, their violent factors can be completely swept, and I am willing to bow down the road when I am on the way.

When our guild was divided into thirteen soul stones, the God of Guns also got his twelve soul stones. This number is simply out of our prediction. Our guild is now equivalent to a total of 21 soul stones. The Gun God also took a lot before, but I do n’t know the specific number. It is estimated that there are at least three.

When we moved forward to the next target together, the gun **** was still counting the stones of the soul with a smile, and was angry with us. But even when he reached his destination, he was stunned. The young man said that this was the last place he knew, and it was also the most dangerous place. The reason he finally told us was that we hoped we would n’t need it here, and we did n’t expect our fighting power to come out of budget. So many gems were looted in one breath. He was asked to let us go again and again. The place was too dangerous and he said he wouldn't follow anything. Besides, this is the last place, and it is useless to take him.

At present, our team has only one person killed in Dark Pills, and two people have been hung up after the God of Guns joined us. There is not much loss of strength, but we also start to feel guilty when we see this place. This last place is actually a military camp. The information the youth gave us is the soul stone of a mining area in the field. Then the king sent his army to **** him back to the capital, and our task now is to get this soul stone out of thousands of troops ~ ~ Seeing the number of terrible enemies below I almost think it is Mission impossible.

"It seems this is the last soul stone we can get." I shook my head helplessly.

Gun God is even more pessimistic than me. "I suspect we may not get this one."

Pu Gui asked with a smile: "Are you afraid?"

"Do I look like someone who is afraid?" Gun God asked, looking at Rose.

Cristina smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? You give me a boost of magic. I'll try the latest level of magic I learned to help you out. Then you can go inside and grab the soul stone, God of Gun Sister Bailing is responsible for sniping the enemies around you to help you open the way, others help you attract the enemy, as long as we get things, we can flash. "

I refer to the flying dragons by the distant barracks. "But it's not as simple as you think!"

"I have a way," Bingbing said suddenly.

"What way?" Our eyes together focused on the past.

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