Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 25: Senior spy

What about people? I looked back anxiously and shouted,

Pu Gui looked around in panic. "do not know!"

I quickly took out the leaves of the city tree. "The tree of the city."


"Immediately close all major urban corridors, activate roadside monitors, and find out where wena is."

"The closure was completed after fifteen seconds, and the surveillance system in the city had an unknown cause and could not be started."

"Damn!" I resentfully said, "mobilize the Internal Guard immediately, find me."


I thought so much that I never thought it would happen. The four guys standing in the tent behind the Statue of Liberty are working together to support a seal array, and the very tied but still struggling woman in the array is not someone else, but our goddess Vena. The problem is that she has already returned, and after speaking a few words with us, I go to command, and she doesn't know where to go. This situation means that there are two Weiners now, but we know that Weiner is one, so one must be fake.

The Statue of Liberty didn't make a fake Wiener tied to her camp, so needless to say, it must be true that it was tied, this one in our city is fake. It took them so much effort to capture Wei Na, and then sent a fake Wei Na into our city. Of course, it was impossible to come for sightseeing. We must find her out now before this fake Wina does anything extraordinary, otherwise our troubles will be great.

As I was anxiously preparing to run out, the sound of the city tree suddenly sounded. "The guard report of the Central Passage just now showed that Weiner passed them and went to the power zone."

"Power zone?" I was taken aback. "Yi Gui. You are in charge of the command. I'll catch that spy."

"I'll go with you." Ziyue also caught up.

As soon as I ran out of the room, I felt a sudden shock on the ground, followed by a strange roar. I turned around and saw that the lightning entangled on the huge crystal suspended in the four corners of the city wall disappeared. Each piece of black crystal weighing 200 tons fell into the ground with huge kinetic energy. Fewer people have suffered. These crystals are like olives with two pointed tips. They still couldn't stand against the city wall, and immediately fell crooked to the side and rolled directly into the city. The result was another house.

In addition to falling defense crystals, there are many other problems. Just after completing a shot on the top of the city wall, the rotary magazine suddenly stopped after only half a turn, and the players next to him were all stunned there.

On the energy weapon's firing position, some players are operating the magic crystal cannon to shoot, but the cannon that has been focused to the highlighted state is suddenly getting darker and darker, and it finally stops. No matter what the players do, it will not move. Cents.

I asked for a few closed gates. The half-dropped gate actually stopped there, and the guards at the side thought the thing was stuck. Walked up and knocked a few times, but nothing happened.

I quickly picked up the leaves of the city tree. "What the **** is going on? ... the tree of the city? ... the tree of the city? Answer! ... I was about to continue shouting, and suddenly the leaves in my hand were quickly withered and rolled up. This phenomenon only represents one situation-the city of The tree is dead.

I threw away the yellow leaves indignantly, and then took out a black leaf. "Tree of Shadows."


"I now officially authorize you to fully take over the control system of the City Tree."

"Yes. Beginning contact with the root system ... entanglement is complete ... the vitality is restored ... the urban system begins its self-inspection."


"Completion takes over, urban system integrity

"Restorate your defense weapons first."

"Power is normal. Transmission starts."

There was a click on the city wall, and the ammunition compartment turned around halfway, and the new ammunition was immediately in place. The magic crystal cannon lights up again, and the players quickly operate the weapon to start a counterattack.

I said to the Shadow Tree: "Immediately close all passages in all important areas, check the surveillance system, and repair as soon as possible if there is physical damage."

"The surveillance system transmission channel was artificially disrupted. Reconnecting ... is complete."

"Find me immediately where Goddess Wina is."

"It is in the eighth zone passage and is moving towards the core of power."

"Stop her, it's a spy. Weina was really arrested outside the city. Tell the guards to be careful."


In the underground energy channel--

The red crystals behind a patrol of soldiers suddenly lit up. One of the guards immediately went over and darkened the crystal. "Power Core Guard Room, please speak."

"Here is the central control system. I am the tree of shadows. The tree of the city is dead and now I take over management. A spy disguised as the goddess Weina is moving towards you. Stop and capture.

"Yes." The goddess as the commander immediately let go of the red crystal. "There was a spy posing as a goddess who came in and was coming to our side. We must not let her touch the core of power and block her. It is best to catch it."

"Yes." The guards on both sides immediately picked up their weapons.

Behind the soldiers, two horizontal and one vertical gates closed suddenly, dozens of security locks inside the power core were all closed, and all passages into the interior were sealed. The commander went to the side and opened a door on the side wall, then took a picture of the red crystal at the door. A pair of red eyes lit up suddenly in the dark room behind the door. Then I heard only neat footsteps, hundreds of heavily armed steel puppets came out with rumbling footsteps, patted neatly in five rows, then turned at the same time, facing the only entrance. The core of power is the core area of ​​the guild city. Without it, many things in the city will be paralyzed, and the result may be more than the death of the city tree.

Even more terrible, so the defense here is strictly scary.

A long woman who entered the room through the passage quickly entered the room. She stumbled for a moment, then immediately smiled and said to the soldiers inside: "The outside is at war. At this time, the core of the power is OK, I will go and check , Open the door. "

The Iron Golem didn't answer anything, just raised the sword neatly. The fake goddess immediately realized that her identity had been revealed, but she took out her wand and pointed forward. "Liu Yan exploded." A flame immediately jumped over the guard to spray the gate just across the channel. Before the flame reached the gate, it was blocked by an invisible ground force field. The fake goddess froze. "It's pretty tight!"

"Offense." The commander of the puppet yelled.

All the puppets moved at the same time, the middle one rushed up first, and the giant sword swept away, but the fake goddess jumped up and wanted to jump over it. But as soon as she flew up, another puppet behind the puppet jumped up and blocked her course. Helplessly had to throw a magic in the air to retreat back by the rebound power. The magic puppet in the air split the magic missile. Directly stepping on the following puppet, he flew over and cut off with a sword, forcing the fake goddess to retreat again.

The counterfeit goddess keeps blocking left and right. But they can only be forced to continue to retreat. The four generations of puppets are too strong to fight, and they have learned to cooperate with the battle. The effect of multiple puppets' combined attacks is very exaggerated. Just as she was forced out of the tunnel, I happened to be from behind with Ziyue, and she looked back at me. Then called out. "Zi Ri, these puppets don't know what's wrong, they actually attacked me. Come and help me."

I immediately pulled out the eternity and looked very anxious. "I see, I'll help you here." Then I rushed up with my sword. The fake goddess suddenly appeared on the side and broke the wind. Quickly backed up, but was wounded. She glanced at me and knew immediately that I knew she was fake. Without hesitation, she flashed to the side immediately and then wanted to run.

Ziyue moved a step towards the center of the passage at the door. Blocked the whole door behind him. "If you want to run, you must pass me."

"Go away." The fake goddess suddenly took the wand as a hammer and swept it down.

Ziyue raised his sword to block. Just listen to the sound. Ziyue stepped back seven or eight steps without falling, but the fake goddess took the opportunity to kick the side wall. But when she flew by, she suddenly felt something entangled in her feet, but now she lowered her head to a robotic hand, and this hand was connected with an old chain, and that end was connected to the arm of a puppet. on. She turned quickly and cut off the chain with the blade-like part of the end of her staff, and then continued to run.

"Ah!" The fake goddess who did not take two steps suddenly felt a pain in her waist, and a golden arrow was nailed to her waist and eyes. I was standing in the passage and raised my hand to her.

The fake goddess was so fierce that she slaps her teeth on the tail of the arrow, and she just penetrated the arrow out of her body, but the arrow exploded as soon as she left the body. If she was not decisive enough, there must be a big hole in her stomach. But even so, she was thrown back by the shock wave, rolled over the ground and rolled in front of us.

Ziyue's sword stabbed at her without hesitation, but the fake goddess actually twisted her waist and bounced from the ground, and Ziyue's sword plunged into the ground.

"Razers dance!" The sound of gold coins suddenly appeared at the end of the passage. The white lightning meandered and flew over. The fake goddess who had just flashed away was hit by lightning and jumped up on the spot.

Ziyue simply gave up the sword inserted into the ground and rushed up empty-handed, first a collision, then a fierce hook. "God." He jumped up and punched. "Ground." After landing, he turned around and kicked. "Chaos." The fake goddess flew straight away.

"Dawei Tianlongquan-Luolei." Zhenhong suddenly appeared above the fake goddess. Hit her in the air with a punch to the ground. There was a loud noise, and the ground failed to withstand the blow from the destruction king, and the two fell into the space on the next floor together.

I turned around and stopped the puppets and guards who wanted to follow up. "Your task is to guard this place and stop chasing it."

The captain of the guard nodded, and immediately took the puppet back to continue guarding the channel, and I jumped out of the pothole with Ziyue and gold coins. True red was already fighting the fake goddess below. This guy's defense is really not high, and even taking a red punch in close range can still hit, but we can clearly see that her movements are not as flexible as before, obviously the punch is not very useful. nothing.

Gold coins hit a series of spells in a row, most of which hit. The fake goddess exploded to the ground. I went around her, and with a shake of my hand, the eternal whip quickly flew out to entangle her. I shoved back and pulled her directly to the ground. True Red saw the opportunity to jump up and ride on her body, punched up with both fists, hit dozens of punches against her chest, and just smashed her into the ground before stopping.

"It's so red, don't fight. She's unconscious." I reminded.

Zhenhong stopped for a moment, and saw that the fake goddess beneath her was completely motionless. And her appearance has also changed, presumably because the illusion does not work after coma. But compared to her face, her chest was more deformed. The really red arm is covered with a pounding arm, plus various attribute bonuses. A punch can be dozens of tons of power. The failure to beat her into a ball of mud has shown that the fake goddess' defense is amazing. . But now she looks like she's gone half her life. It is estimated that if there is no cure, it may really be finished.

"It looks like it really doesn't work." Zhenhong said after trying her breath.

I went up and dragged her out of the large pit, and hugged her horizontally. "Go to the Dangerous Biology Lab, seal her with the restraint equipment over there, and then treat it. We need to know what she knows."

"Yes, you must rescue Wei Na." Zi

Yue said ...

We soon arrived at the laboratory. This area used to be used for experimental alchemy. Now, personnel and equipment have been moved to the Xinda 6 floating island. Only this seal room has not been removed. It is now used as an interrogation room. After the fake goddess was sealed with strength, we treated her. Zhenhong was not so light in those few moments, almost all her internal organs were injured by the shock. And almost none of the sternum was intact, and the entire chest cavity collapsed. If it weren't for her being a **** herself, she would have died.

It took the boss to heal her, and then she was woken up with an electric shock. She was very alert and wanted to jump up when she woke up, but she lay back painfully with the wound. But even if she wasn't injured, she couldn't run away, she was an ordinary person here, not to mention the iron chains around her wrists and waist. She looked around nervously, and soon she stood beside us on the bed. Looking at the iron chain on her hand, she finally determined her situation, and she lay down helplessly.

"Aren't you struggling?"

She looked at me, and then said lightly, "Does the struggle help?"

"Good. Now that you understand the situation, then I think you know what I am going to do. Can you answer me if you plan to cooperate with me or not?"

"Ask what you have to ask! I know I can't stand torture, so I don't want to suffer from useless pain. Besides, it's already miserable now."

I nodded again: "Very good. Now that you understand, it's much simpler. First, tell me how Wina was caught."

"She is constantly lobbying us for the Protoss not to take part in the resistance. Some Protoss choose to believe her words and some do not think you can stand in the United States, so she still wants to help the guilds in the United States. When she tried to lobby When the goddess was ambush, more than a dozen protoss shot and caught her. "

I chose to believe her answer because it was a very reasonable answer. Wei Na's strength is considered to be moderately high among the protoss. If there are more than a dozen pros shot together, it is easy to catch her.

"Good. Then tell me who you are?"

"My name is You Ling, the shadow goddess, and the goddess of liberty. In fact, I am the lowest level of the protoss, only slightly stronger than ordinary creatures."

I nodded: "That's it. You are the least probable of all the protoss I've seen."

Youling smiled, "If I'm strong, I won't be just a god."

"So this ability to change the form of others is your special ability?"

"Yes. I can achieve the effect of transforming into each other by blending in the shadows of other people, but I can only choose one goal at a time. To change other people, I must first dismiss the transformation, and then touch the shadow of the target to change. "

"What about your fighting ability?"

"My fighting ability is almost non-existent. I am a **** in the auxiliary department and a very low-level god. Apart from being physically stronger than ordinary creatures, I am more powerful and faster, and nothing else."

"This time is the Statue of Liberty asking you to come into our city?"

"Of course, I am her god. Is it normal for her to direct me?"

"So what is her mission to you?"

"Find opportunities to destroy all important facilities in the city. It is best to destroy the defense system and open the gates."

"Do you have a design structure in the city?"


"Then how do you know to destroy the city tree?"

"That was an accident." You Ling began to explain, and after we heard it, it was indeed an accident. Youling was just entering the room of the city tree, but now the tree can actually speak. At first she didn't expect that this was the core of control, but then because of my dialogue with the city tree, she showed the city tree. Can manage the city, so she went in and used the mana lent by the Statue of Liberty to smash the city tree into a pile of rotten wood. It was because of the damage to the city tree that it led to the later problems.

I thought about it and continued to ask, "This time you are mixed in alone, is there any secret code to communicate with the outside, how do you notify the outside in case you succeed?"

"There is a crystal in my armor."

"Is this one?" Fang Gui asked with a green crystal.

"Yes." Youling said: "That's a pair. Smash it, and the one in the hand of the Statue of Liberty will be broken together, which means the mission is successful."

"You didn't lie to us?" I asked finally.

"Absolutely not."

I nodded: "Okay. If we are deceived by you now, I will let you know what regrets." Then I left the room first.

Everyone walked out of the seal room. Rose first asked: "Are you trying to use this thing to fake signals, and in turn yell at Americans?"

"I had this intention ~ ~ I just couldn't think of how to use it to achieve the requirements of maximizing benefits."

Hongyue asked uncertainly: "You're so sure she's telling the truth?"

"To be honest, I'm really not sure."

"What if we crush this thing doesn't mean the mission is completed, but something else, what shall we do?"

"It depends on what will happen," said Wu Gui.

Su Mei said: "There are many situations. It may be just the opposite, the crushing represents the mission failure. As a result, the Statue of Liberty may kill Weiner because she is useless."

"This ...!" To be honest, I don't worry about it. After all, Wei Na is a member of the dragon family. It is not a simple normal death that will disappear forever, but she wo n’t, even the level is lost, she is bsp; Zi Yue suddenly said: "I came to think of a method You can make good use of this stone. "

"Oh? What method?"

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