Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 26: Will count

It's actually very simple. Ziyue Road: If we can use this stone to make an illusion, the goddess of liberty and the gun **** will definitely direct the troops to our city defense system, if we let them in and then start the Seven Spirit Dust Bell? "

After listening to Ziyue's words, we all began to think seriously. The power of the Seven Spirit Dust Bells is clear to everyone, but the problem is equally significant. All such weapons of mass destruction have a time limit and cannot be used continuously. According to the previous idea, if the enemy has captured our peripheral defense, then we can start the Seven Spirit Dust Bell to kill a large number of enemy troops, and then regain the peripheral defense position. However, there is a problem here. If we can't even defend the outer defense, then there are probably no people. Even if we rush back, it is not very useful, because there is no remaining force to defend, and the enemy will rush again. Come in.

The advantage of Ziyue's method is that it can let the enemy rush into the city without destroying the urban structure. In this way, we can choose to retreat the troops first. The enemy will also think that the city is bound to be destroyed because of the wrong information. Captured. Under this premise, the gun **** will not let the army destroy the city, because once the city is defeated, this is equivalent to his city. Now he will destroy it a little, and he can invest less. At this time, if we start the Seven Spirit Dust Bell, it will inevitably cause a lot of enemy casualties. After that, we re-control the outer wall, which is equivalent to returning the front to the previous state. The U.S. Allied Forces, for the most part, is missing a large number of ground forces, which is definitely very accountable to us.

If we do n’t use this crystal, we can pretend that the city is broken and attract the enemies, but then the enemy will destroy the city buildings. Even if we rush back to the first wall after the child, we will still be beaten back without defensive weapons. This is what the crystal does. In addition, the biggest drawback of the Seven Spirit Dust Bells, time limitation, will be alleviated as a result. This time use the crystal to trick the enemy into it, and then **** it back to the city wall. When we are really unable to prevent it and are beaten back to the inner city, it is estimated that the Seven Spirit Dust Bells can be used again. This is equivalent to giving our super weapon another chance to use it. This cost-effective thing can not be ignored.

Now that we decided to execute it immediately, we quickly arranged the order. The executive body of the Bank's meeting has always been a model of high efficiency, and soon completed the preparations. Because the protective crystals in the four corners of the city had fallen before, the goddess of liberty already knew that the fake goddess began to operate, but no signal was received at that time, so they were just preparing. And not really rushed up.

With our careful arrangement, changes immediately occurred in the city. The first reaction was that the artillery on the city wall stopped firing, and then the sound of Vena, imitated by a ghost, sounded over the city. "Attention all soldiers, I'm Wei Na, and immediately abandoned the outer wall and entered the third wall defense. We need to concentrate our forces."

This voice is what we let Youling say. This can confuse the gun gods and make them think that the ghosts are stealing our command system to dispatch troops, so that they won't feel strange to our people's sudden retreat.

With the sound of the gun, the gun **** was excited, everyone who knew the gun **** of the spy plan and the goddess of liberty cheered very proudly, because they knew that the last moment was about to come.

When the army on our side quickly retreated, the God of Guns was also directing the final impact troops to gather forward. He knew that they would be used soon. Sure enough, very soon, the crystal representing the completion of the task suddenly burst in their hands, and at the same time, the gate on the wall outside the Rock City began to rise slowly in the roar. Already. After all, the city wall was not guarded and it was not so rushing. Now the door is open and can just rush in. With the order of the **** of guns. A large number of players and players began to pour into the city walls.

"Did you all come in?" I asked left and right, standing on the innermost wall.

Real red nodded: "The first walls are here."

The gold coin also nodded and said, "Everyone on the second defense line has returned, and now the people of the gun gods come in."

Pu Gui pulled me. "We can't ring the bell as soon as the enemy enters. In that case, we can't destroy too many enemies."

"Do you mean to resist for a while first?"

"Not a symbolic resistance, but a real resistance to the enemy's attack." Rose explained: "The enemy who has just entered the city must have rushed in a straight line along the avenue. How many people can there be? But if we Blocking the gate is not the same. Once the enemy entering the city is blocked by the city wall, it will start to spread around, and the follow-up troops will continue to advance into the city, so that the city will soon be full of enemies. Scale, it is not a problem to enter 20-30 million enemies. As long as you block, we can eat one-third of the troops of the Gun God in one breath, and there is no need to worry about the subsequent battles. "

"I'll do my best!" I asked Rose: "How long do you estimate it will take for the enemy to fully enter the city?"

"At least two hours," said Wu Gui. "After all, it was tens of millions of troops. Although our gates are wide, it is not easy to put them all in with such a large flow."

Really red, looking at the inner city wall which is much thinner than this first city wall, a little worried: "We may not be able to block it for two hours!"

Qi Gui spreads his hands: "If you can't stop it, you can start the Seven Spirit Dust Bell before the enemy invades the Juling Tower. Anyway, the destruction radius of the Seven Spirit Dust Bell can extend to more than three kilometers outside the city wall, which is enough for us Rush back to control the first wall. "

"So let's work hard!" I pulled out Eternity and turned to Vinda, who was standing in the distance. "The port is over to you, I'm blocking it."

Vinda knocked on his own sword. Then he gave me an OK gesture and turned to take his own person to the side of the harbor. Rock City was born from Isinger. Part of the port is in the water, so someone needs to be guarded to prevent people from coming in. However, there are ship locks on the water, and iron fences under the water, which is not so good. of.

Gunslinger's forces soon passed two walls and reached our third

Under the city wall, it was the gun **** himself. The third wall is shorter than the previous two floors, and it is not as thick as the previous two floors. The most important thing is that the gate of this wall is the thinnest. The first wall of the city has broken dragon stones up to two kilometers thick. The second-level city wall has multiple layers of jack gates, but the third-level city wall has only a few layers of gates, and these gates are not too thick, and it is estimated that it will not last long.

It is said that to defend for two hours so that the enemy can enter the city in large numbers, the key lies on this gate. As long as it is not breached here, blocking the city wall for two hours is probably no problem. After all, we have contracted all the troops in the city to this relatively short wall, and the density of people is very high. So it is not so easy for the enemy to capture it.

The gun **** who rushed in front of me found me on the top of the wall as soon as I got down the city, but I put the mask down at this time. He can't see my expression for the time being. At this moment he was really proud of it, pointing at me and laughing out loud: "Haha, can't you think? It's not just you Ziri who can play people."

I deliberately kept my voice cold, and then said to him, "Don't be too proud, even if your spy has lost me two walls, at least I still have this third wall. I still have ten million troops, Enough to stop you. "

"Oh? Are you so confident?" Gunner proudly said, "I'm not arguing with you right now, let's speak with facts. Tonight I'm going to have a banquet in your main town hall. Don't be too stingy, Leave me a few chairs when I retreat, okay? Ah ha ha ha ha ... "Damn. The binuo slot beside the **** of guns suddenly reached out to help him stop a powerful arrow. The Gun God said to me indifferently: "Are you angry? You really can't afford to lose!"

"Don't be proud. Beware that I use the Seven Spirit Dust Bell to make all your troops die." The Gun God knew that we had this thing, because according to the ghost, as long as one of her missions came in, destroying the Seven Spirit Dust Bell, of course Destroying the energy center is also one of the tasks.

The God of Guns didn't know that Youling had been arrested. He thought that since Youling's message said that the mission was completed, it means that the Energy Center and the Seven Spirit Dust Bells had been destroyed. At the time, their mission was to destroy the two main equipment before they could communicate. So he now thinks these things are gone. What's more, he found that the equipment in the city had stopped, which naturally strengthened his thinking. "Haha, don't die, I know that your Seven Spirit Dust Bells have been destroyed. You still go directly back to your Isinger! I'll take it for you here."

"Thinking beauty." I shot an arrow again, but was still blocked.

The Gun God waved forward: "Siege the city, I will sit in the main hall of the city before dark."

"Kill!" The soldiers behind the Gun God all rushed up with their throats.

Siege began again, but the situation became more chaotic than before. This is our own city, and we have to pretend that the power core is destroyed, so we cannot use defensive weapons such as cannons to attack enemies below the city. The gun **** thought that the city was about to be attacked by him, so he already regarded it as his own city in the heart, so he did not dare to use large weapons, but found some small-powered artillery and trebuchets, and was not willing to use heavy weapons. .

Without large weapons on either side, the battle became a simple human-to-human battle. There are a large number of enemies at each section of the city wall pulling on the rope hanging from the city head, or climbing up the ladder and rushing upwards, while the flying ones simply fly up, regardless of the problem of the air creatures in our guild.

Gun God stood in front of the gate and shouted. "Stay off for me. Call some Titan giants."

After a while, Gunmen's men found a dozen Titan giants, and they still had a bunch of strange things in their hands. The first four Titans who arrived first put the metal parts in their hands on the ground, then took out some small metal sticks to start connecting these things, and soon made a boxy frame. The two Titans at the back hung four dragon belts on the frame, and then went back together with the other Titans, and ran over with a metal cylinder. This metal column is probably the average size for a Titan. But for us, it's just a behemoth. Seeing that thing has a diameter of at least ten meters and a length of more than one hundred and fifty meters.

A dozen Titans divided into two teams to stand on both sides of the metal pillar, and then hung the metal pillar to the belt to make a structure like a hammer for a bell. But obviously they weren't going to hit the clock with this thing, they were going to hit it with the door. More than a dozen Titans pulled the force backwards, and then suddenly changed their strength and pushed forward. The hammer slumped back for a while and then suddenly slammed into the front door with the help of gravity and Titan's power.

With a bang, the gate made of pure metal was deformed by collision, and the middle part was very obviously sunken. The Titans pulled back again by the shock. After pulling the hammer up, he hit the door again with the force of swinging back. With a bang, the door was directly knocked to the ground, and the metal door, which was two meters thick, was only finished with two clicks.

The Gun God shouted, "OK! Carry it in and continue to smash me."

There are still a lot of gates in the Shing Mun cave, but it is incredible to go down at this speed. The Titans quickly lifted the entire collider into the front door and started the collision again. The result was two knockdowns. This went back and forth a few times, and in less than half an hour they rushed to the door of the last floor.

This last floor door is different from the front one. It's much thicker than the front door. The door is also made of metal, and the thinnest place is eight meters thick. There are twenty metal pins on each side of the door. Can be inserted into the floor and wall to fix door panels. Sixteen metal doorposts with a square cross-section are horizontally behind the door panel. The cross-section sides of these doorposts are two meters and five meters long, which can play the role of the door. The front and back of the door panel are all marked with magical engraving, and there is an attack and rebound magic array in the middle of the door panel, which can counter-damage those who destroy the gate.

The Titans quickly lifted the siege hammer to the last gate, and then yanked up and slammed into the gate as before. There was a loud noise when the hammer hit the gate. Immediately after hearing only a neat groan, more than a dozen Titans flew out together, and the siege hammers scattered unscathed.

The Gun God was nearly killed by the scattered enclave fragments because he was standing too close. He got up in surprise and looked at the gate.

The impact just now caused a slight deformation on the gate, but basically did not affect the use of the gate, but the force of the counterattack blasted the city hammer. This is so surprising Gunslinger.

"You go and carry another ramming hammer." The gun **** commanded.

The Titans quickly got another ramming hammer, but just hit it and the result was the same as the previous one. The Pinocchio standing next to the God of Guns said to the Gun God: "It seems that this gate is equipped with a strong resistance magic circle, and it cannot be smashed like this."

Gun God thought for a moment: "Let's see if it only responds to near direct attacks. Go and push the cannon over."

A broken city gun was pushed into the city gate hole, the gunners quickly installed the shells, and then fired a shot in the urging of the gun god. The effect of this gun is very strong. But not on the door, but on the cannon. Almost as soon as the shell hit the door. The artillery gun disintegrated itself.

"What kind of magic array? Such a pervert?" The Gun God was taken aback. I did not expect that the reflex damage could even take effect from a long distance, and the cannon and the door were blown up without direct contact at all.

Suddenly Binok said, "How about we try dynamite?"

"Yeah! This is ok." The explosive itself is an attacking body, and the power is released instantly when it explodes. Even if the magic array can reflect the damage, it will only reflect on the explosive. Anyway, the explosive will also explode. The reflection will reflect, which is useless. .

Soon the gun **** made people find a lot of explosives, but it took a lot of effort to send these things into the city gate cave. We saw the people who carried the explosives on the top of the city and gave great attention to the results. The results were much better. Explosives exploded on the road before being sent in, and accidentally injured a large number of American players.

Although the loss was relatively large, the gun **** sent the explosives to the last gate. Then he let all his elite soldiers wait outside the door, as long as the door exploded and rushed in immediately. The Gun God personally lit a long fuse, then hid outside the city wall and covered his ears. A few hundred meters of uninhabited area are specially reserved on a straight line on the front of the Shing Mun Cave, because the shock waves after the explosion will be gathered by the Shing Mun Cave to be launched in a bundle, and people standing on this line must be unlucky.

The flames jumped along the fuse and rushed to the explosives pile, and finally turned into a loud noise and sky-high fire, and the entire city wall shook.

Gun God quickly shouted to the side: "Wind mage, smoke out."

A whirlwind rolled out of the gate, and the smoke was instantly emptied. The last gate did not fall down completely, but it basically fell off the wall, only connected to the edge, so it can be seen that it is still reliable.

"Rush! Remove the last door for me." Gunslinger shouted.

The dozen or so Titans who had just been responsible for hitting the door rushed to the front, followed closely by dense players and troops. Titan rushed to the front of the gate to tear down the gate, which was only a little bit connected, but when the gate fell, they stopped.

There is a golden bug in the open space behind the gate, which looks like a cute silkworm baby, but this guy has a shiny golden shell on the whole body. At a glance, he knows that the defense is amazing. Now the golden silkworm is facing the gate, and the countless little legs under it are quickly moving, pushing the huge body to rush at a completely impossible speed.

Without anyone ordering them, the Titans quickly put themselves in the position to block the guy, but in vain. Even for the Titan giant, this guy is too big. Although this golden silkworm is lying on the ground, it is still a little taller than the standing Titan. To the Titans, this guy is just a small train. With a bang, the first four shots of the Titans collided with the golden silkworms, and they were hit by flying without any suspense. The back Titans didn't play much role, and they were all pushed back out of the city gate hole.

As soon as the golden silk rushed into the gate, it caused huge casualties to American players who were entering the gate, but the death and injury caused by it rushing out of the gate was even more terrible. A cannon that had been attacking the city wall suddenly adjusted its direction and aimed at the golden silkworm. The gunner pulled the cannon with a bang, and the shell flew towards the golden silkworm accurately.

when. Everyone heard the sound of the metal impact, and the shell was actually bombed out and exploded in midair. It had no effect at all. Although this is only a small gun, the distance between the two sides was not even 20 meters when the gun was fired. Such an approaching shot was useless. This defense is too terrible, right?

Gun God was directing the soldiers to besiege the golden monster, but he saw sixteen small holes suddenly opened in the head of the golden silkworm. Each hole had a tentacle-like object protruding from it. The eye-like sphere looks very scary.

Just when the gun gods were wondering what it was, those eye-like tips suddenly radiated red rays at the same time, and everyone who was swept by the red rays broke into two. The cutting effect of red rays is more terrible than laser, and there is almost nothing to block in the scanned area.

Such terrible attack power and nearly invincible defense ~ ~ Hundreds of thousands of elite crickets under the gun **** were blocked by the golden silkworm at the door, and a large number of people were lost for nothing He was almost vomiting blood in depression.

I stood inside the golden silkworm and looked proudly at the gun **** who commanded the unit to fight back and down. "Noreen, what do you think of our Golden Silkworm Fortress?"

"Hundred points of defense, seventy points of attack power, and eighty points of impact speed.

"We are all transported by air over long distances. We will use them for ground warfare when we get closer. In fact, this is because in our own city, if we are in other cities, we can use other weapons of mass destruction to attack the enemy. It ’s a pity that it does n’t work! I do n’t want to blow up my city with pits. ”

Noreen said: "I have always wanted to know what the Zerg fortress is driven by, and today seems to be different from my driving method. Study it another day."

Su Gui interrupted and pointed at the screen and asked, "Did I read that right? Is that the Statue of Liberty?"

"She came into town?"

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