Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 27: Unlimited freedom

Boss, now a dangerous person, the voice of the cauldron rice appeared in the channel of the communication crystal.

"Don't call it, see it early!"

"What should we do now?"

"Is the city full?"

"not yet!"

"Then continue to fight, you must wait until the enemy can no longer flood into the city to start the Seven Spirit Dust Bell, otherwise the effect will not be achieved."

"Got it."

I know the cauldron, but I haven't done it yet! The name of the Statue of Liberty is very loud. The ghost knows how strong she can be. What if she blows up my city by half?

Just thinking she had arrived in front of us, the gun **** ran to her like seeing a savior. "Her Royal Highness, you finally came in. Hurry up and help tear down this thing? Without this thing, we would have taken down the inner city."

The Statue of Liberty gave a scornful look at the Gun God, and then raised her finger toward the huge Golden Silkworm Fortress. "Absolutely free." A beam flew from her hand, hitting a beam emitter of the Golden Silkworm Fortress instantly, the beam-emitting thing suddenly flashed a colorful light, then disappeared into the air with a snoring China, as if it never existed.

"Fuck, is this an attack?"

We hadn't responded yet, and immediately came a beam of light, this time directly hit the head of the golden silkworm. It was the same situation just now, and the hit position flashed colorful light instantly. Then he disappeared into the air with the sound of a talent, and there was a large hole in the ground of the Golden Silkworm Fortress, a large hole enough for an elephant to enter and exit.

"Is there anything wrong? What kind of attack is this?" Noreen was taken aback.

Pu Gui also worried: "This is probably not what we can stop?"

"Anyway, I can't let her be so arrogant any more." I said to Rose: "Here you come to command, I will lead the Statue of Liberty away."

"Be careful!"

"Rest assured!" I said as I jumped out of the big hole directly, who was worthy of a similar light beam when he came out. In a hurry, I blocked Eternity in front of me, and the beam hit the blade. The eternally hit part suddenly swelled up like an impulse balloon, and then actually wriggled up and down, and the whole sword agitated irregularly.

"Eternity? What's going on?" There was no answer to my inquiry, and Eternally Sword Spirit didn't seem to hear me at all. No response at all. It was suddenly and eternally collected, then turned into a sphere and flew up, and then it flew out like lightning, hitting the Statue of Liberty straight.

The Statue of Liberty seemed to be taken aback too, and hurriedly blocked it with the torch in her hand, but the eternal impact on the torch made a crisp sound and immediately bounced to the side. One of the **** guards, Cui, who stood beside the Statue of Liberty, was knocked out by Eternity and directly knocked down a group of people. Immortal bounced back immediately after putting down a person, and then re-formed into a sword and returned to my hands.

The Statue of Liberty looked at eternity in surprise. "you you you……!"

"You are ugly and old. You almost want my life." A face appeared on the hilt of the sword forever, and then scolded at the Statue of Liberty. "Uncle Ben is a magical soldier with ten million weaponry. Do you think a small order disorder can kill me?"

"Order disorder?" I looked down at eternity in surprise. "You said that the beam she used was an order spell?"

"Yes." Eternal disdain said: "What **** is absolutely free, in fact, it is a troublesome spell. Everything in this world has its own rules and order. When a group of magic elements move in a certain order, it is called magic And when a group of molecules is arranged according to a certain rule, we call it matter. The ability of the Statue of Liberty is to break the rules and let all individuals be free. "

I also understand the term eternity. The so-called goddess of freedom is to destroy all the order and allow an object to be completely broken down from the micro level. Our body, the surrounding air, hard steel, soft cotton. All this is nothing but a large molecular group composed of various molecules. The molecules are combined by various atoms in accordance with a certain law. For example, the simplest water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Everyone knows this. But the atoms can still be divided down. The real difference before different atoms is that the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atoms is different, but the Statue of Liberty can make all the laws invalid. Once her spell takes effect, these electrons will no longer orbit around neutrons and protons according to the original rules, and the protons will lose stability after the electrons escape. Then they would be scattered, so that one atom would collapse completely. An object is composed of countless atoms. If the atoms collapse, the object will not exist. The Statue of Liberty just used this method to make a big hole in our golden silkworm fortress. This has nothing to do with defense, but completely destroys the material structure.

I suddenly reacted. "Eternity. Then how did you get hit just now?"

"Are you stupid? There are so many weapons in my body, and the rules have long been messed up. Her dissolving power has nothing to do with this disordered state of me. I am neither material nor energy, and our ingredients are not Any molecular atom, I am I, half-energy and half-matter, belong to an excessive state, and I only follow my own rules, which is the main reason why no weapon can cut me. Strictly speaking, I am not even in this space. I have always been in a state of semi-transition and do not completely exist in this space. If she uses that trick again, you will use me to block, you can be touched by yourself, or it will be broken down. "

"I see." I glanced proudly at the Statue of Liberty. "Haha, I'm not afraid of you now. The original attribute is to break the rules, that's just right. Let you see your nemesis." Behind me, the ring of discipline like a steering wheel flew from behind me.

A fierce flash on the ring of commandment, and the voice of the little fairy came out of it: "Discipline-the strong law!"

Yes, actually the best rule has been drawn.

The strong law is one of the strongest precepts that restrains itself, that is, to keep all the rules in itself constant. To others this rule is almost obsolete, but to the Statue of Liberty it is a natural enemy. Her ability is to break the rules, and the strong law is just to prevent the rules from being broken, then her ability is to be scrapped.

The goddess of liberty is different from the gods of other countries. She doesn't have all-round ability, so she depends on a law of freedom. The ban on the strongest rule is the loss of combat effectiveness. However, this is also relative. The strong ruler just targeted me. Other people can't enjoy it, so the goddess of liberty still has a great deal of lethality to others, just can not hurt me.

The Statue of Liberty also realized the problem, and immediately pointed at me. "God of guns, stop him."

"Ah?" The Gun God was stunned. He called the Statue of Liberty as the main combat force, and now the Statue of Liberty actually wants him to help stop me. Isn't this kidding?

The Statue of Liberty glared at him, then shouted to the other guard: "Don't let him near me."

I don't care if she is thirty-seven. Jumped over, but was blocked immediately, a dozen Liberty Guards rushed up and blocked me in front of them. "We want to hurt the goddess before we pass this level."

"I don't have time to play with you." I yelled back and said, "Yan Gui, help me open the way."

The light beam emitter above the head of the golden silkworm flickered, and the guard in front of me fell down. I directly knocked down only half of the guard body and rushed over. The goddess of liberty was now slaughtered by her silkworm and immediately shot a beam of light at the silkworm. I was so scared that I jumped up and blocked the beam. The Statue of Liberty followed me two more times, all blocked by me. The Statue of Liberty didn't want me to be close to her, but could only shoot the beam constantly. I had to protect the golden silkworm fortress and had to jump around to block the beam.

I was forced to block left and right, and immediately realized that this was an opportunity. So immediately excitedly put a cold gun at me. I was blocking the beam of the Statue of Liberty in mid-air, and suddenly a bullet flew from the side. Immediately, the horizontal sword blocked the bullet, but I was also shot out. The Statue of Liberty immediately shot a large beam of light at the golden silkworm, and I had no choice but to shoot the eternity as a dart.

The Statue of Liberty was taken aback by eternity. Immediately shouted, "Disorderly enchantment."

Eternal flies and shouts: "I told you that I have my own rules, and your rules won't ring me." Said Eternal has reached the front of the protective enchantment. Just as the defensive enchantment didn't exist at all.

In this critical situation, Binocchi immediately stretched out his arms and wanted to block the sword for the Statue of Liberty, but eternity is not a simple weapon. He has a sense of skill. The eternal sword suddenly burst in the air before hitting the binok slot, turning into countless slender blood-red steel needles. People around him only heard a snoring sound as if the human body was hit by submachine gun bullets in succession, binuo Slot and the Statue of Liberty screamed and flew out. The ever-changing red needle pierced the entire right half of the Nook's trough and the shoulders and left hand of the Statue of Liberty into hedgehogs. Pinocchio is better, but the Statue of Liberty is sore in blood all over her body and in a miserable condition. The red steel needles are all hollow needles, and the middle is a bloodletting groove, and some of them hit the blood vessels, causing the blood water to soar like a fountain.

A group of American players hurried forward to help pull out the needles, but the needles are now full of crisscross-shaped claws. With such a dense degree, if the needles are pulled hard, the flesh of the Statue of Liberty is almost gone. But before they figured out a way, the needles suddenly melted like ice cubes. The red liquid quickly flows to the ground and gathers into a red sphere.

Benoque shouted, "Catch it."

Several players immediately rushed up, but eternally bounced on the ground and suddenly flew into the air and shot back at me. I reached out my hand all the time, and eternity turned into a sword in the air and fell into my hand accurately. As soon as I grasped the handle of the sword, I immediately raised my hand, and the eternal blade immediately spread out into a whip and flew up. Several players who rushed up were forced back.

The Statue of Liberty struggled and got up. "Don't think that I will only destroy order. Look at my magic bomb." A light ball flew from her finger, and the target pointed directly at me.

"The ring of commandments, disintegrate." The ring of the ring of commandments suddenly broke away from the body, and then broke in half from the middle. After the two half-rings were separated, the sharp blades at each end were unfolded, and then the crescent-shaped crescent blades flew around me. Six short sticks on the crystal ball in the center of the commandment ring suddenly flew to me and surrounded me, and then each stick instantly stretched up and down to form a hexagon to surround me.

The white light ball directly hit the light curtain between the two sticks, and the light curtain was blocked. The black demon halo under my feet suddenly lighted up, and an identical light ball flew towards the Statue of Liberty. This is the basic ability of the dark demon halo-magic copy.

A mage was about to use the magic shield to help the goddess of liberty to block the light ball. The goddess of liberty shouted quickly: "Come a soldier to block, this thing will explode when it encounters magic!"

Divine Bomb is a spell that specializes in blasting magic. So it is easiest to use soldiers to block. Fortunately, she shouted in time, otherwise everyone around them would have to be unlucky.

I blocked the Divine Power Bomb while rushing towards the Statue of Liberty. Enemies along the way immediately rushed to stop me, but I could n’t get near me. The half-moon flying on both sides was not a joke. , Who would rush to the whirlwind of that meat grinder?

"Your enemy is here." Binocchi yelled suddenly, then rushed up. Half-moon bumped into his body and clanged, but this guy was all steel. In the end, only a few scratches were made, and it did not hurt him at all.

Immediately after rushing into the defensive range, Binuo slotted his fist and hit me. This guy is a devil doll, and his strength is not ordinary. Zhen Hong can fight his fist like that, I ca n’t, a little bit of ground under his feet, and the whole man slammed up more than one meter, and his feet stood on his fists accurately.

Binuo groaned a bit, and I stepped on his arm and rushed to his head as if he was shooting at the door facing him. He kicked him back sharply, and the whole man turned over. I want to jump over and attack the Statue of Liberty, but suddenly I just jumped tight. The pino slot that was kicked down obviously grabbed my feet. This guy had so much strength that he grabbed my ankle and slammed me into the ground. With a bang, I hit the ground and bounced back, but the Binuo slot didn't mean to let go. I just walked around in a circle and hit the ground again.

"I still rely on you?" I supported the ground with both hands. As a result, I smashed into the ground with a lack of strength. If the mask defense was not low, I would probably break the picture.

Pinocchio raised his hand and flung me up again. As soon as I gritted my teeth, a whirlwind rolled over my body. I have switched to Silver Moon after the whirlwind. Binuo slotted for a moment, just now he was holding me in the form of purple sun. I don't know why it suddenly changed. I thrust the stick of the sun towards the ground. "Glory-the sun calls."

The sun in the sky suddenly turned into a blaze of flames, and an orange beam suddenly shot down from the sun and entered my body. My body flashed red immediately, and the binok slot was shaken back by a dozen steps before it stood. I turned a beautiful heel in the air and landed smoothly. I pulled out the rod of the sun and held it with a strong turn, then pulled it to both sides. The rod of the sun was actually divided into two sections, with only a piece of gold wire in the middle. The rattan flames on my body caused people to keep backing.

I grabbed the end of the staff and danced in my hand, and the little head of the disjointed staff had turned into a little sun. I slammed my wand around and flung forward: "Flying fire meteor." The little sun flew out with inertia.

The Statue of Liberty instinctively wanted to step back, and Pinocchio stretched out his hand to block it. As soon as he touched his entire arm, it melted into the molten iron and fell to the ground, but my little sun was also blocked. My staff was horizontal, and after the little sun flew back, it clicked and docked again. I danced the staff again and threw the little sun out.

"Shoot the sun gun." The voice of the gun **** suddenly appeared on the side, and there was a gunshot at the same time. My little sun was directly blown out, but it was pulled back by Jinsi without flying too far, but The flame above went out.

I inserted the staff to the ground again, then straightened the staff, and pointed the top of the staff at the gun god: "Sun rays." A golden light shot out, and the gun **** flew away to escape my attack. But that's how he still burned his pants. Even the people around him were beaten. Several people who were full of fire were rolling on the ground. As for the guy who was directly hit, it turned into a smoke.

"Absolute freedom." The Statue of Liberty saw me change her body and immediately wanted to try her tricks, but the rays hit me like a mud cow into the sea, and no message was heard.

I looked scornfully at the Statue of Liberty: "Don't work hard, I'm the Sun God now, and no energy can hurt me."

"What about the physical attack?" The gun god's voice suddenly appeared behind me, and his gun was also on my head. At the same time he pulled the trigger.

boom. The bullet passed directly into my head, and Gun God rolled to the side with the smell of scorched meat. There was a large hole in my head, but it was recovering quickly to the naked eye. Turned and looked at the dreaded gunslinger. "Don't you know that the elements are not extinguished?"

"Invincible?" The Gun God asked in surprise.

"No, it's just that you don't have enough destructive power." I slammed the head of the gun **** with a staff, but a player next to me swooped up to block my staff, but the brave guy instantly turned into a blue smoke. The gun **** really seized the opportunity to retreat, but it was probably uncomfortable to see that he was severely burned throughout his body.

The golden light on my body suddenly faded, and the flames began to extinguish gradually. It seemed that the time for the sun to summon the throne of the seal had arrived. Of course, such a strong demon cannot keep the Seal of Throne for a long time, and it can be bullied at a critical moment. Fortunately, this time, he severely damaged the binok slot and the gun god, and also scared the goddess of liberty.

I turned the staff and inserted it on the ground: "The sun halo!" A ring of flames burning with golden flames spread quickly around me, cleaning up all nearby enemies in an instant, and only a few remained. Only master.

Pulling out the staff and pointing at the Statue of Liberty, a flash of red light flashed: "Fire Dancing Storm." A dense flame knife was shot in the form of a shotgun, and it was still bombarding continuously. The Statue of Liberty desperately supported Protective Shield ~ ~ I held my staff and shot continuously while walking forward. The Statue of Liberty was forced to retreat continuously. I know this state can't last for too long. I intentionally used Yin Yue's mana to return to the purple sun form. Anyway, I can take the opportunity to consume some of the mana of Liberty, at least I can save some things later.

"Thunderbolt broke." Condor, another American weapon holder, finally arrived and hit me with a punch. I was thrown out by the impact, but he was also flew out by the dozen or so vengeful bloodspits that flashed on me at the same time. This set of vows is fierce, and there are so many vengeful demons, and they also do it at the same time.

I completed the transformation in the air, landed firmly in the form of purple sun, and then directly entered the beastly form. I changed eternity into a claw and attached it to my wolf claw and blade claw. Then I rushed towards the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty looked around in panic, and wanted to see who could help her out. She was a mage-like god, not a warrior like Tianzhao, and could not let me close. But she can't help it now. The gun **** was burned like a block of coal. The condor vomited more blood than her trough, and her **** guard was cleared out of the safe range by the aura of the sun. It was too late.

I drank a bottle of holy blood, and then whispered in the sky: "Well ... wild fury!" Rushed to the Statue of Liberty with a lightning punch and smashed: "Blood praise!"

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