Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 28: Win

The Protoss is also divided into types. The land like the Vera belongs to the all-around type. It belongs to the very precious type in the Protoss. Generally, this kind of Protoss will have a large exhibition space in the future. Even if it is not very strong now, it will definitely have a large exhibition in the future. . But that is an individual phenomenon after all, most of the Protoss are a single type of Protoss. For example, we did not know how many venues Tianzhao Great God is a typical main war protoss, the personal combat power is one or two, can be against him with the ground Many, like the heavenly earth Taishang Laojun belongs to the logistic protoss. He refined the land and equipment can double the strength of the main battle protoss, but he does not have much fighting power. There are even jade emperors in the protoss. The pure command type has little ability except for good overall planning. The Statue of Liberty is also a common Protoss. She actually belongs to the auxiliary Protoss. In the perspective of the player, she can be regarded as a kind of priest. Responsible for adding state and other auxiliary effects. However, the characteristics of the protoss land are relative to ordinary creatures. Even if the goddess of liberty is a auxiliary god, she relies on Is a Protoss, the combat power is still stronger than ordinary creatures, otherwise she wo n’t run to the front line. But I ’m not an ordinary creature, I have completed the systemically set divine mission, and now the divine barrier is useless to me, and Due to multiple fusions of bloodlines, I am actually a demigod. The auxiliary real goddess of Liberty was attacked by my combat demigod close-up, and the results were still quite miserable. I had started wild rage before the attack. Aggregate attack ability. At the same time, the blood praise skill was activated during the attack. This skill can greatly burn the vitality of the enemy and us in contact with the ground in exchange for impact damage to both sides. However, this damage is mainly concentrated on the Statue of Liberty. The impact is not big. After all, this is my release skill. There is already anti-injury, and it is impossible to concentrate all of the anti-injury on me. Before my person has fallen, the fist hits directly on the left cheek of the Statue of Liberty. . Her head was smashed to the right by a huge force. Then she drove her whole body away from the face after seven or eight laps in the air before banging. When I fell on it, there was no movement at that time. Everyone was stunned. The Statue of Liberty was knocked down with a punch, and the spirit of the American player was also shaken sharply. At this time, it was full of time I won the chase, but I was also injured, and the blood praise was not so fun, hurting and hurting myself. After this punch, I also staggered back a few steps. There was a sudden flash behind my land. A green field was full of vitality The towering tree suddenly appeared, and I directly hit the trunk, but the trunk also opened at the same time to form a hollow ground tree hole, just like a seat made me fall in. The trunk suddenly glowed with a green light. The cracked ground blood vessels recovered quickly with the naked eye. Even the armor was fully restored. The gun **** shouted with endurance to the wound: "Don't let him heal."

When I was about to attack the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Guardians were already rushing to this side, and now I just arrived, and when they heard the words of Gun God, they rushed up immediately. However, the moment they were going to attack me, the ground behind me Dozens of vines were shot suddenly on the big tree, and each one aimed at a guard and accurately matched the other's chest. Almost instantly, those who were hit were turned into dead bodies. It was in these people. After the fall, the green light on my body suddenly shone. After the green light, I have stood up intact. This tree of life is really fierce, and the recovery ability is surprisingly strong. It works better than a priestly group, it just hangs It ’s gone. It ’s all right. Gunsman guard was killed and immediately blew a whistle. A flash of light flashed in front of my ground. Seven figures suddenly appeared in front of my ground. I have n’t come to make any The reaction was blown away with one palm, and the life value of the land just recovered was reduced by one-fifth. Another person rushed over to the tree of life in our palm, but the tree of life suddenly disappeared in the air, causing harm. He took a break, Anti has to almost fall. Red knight holding a gun to a guy with guns drawn in the face. "Seven Valkyrie your visit, you also dared argue these ants do?"

"What **** is the Seven Valkyrie?" I got up from the top and walked out again. "Who are you? I have never heard of any Seven Valkyrie!"

"Bold. Actually dare to stigmatize the great Seven Valkyrie." The soldier suddenly said that he stabbed his sword, almost invisible quickly. Ding. The sword failed to pierce me. Instead, he was pinched by a very delicate hand The Sword Sword Warrior looked at the owner in surprise. It was a little girl who was less than eighteen years old. She was wearing a colorful feather dress and looked like a little beauty. But at this moment everyone It is her strength that is surprised, not her beauty. The seven martial arts gods are really good or they will blow, at least he wo n’t be too bad. This little girl can pinch her sword with only two fingers, and this strength is It was a bit scary. After the warrior reacted, he desperately wanted to pull the sword back, but it turned out that the sword didn't move as if it was inserted into the steel. As long as the little girl didn't look at him at all, she turned her face away. I. "Are you Ziri?"

I looked at her with a shudder and nodded. "Who are you? Let go of my sword." The warrior shouted loudly after his sword was completely unable to move. The girl frowned and looked at him, With a hard hand, she only heard the sound of the sword tip being folded down by her, and then bounced at the guy, and only heard the sound of a huge blood hole in the chest of the guy. The internal organs and blood were all from behind. Sprayed out, splashed the guy behind the ground. "I hate people to intervene when I speak!" The little girl turned and said to me: "I am a waiter under the Great Wheel of the Pluto, My Highness joins the Demon King. The court invites you to discuss important matters. "

I pointed forward: "Look at this ...?"

The little girl was reasonable. She immediately said, "This battle has less than three days. I will wait for you for three days."

"Thank you." I snapped my fingers backwards, and a guard ran over immediately. "Take the lady to the temple room temporarily."

The guard immediately made a request gesture and took the little girl out of the battlefield and walked inside. Before the little girl took two steps, another guy in the Seven Valkyrie immediately called out, "Would you still want to leave if you hurt my brother?"

The little girl shot a feather without returning her head, and inserted it into the head of the guy exactly, and then the whole head of the guy was blown up. The people around were startled and looked at each other. The monster looked at this little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals. The Statue of Liberty was stunned and most of the Gun God Ministry was seriously injured. The Gun God knew that it was not effective to attack by elite forces alone. He simply launched the man-sea tactics, right Shouting at the back: "Give me, the gate is no longer there, and rushing in is victory."

After being ordered, the United States and the players rushed to the gate, and I had to return to the Golden Silk Bastion again. I alone could not stop so many people, or the war machine was more effective against the soldiers. I entered the Golden Silkworm Fortress and immediately came over and asked, "Who was that girl?"

"It's the Big Wheel Pluto attendant."

The gold coin asked in confusion: "Who is the Great Pluto?"

"Did I tell you that you know?" I asked back. Pu Gui explained to the gold coin with a smile: "The Great Pluto King also has the name Peacock Mother. The body is a peacock, in fact, it should be regarded as a beast. Thing. However, the strength of this large round of Pluto is very exaggerated. She is not in the official establishment in the Buddhist sect, but the strength is actually not much different from that of Da Riru. "

"Rugao masters?" Gold coins said in surprise: "How strong is that?"

Wu Gui shook her head: "I don't know how strong that is, but just this little girl said it was just her maid and guard. You also saw that the two protoss were almost killed in seconds, you can think about it, A captain is so powerful. What about Hades himself? "

The gold coin thought for a while and thought: "It is estimated that she can finish the Statue of Liberty and the miscellaneous protoss with only one move."

"So oh ...!" Rose was about to speak, and the Golden Silkworm Fortress suddenly crooked to the side, and was almost overturned. "How did it happen?" I held Rose and asked aloud. The Golden Silkworm Fortress immediately answered: "Heavy artillery, but don't worry, this shell can't break my defense."

Wu Gui cautiously said, "I'm afraid we must start the Seven Spirit Dust Bells in advance!"

"Why?" The gold coin asked a little unwillingly. "Because the Gun God has come to his senses from blind arrogance, he knows that he can't get anything without sacrificing this wall. So the city is not considered for now He can't get anything if he doesn't fight well. Instead of getting nothing, it's better to blast it first and grab it before rebuilding it. "

I nodded and said: "The gun **** can think like this but we can't. There are a lot of enemies entering the city anyway, just start in advance." Dust bell. "


Hongyue nodded his head earnestly in the huge ground clock room at the half-waist of Juling Pagoda in Rock City. "Eagle, you can start."


A thick and dull Zhongming suddenly rang through the city, everyone unconsciously looked up at the source of the Zhongsheng. Once the gun **** sat on, he looked at the towering tower with an unbelievable expression on his face. Acoustic position. "It's impossible! Didn't the spy say that the mission was completed? Is it ...?"

Didn't the Gun God Land continue, because a half-waist ball of gray light suddenly burst out at the center of the tower, and the ball quickly spread out in all directions before going out. But the things that entered into it had a completely different effect. Neutral Existence and the power of the Bank and our recognition of existence are all wrapped in the light ball as if nothing had happened, but all those people and large weapons under the command of the Gun God were all converted into white sand and flew away in the light ball passing through the place. In the reception room, the little peacock changed its appearance immediately after the receptionist quit. There was no previous quietness, as if it suddenly turned into a curious little sparrow, jumping around in the room. Take a look Look, it seems to be curious about everything. But she only looked for a while, and suddenly felt a horrible force swept up. At that moment, she felt the threat of death. But she fully supported the protective cover. When preparing to resist, the energy completely passed through her body as if she did not exist. The little peacock was surprised to touch her up and down, and then determined that she was still fine. It took a long time for me to calm down. She was stronger than others from the beginning. She felt the fear of death for the first time. This stimulus was too great. In contrast, the Statue of Liberty was much miserable. The little peacock was just a bit scared, but the goddess of liberty really walked away at the gate of the ghost. She had been stunned by me. Just a few guards took her to leave the ground. I didn't expect to have just arrived outside the city. I saw the huge ball of light spreading out. In this state, the Statue of Liberty must be dead. Unexpectedly, she was awakened by this horrible pressure. Behind the light curtain, she immediately supported the magic of protection. Fortunately, she is an auxiliary protoss with strong protective power. And it has already been destroyed by the radius, and the power of the Seven Spirits has fallen a lot. It is this series of luck that caused the goddess of luck to kill the Seven Spirits and kill them. The attack, but her mana was also violently shaken, stunned on the spot, and finally destroyed the radius. American players from outside the region robbed her. After recovering from shock, Little Peacock immediately thought of going out and asking. Situation. As soon as the door of the reception room was opened, it hit me head-on. I was preparing to enter the room. Fortunately, she was also a master. A flip was steady, but I was knocked out by the fly and knocked down the corridor. A pillar. "Ah! I'm sorry!" A small group of peacocks stood in front of the door, knowing that they had come to see her, but they didn't expect to be led by the team. "Wow! You are so powerful Ah? "I pushed away half of the pillars that were pressed against my body, and then they were pulled up by Qi Gui." Thanks to me, someone else has let you die! "

"Unexpected! I'm going out to find someone to ask what happened to that powerful mana!"

"Oh, what do you say?" I patted the ash on my body and said, "That's the pure voice of the Seven Spirit Dust Bells, but don't worry, it only destroys our selected destination. You are our guest. Without being hurt. "

The little peacock suddenly remembered what he was doing. It immediately turned into the same expression as the ice cube. "My mother ... oh no, it is His Royal Highness that wants to see you."

What kind of people are we in? Saying in front of us is just shouting in front of a group of hungry wolves that I'm a little lamb. Pu Guixun gave me a clear look, and I secretly nodded my head, and Su Meixun pulled my hands, I Squeeze her fingers to show that everyone seems to have appeared. I did not expect that this little girl was actually the daughter of the peacock prince. This is an incredible figure, but people do n’t say that we also pretend to be confused. Just be enthusiastic. "I don't know what His Royal Highness Pluto wants to see me for this time?" Little Peacock just wanted to say that she suddenly stopped again, and she stared at the person behind me. I smiled immediately. Say: "Rest assured. What we pay attention to here is a loyal unity. There is nothing to say here."

The little peacock immediately said: "In fact, I have nothing to tell you about the land. His Royal Highness Pluto King means to ask you to discuss important things. I only know what forces are needed to build up your forces, and I haven't figured it out, or you Let them tell you! "

I smiled and said, "Of course this is okay. The battle is not over yet. Anyway, there are more than two days. Miss is playing with us, right? We have a lot of good things here, on such a large scale. Have you never seen a war? "

"Well." The character of the little peacock land came out again. "There is nothing fun on the Lingshan, just the mountains and lakes, and the beauty of the scenery is too tired! The gang of Lohan gods knows every day I do n’t know what they ’re doing! They ’re still playing here. The guy who hit me on the ground just now is so interesting, but it ’s too weak! ”

I laughed awkwardly: "That guy is already pretty good, Miss, you are too strong!"

"Really? Am I really strong?" Describe others when they are proud and often say that the portrait is proud of a peacock. Now it seems that it makes some sense. The little peacock was immediately smug when I was beaten by three or two. When I was in Lingshan, those guys didn't fight me, they were suffocating, and I didn't know what level I was. I didn't expect me to be so powerful! "

In fact, in my opinion, the little peacock is not really powerful, but her identity makes the people in Lingshan no one dare to touch her. Dalun Pluto and Da Ri Rulai are first-class land, this little peacock is the daughter of Dalun Pluto, If this is really a problem, it will be troublesome to attract her mother. And the strength is so strong that it is not afraid of the existence of the Great Wheel of Pluto and it is not in the mood to fight with a little girl. However, the above analysis is based on the Lingshan forces. Her fighting power in our world is absolutely top-level existence. Although the American Protoss power is the worst in the world. But God is God, and two of them are dropped by the little girl. It is a very good explanation. At least I believe that if you want me and her, Fight, unless I use all the magic pets and summoned creatures, maybe I can draw a tie, and if she wants to run, I decided to take her. There is nothing I can do to greet everyone into the meeting room, and then The peacock asked, "I didn't know what you called for a long time."

"Am I?" The little peacock proudly said, "My place's legal name is not moving, and the title follows my mother's word Pluto."

I'm relying on this girl is not moving Pluto! I say it's so strong!

The little peacock laughed and said, "My mother wants me to be quiet, so I took a stand, but in the end I was a naughty peacock in the whole mountain, so everyone called me Linger, and it was cute and lovely. I and You are full of fate. Call me Linger! "

Got it! Fudo Pluto actually has such a cute little name, but think about the girl's legal name, it is better to be polite to her. Fudo Pluto is not a mess, the key is not her mother ’s big round Pluto, but Her own problem. This immovable Pluto is the one who specializes in sealing and suppressing the gods. To put it plainly, it is the Provincial Minister of Public Security and the Attorney General of the Judiciary. The rights are so vast that it basically means that you are guilty and guilty. People. In addition, in addition to her powerful title, her own strength is also very strong. The Provincial Public Security Minister is not like a real state leader. The Protoss is not as complicated as the personnel organization. The Public Security Minister is the most capable of hitting the gods. It is difficult to grasp the strongman. From this, it can be speculated in reverse that her land strength is at least much stronger than those of the protoss who violate the law and discipline. Otherwise, even if she is hard in the backstage, she will not be able to become a real figure. Good hand, especially her kind wife and good mother-type beauty is the best for the little girl's lethality. Coquettish beauties may seduce a man, but it is not as good as a rose to be a good wife and mother. Sitting directly next to Ling'er, she held her hand and asked, "What do you usually do in Lingshan? Would you like me to take you to see our entertainment?"

"Okay, okay! It's hard to come out once, it's too bad to not have enough money to play!" Linger looked at the roses with his eyes full of stars, it was like feeling confidant. Just leave, completely when we no longer exist. Eagle sighed next to it: "It's terrible. She's been abducted so soon! Roses can make money if they change careers!"

Linger was dragged by Gu Ge to play, and I took other people to discuss the next work. The Rock City side should look like nothing to worry about. The U.S. coalition forces suddenly rushed into the city this time and lost at least a few Thousands of armies. Looking at the strength of the outside world, I want to win Rock City unless a miracle occurs. Besides, the Statue of Liberty was seriously injured this time, plus the American Protoss' only land-powered character was almost killed, this loss is too great. High-level but non-renewable The resources are gone when they die. The gunner can still pay for it. He does not need to count on the powerful protoss. However, although the gunman is all right, we ca n’t relax because Weiner is still in the hands of others. !! Although Wei Na will not disappear because she already has a real land, but once she is physically killed in the game, her identity will be exposed. However, if she is no longer online, it will seriously affect the strength of the club ’s place, so we She must be rescued. We are here to discuss what to do, but a system prompt sounds suddenly above my head. "The United States United Forces took the initiative to concede defeat. Congratulations to the Frost Rose Alliance for completing the territorial mission in advance, and the official planning of Rock City and its surrounding soil. Enter the Chinese territory. To enjoy local treatment, the city owner is required to set up a boundary monument within three days, otherwise it will be deemed as giving up the boundary monument setting right. The United States United Forces paid 120 million crystal coins war compensation to Frost Rose Alliance, and the funds have been transferred to the guild account. All Players of Frost Rose League have risen to the level of this level, and all players who help Frost Rose League to participate in battles and non-guilds can obtain the current level of half-level experience value. All the players participate in the battle, lifting the intellectual restrictions. Instant enjoyment within Rock City Seventy-two hours of security protection, prohibiting all combat behaviors other than class. The notice is over. "

"Ended early?"

"It seems that the Gun God guy is fully aware of advances and retreats!" Hongyue said happily. I motioned to everyone to be quiet. "Since the defense war is over, you can focus on saving Wei Na. Everyone knows the significance of the Provincial Guild. How important it is, I don't need to say this? "

"Knowing is knowing, but how to save it?" Gold Coin asked: "Weina was kidnapped by the Protoss, and the other party will surely hide her in the Protoss territory. The Americans and us are considered Liangzi to grow up this time. We will definitely be blocked when we move the army to save people. Offense and defense are not the same thing. With Rock City, we can block by ten and we can go one-on-two if we go out. It is definitely impossible to save Wei Na Ground. "

Hongyue nodded: "To be right, saving Wei Na can't move the army, and it doesn't make sense to go. We can only save Wei Na by means of elite assault. It is much easier to send a master to sneak in than it is to attack the army. save money."

Shura Ziyi said: "The most important thing is to first determine the location of Wei Na, blindly searching without a goal is not the answer."

"This is not a problem." I said: "Anyway, you can ask the people in the Neptune Palace to ask for help, that is, the process of sneaking into the ground may be more troublesome. The other party must know that we will save people. So it must be defensive. Secretly sneaking in, probably in the end will definitely be a forced breakthrough. "

"You don't have to worry too much about this," Hongyue said with a smirk. "As long as Zhu Gui invites the lovely Miss Linger to help, how can you enter if you don't want to enter?"

"Let the Pluto help?" The gold coin said in surprise: "If you can really speak to her, you don't have to worry about it, even if the Statue of Liberty is standing by Vena's side, as long as she wants No one can stop it in. "

"Then look at the magpie land."

After discussing the rescue plan, we roughly determined the repair work in the city. The **** spy hurt our defense crystals and fell down. This will also require someone to hang them. Each of those big guys has four It weighs 5,000 tons, which does not mean that it can repair the land. Even if the dragons don't go up to one or two hundred, they can't even think of making it stable and return to the original place. About torture to the time of the United States, the Seal of the Seal of God, at one or two in the morning. The Seal of the Seal of the Throne finally came back with Linger. The two were pulled together as if they were good sisters who grew up together. Biangui saw me secretly making an ok gesture all the way, I could not help laughing and walked over to say hello "How about playing in the afternoon?"

As soon as Linger heard it, she started talking to me with excitement about those things. Looking at the enthusiasm, it was clear that she had come to us to forget what she was doing! Although her place name is scary, she is actually a little girl who doesn't understand anything at all, and has little expertise except for being able to fight. However, in this game, the chaotic world can represent everything, so she is Has such a highland right. Now this little girl has forgotten all the land missions, just like a child who just came back from the playground, eager to show others those things that they play, so it's not over. Anyway, I followed her all the way, and she listened to me if she wanted to show off. From time to time, I was surprised by two surprises, and the little girl's face was almost blooming!

After finally showing off, I took the chance and started abducting her to help us save Wei Na. However, this requires attention to skills, can not directly ask her if she is willing to help, or it will leave a bad impression. But now It ’s not just me by her side, there is a good wife beside us, this scene is not difficult to play. I pretended to sue her heavily, let her wait a moment, and then pull the rose To the side. Zhu Gui looked at my eyes, and my eyes turned to the side, and pointed at Xia Ling'er with her eyes, and then whispered deliberately: "You know, Vena was caught by the goddess of liberty now, we can't Leave it alone. Weiner is very important to us. But the big wheel Pluto asked me to meet them again, and I really do n’t know where to go! ”

Wu Gui frowned immediately in coordination: "Yeah! What can I do? Saving people requires strength, and you may not be able to save the land even if you don't see Pluto! We can all point to Wei Na, Now ... hey ...! "

Linger had no idea at all and actually heard it all. Although I lowered my voice, I wanted her to hear it, so the voice just felt small, not really inaudible. The little girl immediately came over and asked Rose to ask: "Is that Wina a very important person? Otherwise, I'll help you save people? Anyway, there isn't too much urgency. It doesn't matter if you save someone and go back."

"How does this work!" Rose quickly said, "You just came to invite Ziri, but not ours. How can you bother to go there! Besides, the goddess of liberty is not a mess, you ...?" Rose In fact, the words are intended to excite her. Since she is a proud peacock, how can she admit that she is inferior to others? Moreover, she is not necessarily worse than the Statue of Liberty. "I must go, if you don't let me go, you won't treat me as a sister."

Damn, it's so fierce. It's only been a few hours! I recognize her sister! Linger's encounter with the rose is probably the legendary relationship that was sold and helped the people. Then I refused to push it halfway, and finally finally counted her in Lingerdi's strong request. On the sidelines, Hongyue had long laughed and suffered internal injuries. After we took Linger to the lounge, they dared to laugh loudly, knocking the boards one by one against the wall.

After receiving our commission from the Neptune Palace, we were very quick. We returned the information to us within two hours, and brought a message back. The person who was looking for us was Elsa, the president of the Rainbow Alliance. This is Miss Eusina, Princess of North America Electric Group. This time the gun **** blocked our guild from infiltrating the American terrain, it can be said that she made a major mistake. As soon as the battle was over, she was called off by several old guys at home. Scolded. There are so many large groups of princelings in Zero. It is not without reason. These groups need to train their successors in a virtual world. The battle here is not only by force, but also by intellectual competition. For our princess princes, running a guild is actually a training for management skills, so the major families will encourage their children to play this game. Yusina's decision this time made her in the game The guild suffered heavy losses. If it were put into practice, it would be a group failure. How could such a serious mistake not keep those old guys angry? After being called off the line and swearing for a long time, Di Yusina thought of Wei Na immediately after she went online. She knew that Wei was important to our guild, and also knew that I and Wei Nadi had a very good personal relationship. I received the ideological education of the old guys Diusina realized that this was a good opportunity to restore relations with us. So she contacted Neptune Palace, contacted us through Neptune Palace, and brought information about Vena's detention point and general defense information, which was regarded as their guild. Apologize. It is not good for our guild to fall out with the Rainbow Alliance. The previous battle was only a reasonable choice made under the circumstances. People are human, but they are as small as a community of a few people. In a country, as long as it is collective, its sole purpose is to realize the will of its own group. This purpose is not necessarily self-interest. But it must be the collective will of this organization. Therefore, an organization is not human. They Only obey the law of beasts. It is often said that there is no permanent friend and always enemy land between nations. This is also a reason. Our current interests with the Rainbow Alliance are generally There are conflicts, at least there is no direct conflict, so our cooperation is very necessary. Since Rainbow Alliance apologizes and wants to repair the relationship, we will naturally not refuse, but the previous things ca n’t be taken for granted, at least we must let us live. To go. Yusina means to help us to get Wina out as the first step to repair the relationship, and then discuss things slowly. I called for all the real red, gold coins and Chris Dina, and brought The three of them, plus one immovable Pluto, should be almost enough. Secretly sneaking in to bring too many people is not good. Besides, we have a lot of magic pets, and really want people to pull up a small army at any time. But in the end When I decided on the list, there were more people. Noreen had to follow along, and we could n’t help it. Although she is a member of the guild, she has a special status and I do n’t speak completely. But considering her mechanical life The combat group can also help us a lot, so in the end I also agreed. The five of them are concentrated in the tactical discussion room. The equipment here is better, and you can analyze the combat mission in detail. As soon as she entered the four-walled crystal room, she started running around excitedly. Especially the huge crystal table in the center of the room made her particularly interested. This table is actually a holographic imaging device. In order to sculpt those complex magic arrays, It must be big enough, and it must be made of high-purity crystal in order to flow magically. When I first built the land, I was distressed! However, the one originally built was in Isinger. This is just a replica. The crystal table is one meter high, the surface is completely flat, seven meters long, and five meters wide. It is transparent when it is not activated, and it will change once it is activated. It turns pale green. There is an operation area on the side of the crystal table. There are more than thirty magic arrays, large and small, and there are a dozen rubies like eggs on it. I will close the door when everyone comes in. 玟Zhe and Sumei and a male soldier are already waiting for us here. Zonggui and Sumei are the think tank of the guild. Of course, they need to help and guide. As for the male soldier, he was arranged by me as a military general. Commander of the special forces. They are really from the special forces. This kind of infiltration task is a basic course for him. He can guide us to save a lot of things. The information that Yusina sent before has been fully input. In this illustration room crystal control system, as the rose starts the crystal countertop energy magic array, the entire countertop immediately lights up. A miniature model of a virtual building group appears on the countertop, but this model The ground is usually rough. The buildings inside are all cubes, nothing like it. It can only roughly indicate that there is such a building here. Pu Gui explained: "The ground you see now is the target area of ​​this land. This is This city is a very rare city of gods, that is, a city led by religious forces. This city is called a city of freedom, and its characteristics are that there are no rules. As long as you do n’t demolish public buildings in the city, you can do anything. No one cares about you, arguably the most chaotic city in the world. "

Zhenhong sighed: "It really fits the religious nature of the Statue of Liberty! After becoming completely free, it will become such a square, which is even more chaotic than a thief's den!"

Su Mei took the root pointer and went to the wall to start the display crystal. The real screenshot of Liberty City was immediately displayed on the wall. After tapping the wall, Su Mei said: "You see, this city is really messy. There are all kinds of people on the street, it can be said that bullies run rampant. Therefore, in order to integrate into such a city, you have to do land is arrogant. When walking in the city is inevitably more people block the way, we generally let other cities The people in front of you squeeze past, or discuss with the people in front of you to let them pass. But you must not do this behavior here, otherwise more people will be entangled, they will bully you by all means. "

"There is such a place, I dare not imagine!" Linger asked with an open mouth, "What shall we do when we get there?"

"Stomp." Su Meixie smiled and kicked. "Stomp?"

Su Mei nodded: "Whether it ’s a man or a woman in front, you do n’t care what politeness is first. As long as someone blocks the road, you only need to step on your feet, and you must be ruthless. It is best to push that person out. Of course, push away with your hands. It is also possible, but the action must be large, don't be too gentle, otherwise it will be miserable. Otherwise, you prefer a more violent method to directly chop the people who are blocking the road in front.

Innocently Noreen asked quietly: "They just stand on the road, and they don't intentionally block the road. Isn't it inappropriate to cut people?"

"I didn't say that I must cut it!" Su Mei said: "Anyway, you have to be arrogant, and you must not show cowardice. Also, if you want to ask about things in the store, but what are you doing?"

Noreen timidly said, "Waiting!"

"Wrong!" Su Mei was worse with her hands in front of her. "You must not line up, just throw out the people who are blocking you, otherwise it will cause suspicion. And if it is a hotel or something like that, If you do n’t have a seat, you ca n’t wait. Look at the table where you threw the people out. ”

"What if the other party resists?"


Noreen nodded, "I probably understand what to do!"

"You see?" Su Mei immediately said: "Then I ask you. What do you do if someone bullies the weak people on the road?"

Noreen thought for a moment and said, "I don't see. I don't do anything unless it affects me."

Su Mei nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. It seems you really understand."

The gold coin booed, "Where is this city of freedom! Is it a hooligan?"

"Anyway, you have to do this if you want to enter here without being noticed. There is no eviction here, and no one will care about you at all."

Pu Gui tapped on the crystal table to attract our attention. "The above is a method of mixing into the outer area of ​​the city. Now pay attention to this." Rose pointed to a region on the table. "This is where the Temple of the Goddess of Liberty is located. After entering the city, you have to find a way to approach this place. But once you enter this area, you must be careful. It is not as chaotic as the outside, and the inside is very tightly guarded. And many American protoss are attached to the land of the goddess of freedom, so There are a lot of other Protoss in the Temple of Liberty, these guys are more trouble than the guards. "

Linger proudly said, "Leave it to me, and promise it every second."

The officer said: "Be aware that your mission is to sneak into the rescue, not to kill all the people here. I don't doubt that Her Royal Highness Pluto has such strength, but if the enemy's existing person sneaks in and transfers the hostages, or directly kills them. ? "

"This ...!" Linger is only a strong combatant. She has never been a special force, and of course the problem is simple. Our tactical guidance once again said: "So, you should try to avoid being spotted before contacting the hostages. At present, or killing is required to pass through the ground to allow the other person to be killed, and after the killing, you must cover up. At least not allow the enemy to sneak in immediately. This is simple to say, you must be careful when you do it. Hitting the enemy to the ground is too bad, otherwise the blood and water splashes are difficult to clean up. It is best to attack the key after approaching, such as twisting the neck. This will not bleed, and the other party will not be able to make a voice call to the nearby people when they start. In addition, the cleaning goals are also particular about it. It is necessary to start cleaning from unattended personnel as much as possible, and the actions must be coherent. It is best to plan the entire process before you really start. Once you start, you do n’t need to be distracted .... "

This guy really is a professional. He talked to us for more than an hour, and listened to Linger and Noreen with the eyes staring at the boss. They completely regarded others as idols!

After waiting for him to introduce the rose, he continued to explain: "Walk this route after invading the shrine's area." A line of arrows made up of the arrows lit up on the screen. He clicked on the edge of the table and the three-dimensional image Suddenly zoomed in, the original city model was cancelled, the temple area was placed on the entire table, and the general shape of each building site was also displayed, and even a lot of small dots of various colors were added. Our instructor picked up again The pointer began to explain: "The ground you see is a tactical distribution map. The arrow consists of the forward route. The ultimate goal is the Statue of Liberty. On this route, some shoulders are green and some are yellow. Some are Red areas, they represent the danger level of this area. Green areas are completely uninhabited areas. As long as you do n’t make too much movement, they are absolutely safe. There are a small number of patrol personnel in the yellow area, but there are no fixed whistle, so you can pass easily. You need to pay attention to the red area. These parties usually need to be taken seriously. The location of all personnel has been marked on the map. These red The lines represent the other line patrol officers, small yellow dot next post is to position the red dot Anshao the position, must be careful. Now I'll give you explain those goals need to get rid of those can be bypassed. "

It took another hour to analyze and explain that we finally figured out what should be done at each position, and the road map was also printed in our heads. The screen was changed again, and the statue of Liberty at the clock hour was enlarged to the size of the entire table. And it is still displayed in a translucent way. You can see that the interior of the statue is empty. Rose said: "This is the Statue of Liberty in the temple area. This is different from the Statue of Liberty that the French gave to the United States. This statue has a lot of ground, which is also a hollow ground. This base is a room inside, you can see the structure. There is no guard here, but there is a magic defense device, so you need to be careful. Fortunately, we already know how the defense device works. Let the instructor explain how to get there. "

This time it was short. After all, there were several defensive devices, which were finished in a few minutes. Wu Gui explained again: "This room has a relief on the floor wall. This is the position. The wagon wheel in the relief can actually move. After approaching, you will find a total of twelve supports on the wagon wheel, one of which has a red heart mark on the support rod. Turn this marked support to point it to the point of the seal of the throne at the time, which is how many If you click, let it point to a few points. Note that the ground here refers to the throne of the seal of time in the United States. Don't make a mistake. After you return to the center of the room, look for a tile with a gap on the surface. The gap is not Smash it out, but leave it on purpose. There is a red vase near the wall, move it over this brick, and then a hidden door will open by the wall. Note that the vase must be remembered before moving Position, because after the door is opened, it must be quickly moved back to its original position. After that, the door will remain open for thirty seconds. It is necessary to enter within the Seal of Throne at this time. "

"Why do you have to use this vase?" The gold coin asked. "I don't know. It may be that the brick has a weight measuring device under it ~ ~ It can only be opened by a certain weight of ground pressure, and it can be a magic position. A special setting, anyway, the vase must be placed in this position to open the door, and the vase must be moved back after opening the door, otherwise the door will always be open and others will come in and the existing person will enter the secret way. "

"After entering the secret door?" Zhenhong asked. Qi Gui shook her head: "You have to figure it out later! The information sent by Yusina is only here, and there is no player below. I've been there, only people from the Statue of Liberty have gone in. Yusina. They only knew that Wei Na was locked in here, but what it looked like was completely unclear! "

"That's all there is to it," I said. "As long as you don't let people run out after entering the interior, it should be fine even if we storm in. I don't think it will be too big."

Our tactical instructor immediately said, "In order to prevent you from proceeding carefully in accordance with the strategy I said before, it is impossible to come to the hard ground."

"Understood, let's start acting now?" Linger said eagerly.

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