Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 41: World 5 Demon One

We explained the meaning of the guide to Yu, and Yu was not stupid, and immediately understood the meaning of Xiang Xun. "The guide is the one who leads the way as you ask? Is this simple? I grew up here, and there is no place nearby that I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

I took Yu's hand very kindly and said, "This is not urgent, you take us to your place first and see what you have to bring. Anyway, you will live with us in the future, here. It may not come back, so it ’s better to bring everything you need. "

"Can't come back?" Yu looked at us in surprise. "You said you couldn't come back there?"

I nodded: "In fact, we also like it here, the scenery here is very beautiful, we also want to come and play from time to time, but the channel seems strange, and it is not sure whether the normal communication is possible. In order to prevent it, you still It ’s better to bring everything. "


"Any questions?"

The rain nodded slightly. "I still have a few friends here. If I never see them again, I will be sad. And these clothes, I want to send them a few."

I immediately exchanged glances with True Red and Kristina. Kristina immediately pulled the rain and said, "This is nothing, we first go to your house and bring the things we want to bring, and then we go to them and walk in, Wouldn't it be nice if they invited us together? "

"That's great. Let's go back and pack up first." Rain agreed to our request very happily, and then quickly took us to her cave house to pack up.

The rainy cave house is at the bottom of Bibotan Lake. Fortunately, we all have a way to enter the water, and we will follow it to the bottom of the lake. There are many strange fishes in this water area. But rain has absolute deterrence here, and all the strange fishes consciously stay away from us.

Reaching the bottom of the pond smoothly, the surrounding area suddenly became empty, and we actually entered a waterless space. I just saw nothing outside just now. But after entering here, suddenly a small crystal hut appeared in front. This building is really letting us shake our heads. It is obviously built with the most beautiful crystal of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Outerwear Coat m. It can be messy but covered, it is just a pile of crystals piled up in a cave It is also a crystal column that crosses vertically and horizontally. It is very inconvenient to walk. You must keep your head down to avoid the beams or cross obstacles.

"I said rain! Why are you building this like this?" The gold coin knocked against a crystal pillar. "If such a fine crystal is carved, isn't it beautiful?"

"Carving?" Rain looked at us in surprise: "How do you carve? I can't!"

"Forget it, you won't need it anymore here, anyway, I will tell you how to carve back when I have time." Gold Coins spoke sharply: "But since you can't use this crystal. Just send me it?"

"Do you like crystal?" Rain said very often: "I can make crystal grounds, you can take them!"

"What? Can you make crystals?" I asked this time.

"Well. Is it weird?" Rain didn't realize how scary his ability was. "Isn't it just crystal? I usually use this as a means of attack."

"Halo! You are so rich!" The gold coin sighed.

"Rich?" Rain scratched his head in confusion. "What does money do? Is it beautiful?"

"This ...!" Gold Coin shook his head helplessly: "It will be unclear at half past one, and you will know when we get there."

"You should pack up quickly." I urged the rain.

"Okay." Yu Xun quickly took us to her room. It is said that the room is actually a slightly larger space without a door. The rain started to pack things that I liked, but as a result, we now only have turtle shells with special patterns or some weird and weird objects.

"Wait, wait!" I quickly pulled the rain. "What the **** are you doing?"

"What I like!" Rain looked at me in doubt.

"Do you like these things? Are they beautiful?"

"No!" Yu smiled and picked up those things to show me. "This black turtle shell is my bed, and this one." Yu took out a stick that was dark and crooked. "This is my weapon. How is it? Great, right?"

"Weapon?" I took the black thing. After looking over and over for a long time, I didn't know what it was. "What kind of weapon is this?"

"Stick!" Rain answered me very seriously: "It's very good to knock people with this."

Damn, it was a stick. But this can't blame me, this thing is almost a tree stick everywhere, except for the special material. I certainly couldn't associate it with the stick in the cold weapon. Even a broken stick needs to be straightened at least! What the **** is this thing?

I took Eternity out and shook it hard. Eternity instantly turned into a one-meter-nine-meter stick, with spears on both ends. "See? This is called a stick. Your root is basically a branch!"

"Well? How do you know this is a branch?" Yu actually said seriously: "I stole it from the world tree, but no one else!"

"World Tree?" Chris Dina suddenly rushed over to **** the rotten branch and looked up. "You say this is a branch on the World Tree?"

"Yeah!" Rain nodded seriously. "In the beginning, I and the five of them fought desperately to get back several branches. Each of us five had one, which is very easy to use!"

"Is that World Tree still alive?" Cristina asked.

"Yes, of course." Rain wondered, "Don't you think we're here?"

"That's right," Kristina said to herself: "The world tree represents the world. The world tree doesn't exist without the world. Since we are still standing here, it means that the world tree is still there."

Real Red asked Kristina in doubt: "Why haven't we seen the World Tree in normal game space?"

"Because the World Tree is not in China, it is normal for you not to know." Kristina explained: "The World Tree is actually a task space. Enter from under the trunk, then enter a task space, and then continue to work upwards. As you complete different ways, you will continue to enter different branches at the branching point of the trunk. When you reach the vertex of a branch, you will get the corresponding reward. However, the lower the branch, the lower the reward. , But there are too many branch tasks at high altitudes, and few people can complete them. Besides, no one has figured out the correct task requirements, and few people can move forward in the direction of the trunk. However, listening to the leaked news near the big tree, It seems that as long as you can get to the top of the world tree, you can get a first-class baby, but you don't know what it is. "

"I don't know is the most tempting." I said: "Don't think about that thing, that kind of task is not for people to do at all, you may not get to the top when you go in. Since you have the branches of the world tree Do you know what this thing does? "

"Can be used to knock people." Yu Xun replied.

"Apart from this?"

"Restoring power quickly. Holding it, I can use advanced spells without worrying about running out of power."

"Then I understand." I nodded. "But this thing is too ugly?"

"It's good to use it." Kristina returned the branches to the rainy road: "Take it away and wait for us, you can find someone to help you crunch. Make things like our weapons . "

Rain carefully touched my ever-changing stick: "Can this really become like this? Your weapons are so beautiful, they look better than your clothes."

The whirlwind flashed around me, I had switched back to the purple sun form, and the rain was startled. I quickly soothed her: "Don't be afraid, it's still me. I have two looks."

Rain looked at me. Then she nodded, and then her figure fluttered, and she had become a sailor. The rain now consists entirely of water. However, it still maintains a human shape, but the color has become light blue, and it is a bit transparent, and its appearance is not clear. "Brother Ziri's original shape is like this! Look, my original shape is very beautiful, right?"

Dizzy, after a long day of rain, I took my two numbers as the original shape and the changed shape of the monster, but it seems that the understanding is similar, there is not much problem. But the original shape of the rain caught our attention. The gold coins came up and looked for a long time, then carefully reached out and touched the rain arm. As a result, she drew her finger into Rain's arm, and she hurriedly pulled out her hand. Yu smiled and said, "I'm water, water is me. You don't have to worry, even if it's chopped, it's nothing to me."

"Isn't that saying that you are completely afraid of physical harm?"

"What is the physical damage?" Yu looked at the gold coin doubtfully: "I'm not afraid to hit anyway, as long as I'm not hurt by the spell, it's fine."

"This is understandable." I hurriedly said, "You still have to come back and pack your stuff before you say it!"

When the rain was packing, we listened to her to explain the role of various items and the reasons for collection, so we could help her do some screening, like the black turtle bed before did not need to bring. Black turtle Nei Dan is a bit useful, but the shell is useless, and it is also a waste product. Is it possible that Essinger is still out of bed?

After screening, the things around us are very ugly, but many of them are extremely precious treasures, and even some are extinct things in modern times, but they have not been tempered and their performance is still poor. The gold coins and I simply obtained the origin information of these things from Yu's mouth. After we have found all the people, we will collect some and bring them back. These are all good things and valuable and priceless babies.

After packing all the things on the rain side, there are actually a whole lot of the whole house. Fortunately, we all have Fenglong space, so we can directly pack the rain. Yu is very interested in Fenglong's space ability, but unfortunately she does not have space spells herself. This is the era of floods, and many late monsters' spells have not yet been clarified in this era, so the power of rain is very partial, and it is scary with strong mana alone. Actual combat effectiveness is not necessarily good. But I believe that as long as we go back through our training, it should soon become as good as Hong Yan, Wei Na, and the sister of Guanyin.

"Well, everything is now collected, shall we meet your friends?" I said to Yu.

"Well. Come with me."

Rain's first friend lived not far away, in the forest near this floating island. This is a fairly vast virgin forest, and it looks strange because the main plants here are different from our time. We led directly into the forest under the rain, and then passed through an underground passage. By the time we came out from the other end, we had reached a small open space.

This vacant lot is about the size of a football field, roughly circular, and there are no plants on the ground. The forest seems to be isolated by some force and stays outside this area, but a tree grows in the center of this area A giant plant nearly seventy meters high.

"Small tree." The rain ran towards the big tree. "Look at my new clothes."

The big tree in front of it suddenly started to light. When the light dimmed, the big tree was gone. Instead, a slim beautiful girl stood in the place where the big tree was originally grown. This girl looks about the same age as Yu, but it's different from Yu's weak and beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m. She looks much more lively and feels energetic. In addition, the girl's head is actually green, unlike the rainy land, which is blue. I noticed that her eyes were also green when we approached, and I noticed the rain eyes by the way. Sure enough, Rain's eyes were blue. It seems that the two of them are not monsters at all, but elemental beings. An ancient and basic form of life.

According to the knowledge I have, the lower the level, the stronger things are, because they are already basic forms and cannot be destroyed again. Elemental life is the most basic matter. Destroying the element is almost equal to competing with the laws of the world, and that is simply not achievable.

Rain was very excited to show off her costume to her little sister, and her friend was envious with eyes. The girl called as a tree was wearing only a pile of leaves. Although it looked much better than the turtle shell she wore before the rain, it was still not a dress.

For our proximity. The tree did not show any hostility. After all, we came with the rain, and besides, they are very strong in the ability to sense the life form of these elements. If we are malicious, she can feel a few kilometers away.

"Rain, don't you introduce us?" I asked, walking over.

Rain quickly stopped her ostentatious behavior and quickly introduced us. From Yu's introduction, we understand that the true body of the tree is the big tree just now, and she should actually belong to the wood element elf.

The tree looked us up and down very seriously, then looked at Yu's clothes, and then asked shyly, "Can I really get something like this on me?"

The rain came over and said to the tree, "This is clothes, don't say anything about the body. This thing is beautiful, light and comfortable. I feel much better than my previous clothes. . No, that's wrong. Those weren't clothes at all. "

I smiled and said, "Miss Shu, there are a lot of these clothes with us. We can even customize them according to your figure and preferences. Moreover, the clothes that Yu is wearing now are just good-looking. In fact, we still have some that can increase your strength. Clothes are not only beautiful, but also practical. "

Before the rain, I didn't know there was any clothes that could improve my ability, and asked quickly: "Are there any clothes like this? Why don't I know?"

I explained with a smile: "These on us are clothes that can enhance multiple abilities and aesthetics at the same time. This kind of clothes is called equipment. The clothes like me are called armor, and the clothes like Kristina are called mage robes. Of course, there are other garments. These valuable garments are collectively called outfits. Their types are very diverse and their aesthetics are not the same. If you like them, you can customize some for you when you return to us. "

"Really?" The tree came up with excitement, then thought about it and said embarrassedly: "But I have nothing to exchange with you!"

Not bad, this girl is at least smarter than Yu, knowing that she can't take advantage of others for nothing. I deliberately and sincerely said, "If I have one or two clothes, I can give them to you. But the value of the equipment is thousands or even trillions of times the clothes. Besides, many people want many sets of equipment. I I'm sure I can't give you so much equipment for nothing. But ... "Stopped and saw the two little girls look anxiously. I continued: "It's not impossible. Although you have nothing to exchange with me, you can help me do things!"

"Help you do things? Why do you want us to help you do things?" The tree's brain really is smarter than rain, because rain had just planned to open his mouth to promise, but was pulled by the tree.

I tried to explain as gently as possible: "This is actually very simple! I only have one person, but sometimes I have many things to do, and I can't do it all by myself. At this time, I need a helper. There is me I also have my own enemies and enemies. Sometimes the enemies come to hit me, or I go to hit my enemies. At this time, one person is definitely not as good as a group of people. Do you understand this? "

The tree nodded: "Of course I know this. In the past, Charlene wanted to bully me. I just killed them with Xiaoyu. Many people are really useful."

"So! Of course I hope there are many people to help me, and the more people I have, the safer I am. Do you say that?"

The rain and the trees nodded straight.

"Then I will use these clothes and equipment as a condition to ask you to help me. I will provide you with various personal items and you will fight for me."

"What are personal items? I just want pretty gear." Rain asked weakly.

"Equipment is just one of the personal items. You actually need a lot of things in your life. For example ... ask first. Do you eat? Or do you only live by absorbing elements?"

Yu shook her head: "Of course we have to eat. The light-absorbing element can only provide the mana needed for battle, but it doesn't matter the belly!"

It seems that rain and trees are already high-level elemental life. Elements alone can no longer sustain life forms. But since they want to eat, it's easy to handle, at least we have something more to seduce them.

I dragged two bottles of Bai Yulu extorted from Heaven Court from Fenglong Space and handed them to two people. The two of them first lighted up, then happily hugged the two bottles and said, "Is this for us? It looks so good, what does this thing do? Why is it so beautiful?"

gosh! These two girls have never seen high-grade colored porcelain. I just wanted them to taste the white jade dew inside, but they both held the bottle as a baby. "Well ... two, this is just a container for things. I want you to see the contents. There is a lid on it. It can be removed, yes, that is, it can be opened. There is some liquid in it, you You can drink a bit. "

Both girls carefully opened the cap of Li Yi, and at the same time showed the scent of the liquid in the bottle at the same time, then carefully took a sip, but couldn't help but took another big sip until the last bottle I embarrassed and stopped before I tasted it.

I said with a smile: "This is just a drink, there are many similar things, each with a unique flavor. Although not necessarily delicious, it is also very good to change the taste when paired. Except this We still have delicious food besides drinks. "I said, took out a copy of the teriyaki salami after advanced cooking, and as a result I was still there, chopsticks, and the two of them split the salamander by hand. Already.

Watching the two of them licking their fingers over there, I proudly said, "The supplies are not just beautiful clothes. They are delicious, delicious, and others. There are so many things you have never thought of. As long as you help me do things, I can provide you with these supplies. What do you think? "

"Do you really eat this every day?" The tree still kept the minimum alert, but there was no deterrent to seeing her lick her fingers.

"Of course we don't eat this every day." Looking at the tree showed the expression that I would know, I immediately smiled and added: "Because we have tens of thousands of different foods, we usually have four dishes and one meal for each meal. Soup, even if it is not heavy, it will take years to try all of them. How can you stare at one thing every day? Besides, most of these tens of thousands of foods refer to meat and vegetarian dishes that need to be cooked. We do n’t count fruit and other things that can be eaten directly without processing. Such as this. ”I threw two more fruits to them.

The two little girls immediately choked up holding the fruits, their faces full of happiness.

I continued to persuade the iron while hot: "How is it? It tastes good? This is a simple fruit, a lot on our side."

Rain had surrendered long ago. The tree still wanted to resist, but after I came up with ornaments made of various precious materials and various cosmetics, she was completely knocked down. Women are beautiful, and elemental creatures are no exception.

After we got the tree, we ran to Dongfu, a friend who was underground. On the way, I inquired a lot of information about Tianbaodibao from the mouth of the tree and rain. Valuables in this era are basically in the unopened state. Since humans in this era have not yet entered the stage of socialization, all kinds of rare items are common in this era, especially the animal and plant resources, which are like wild grass everywhere. Yes.

The third friend we met saw the tree and the rain live far away, and even with the high magic pets such as flying birds and spears, it took us a lot of time to fly to the throne. Judging by the time of our flight, the Throne of Seal and the spear, we have actually left China's borders, but the continents on this earth have not yet separated. The entire earth is a big 6 and it is completely connected together, so we can't figure out which country is here. The terrain here is really far from our time. Our era was a place of high mountains, and it may be a plain here. This is all a matter of course. However, our preliminary judgment is that this is likely to be Antarctica.

Although the area where we are now is clearly on the equator, and there are large areas of tropical rainforest at our feet, this area is now trending to be separated from the other parts of the Big Six. And judging by the general terrain, this is likely to be Antarctica in future generations, but at this time it is still on the equator, and of course it is not as cold as in our era.

Finally found a place. I saw a floating island floating in the sky all the way. We saw a lot of floating islands along the way. Floating islands of this era are as common as mountain bales, but this one is the floating island with the highest stop position we have seen. It is almost at the height of the thermostatic layer. The tree knows the road, and we are likely to fly under it without knowing it.

This floating island is very different from the floating island we have seen before. Not only is it relatively high, but its structure is completely different from the previous floating island. There are no plants or soil on this floating island. Some are just white rocks that look like white jade. This white stone looks easy to mix it with clouds from below, which is one of the reasons why it is so hidden.

There is no rugged terrain above the island, only the central part is slightly higher, which is roughly a flat top. The only feeling here is that the wind is strong. Standing alone here alone has the feeling of being blown away. Even two people should shout loudly because the air flow is too fast and the transmission of sound waves is difficult. However, we only walked less than one side, and the wind around the meter suddenly disappeared. The few of us who hurt also almost fell because of the sudden loss of resistance. Rain and trees seem to have known that there is such an enchantment here, and it is not affected at all.

I was about to say the two of them, and suddenly saw the figure flashing in front of me. A white figure rushed towards me with a series of phantoms, and I hurriedly crossed my hands to protect him. I felt a small amount of strength on my arm, but I also took a step back. The white silhouette quickly backed up by the power of kicking me and flashed out more than a hundred meters, and then circled back again. The other person suddenly stopped when they arrived in front of me, and then threw a leg. I put my hands in front of me and caught the leg firmly, but the other person broke away again, and then the figure suddenly disappeared.

I'm not a rookie. As soon as the other party disappeared, I felt someone close behind, with a sound of purine, two and a half months automatically hovered behind me, stopping the other party forcibly. I got a wing, and the other party quickly backed away, but I felt that the wing tip still scratched.

"Sister Feng, stop fighting." Yu and Shu shouted anxiously.

The figure ignored them both and suddenly appeared in front of me. I only saw her as a beautiful woman with a pair of shiny silver eyes, but then I only saw her quickly away from me. It's not that she's backing, but I'm kicked off. Since the beginning, her degree has been increasing, and getting faster and faster. I ca n’t figure out why she attacked me, but it does n’t look like she ’s playing, because that foot was just a trick, but I stopped at the critical moment, but the other side was too powerful, still kicked me Fly away.

I will be dead after playing again. Two and a half months as I flew out, I flew towards her. As soon as the woman shakes her hand, the two wind blades are hitting two and a half months, but the half moon is too sharp. After cutting the wind blade, she still rushes forward unabated. The woman was slightly surprised, but she flashed out quickly, and she couldn't catch up with her for half a month. But half a month was just a bait to distract her, and the real killing was on my side.

I drew six daggers from behind with both hands and threw them out. The six-handed dagger stared at a hexagon on the ground. The woman glanced at me, wondering why I threw the dagger so sideways, but she knew immediately what I was going to do. Two dragon tendon ropes flew out of my hands, hitting two daggers, and then I pulled the rope and rushed up. The wind didn't know what I wanted to do, so I just let it go, but I pulled the dragon's tendon in my hand, rushed to the edge of the dagger, hung the cable on the handle of the dagger, and then lowered the dagger run. The six-handed dagger was quickly pulled out of a six-horse star array with a frame. Feng noticed that it was too late. I was comfortable with the magic on the rope line, and quickly opened a closed enchantment based on the rope line. The wind was sealed in one of the enchantments, but half a month was still free. Shuttle among them. The enchantment limited the wind's space for movement, so that she could quickly catch her even if she was slow in half a month.

After flying around for two and a half months, they flew back together. The wind was inevitable in the narrow area. They watched for two and a half months and flew towards her at the same time.

"Don't." Rain yelled, two in the middle of the night and caught on the wind's neck, almost separated her head from her body, but I stopped for half a month.

Feng's eyes were frightened and dissatisfied, but she seemed more frightened. Half-moon is an elemental weapon. Although it has a strong physical lethality, its real purpose is to cut energy, so even if the elemental creature is cut, it is inevitable.

"Do you want to continue?" I asked provocatively. This style is obviously inherently arrogant. If you are not convinced, you may not be able to subdue her. It will definitely not let you finish. "

"That's good." I stood up, the enchantment disappeared, Long Jinsuo brought the dagger back, and half a month also left from her neck and returned to my back. "Again."

Feng's body suddenly disappeared in place, and it appeared in front of me in the next second, and punched straight into my throat. If I hit this time, I will faint, but I'm not stupid, I bowed my head, and the bottom edge of the mask was connected with the collar of the armor, blocking the neck. However, the combat experience of the wind was not bad. A blade of wind came out of the fist and penetrated directly through the gap before I bowed my head. I was blown up and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the magic dragon suit also has a link-type armor on the neck, otherwise I just lost a moment.

I just got up and the wind had reached me. A sweeping leg kicked at my calf, and I quickly turned the calf to an angle, and the back blade of the calf bounced. "Ah!" Feng kicked his leg on the edge of the knife, and retreated with a moan.

I said to Yuhe Shu: "See? The equipment is not only beautiful, but also useful when fighting."

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