Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 42: World 5 Demon II

The rain and the trees are considered to understand the importance of equipment. Before I said that the equipment can enhance the strength. Although they believed, they did n’t know the specific situation after all, so they did n’t have an intuitive understanding. Now when you see the actual demonstration, you will fully understand the importance of the equipment. If it hadn't been for my neck protection before, now I've been cut throat, and just now it's because the back blade on the back of the leg hurt the windy leg. It can be seen that equipment is very important in battle.

Although the wind was wounded, it was not a big deal. The wound only recovered with two drops of blood. Elemental life also has blood, but they have semi-energy properties, so wounds recover quickly. As for rain, because of her special attributes, she is not afraid of weapon attacks.

"Dark arrows hurt people." Feng said angrily at me.

"This is not a dark arrow. If you don't see it, it doesn't mean that I use a hidden weapon! Besides, as long as it can hurt people, isn't the hidden weapon the same?"

"Okay, you're right. But you are about to get out of here."

"Well?" I didn't understand what the wind meant, but she immediately explained it with actual action. Four huge tornadoes suddenly appeared beside the wind, then they began to spin on one side to grow, gradually increasing into four black tornadoes, then the four tornadoes began to collide with each other, and quickly merged into two larger tornadoes. Following these two big tornadoes, they collided again and merged into a class tornado.

A tornado is not the same as a typhoon. Its destructive power depends on its rotation, not its volume. The diameter of this tornado's grounding part is only about one meter in diameter, but its rotation has reached a terrible level, because as it moves, the rocks on the ground are cracking rapidly and immediately thrown into the sky. Under the control of the wind. This class of tornado rushed towards me quickly, if the gods were involved, it would not be saved.

I decisively turned and shouted at the gold coins: "Is there any previous deep-water bomb?"

"A few more."

"All for me."

The gold coin immediately took out the bomb and threw it over. After I picked it up, I set the timer on the bomb at a one-second interval, and the shortest one was three seconds. The longest eleven seconds. After the setting was completed, I pressed the longest timer on the throne of time, and then kicked it into the tornado, followed by starting the second longest time on the throne of time, and kicked into the tornado again. A bunch of bombs were kicked into the tornado in the order of the throne of time. Since the longest time of the throne of time is the first to start, their actual explosion time should be within the same second.

Three seconds after I kicked the last bomb, I only heard a loud noise, and the tornado suddenly burst from top to bottom. The huge blast force completely dissipated the airflow. The gravel just sucked up all looked like It just fell like rain.

The wind took two steps back in shock. "It's impossible! What did you do?"

"Nothing. Just two bombs dropped."


"It's something that bursts instantly," I explained.

"The bomb you just kicked into the whirlwind?"

"Yes, that's the bomb."

"But I don't think the bomb is really powerful. Why can it destroy my whirlwind?"

gosh! The power of explosives was released in an instant. The total energy is not great, but the destructive power is amazing, but it will take a few months to explain this thing to an ancient monster such as the wind, and she must give her science class in the first half of the year.

I coughed and cleared my throat, and then said, "This ... In fact, the principle of this thing is very complicated. It is not clear what to say, anyway, it is a tricky way, but it can destroy a lot of power with a small force."

Feng thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know why I hit you as soon as I saw you?"

"Why?" I really want to know this question. The rain and trees before were kind to me. The wind hits everyone. Besides, I came with rain and wind. Since she can be with her friends, she should not be so hostile to me!

Feng explained: "I was actually nearby when you got to the tree before. I happened to be looking for the tree at that time. I didn't expect to see you, but now you are trying to abduct the tree and rain for you."

It seems that the wind is more savvy than trees, or that she has seen the world. The tree is just smart, but the life experience is too little, this wind is really seen in the market. Know a lot of things they don't know. So her understanding of many things is more complicated than trees and rain. If this is coherent, I can understand that she constantly attacks as soon as she comes up. She was actually testing my strength, because the tree and the rain had already trusted me, and she knew that she would also be invited, so she wanted to test if I was worth her help. If my strength is bad, she might kill me and persuade the tree and rain to stay. But apparently now she already knew that I was not so easy to deal with.

"Since you heard our previous conversation, I'll just click on it! Do you think you can accept the terms I offered then?"

"Most accepted, but add one."

"What do you want to add?"

"You have to teach me everything I want to learn, because you seem to know a lot of things I do n’t know, and they are very useful, such as the one you just said to destroy a lot of force with a small force, I think It should be used in combat. "

"That's okay. But what you want to learn can only be what we can. If we can't, we can't teach you."

"The deal."

Describe people to do things neatly and say that this person is fiercely popular, this girl really has the same wind-like character, the next decision is extremely decisive.

The wind is not the same as the tree and the rain. She has no possessions and no clothes. Before fighting with me, the wind never wore anything, but her body was always entangled with a layer of white air, so she could not see anything. According to Feng herself, this layer of airflow not only can hide the ugliness, but also has a strong defense. In my opinion, this is the early form of Storm Armor, but later Storm Armor was improved to be more suitable for defense.

After taking the wind, we went to the residence of their fourth friend together. According to the results we asked, the fourth friend was called Jin Ling, and the body was probably a gold life form. According to them, their five best friends are actually Jin Mu Shui Huo plus a wind.

Strange to say. The five major elements mentioned in the five elements and gossips in China should be Jinmu Shuihuotu, but the five of them are Jinmu Shuihuofeng, with more wind but less soil. I don't know what is going on.

The place where Jin Ling lives is also far away, and it is also very weird. The vegetation on this big 6 was very rich, but as we get closer and closer to the destination, there are fewer and fewer plants around. The dark brown soil surface did not know when it began to be gradually replaced by a reddish semi-sandy land, and later it directly transitioned to a large Gobi-type landform. As we got closer and closer to the target, the ground began to change gradually, and the previous red land began to change to black again, but that was not the color of the soil, but the entire rock. From time to time, green areas appeared on the black rocky ground, but that was not a plant, but a copper oxide.

The gold coin couldn't help but sigh: "If only we could build a mine here! If you look at this mine, it's basically placed there in the open air and you can just dig it."

Chris Dina also couldn't help but said: "Looking there, large tracts of minerals have naturally condensed, which is obviously surprisingly high in purity. Such a good mining area is simply a good material. It is a pity to dig it back and burn it. what!"

Zhenhong wondered: "Supposedly, there were mines in ancient times, but also in modern times, but I haven't heard of where there are such mines! Can minerals still fail?"

I shook my head and said, "You're right, the mine can still run. This is Hongdaida 6, which means that this is the state where the earth has just formed. At this time, heavy metals are still on the surface, so you can see this. Highly clustered mineral area. However, with the passage of the Seal of the Seal of God, the crust gradually changes, heavier materials will gather to the center of the earth, and light things will be squeezed onto the surface. This is why the crust is now Almost always the cause of aluminum ~ ~ Although this piece of mineral has not been mined in future generations, but they will eventually sink into the earth's crust and enter the core of the earth, of course we cannot mine! "

Cristina said: "If conditions permit, we should really build a permanent portal in this era. It is really sad to see so many good mines fail!"

The wind suddenly interjected: "Are these stones the mine you say?"

I nodded. "You see what we wear and hold in our hands. All these things are smelted from basic mineral combinations. So these inconspicuous minerals are actually the basic source of our daily necessities. On our side, these things are very valuable and important. "

"Is money the kind of thing you said before that is used to calculate the value of the goods you exchange?" Feng asked again. Of the three girls, she has the most problems and is the best to use in her head.

Gold coins said with a smile to the wind: "Money is a good thing. As long as you have money, you can exchange it for individual people. We call this exchange relationship a buying and selling relationship. The following things can sell a lot of money to us. Unfortunately, now that I have no tools and no manpower, I ca n’t take it back if I want to take it. I ca n’t eat it when I see it, I ’m so mad! ”

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