Starting human body

Chapter 140 Darkness Comes

Commercial Street.

A new morning came, and the sun was still as warm as ever. The streets were full of people, seemingly unaware of the approaching crisis.

Xia Shu came out without a camera for the first time. Passing by the intersection alone, she came to the big screen in the square where she stopped last time.

The news reported on Zoga,

A port city in Australia suffered a devastating blow. Zoga just flew in a circle, and a large number of high-rise buildings were damaged by light bombs.

In the image, wherever Zojia flew over, they turned into exploding ruins.

At this time, I am afraid that even TPC did not expect that there was more than one Zoga, and the prelude to destruction had already begun.

Natsuki looked away and went to a nearby store to buy some fruit.

Grandma is an old man with white hair who lives alone. She lives in an old house with a courtyard and is surrounded by high-rise buildings. She is a famous nail household in the neighborhood.

Many people were waiting for grandma to die, but she still survived tenaciously.

Natsuki also had some contact with Grandma after the incident of red and blue aliens.

I can't say that I'm very close to him, I only come to see him occasionally.

The wooden door opened, and grandma saw Xia Shu and said happily: "Come here, why do you keep bringing gifts? I'm old, I can't finish eating at all."

Usually there are no guests at home, but the old man still made a lot of preparations, and seemed to be looking forward to Xia Shu's visit.

There was a feeling of being treated as a nephew, but seeing the old man's lonely appearance, Xia Shu didn't say anything.

Natsuki put down the fruit and drank tea at the kotami table.

"Grandma, I have a friend at TPC who said that a monster will attack soon. You'd better pack your things and prepare to evacuate."

"Friend? It's you, right? I understand."

The old man saw clearly and brought Xia Shu dessert with a smile.

"But old lady, I'm getting older. In the end, I just want to stay with you in this house and don't worry about me."

She had seen Red Tribe's fear of Natsuki last time, and since then she has also treated Natsuki as an alien.

And he's a kind alien.

Natsuki opened her mouth, but didn't say anything more, and started eating the dessert as usual.

"I probably won't come back after this time."

"Are you leaving?" The old man's expression was stunned, and then he wanted to say something else, "You have to go back too... You have to take care of yourself. It's definitely not easy to be alone outside."

"I'm used to it."

Xia Shu sensed the old man's thoughts and was secretly helpless.

An alien is an alien, he is indeed not from this planet.

When Xia Shu said goodbye and left, grandma followed her to the door like an old mother sending her children off for a long journey.

"Mr. Gaoshu," grandma suddenly said with tears in her eyes, "you are a good person."

Natsuki didn't look back.

He will no longer deliberately avoid interacting with others as before, but as his mental strength becomes stronger, he will also not be bound by it.

He has experienced too many separations, and will continue to do so in the future.

"What's the matter with calling me here suddenly?"


Onoda smiled and put down his bag and sat down at the bar. When he saw Natsuki ordering a glass of wine, he couldn't help but look startled.

"What's wrong?"

"Let's have a drink together."

Natsuki raised his glass to Onoda.

"Today may be the last time."

"Why do you say that suddenly?" Onoda said with a stiff smile, "Are you leaving?"


Natsuki tasted the bitterness in the wine, but didn't feel much.

Alcohol didn't seem to have any effect on him, and it was better to drink milk.

"A glass of brandy."

Following Onoda was Megumi Nakama in casual clothes, who naturally ordered a glass of wine.

"Captain in the middle?" Onoda looked surprised. He looked back but couldn't find Munakata, "Are you coming alone?"

"Yes," Hui Jian looked at Xia Shu with a smile, "I have something to do with Gao Shu..."

"Is it appropriate that the captain of the victory team is not at the base at this time?" Natsuki interrupted.

The battle against Zoga continues. This time the Victory Team dispatched the Snow Fighter equipped with the Magus power system.

At this moment, the Snow White is activating the Mags power system, and is chasing Zoga with Big Gudiga...

"It's because of times like this that I want to come out even more."

With a smile on her face, Hui Jian played a riddle with Natsuki. She didn't tell the truth but kept staring at Natsuki.

"You should also know Saga, right?" Megumi asked proactively, "The wings of evil that burned the earth, the messenger that shrouded the entire earth in huge darkness... What will happen after this?"

Natsuki glanced at Megumi.

"If I were you, I'd better arrange an evacuation quickly. It's just the beginning."


"There are more than one Zoga. Soon they will appear in large numbers from that underwater ruins, followed by darkness sweeping the world. Your base built on the sea will bear the brunt of the attack."


Hui Jian's smile faded and she hurried away with a solemn expression.

Onoda was confused. It wasn't until Megumi walked away that he hurriedly asked Natsuki: "Takasuki, what are you talking about? What darkness?"

"The end of the world is coming," Natsuki stood up and said, "Mr. Onoda, you should also prepare to take refuge. The underground shelter is relatively safe."

The luckiest people in the world are the people in the Victory Team, and the Victory Team is lucky to have a captain like Hui Jiajian.

If it were anyone else,

He didn't bother to say so much.

Only Hui Jian would trust him like this and make preparations in advance.

Midorikawa family,

Natsuki immediately started packing her luggage after she came back.

Desserts, cameras, spark dolls, some personal belongings and exchanged gold,

I only brought one set of clothes, just to avoid being like that time in the Milky Way Time and Space, so I only brought a few important items.

He even kept Abbas and the Machine Island dolls.

There was no way, even though Eno Mina was absorbed, the total number of dolls was still 11, and the backpack couldn't fit at all.

"Gao Shu, is the situation really bad?"

Takano was also packing things with little Mai, preparing to go to the shelter in advance.

"What will happen to humanity in the future?"

"Maybe he will die..."

Xia Shu picked up her backpack and said,

"But before the results are announced, it's best not to give up hope. Miracles will only happen if you don't give up."


Little Mai followed Geddy to the door.

"Aren't you with us?"

"I have more important things to do."

Natsuki looked at Midorikawa and his daughter, turned around and set off.

No matter what the outcome is this time, he will eventually leave this time and space.


In the Pacific Ocean, billowing plasma black mist continuously pours out accompanied by lightning and thunder, rapidly spreading around.

The earth was instantly covered by darkness.

Dagu and Lina drove the Snow White back, both of them remaining silent.

During the battle with Zoga, Lina witnessed Dagu's transformation, and finally the two of them worked together to eliminate Zoga.

"Dago," Lina looked at the darkness outside the fuselage and spoke first, "do you think we can win? If destruction is destiny..."

"It won't be destroyed," Da Gu said in a deep voice, "Let's change our destiny together!"

"Yeah." Lina's heart warmed a little, and she speeded up to fly back to the TPC base firmly.

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