Starting human body

Chapter 141 Ye Rui: Aguru is setting off!

At the harbor pier, Natsuki walked to the coast alone carrying a bag.

The movement on Hui Jian's side was very fast, and the dock side became particularly deserted, with no one around.

The traces of the battle between him and the second Kirialod last night were still there. As the sea breeze blew by, the atmosphere was desolate, and it seemed that the feeling of doom was even greater.

Xia Shu looked up at the dark clouds covering the sky, her sight penetrated the layers of space and turned to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

The dark power of Luluye Ruins is constantly increasing, and there are already signs of opening up in the dusty dark world.

This time it was not just a Gatanjie that appeared, even though Gatanjie was already terrifying.

The complete trio of Gatanjie and Camilla plus the Dark World... what will happen in the end?

It is definitely much more serious than "Tiga" TV and the theatrical version of "The Final Holy War\

,"The danger level of this parallel time and space shouldn't exceed S level, right?

Natsuki frowned and grasped the stone rod transformer in his hand.

He couldn't transform into a shining form like Tiga.

But there are no solutions.

The trio of Gatanjeel and Camila can harness the power of the Dark Realm, and so can he.

Fighting darkness with darkness was his plan after discovering that the gray giant could ascend.

This will undoubtedly turn the away game into a home game, which is much safer than relying solely on Leo. Of course, the trump card must be kept to be effective.

If the gray giant fails by then,

Leo will use it to save his life...


Pictures suddenly flashed through Xia Shu's mind.

It was sensed that a TPC Dolphin submarine was in trouble at the bottom of the Luluye ruins...


Pacific waters,

The originally beautiful ocean also showed its ferocious side in the darkness.

Thunder and lightning continued to bombard the sea under the wind and rain,

The sea water bubbled and rolled violently as the Luluye ruins rose, like a terrible shipwreck caused by a storm.

The seabed was not calm either. Dolphin 202, which had lost contact with the base, was shaking violently, and it was difficult to maintain balance in the turbulent water.

"what happened?"

Horii and Shinjo in the submarine screamed in panic. Through the rising bubbles, they could faintly see a huge black shadow in the submarine's light.

"What is that big black shadow?!"

"Headquarters! Dolphin No. 202 calls headquarters!"

TPC base.

Zongfang also tried calling Dolphin No. 202, but there was no response.

"No, there seems to be a problem in that sea area!"

"How is the evacuation work going?" Hui Jian asked.

"There were still many people who resisted at the beginning," Ye Rui reported, "but now it's going smoothly, and the last batch has been evacuated!"

"That's good," Hui Jian breathed a sigh of relief, "We are also preparing to evacuate..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Police Chief Yoshioka said solemnly, "Do you know what it means to abandon the base? What kind of commander is he who makes an evacuation decision just because of unfounded judgment?"

Jian Hui hesitated to speak: "But..."

"I believe in the intermediate captain," Director Sawai said. "At times like this, we must also believe in the winning team."


Yoshioka looked directly at his old friend.

"Then the police station will stay..."

"Director!" Dagu and Lina hurried to the command room after returning, "There is a strange black mist on the bottom of the sea, and it has invaded the base!"


An underground shelter somewhere in Tokyo,

A large number of evacuees were sitting on the ground, some carrying suitcases and others only carrying backpacks.

The atmosphere in the crowded environment was depressing, and the occasional whispers and cries of babies made people uneasy.

TPC soldiers used loudspeakers to comfort them, but some people still wanted to leave and even argued with the soldiers.

"Everyone, calm down! Saga has attacked Tokyo!"

"It's dangerous out there now!"

"Let me out!" a bald man yelled angrily.

The sound of a baby crying is similar to the sound of nails scraping against a blackboard. This annoying high-frequency sound can easily drive people crazy, especially for people who are under great pressure or even have mental disorders. It is simply torture.

But the noise of these people caused more crying, and the place became a mess.

TPC soldiers struggled to block the exit and kept shouting.

"Everyone, calm down and sit down first!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

"Dad..." Little Mai shrank to Takano in fear, "Mai wants to go home."

"I'll go back."

Takano sighed secretly and turned on his laptop, but he couldn't connect to the Internet. The portable TV and emergency radio signals were also very poor.

The density of black fog outside increased, and the signal seemed to be cut off.

I wonder how Gao Shu is doing now...

TPC base,

The black mist rising from the bottom of the sea left the Victory Team helpless, and finally chose to evacuate through the Atdis.

The atmosphere in the command room was quite heavy.

This is the first time that a base has to be abandoned...

"Captain!" Ye Rui brought up the big screen and shouted excitedly, "Aguru is setting off! It seems he is going to the ruins sea area!"


Dagu tensed up and hurriedly followed everyone to look at the screen.

Sure enough, I saw the gray giant figure spread its arms and fly over the base, and finally turned into a ray of light and disappeared from sight.

Judging from the direction, it should be the source of darkness.

Mr. Gao Shu...

"But Aguru himself seems to be darkness," Yoshioka still did not relax, "We are not completely sure that Agururu is the red giant yet, are we?"

Yoshioka felt heavy,

He is really afraid that the gray giant is the enemy of mankind.

To be honest, even if there is no huge darkness coming, the gray giant alone is already difficult to deal with.

Ruins of Luluye,

After the violent impact, the seabed temporarily returned to calm, and Dolphin 202 finally had a chance to breathe, but for Horii and Shinjo, there seemed to be no difference.

Not to mention losing contact with the headquarters, now the Dolphin cannot even surface.

Horii glanced at Xincheng, who was still calling the headquarters.

"You are so determined to give up, aren't you tired? I said that darkness blocked the radio."

"You must be patient!" Shinjo gasped and looked at Horii, who seemed resigned to his fate. "We can neither communicate with the outside world nor float up!"

"Don't be so angry," Horii said, "people like you will run out of oxygen very quickly... It doesn't matter if you are single. I still have a fiancée. When it comes to death, I will definitely be more afraid than you."

"I still have a sister!" Shinjo said angrily, "If I die, Mayumi will definitely be sad!"


Horii suddenly sat up and stared at the ball of lightning hitting the seabed with wide eyes.

After the light group converged, the huge gray giant figure was revealed in the detection screen...

"It's Aguru!"

Horii exclaimed and was about to call for help, but found that the gray giant had not noticed this at all, but was floating above a ruins.

"what is that?"

"Aguru shouldn't be from this ruins, right?"

Xincheng looked nervously at the screen and vaguely saw three figures floating opposite the gray giant.

How can it be?

Why are there people in the sea? Hallucination?

Xincheng wiped his eyes.

The three figures stood at the same level as the gray giant's head, looking like they were communicating with the giant.

I'll check the situation at night and stay up late to finish writing the Diga chapter if I have time. ┐(─__─)┌

I've been suffering from a lot of physical problems lately, and I'm not in good condition, so I haven't saved any manuscripts.

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