Starting human body

Chapter 155 Fighting King


In area T8, Max Jayton appears again.

When the Maskedi was engaged in an air battle, the research team also rushed to the scene with instruments and equipment.

"Hurry up and get ready!"

Touma glanced at Max Jeddon and Ax who had already started fighting in front of him, and hurriedly asked Liu Yi and Mamoru to move the equipment out of the car.

When the research team is dispatched, in addition to on-site analysis of monsters, they now mainly provide virtual card support to Ax.

Natsuki stood far away among the evacuated people seeking refuge, looking calm.

The research lab just developed the virtual Jayton card, and this Jayton came out...

It seems that there must be something wrong with that card, so the research room is not given too much time.


In a mid-air battle, the Maskedi frantically unleashed its firepower on Jetton to support Aix. During the roar of the explosion, the fuselage roared past Natsuki's head.

People in the streets took refuge and stayed away.

"hurry up!"

"Data can be transferred!"


After the ground research team was ready, the virtual Jayden card data was sent to Aix, and he immediately saw Aix wearing a brand new armor.

Just don't wait for everyone to be happy,

The armor around Ax suddenly changed, its color changing from golden to blue-purple.

"What's going on? It seems like Ax can't move!"

Mamoru panicked and checked the data.

"There must be something wrong!"

"Leave it to me, I'll confirm..."

Touma took the initiative and took over the task. Just as he was about to operate the computer, his body was suddenly blown away by a laser bullet.



"Don't be fooled by him!" Another Dr. Touma approached with a beam gun, "Let's stop here, Kuvira from Slan!"

"What? Two doctors!"

Asuna, who was protecting the scene, looked around, his thoughts confused.

Fortunately, Dr. Touma, who was wearing a suit, had no intention of hiding anymore, and stood up with an evil smile amidst the burning black flames.

"You finally showed up, Touma Kaito... No, I should call you Ultraman Max!"

Touma in the suit seemed completely unaffected by the attack just now, calmly dispelling the mimicry and returning to his appearance as a Slan Star.

"The only one who can stop us now is you! Ultraman Max!"

High-speed space people, Slan people.

An insectoid form with two tentacles on its head.

It can walk at super high speeds and move so fast that its body cannot be seen. It can also use its super high speed movements to create phantoms to confuse its enemies.


Jayton increased his destruction under the control of the Slan people, and Max had to transform and stop Jayton first.

The light flashed at high speed,

A building was attacked by Jayden's fireball. The debris was scattered in all directions under the violent explosion. A mother and son on the ground had no time to escape and were narrowly rescued by the light.

Ultraman Max's figure condensed in the light and stopped Zeton, while trying to rescue X.

"Another Ultraman!"

Everyone in Gio looked at Max who joined the battle in surprise.

"That's Ultraman Max!" Dr. Vandenstar Germann said excitedly.

As a senior arcana fan, he almost grew up listening to these stories about Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, but he never expected to see Max with his own eyes.


Asuna chased the Silan star alone. He fired several shots in a row but was avoided by the opponent's high-speed movement, making it impossible to aim.

"Bang bang!"

After all the shots failed, Asuna shed a trace of sweat from the corner of her eyes, and a feeling of powerlessness came to her heart.

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of enemy.

Cunning and insidious, the battle is still so difficult...

"I can't spare you!"

Asuna gritted her teeth and continued to prepare to shoot, but suddenly the Silan star disappeared, and suddenly the opponent's figure suddenly appeared behind her.


Tomorrow Cai was shocked,

Facing the super-fast Slan people, not only was she unable to shoot, she was also unable to use her fighting ability.

So unwilling...


After the full-strength kick was easily avoided by the Slan Star, Asuna was knocked unconscious with hatred. In the end, she only saw the Slan Star's footsteps stopping in front of her.

"The game ends here, miss."

The Slan star smiled and raised the sharp blade on his arm.

"My only opponent is Max..."


A ray of petrifying light suddenly lit up from behind. Before the Slan star could react, he froze and was instantly petrified.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Da da."

Following the clear sound of footsteps, Natsuki walked out from behind holding the Gakuma doll.

After looking at the unconscious Asuna on the ground, his eyes turned to the stone statue of the Silan Star.

I don't know whether it was because the light from Jakuma's petrification was too weak, or because the Slan people themselves were resistant, but the stone statue was faintly shaking and recovering.

"How, how is it possible? You are not an ordinary human being at all?"

The consciousness of the Slan Star people fluctuated violently.

"How despicable!"

Natsuki didn't respond;

Under the horrified look of the Slan star, he took out the Gagorgon doll and fired a new petrifying light at the stone statue.

This time, the Slan people finally turned into stone statues.

The effect is not bad, but it is only suitable for sneak attacks.

Natsuki put away the doll,

Go over the Silan stone statue and pick up the beam gun that Asuna dropped on the ground.

This was the first time he had seen a ray gun that could be controlled by voice, and it was quite powerful.

"Bang bang!"

After studying for a moment, Xia Shu aimed at the Silan star stone statue and fired two shots in succession, which immediately exploded the stone statue into pieces.

He doesn't need the Slan Star doll, so it's better to just avoid future troubles.

After returning the ray gun to Asuna,

Natsuki walked to the concrete pillar, picked up the backpack she had placed behind the wall, and turned to leave.


giant battlefield,

When Natsuki looked up, Ax had been completely controlled by the Zeton armor on his body, and was now helping Zeton deal with Max.

Even Max, who was pretty strong, couldn't resist the "Max Jayton" attack from both sides, and was in a very bad situation.


As Natsuki walked, a circular flash of light spread out all over her body. When she raised her arm flat, the flash of light condensed between her fingers.

The same choice appeared before him.

B-level form, Zaasi.

A-level form, unknown giant of ruin star, dark Agur, Leo...

Natsuki looked at Max Jeddon out of the corner of his eye, and red light burst out violently in front of him.



Leo's red giant body burst out of the light, flipped in the air and fell into the battlefield. When he emerged, his legs shook and kicked Max Jayton away.

The strong force made Jayden stagger several times and almost fell to the ground.


Natsuki followed closely, clenching fists with both hands and engaging in close combat with Jayden. The two huge bodies collided with great force, and the surrounding earth and rocks exploded violently, and dust and mist flew into the air.


Max struggled to block Ax, who was out of control, and turned back to look at Natsuki in surprise.

"Who are you……"

"Another Red Ultraman!"

"Isn't that Leo?"

At Gio Base, Dr. Hermann stared at the battlefield.

Leo, the King of Fighting, is one of the famous fighting masters in the Kingdom of Light and is also Zero's master.

Jayden finally met his match!

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Will update more tomorrow.

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