Starting human body

Chapter 156 Trust

"Tomorrow's food!"

The air combat Maskedi piloted by Adu and Hayato's team members made an emergency landing due to Jeton's attack. After landing, the two hurriedly found Asuna who was knocked unconscious by the Slan Star.

"Cheer up, Asuka!"

"I'm fine..."

Asuka opened her eyes in a daze,

Looking at the direction Natsuki left, he stood up with difficulty with Hayato's help.

"What's going on with these rocks?" A'du looked at the shattered remains of stone statues around him in surprise.

"It's from Slan Star. Someone did come here just now..."

Asuna gradually woke up, and after glancing around, she looked up at the giant battle on the other side.

As the smoke filled the air, a huge red figure was reflected directly in his pupils.

Jayton retreated under the bombardment of red fists. Before the fireball attack was launched, he was kicked away by the giant who had distanced himself with a backspin leg.


Under the huge impact, the entire ground shook violently.

Asuka and the others stared blankly as Leo punched Jayden's chest and abdomen one after another as he was unable to stand, and the last punch hit Jayden's head hard.

Zeton did not become weaker, but the red giant Leo gained strength to rival him.

But despite this,

Leo still did not choose to compete with Jayton in brute strength. Instead, he avoided or interrupted Jayton's attack and then took advantage of the situation to effectively fight back.

"Bang bang bang!"

On the battlefield, Max blocked the out-of-control Ax, and part of his attention was also focused on the battle between Leo and Jayden.


When Xia Shu's fist power exploded, her figure suddenly jumped up, and her legs ignited with a blazing red light.

This Jayton is too resistant to beatings, and continuing close combat is not a good option...


Leo's body turned into a flaming arrow and kicked down, and then spun at high speed to form an electric drill, kicking straight towards Jayden who was holding up a cone-shaped barrier on the ground.


The impact of the explosion passed by in a flash,

As the strong air flow stirred up dust, the barrier shattered like glass.


Asuna and the others who were too close to the battlefield hurriedly avoided the strong wind. When they looked over again, Jayton had already converged into a point of light amid the violent explosion.

Jayden Sparks Doll...

"It's the doll again!"

Asuna recalled the scene of Aguru recycling the dolls, and said hesitantly,

"This red giant and the blue giant from last time...are they the same?"


Leo's footsteps landed firmly on the ground, and he didn't care about Ax and Max beside him.

He stretched out his hand to grab the light spot, raised his head, and jumped away from the battlefield.

Max followed Leo with his eyes.

It feels like Leo, but not Leo...

There is a rather scary and ominous atmosphere.

at dusk,

Dadi successfully removed the trap card of the Slan Star and got a new virtual Jayton armor.

"I'm sorry," Toma Kaito said goodbye to Daichi, "I've caused you trouble. The Slan people are using you to deal with me."

"It's me who should apologize. It's all because I didn't pay attention that Aix was controlled."

Daichi shook his head and asked Touma Kaito,

"What on earth are you..."

"I am Ultraman Max, and I am borrowing the appearance of a comrade in arms,"

Touma Kaito nodded and said,

"I believe that after this time, you also know how difficult it is to trust others, but no matter when, I hope you can trust others, especially your comrades. Trusting each other can make you stronger."


Dadi picks up the X terminal.

He always believed in Akers. It was this incident with Dr. Touma that made him no longer so naive, and he could not blindly trust outsiders.

Touma Kaito smiled, took out his transformer and said, "In order to protect the civilization of this planet, please use my power. If you can trust me..."


The dazzling golden light converged into the X terminal, and finally converged into an Ultraman Max electronic card.

Geo base.

Natsuki, who returned first, stayed alone in the research room, holding the recovered Max Jayton doll in his hand.

Apart from being good at hand-to-hand combat, this Jayton is not very good in other aspects.

There is no instantaneous movement, and it cannot absorb reflected light.

In terms of overall strength, it's actually a bit on par with the new generation.


Natsuki raised her hand to her chest, and the divine light mirror suddenly began to flicker.

Can be absorbed.

After a pause, Natsuki finally put the Max Jayton doll away.

After absorbing it, it won't improve him for the time being, but he can keep it for a try.

If we find a way to materialize it, we might be able to use it as a regular combat force in the future.

It has rough skin and thick flesh, high defense, and is not easy to die.

"Gaoshu?" Dr. Van Dunsinger-German returned to the research room, "When did you come back?"

"just came back."

Natsuki turned around and asked.

"I heard that Dr. Touma is from Slan. Is there any investigation at UNVER?"

"We have started self-examination, and..."

Dr. Hermann looked at Natsuki and hesitated to speak.

After Touma's problem, Natsuki, whose origin is unknown, also attracted attention.

Although no one questions him because he is an expert recommended by the UNVER headquarters in Geneva, there is certainly no shortage of doubts.

"Don't worry, I'm not Dr. Touma." Natsuki looked calm.

This problem will have to be faced sooner or later.

The person who recommended him was a senior UNVER executive from Geneva who visited Japan.

The other party thought he was a friendly alien with super powers, so he helped him join here.

At night,

Almost all members of the Geo combat team and the experimental team gathered in the command room, except Natsuki.

Everyone's eyes fell on Captain Shenmu, and the atmosphere at the scene was heavy.

Asuna, Daichi, Ryui, Adu, Hayato...

Some were alert, while others looked struggling.

"I believe in Mr. Gao Shu!" Liu Yi broke the silence first and said, "Mr. Gao Shu is working really hard these days!"

"Liu Yi..."

Dadi recalled Ultraman Max's advice, and stood up with a calm heart and said: "I also believe Mr. Gao Shu! Is the lack of the past really important? What does it matter even if it is an alien of unknown origin?"

See you again in 15 years,

Natsuki was still the gentle and mysterious big brother in his memory, even if he knew he was Ultraman X, he helped hide it.

Natsuki treats Touma differently from the one who is disguised as a Slan star.

Touma is deliberately flattering and hypocritically encouraging, while Natsuki is truly like family and friends...

"Captain," Asuna paused, then said to Captain Shenmu, "I also think Mr. Takaki is fine!"

Shenmu groaned and glanced at the many team members.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Natsuki is an alien. The key is the unknown and unknown origin.

"Don't think too much, I just understand the situation normally and want to see how everyone gets along with Mr. Gao Shu," Shenmu said with a smile, "I believe in my team members and the judgment of UNVER headquarters."

research room,

Natsuki, who was at the center of the storm, was still drinking hot coffee leisurely.

He will encounter identity troubles in almost every time and space,

Not a big problem.

The new generation is not as strict in time and space management as Tiga, and there are many alien residents on the earth.

The key is whether Gio is willing to accept him.

After all, this time the Slan star slapped Gio hard.

Seeing Dr. Hermann and others coming back from the command room, Xia Shu greeted them calmly: "It's faster than I thought."

"Mr. Gao Shu," Mamoru said with a bitter smile, "Why are you not in a hurry at all?"

"What's the use of being anxious?"

Natsuki smiled.

He only joined Gio because of the Spark Doll and super technology. Even if he left, it wouldn't be a big deal, it would just be more troublesome.

"If there are no problems," Natsuki took out his Shilbagon doll from the analysis container, "Help me apply for the virtual Shilbagon materialization experiment."

"Has the analysis been completed?" Dr. Hermann asked in surprise.

Natsuki knew nothing about virtual technology when he first arrived, but now he is actually able to analyze it himself.

"It should be no problem." Natsuki smiled.

His current learning ability is pretty good, and he also knows a lot about dolls, so it is not difficult to analyze them.

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