Starting human body

Chapter 185 The King Hundreds of Millions of Years Ago

Wang Family Valley Palace.

Several researchers looked around the sarcophagus.

The surface of the sarcophagus is engraved with mysterious words and a picture of the constellations.

The light seems to tell a story from a long time ago...

"There seems to have been a battle here...but what do these words mean?"

"No radioactive energy or thermal energy reaction was detected," the researcher looked around, turned to Kariya and said, "Would you like to open it and take a look?"

"Open it."

Several people stepped forward together and slowly pushed the heavy coffin lid.


As soon as a gap was opened, a strong golden light burst out from the coffin, and mist surged out from the location.

"What's this?!"



Koda frowned at the suddenly disconnected communication.

"There seems to be a strong magnetic field interference."

"What happened?"

Over the moon, before Yumimura Ryo's fighter jets arrived at the Wang Family Valley, there was a burst of noise in the communications.

When he wanted to ask Natsuki, he found that there was no one behind him except an empty helmet.

"Run away again..."

Yumimura Ryo looked helpless.

To this day she doesn't know what Natsuki's purpose is.

It always feels mysterious and a bit evil.

"This is Kariya," Kariya's voice came from the communication, "There is strong interference, and there is something wrong with the measuring instrument..."


Natsuki teleported into the outskirts of the underground palace.

It doesn't feel very comfortable,

However, as he is already at level 5, even if he is directly exposed to space, it will not have much impact, and he will adapt quickly.

After a pause, Natsuki looked deep into the open stone door.

In the underground palace,

"Kariya" put away the communicator and turned to the surroundings with a cold expression.

Three light groups rushed up from the wreckage after him and possessed the remaining three researchers.

"What a surprise, you guys haven't died yet..."


The leading researcher stared at "Kariya" from the side.

"The hatred of the comrades you killed will never be forgotten!"


"Kariya" sneered and raised his hands, his twin lights flashed and he fired two light bullets to knock away the two researchers who were rushing towards him.

"You're really looking for death!"


The remaining researcher was frightened and furious and hurriedly picked up the sword that had sealed Isiris on the ground. However, when he rushed forward to chop it, "Kariya" easily grabbed the blade with one hand.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Kariya" looked fierce, and a red light flashed on his hand again, sending the sword-holding researcher flying away.

"The strong have the obligation to destroy the weak like you. Only the strong can survive to the end. This is the law of the universe!"

"Are you strong?"

Natsuki entered the underground palace temple and glanced at the three unconscious researchers at Kariya's feet. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, penetrating Kariya's body and looking directly at a black soul body.

It looked like the Victory member was possessed by something inside the sarcophagus.

"Huh? Is it you?!"

Feeling Natsuki's powerful spiritual power, "Kariya" changed his expression.

Before this group of investigators came here, he had felt the prying eyes of an unknown source, as if the earth had given birth to a planetary will.

It turns out that the source is the man in front of me...


Two telekinesis collided in mid-air, and with a loud noise, Natsuki and "Kariya" simultaneously took a few steps back under the impact.

The emperor of the universe, Isilis from the planet Nuaza,

The king of Nuaza, which exploded 1.2 billion years ago, carried out killings and destruction on many planets in the solar system. He was finally defeated by many space warriors using the Demon-Sealing Sword, and was sealed in the ruins of this underground palace.

Now, although this guy's body has become a mummy, his soul still survives in a spiritual state.


Natsuki withdrew his katana from the light door that opened behind him, and flashed forward.

"Bang bang!"

"Kariya" suddenly lost Natsuki's figure, and was shocked. He hurriedly raised his sword to block it.

"Get that sword back quickly!"

The researcher struggled to hold himself up and watched in surprise as Natsuki fought off the "Kariya".

"The remains in the sarcophagus are Isiris's weak point. If you pierce the heart with the Demon-Sealing Sword, you can seal him again!"

"court death!"

"Kariya" was furious and wanted to kill several researchers completely, but he couldn't spare any effort.


Natsuki raised the knife and shook the "Kuri Ya" away, looking down at the sarcophagus.

He didn't know what Isilis' strength was in the past, but now after possessing Kariya, it was only about the same as when he was at level 4, and he was more super-powerful.

The problem is that he can't kill Kariya with one strike.

"Damn it! You forced me to do it!"

Seeing Natsuki staring at the sarcophagus, "Kariya" suddenly jumped back, and a black smoke-like spiritual body separated from the body and condensed above.

The appearance is vaguely similar to the huge stone statue behind the altar, and an ominous atmosphere envelopes the entire underground palace. .

"God of Nuaza! I have lost my body, please give me strength again!"


The black smoke turned into a ball of light and merged into the stone statue. The entire underground palace suddenly shook violently, and earth and rocks fell.


Several researchers watched in despair as the stone statue came back to life.

"This guy is even scarier..."

"Take care of this guy for me."

Natsuki helped the unconscious Kariya to the researcher, and when he turned to the resurrection stone statue, light was released in front of him.

The head of Isiris looks a bit like the head of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, and the body also has some mummy characteristics.

The energy aura is probably A-level,

Is this the extent of the so-called King of the Universe?


The huge body of Dark Aguru squatted and condensed in the light, and an even stronger ominous aura instantly swept through the underground palace.

"What?" Several researchers moved with Kariya and looked back at Dark Agur.

"What's going on?"


The light converges,

The giant looked back at the few people who exited the stone door, and slowly stood up and faced Isilis, who had assimilated with the huge stone statue. The originally quite vast underground palace suddenly seemed crowded.

"I have obtained the strongest power in the universe! You can't stop me!"

Isilis grabbed the sarcophagus, roared and flew up to break through the underground palace.


Above the Wang Family Valley,

Koda and Yumimura, who were on standby, flew fighter planes to avoid the exploding earth and rocks, and then saw the huge Isilis rushing out of the moon's surface.

"What's this?!"

"A huge life form appears in the Wang Family Valley!"


Dark Aguru chased Isilis out of the Valley of the Royal Family. His huge figure passed by Yumimura Ryo's fighter plane, and entered the universe with Isilis.

"Bang bang!" The red light bullets emitted by Isilis's hands were blocked by Dark Aguru.



Yumimura Ryo turned around hastily.

Aguru's elbow knife extended a light blade and suddenly drew a bright line in the universe.

Isilis paused, opened and closed his mouth a few times, and then exploded directly in space with a ray of sword light.


"Is this solved?" Several researchers who had just escaped from the ruins looked into space.

How could Isiris be so weak?

"that is……"

In the Super Victory Team command room, Gosuke Kihi clenched his fingers tightly and stared at the screen with wide eyes.

The light of the explosion dispersed, revealing the vaguely familiar figure of Dark Agur.

Compared with the original gray giant, there have been many changes, with richer colors and weapons.

But it can be seen that

That's right, that giant...

The gray giant who saved Washijin 10 years ago.

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