Starting human body

Chapter 186 Aliens



Natsuki turned into a beam of light and returned to Morino Town, landing on a hill.

After breaking away from the transformation, the Sword of Darkness also returned to its katana form, but the reaction was still strong.


As the blade trembled, Isilis' distorted face appeared faintly.

"Let, let me go! Please... I am willing to be loyal to you forever!"


Natsuki watched the katana gradually regain its calmness, and then swung it out.


A red-purple sword light was thrown out, and a big tree collapsed suddenly. The cross-section was so smooth that it could even reflect light.


Much faster than his own penance,

It feels like it won't be long before I can fully master "Blade Slash" and it will become another powerful skill for me.

Natsuki closed her eyes slightly.

There is no increase in mental power, but the control ability has improved a bit.

This Isiris is also a fat sheep, but it is a pity that he is the only one.

Are there any similar life forms in "Dyna"?

Xia Shu thought about it carefully, but found nothing.

There were too few living beings like Isilis or the Genai Jindaru who were resurrected from ancient times and happened to be helpful to him.

The Kirialodians of Degari are barely...


Natsuki reacted, turned around and walked into the light door, reaching out to grab the Kirialod II doll.

As a huge life form gathered by Kirialodians, it has been useless since he turned it into a doll. I wonder if it can be used as a training material.


The second-generation Kiri Elode doll was still bounced away by the divine light mirror, and was tangled with electricity throughout its body.

Or not……

Natsuki felt helpless and could only look at the katana in his hand.

The Sword of Darkness seems to have the characteristics of Gliza. I wonder if it can directly absorb the doll like Gliza.

At night,

Super Victory Team Base.

Mai smiled and returned to the command room holding a box of snacks.

"Are you hungry now? I brought delicious food over here!"

"Mai made it herself again," Asuka grimaced, "I'm not hungry now, so give it to Kariya."

"I, I don't want to eat either," Kariya waved his hands repeatedly, "Maybe it's because of what happened in the Wang Family Valley, I'm still not feeling well yet."

“Really delicious.”

Seeing that no one wanted to eat, Mai sat down in front of the computer and ate by herself.

"It's just a little sweet. If it's uncle, he will definitely like it..."

"Um, Mai," Xibi suddenly asked hesitantly, "Is your uncle back now?"

"Which uncle?"

"That's the alien uncle who will like your snacks."

"No," Mai said with a dark expression, "I haven't seen my uncle in 10 years."

"That's it..."

Xibi walked around the commander's room silently thinking.

He had specifically talked to Mai's father at the beginning and felt that Natsuki was probably the gray giant.

Could it be that he made a mistake?

"Captain," Yumimura met Xibi's eyes with a guilty conscience, "Is there any problem?"

Now she was very suspicious that the giant that appeared on the moon was Natsuki who went to the moon with her, and she didn't know whether she should report it.

"nothing much."

Xibi glanced at Yumimura Ryo in confusion. Just as he was about to ask Kariya about the situation in the Wang Family Valley at that time, the computer suddenly issued an alarm.

"Captain, a UFO crashed in the mountains of Area J!" Mai reported in a hurry.

"This is the TPC03 Wasp," the communication link said. "The fallen flying object has been found. Repeat, if the target is found, please send out recovery troops immediately!"

"How could a UFO crash at this time?" Feiniao wondered, "Isn't the Wang Family Valley incident over?"

"It's a spaceship."

TPC Medical Center.

The only pilot in the crashed spacecraft was taken to a special operating room for treatment.

The body shape is almost exactly the same as that of a human, except that the face cannot be distinguished due to the helmet.

Mai stood outside the operating room, watching the doctor take off the helmet and mask through the glass, and suddenly became nervous.

"I mean Mai," Asuka patted Mai on the shoulder, "You don't think he is your uncle, do you? How can there be such a coincidence..."

"Quiet, Asuka!"

Yumimura Ryo scolded.

"Since it's time to get off work, go back quickly! What's the fun here?"

"You are the one who makes the loudest noise, okay?" Asuka muttered and complained, "Besides, why are you here too?"

"What did you say?"

"No, I didn't say anything."

Several people gathered at the window and watched as the cosmonaut inside had his helmet and mask removed.

Under the helmet is not a monster, but a handsome face with sharp edges, no different from a human being.

"So handsome!"

"Is he really an alien?"

TPC underground hangar.

Kibi followed Tsutomu Nakajima and a staff officer to inspect the spacecraft that was transported back.

"We don't have any data about this spacecraft at all. It should have come from a distant planet that we don't know about at all,"

Tsutomu Nakajima explained.

"There are traces of being split open by something on one corner of the spacecraft. I think it may have happened because of the Wang Family Valley incident. This spacecraft was very unlucky."

"Could it be friendly aliens?" the staff officer asked.

"It's not clear yet. We can only wait for him to wake up first." Xibi said in a deep voice.

"Speaking of which," the staff officer suddenly remembered, "do you have any clues about the knife-wielding alien from last time?"

"The last sighting was in Millennium Town. It is said that the Genai Jindaru who controlled the paintings on the ground were eliminated."

Xibi made her own judgment and said.

"Based on the current situation, I think this alien is friendly to humans. He not only saved Dr. Qiuyue's family, but also saved a little girl before."

The next day.

Mai held a bouquet of flowers and walked hesitantly to the medical center, just as two medical staff walked out of the alien ward.

"Excuse me...can I stay here for a while?"

"He has no signs of regaining consciousness yet," the doctor looked at Mai strangely and reminded, "If you stay here, remember to be careful."


Mai watched the doctor leave awkwardly.

"What a shame. Am I still a member of the Super Victory Team like this?"

"Super Victory Team?"

The alien on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes and looked quietly at Mai holding flowers.

"You," Mai blushed slightly and lowered her head to avoid the alien's gaze, "how do you speak our language?"

"My name is Theo," the alien said gently, "What's your name?"

Commander's room.

"What? Did you talk to him?"

Everyone in the Super Victory Team surrounded Mai.

"Aliens who speak Earth's languages?"

"Yes," Mai said happily, "He said he came from the Kuller Nebula, his name was Theo, he was a star investigator, and he was accidentally hit by a strange light when he was passing near the Earth... I think he must be a friendly person. of aliens.”

"Mai, you trust him too much, don't you?" Asuka said speechlessly, "Just because your uncle is an alien, it doesn't mean that other aliens are friendly."


light space,

The Sword of Darkness continued to absorb the energy of the second-generation Kiri Elode doll, and Natsuki, who was taking a nap next to him, suddenly opened his eyes.

There's a bad feeling.

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