Starting human body

Chapter 213 When the Tree of Gakira Blooms


After meeting Munakata and Megumi Nakama, Natsuki went back to the Morino Town Yokai Mansion to sleep.


There was a strong wind outside and it rained all night.

Natsuki lay on the tatami floor and suddenly opened her eyes.

Now he actually still has nightmares,

However, it was more of a premonition of the future than a nightmare.

There are countless possibilities in the future, and the fate of this changed time and space is even more unpredictable.

He dreamed that the Super Victory Team was completely wiped out, and even Dyna was swallowed by the darkness, leaving him alone to face Grainsfia that was devouring the solar system.

What an ominous dream.

Natsuki looked at the rain outside, took out her phone to check the time, and found that Masaki Keigo had sent herself an email.

The B+ level giant stone statue has been successfully constructed, integrating all the technologies of Sedic Technology Company, completely surpassing "Zero", and the body of the stone statue has been specially strengthened for the Sword of Darkness.

With the new stone statue, his fighting body was barely able to catch up with Dyna, and even without using the Dark Sword, it was enough to deal with most enemies.

There are more combat methods to choose from, so you no longer have to tie your hands and feet.

It should be no problem to deal with some ordinary A-levels...


Natsuki suddenly noticed a figure walking through the rain.

Wearing a bamboo hat, he behaves strangely, heading towards the cosmic demon tree Gajira in the Morino Shrine on the other side.

The Tree of Gakira,

He saw it once when he came here 10 years ago, and it seems to be blooming now.


The visitor paused when passing by the Youkai Mansion. Instead of spotting Natsuki, he simply glanced at it and continued to Morino Shrine.

In the side room of the mansion, White Fox turned over in his sleep and muttered in his sleep: "I want to move, and I will move right away."

It's dawn in the morning,

The air is fresh after the rainy night, the mountains are filled with the fragrance of trees, and the weather has turned sunny.

The villagers of Morino Village passed by the shrine and wiped their eyes in disbelief when they saw the flowers of the Gakira tree blooming for the first time.

"The Jakira tree is really blooming!"

The peaceful small mountain village suddenly became lively, and even reporters were attracted after the news spread.

The fiancé of the village chief’s daughter is a botanist who has been studying the Gakira tree. He took the initiative to accept the reporter’s interview and patiently explained the history and academic value of the Gakira tree to a large group of people.

The village chief's daughter bit her lower lip and looked at her fiancé in the crowd, feeling inexplicably cold in her heart.

She almost forgot,

But as the Gakira tree bloomed, the original memory resurfaced.

About 10 years ago, a weirdo came here and said that the Gakira tree was a cosmic demon tree.

When the flowers bloom, a special person will appear and introduce the Gakira tree to everyone just like they did when it first bloomed 200 years ago.

The weirdo also said that the Gakira tree must be cut down in 10 years, otherwise disaster will occur.

Everything seems to be right,

Will disaster really happen?

The village chief's daughter was panicking.

She told her father at first, but he didn't take it seriously. It may be too late now...

"What's wrong, Noriko?" After the interview, her fiancé came over with a gentle smile, "You seem to have something on your mind..."

"No, no."

Noriko took a step back slightly.

She didn't know if it was a psychological factor, but she felt that her fiancé, who had seemed nice and gentle before, now smiled very strangely.

"I'm going back."

Without waiting for her fiancé to ask more questions, Noriko hurriedly ran out of the crowd, fearful and hesitant in her heart and she did not dare to look back.

She doesn't know what to do now,

Even if you tell your father, he probably won't believe it and might even anger your fiancé.

"That person is..."

Noriko glanced around inadvertently and saw Natsuki standing far outside the shrine.

It’s the original weirdo!


Seeing that Natsuki seemed to be leaving, Noriko hurriedly caught up and asked sincerely: "What should I do if disaster really strikes?"

"Just leave here." Xia Shu also recognized the woman, it was the girl from back then.

"Can't we prevent the disaster?"

Noriko looked uncomfortable.

"You must have something to do, right? Please..."

"I've already reminded you of those who should be reminded. This matter has nothing to do with me."

Natsuki kept walking, dropped the woman and disappeared.

After a while,

Only then did Natsuki's voice reach her daughter's ears again.

"If you are really determined, contact the Super Victory Team."

Zalina area.

After the ship passed through the thick fog along a certain route, the vision suddenly opened up. In the sight was a paradise-like island, located in the blue sea, which made the crew members on the long voyage feel like they were seeing paradise.

"finally reached."

Inside the Island Research Institute,

Dr. Otomo observed the ship docking at the pier through the surveillance screen. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"You can start planning."

Dr. Otomo looked at his masterpiece with fascination.

After several months of strengthening, the super cloned monster Niozars further integrated a variety of powerful monster genes, plus Hanojiro's wisdom gene.

This monster is now as powerful as a god.

After being intoxicated for a while, Dr. Otomo turned to his assistant Yamazaki Masashi and said: "Get ready to take action. Let's start with those guys. As long as we get rid of them, the secrets of this island will never be exposed, and we can also use Sedic Technology Company's Funds for more experiments.

I will wait until later to formally attack the Bioengineering Committee. I will let those guys know how powerful I am! "

"Doctor," Yamazaki said, fearful of Neozars' power, "can we really control this guy?"

"What are you afraid of?" Dr. Otomo snorted, "There will be no problem. Didn't we experiment with cloned Silbagon? The new monsters will recognize us as a father-like existence. As long as we train a few more times, we will be able to Become the ultimate weapon.”

Before Yamazaki could ask any more questions, Dr. Otomo waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, let Shilbagon go out, seize the opportunity to solve it as soon as possible, and don't let them escape!"

He knew that Sedic Technology Company seemed to be researching artificial giants, and he heard that the outside world had successfully produced the first artificial Ultraman.

This was hard for him to accept.

He wants to show the world the power of man-made monsters.

How could a mere man-made Ultraman be Neozars's opponent?

What mankind needs is its monsters, not some man-made Ultraman...

"Bang bang bang!"

island pier,

Not long after Xia Shu came ashore, she heard a loud explosion from the Sedic Research Base. When she looked around, the huge figure of Shirbagon came into view.

But at this moment, Shirbagon seemed to have encountered some terrifying existence, and he let out bursts of frightened and anxious roars.


Under the watchful eyes of Natsuki and several staff members, Silbagon was suddenly slapped on the head. After falling to the ground, a ferocious super monster with a terrifying aura and violent aura was revealed.


Xia Shu's face darkened.

Compared to last time, Neozars has completely entered the A-level.

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