Starting human body

Chapter 214 Artificial Monster


Among the ruins of the Sedic Research Base that was turned into a wreckage,

Shilbagon was dragged back by Niozars' tail. He struggled feebly to grab the ground, but was thrown directly up. After being swung several times like a sandbag, he was thrown into the valley with a bang.

The power that Shirbagon was so proud of was actually crushed, and he was no match for him at all.

Neozars, who incorporates a large number of excellent genes, is worthy of the name of a super monster, almost treating Silbagon as a toy.

Masaki Keigo and his party escaped from the base in embarrassment, looking ugly as they avoided the falling rocks splashed by the monster battle.

That guy Dr. Otomo is crazy,

They just temporarily sealed the super monster plan and developed an absolutely safe monster control device first, but they dared to suddenly rebel and launch an attack.

Perhaps this lunatic never thought of surrender in the first place.

"Stop him quickly!"

Masaki Keigo led several security personnel to Dr. Otomo's research institute, but was stopped by Yamazaki's team halfway.

"Where do you want to go?" Yamazaki said sarcastically, "I thought you had died in the attack just now, but it turns out you are still alive."

Unlike Masaki and the others who only had conventional weapons such as electric batons, Yamazaki got a firearm from nowhere.

This time even Masaki was sweating on his forehead.

During this period, I was so invested in the construction of stone statues that I underestimated these biologists...

"Okay, Yamazaki," Dr. Otomo's voice sounded on the radio, "Let these guys appreciate our masterpiece, the strongest man-made monster... no, it should be said to be the strongest monster on earth!"


The explosion roared.

Masaki turned his head subconsciously,

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the brutal scene of Neozars blasting Silbagon with a destructive beam from his chest.

Kronhirbagon was abandoned like this,

Just like how Shilbagon was trained in the past, he in turn provided training for Naozars.

"Well done! Neozarth!"

Dr. Otomo excitedly adjusted the radio waves in the research institute to remotely control Neozars.

"Now completely destroy that research base!"


Affected by the explosion, the valley floor collapsed, revealing a vast underground space below. Earth and rocks fell on a tall giant stone statue.

"not good!"

Masaki's expression completely changed.

If something went wrong with the stone statue, how would he report it?

Neozars didn't care about Masaki's thoughts at all, and walked towards the collapsed pit without dying.


Neozars drew circles with his arms, and the crystals on his chest glowed.

It seems that they are going to repeat their old tricks, blowing up the underground base and the giant stone statue just like they did against Shilbagon.

"Dr. Otomo!" Masaki Keigo shouted, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know. Isn't he just a man-made Ultraman? He can't compare to my Niozars!"

Dayou chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I will let you watch me lead mankind into a new era. As long as my plan succeeds, from now on, mankind will no longer have to be afraid of monsters and alien invasions!"

Looking at the super monster Niozars controlled by him on the screen, Dr. Otomo's eyes were in a trance while smiling.

10 years ago,

He originally had a happy family, but everything was shattered when the monster attacked.

At that time, he could do nothing but watch the monster charge like a beast, and watch his wife and son being trampled to death by the monster.

He was really scared.

Compared to monsters, humans are really nothing.

But it's different now,

He is no longer afraid of monsters and can even easily decide whether the monster lives or dies.

No Victory Team, no Ultraman, can compare to his Neozars...

"The next time will be my era!"


valley ruins,

Just like Ultraman emitting light, Neozars' chest luminous crystal suddenly shot out two intertwined blue rays of destruction.

Surprisingly, however,

The destructive light suddenly turned in mid-air, and its target was changed to the research building where Dr. Otomo was located.


"What are you going to do? Neozars!"

Dr. Otomo woke up and hurriedly increased his control of the radio waves.

"Stop! I am the father who made you!"


The research building was exploded instantly, and Dr. Otomo's shouts stopped abruptly.

Masaki and the others, who were still anxious, stayed where they were, staring blankly at the research institute that was wiped out by the explosion.

The pieces fell, and Dr. Otomo obviously had no chance of survival.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

There seemed to be a trace of disdain in Neozars' eyes.

Is this IQ too high?

Desolation and fear filled everyone's hearts, but Masaki still grabbed Yamazaki's brain when he was in trouble, grabbed the gun, and punched it away with his backhand.

"I've told you before," Masaki handed the gun to his men, straightened his collar and walked towards Yamazaki, who was struggling to get up, "How can it be possible to completely control the monster through training alone?"

As he spoke, Masaki lifted up Yamazaki's collar and pulled it in front of him to question.

"You'd better tell me quickly, did that guy Dayou leave any backup plans?"


Yamazaki wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned to the ruins of the research institute, and then gritted his teeth and looked at Neozars.

"Even if there is any back-up plan, I won't tell you guys!"


Neozars launched another attack in the valley, and the luminous body on his chest lit up. This time, he did not change the target, and the destructive light blasted directly into the underground base.

Earth and rocks exploded,

But as the dust filled the air, the giant stone statue was illuminated by the light first, and the barrier spontaneously blocked it in front of him, without being affected by the explosion at all.

Yamazaki stared at the huge figure walking out of the dust and mist with wide eyes.


The light converged, revealing the huge body of the gray giant wrapped in ominous lightning.

"O-Ultraman?" Yamazaki's pupils expanded, "How could it be? This is not true!"

"He is back!"

There was only fanaticism in Masaki Keigo's eyes.

There is only one person in this world who can ignore the darkness and activate the stone statue without being influenced by the mind!


The sea breeze blew by, and the gray giant's breath was steady. His bright eyes swept over the people on the ground, swept past the ruins of Dr. Otomo's base, and officially faced Neozars.

This body is much more powerful than the TPC one.

This was the stone statue he needed, and it wouldn't be in vain for him to plan for so long.

Natsuki clenched her fists and looked at Neozars.

It has a strong monster body, its back is covered with sharp red spines, its arms are stronger than Shirbagon, and its tail has a terrifying whipping ability...

Characterized by brute strength and a destructive beam that can track targets.

Can't fight for strength.

Unless he transforms into Leo now, close combat is definitely looking for abuse.


Natsuki unfolded his gray giant fighting figure, and the red and purple light in his arms condensed into the dark sword Elbow.

Facing the blue destructive light emitted by Neozars again,

Natsuki turned sideways to avoid,

When he noticed that the light was quickly turning back, he jumped up and hovered in mid-air.


The destructive rays continued to rush in.

This time, Natsuki did not evade, but crossed his arms and slashed an X-shaped crescent blade against the destructive light.


The light blade broke through the blue light without losing its force, and instantly broke through Neozars' body below.

Two intersecting light traces cracked on Neozars' body, and then suddenly exploded into pieces, leaving only a shadow that was absorbed by the red-purple light.


Natsuki landed gently in the violent explosion, and her arms and elbows were restrained.

Although this super monster has reached A level, it doesn't seem to be difficult to kill.


For him who comes from a new generation, the monsters of this time and space are still too weak.

If he faced Neochomos now, he might not need help from anyone else.

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