Starting human body

Chapter 216 The decisive battle begins

Cremos Island.

Staff Officer Quan Teng walked into Workshop F with his hands behind his back and looked at the giant stone statue "No. 1" in silence.

The Neomags cannon that was finally developed was banned due to the Monera incident, and now even the artificial Ultraman plan has problems.

It is very likely that Plan F will also be terminated.

Those conservatives didn't believe him at all, always saying that humans couldn't master this power and it would lead to the destruction of mankind.

Public opinion is always criticizing, believing that the TPC is becoming more and more like an armed organization. When Plan F was made public some time ago, it completely detonated public opinion...

There are real dangers in the unknown;

But if we are afraid because of this, how can human beings progress?

The more we come into contact with the universe, the more we feel the weakness of human beings.

The Prometheus battleship and Plan F may have various flaws, but their significance to human development cannot be ignored.

Is it possible that humans can only rely on an Ultraman of unknown origin?

He admitted that Dyna had helped mankind a lot and could be called the savior and hero of mankind...


What if Dyna gave up on humanity one day?

Or one day an enemy may appear that even Dyna can do nothing about... This is not impossible, Dyna was defeated once a few days ago.

Put your destiny in the hands of others,

It's so sad.

The bond between humans and Ultraman, the battle partners, the friendship...

This is a battle for survival, not for bonds, blood, or emotion.

Survival is the goal, and he can do whatever it takes, even if many people in the staff are dissatisfied with him or even hostile to him.

None of this matters.

"Why can't it be me?" Quan Teng murmured as he approached the giant stone statue, "Why not choose me?"


The members of the Black Storm team came over and said.

"Consultant Gao Shu has returned to TPC headquarters."

"Is he okay?" Quan Teng asked eagerly.

"I don't know about this yet," the team member said blankly, "Consultant Gao Shu has initiated a global high-level meeting. I hope you can also participate."

"What does he want to do?"

Quan Teng frowned secretly and wanted to contact Natsuki to ask about the situation, but found that the call could not be reached.

"Arrange a special plane for me back to headquarters immediately!"

TPC Comprehensive Headquarters, Medical Center.

Tsutomu Nakajima and Asuka stood outside the examination room, listening to the head nurse Mayumi describing the situation.

"An unknown component that promotes plant growth was detected in her body. However, this component is gradually weakening and should return to normal soon."

"Very good."

Tsutomu Nakajima breathed a sigh of relief.

"That Jakira tree may be an alien plant that modified the local villagers' bodies through pollen. Fortunately, it was destroyed somehow..."

Noriko was lying on the hospital bed, thinking of the last figure she saw: "I think it might be that person who saved us."

"that person?"

"It's the weirdo who predicted the blooming of the Jakira tree 10 years ago. He's still the same as 10 years ago. He hasn't changed at all. I don't know if he's a god..."


Asuka thought of Xia Shu inexplicably.

Natsuki seems to live in Morino Town.

Several people left the medical center and suddenly found that the atmosphere at the headquarters base was a little strange.

There were a lot of cadres arriving at the headquarters today.

After returning to the command room, even Captain Xibi didn't see anyone.

"Ma Yi, where is the captain?"

"Going to a meeting."

Mai explained and asked Asuka hesitantly,

"Asuka, you've seen that knife-wielding alien, right?"

"Ah, yes," Asuka faltered and scratched the back of his head, "Why do you ask this so suddenly?"

"Nothing, just asking," Mai said curiously, "There has been no news about knife-wielding aliens recently, and everyone seems to have forgotten about them."

TPC International Conference Room,

Kibi Gosuke followed the representatives from various countries into the venue. After finding a seat and sitting down, he found Natsuki appearing next to Director Fukami.

The surrounding representatives were also talking a lot because of Natsuki.

"Why was such a high-level meeting suddenly held?"

"Is there a crisis related to the future of mankind?"

"Everyone," Director Fukami clapped his hands and explained, "perhaps you already know about Consultant Gao Shu around me, and many people even have doubts about Consultant Gao Shu's identity..."

After a pause, Fukami faced everyone's gaze and continued: "What I want to say is the true identity of Advisor Gao Shu."

Staff Officer Gondo was confused at first, but then he felt that Director Fukami wanted to disclose the secrets of Plan F, and he felt relieved.

"Actually, Consultant Gao Shu is Agur who helped humans 10 years ago." Director Fukami said in a surprising tone.


Quan Teng almost fell to the ground.

"Director, Consultant Gao Shu..."

"I only learned about this recently," Fukami explained. "Advisor Takasuki is not only an assimilation of artificial Ultraman, but also Agur himself."

Gon Teng stared at Natsuki, feeling inexplicably being tricked.

"But why are we talking about this now? Even if Gaoshu's advisor is Aguru, there is no need to hold a special meeting, right?"

"Let me explain next."

Natsuki walked to the middle of the conference room and actively attracted everyone's attention.

If it weren't for special circumstances and he had a premonition that Gulansfia would arrive early, he would not disclose his identity like this.

Human nature cannot stand the test;

Not everyone is a good person, and not everyone who can sit here is a good person.

At least the way many people look at him has changed now.

There is excitement, closeness, curiosity...but also desire and fear.

"I believe you all already have a certain understanding of the Sphia spheres," Natsuki said calmly, "Have you ever thought about the existence behind these Sphia spheres?"

"Consultant Gao Shu," Xibi interjected, "You mean, someone is controlling the Sphia Sphere behind the scenes?"

"It can be said to be control, but the situation is more troublesome than everyone thinks,"

Xia Shu said cautiously,

"All Sphia spheres actually originate from the same life form. The planet-scale Grand Sphia can easily swallow the planet and destroy the huge life form of the solar system..."

A few days later,

TPC headquarters alarm sounded.

"What happened?"

"The monitoring satellite has sent emergency data," Mai said in a panic, "Pluto is disappearing!"


Xibi looked serious.

"Has the crisis that Gao Shu mentioned already begun? Contact the Ganymede base of Jupiter immediately!"

The signs have appeared, but the higher-ups are still debating whether to activate the banned Neomagus cannon.

Not everyone believes Natsuki's prophecy...

Director Fukami entered the command room with his two chiefs of staff: "Captain Xibi, how is the situation?"

"The situation of the enemy is not clear yet, but Ganymede Base has dispatched a space attack force and is now heading to Pluto."

Xibi said in a deep voice.

"But if it's like what Staff Officer Gao Shu said, I'm afraid the Space Attack Force alone won't be able to handle it... We can't delay it any longer, Director!"



A transport plane flew over the red surface.

Natsuki looked outside through the window.

Because of the atmosphere modification system, the Martian environment is gradually approaching that of the Earth, and there are clouds in the sky.

This is the era of human space exploration.

Natsuki's gaze turned to a Mars base below.

at the same time,

Da Gu, who was repairing flowers and plants in the ecological garden, raised his head in confusion.

Tall tree?

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