Starting human body

Chapter 217 Gulansfia


Lina took her daughter Xiaoguang into the ecological park,

Xiaoguang, who is wearing a small skirt, has inherited the advantages of her mother and father. She has twin tails, pure and cute, like a wisp of breeze blowing into Dagu's arms.

"What's wrong?" Lina noticed that Dagu seemed to have something on his mind.

"It seems like an old friend is here. I'll go out for a while."

Dagu put down the kettle and turned around to see a figure at the entrance of the ecological park.

"Long time no see, Dagu."

Xia Shu looked at Lina and her daughter, and his eyes fell on Dagu.

Now Dagu has really become an ordinary person, but the gene of light still exists.

"It's really you," Dagu said happily, "When did you come back?"

"It's been a while."

Under Xiaoguang's curious eyes, Xia Shu visited the ecological garden with colorful flowers.

"Is this your dream coming true?"

"Not yet," Dagu said as he followed Xia Shu, "These plants are not quite adapted to Mars yet, but I believe that one day these flowers will bloom everywhere on Mars."

"Mom," Xiaoguang grabbed the corner of Lina's clothes and said, "Who is that big brother?"

"Call uncle."

Lina picked up Xiaoguang and looked at Dagu and Xia Shu nostalgically, as if she had seen the battle between Diga and Aguru again.

"This uncle is Ultraman who saved mankind."

"Ultraman Dyna?"


Dagu poured Natsuki a glass of milk.

"I heard that there seems to be something wrong with Pluto. Is it serious?"

"This time there is an enemy capable of destroying the solar system."

Natsuki looked at the sky outside.

The solar system is a balanced system. Even if Gransperia does not directly engulf the earth, just entering the solar system with its huge gravitational force like a black hole can cause horrific effects.

At present, TPC can only choose Jupiter as the first line of defense, and Mars as the second line of defense.

"I have asked TPC to make more preparations in advance, but the effect does not seem to be very good."

Natsuki asked.

"Do you want to evacuate first? Mars will probably also be impacted by then."

"No need," Dagu shook his head, "If something happens to Mars, it doesn't matter whether you return to Earth or not... But you, do you want to fight with the younger generation this time?"

"Yes, one of the reasons why I came back is this battle. Besides, I can't let the younger generations look down upon me."

Natsuki sat for a while and then stood up and said goodbye to the Dagu family.

There is not much time,

The reason why he came to Mars was just to say goodbye.

After the destruction of Gulansfiya, a gravitational collapse will occur, and someone must be captured by the gravity.

Therefore, he is not planning to come back for this battle, and will most likely leave this time and space directly.


A storm blew outside the Mars base, and the sky was overcast.

The base was gradually obscured by howling wind and sand, as if the end of the world was coming.

Natsuki walked out of the base and silently felt the power of heaven and earth.

Mars is already starting to be affected.

"Dad," Xiaoguang said as he followed Dagu to see Xia Shu off, "Where is uncle going?"

"Uncle is going to the front line."

Dagu watched Natsuki disappear into the sandstorm with a touch of regret in his heart.

This time he couldn't fight alongside Aguru.

His replacement is the current Ultraman, Dyna...


In the sandstorm, light burst out along with tearing lightning, and soon a giant figure broke through the hurricane and flew into the universe in front of everyone's eyes.

"Come on, Aguru!"

Jupiter's Ganymede base.

This time, the Super Victory Team chose to mobilize in its entirety, with Xibi leading the team to the front line on the Kurak call sign.

"How is the situation?" Xibi asked.

"The Space Attack Team has been wiped out!"

Mai opened the monitoring screen,

In the image, the entire fighter jet formation was pulled by some force and disappeared into the dark vortex.

"Is that a black hole?"

"No, there is a life reaction in the center of the dark gravitational field. It is a spherical life form as big as a planet."

Tsutomu Nakajima analyzed the scene, his face covered with sweat.

"Is this Grainsfia? If it continues to devour planets, the entire solar system will be destroyed!"

"How could there be such a guy?"

Xibi stared at the screen.

Under the decision of Director Fukami, the headquarters finally decided to restart the Neomags cannon. Next, they only need to equip the Kurak call sign at the Ganymede base.

But whether Neomagus can succeed is still a question.

I always feel it's not that simple...

"Docking completed!"

"Start loading the Neomagus cannon..."

Inside the Ganymede base,

The Super Victory Team met with the technical director, Director Ye Rui, and also met Dr. Lu Ruyue from the previous Prometheus Project.

After the Monena star incident, this beautiful female doctor became much more emotional.

Looking at the call sign of Kurak being modified outside the base, Lu Ruyue said with emotion: "The Neomags Cannon is a weapon that can destroy humans. It is normal for everyone to be worried. It is too dangerous for humans to have such a powerful weapon. ,but,

"As long as you have a heart that is stronger than strength, there is no need to be afraid. Captain Xibi, let everyone take a look. This kind of power is used to protect humans and the earth."

"That's right."

Ye Rui agreed.

"No matter how terrible a weapon is, it is only as good as the one who uses it."


universe space,

The gray giant flew over with a flash of light. He first looked at the base on the ground, and then looked at Glansfia from a distance, which was approaching the Jupiter circle.

The size is indeed too large.

This guy is an intelligent life form from the planet Sphia that is integrated with the planet and has only one unified consciousness.

An S-class life form has been created through an alternative method. It is powerful, but I don’t know what the meaning of this kind of existence is.

Natsuki released the transformation and landed on Ganymede wrapped in a ball of light.

Just as he was about to find a place to rest, the voice of Gulansfiya's conversation suddenly came to his mind.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hinder me?"

Gulansfia said without emotion.

"Sphia was also a human being before. Because she was afraid of her limited life, she fought with each other, and ultimately put her planet in danger of extinction.

But now they are liberated. Human beings, along with all organic and inorganic matter, have integrated with the planet and finally become a perfect life form, which is me!

"It's still too late, before the earth dies, let me greet you! I am the future the earth should go to, blend into the darkness, blend into me!"

Xia Shu looked calmly into the deep space of the universe: "I am also afraid of death, and I also want to have eternal life, but if I live in this way, I might as well die."

"What did you say?" Gulansfiya's projection towered over Xia Shu's head.

"You are the one who should be freed," Xia Shu looked directly at the projection and said, "What kind of perfect life form? It's just an empty shell."

"Humanity, destroy it!" Gulansfia's projection was distorted.

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