Starting human body

Chapter 225 Family

"Bang bang!"

coastal town,

Aguru blocked the monster in front of him and knocked it down easily. As if to show off his strength, he held the monster by its tail and threw it away.

Facing the enraged sea demon, Aguru raised his hand and condensed a lightsaber indifferently, stepped forward, and slashed several times.

It's just that the sea demon, which had been chopped into several pieces, seemed to be fine and returned to its original state almost instantly, with only some sea water splashing away.


Aguru was stunned on the spot, but the angry sea demon did not stop. The huge pliers suddenly clamped Aguru's neck, absorbing energy while discharging electricity.

Interesting monster...

Natsuki saw everything.

The sea devil is not able to completely ignore the attack, at least it has lost weight.

Aguru's attack just now was like attacking a ball of sea water.

Ordinary physical attacks are basically ineffective against this monster.

The correct method should be energy attack.

The sea devil is very slow until he is enraged;

A quick sneak attack with a big move would have solved it long ago...


Xia Shu stepped forward, the light gathered in front of her, and the strong light condensed into the shape of a gray giant.

Glancing at Aguru with the red light flashing,

Natsuki immediately crossed his arms, red and black light flashing.

The sea demon seemed to be determined to deal with Aguru. Without realizing the danger, he was suddenly hit by the ray emitted by Natsuki, and his whole body exploded immediately.


The explosion brought up a large amount of water vapor, which enveloped Aguru and caused the mist to evaporate.

Only then did everyone in XIG react.

"What's going on? So it's not the same giant?"

"Kill the gray giant together with the blue giant?!"

Everyone looked at the gray giant who lowered his arms in horror.

These two giants are so similar. Apart from the different colors and breastplate stripes, they are at least 8 points similar in other aspects.


I dreamed of looking up at the gray giant.

He was now certain that the difference between the two giants was not about appearance, but temperament.

If the blue giant is arrogant, the gray giant is cold and calm.

"It is indeed the Ultraman I saw! Are you enemies?"


Natsuki ignored my muttering dreams,

After releasing the transformation, his body flashed into the exploding water vapor, and he found a sea magic spark doll in the crevices of the rocks.

He hasn't collected dolls for a long time since he got the Dark Sword.

However, the level of this thing is too low, and it will only become the food of the Sword of Darkness in the end...

"who are you?"

Fujimiya clutched his chest and staggered over. His face immediately dropped when he saw Natsuki.

"It's impossible for two Agurus to exist at the same time. You guy...what the hell is going on?!"

"I am not Agururu."

Natsuki put away the doll and ducked away from Fujimiya.

The current Gamu and Fujinomiya are too weak, how could they be chosen by Earth?

"Don't go!"

Fujimiya tried to chase Natsuki through the fog, but he bumped into Gamu who came to check.

"It's you! Fujimiya!" Gaomeng said solemnly, "The blue giant just now was you? Why are you also Ultraman?"


Natsuki answered the phone and returned to mimicry.

"Hello, I'm Yoshii..."

"What are you thinking about, Brother Yoshii?!" Reiko Yoshii finally got through the phone and complained, "I haven't gone back all night, and Shizuka came to me again. Don't you care at all? It's tomorrow. It’s her birthday!”

"Sorry, something happened yesterday."

Natsuki frowned, and it took him a while to realize the identity of the person on the other end of the phone.

Yoshii Reiko, my sister from my hometown.

Actually also in Tokyo...

Could it be the female reporter from KCB TV station?

"Anyway, you can take Shizuka back tomorrow. I also have work and I don't have time to take care of her." Yoshii Reiko said helplessly.

Since the monster incident occurred, she has become very busy. She spends less and less time in the apartment and often goes to the front line to report.

Shizuka will be too pitiful if this continues.


I don’t know how many times this has happened, but I always spend time in the research room and leave such a young child alone at home.

Even if you have a bad relationship with your children, you can't ignore them.

"Take a day off tomorrow and spend time with Shizuka." Yoshii Reiko advised.

"I see."

Natsuki silently hung up the phone.


Choosing to borrow the identity of Yoshii Seiichi, this kind of thing will eventually have to be faced.

Think of it as compensation for Yoshii.

What would happen to this cheap daughter if she knew that her father had been killed yesterday?

"Professor Yoshii?" Ga Meng exclaimed from behind, "It's really you, why are you here?"


Xia Shu paused slightly and forced out a smile out of embarrassment.

Because of the phone call, he didn't even notice that I was dreaming.

"I heard that your hometown is here, so I want to talk to your parents face to face...Have you told them everything about your situation?"


My dream faltered.

"Not yet."

After the Great Sea Demon was eliminated, the seaside town returned to tranquility. The sea surface undulated under the warm sunshine, and the waves kept lapping at the coast.

Gaoshan family,

Wind chimes fluttered in the sea breeze.

Xia Shu and I Meng sat down together on the corridor of the flower-filled courtyard, admiring the incomparable sea view, when my Meng’s mother cut up the watermelon and brought it over.

"Eat some watermelon."

My dream mother welcomed me warmly.

"I dreamed that his father was still at work and hadn't come back, but I have received the notice from the school saying that I dreamed of taking a leave of absence from school..."

"Now is a special period. It doesn't matter if you take a two-year break from school."

Natsuki directly picked up a piece of watermelon and took a bite.

"Mmm, so sweet!"

"We support whatever this child wants to do," I Meng's mother turned to her son, who had his head lowered. "Although I don't know what kind of job he is doing now, it seems to be very important."

Natsuki followed and glanced at my dream.

XIG's work is life-threatening. I didn't tell my family the details immediately because I was afraid that they would be worried.

But hiding some things is not necessarily a good thing.

You should be honest about such important matters no matter what. Whether your family will support you or not is another matter.

"Mom," I Meng plucked up the courage to say, "Actually, I am working at XIG now. The reason why I came back today is actually because I want to talk to you and dad in person..."

"XIG?" My mother, Meng, asked in surprise, "Is it the team that fought against the monsters?"

"I'm sorry." I Meng lowered his head again.

"What's there to be sorry for? If your father knew, he would definitely be happy for you," Meng's mother said with a gentle smile, "What our son is doing is very meaningful, and he will definitely say so."


My dream became happy and I breathed a sigh of relief,

He wanted to eat a piece of watermelon, but missed it, and suddenly looked at Xia Shu calmly.

The last piece of watermelon was also in Natsuki's hand.

"I'll cut it again." My mother, Meng, stood up and said with a smile.

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