Starting human body

Chapter 226 Cheap Daughter

It was the second day that Natsuki left Takayama's house.

I dreamed that my father, Mr. Gao Shan, was a village office employee and rode his bicycle out to work early in the morning.

"Then I'll go out first, Professor Yoshii. If this child still has a chance to study in the future, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, XIG is here to protect the earth, and the school will definitely be accommodating."

Natsuki nodded and followed him out of the town.

Originally, I planned to fly directly back to Tokyo, but my dream caught up with me from behind.

"I'll give it to you, Professor Yoshii."


Natsuki and Gameng passed by the coast together and waited for the shuttle bus at the highway stop.

Both of them barely spoke;

Natsuki maintains the character of Professor Yoshii, while Yume is more introverted.

It wasn't until he saw the shuttle bus coming that Xia Shu took the initiative and said, "Your parents are very open-minded. I dream, don't live up to their expectations."

"Yes!" I Meng responded quickly and conscientiously.

He actually didn't like this professor very much before.

Although Professor Yoshii has solid academic knowledge, his research level is not flattering.

And he was always caught by Professor Yoshii doing other things in class.

The impression given to him has always been that he is rigid and serious and difficult to get along with.

Now it seems that he misunderstood.

Professor Yoshii is a good man...


Below the road is the beach and the sea, and the cool sea breeze continues to blow, eliminating a trace of the heat.

Natsuki looked at the ocean in trance.

I hope I won’t have to become enemies with my dream in the future...

"The bus is coming!" I dreamed of seeing the shuttle bus coming and waved hastily.

The shuttle bus stopped steadily in front of the two of them, and as soon as they opened the door, the cool air from the air conditioner hit their faces.

"Professor," I said as I walked Xia Shu into the driveway, "thank you."

Xia Shu secretly shook his head: "Thank you for what? Just don't hate me in the future."


I didn't hear clearly in my dream, and when I wanted to ask again, the shuttle bus had already closed the door and drove away.

"Strange, how can I hate the professor? Will he not give me credits in the future?" I was confused and couldn't figure it out.

"Sorry, give in."

The bus was full of people, so Natsuki could only walk inside, and finally found a place to stand next to a group of female students.

The girls who were chatting and laughing suddenly became quiet, and glanced secretly at Natsuki, who had a serious face, as if they were meeting a teacher at school.

"Uncle, are you a university professor?" A girl couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere and couldn't help but ask.

"It's an assistant professor."

Natsuki had a cold face. Seeing these girls, he thought of his cheap daughter Shizuka Yoshii again.

With the relationship between father and daughter, he wasn't worried about exposing any flaws, he was just worried about how to get along with each other.

My previous experience with children seems to be of no help.


After receiving a call from Yoshii Reiko, Natsuki rushed outside an apartment.

"Brother Seiichi," Yoshii Reiko opened a crack in the door and saw Natsuki, and said happily, "come in quickly, Shizuka is watching TV inside."


Natsuki opened her mouth, but followed Yoshii Reiko into the house.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room was a girl wearing a ribbon skirt, her hair tied back casually into two bunches. She was somewhat mature at the age of 13.

What was shown on TV was the monster incident that happened on the coast of Chiba.

The picture happens to be the scene where the gray giant kills the sea monster. The elevation lens is not very clear, but it adds a sense of mystery to the gray giant.

The girl stared at the TV blankly, and immediately turned pale when she found Reiko Yoshii coming over.

"Aunt, I don't want to go back!"

"What are you talking about?" Yoshii Reiko scolded, "Do you know how worried your father is about you?"

"He's worried about me?" the girl said angrily, "I'm really worried that I came yesterday!"

"I asked your dad to come here today."

Yoshii Reiko hurriedly pulled Natsuki to the living room and winked wildly to ask Natsuki to say something.

Just when the girl saw Natsuki, she turned away, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent, leaving only Reiko Yoshii worried.

"Really, do you two, father and daughter, have to be like this? You don't speak every time you meet."

"I've been troubling you for the past two days, Reiko."

Natsuki could only take the initiative to speak, turned to the girl and said.

"Go back, don't embarrass your aunt, she still has work to do."

He didn't think about how to get along with his cheap daughter for a while, but he definitely wanted to take her back first.

In the end, the girl lowered her head and was taken away by Natsuki.

When leaving the apartment, Yoshii Reiko still looked worried.

"Brother, remember to spend more time with Shizuka."

"I'll try to take as much time as possible."

Xia Shu paused slightly.

He has confirmed that Reiko Yoshii is the KBC reporter.

"Reiko, although your work is important, don't take too many risks. Monsters don't care whether you are a reporter or not," Natsuki reminded.

"I know it well." Yoshii Reiko felt warm in her heart.

The eldest brother is actually quite easy to talk to, otherwise he wouldn't actually come to pick up his daughter today.

The whole journey was speechless,

Until they returned to Yoshii Seiichi's apartment, Cheap's daughter never spoke.

The relationship between father and daughter is more rigid than expected.

Not the quarreling kind, but a bit isolated and alienated.


This is actually a good thing for him.

When Natsuki entered the entrance to change shoes, he took the initiative to explain: "I won't be in Tokyo these two days."


The girl's voice was thin, and when she was about to go back to the room, she was pulled back by Natsuki.

"This is for you," Natsuki took out the square gift box, "This birthday gift, your dad... I went to Odaiba to pick it out."

The girl silently took the gift box and gave Natsuki a confused look, but didn't think much about it.

It is difficult for ordinary people to think that their father has changed, not to mention that father and daughter usually communicate very little.


Natsuki watched the girl go back to her room, feeling temporarily relaxed.

He is just an impostor and has little knowledge of the Yoshii father and daughter's past.

This kind of relationship is perfect for him now, and the worse it is, the better.

Reiko Yoshii expected him to improve the relationship between father and daughter, but she might be disappointed.

Keep the status quo first,

When he gives up this identity, he will tell the girl the truth...


Shizuka Yoshii sat on the bed holding the gift box. After a while, she opened the gift box. When she saw the crystal necklace inside, she immediately covered her mouth with tears in her eyes to prevent herself from crying.

It was my mother's favorite necklace...

Chengnan University.

The virtual electronics research project that Xia Shu applied for has been approved, but he still needs to prepare the instruments himself.

The technological level of this world is very high, so there is no need to worry about equipment.

After all, even anti-gravity devices can be developed, and space-time machines will appear in the future.

The key factor in the technological leap was 5 years ago.

Perhaps in order to save the earth, many young geniuses suddenly appeared around the world five years ago. These people jointly formed the "Alchemy Star" and brought amazing progress to human science and technology.

Gamu and Fujimiya were originally members of "Alchemy Star", but Fujimiya had a conflict of ideas and quit midway, deciding to protect the earth on his own.

"Professor, is this all right?"

Acheng and others helped move the equipment into the research room, and were puzzled by Xia Shu's research project.

"What exactly are virtual electrons?"

"You will know later, okay, go back."

Xia Shu debugged the instrument alone.

The follow-up plot has not been sorted out yet, so I can only add one chapter today.

Ow 10 updates

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