Starting human body

Chapter 264 The enemy is the enemy

Onuma Dam Forest.

I dreamed that I drove to the Asano Institute of Ancient Biology and found that the protective cover was not open and there was a car parked in front of me.

It seems to be Professor Yoshii's car.

He was very impressed.

Why is the professor here?

I rang the doorbell in my dream: "It's me in the future, are you at home?"

In the Ancient Biology Research Laboratory, Natsuki, who was looking for Asano Mirai to ask for advice on genetic information interpretation, suddenly froze.

Why did my dream come at this time?

"Don't worry about me, I'll do some research on my own." Xia Shu took the initiative.

"Sorry, Professor."

Mirai Asano apologized and left the research room, and soon the two of them were laughing and joking from the courtyard outside.

Natsuki stood by the window and observed quietly.

Even though Asano Mirai has a bit of a weird temper, Yume and I are like childhood sweethearts.

I don’t know what the past is between these two people...

"In the future, I have a question for you," I dreamed of the purpose of my coming here. "Why do space monsters come to attack us? Is it just because they want to conquer the earth?"

"Yes or no."

Asano Mirai smiled.

"In my opinion, it's because space monsters are also living things. Just like taking a cat to a strange environment, the cat will most likely become aggressive.

"The same is true for monsters. They are suddenly taken from their own territory to another planet, and they become ferocious out of fear."

Wo Meng solemnly said: "Does that mean the monster is not controlled?"

"There is no need to use such an inefficient method of manipulation. As long as the monsters are released, they will attack themselves in order to protect themselves and establish a new sphere of influence. This is the instinct of the monsters."

"So what we have been fighting is not the root cause of death at all?"

I dreamed that I agreed with my friend's explanation, and my face became ugly.

"The monsters are just being used, we made the wrong enemy..."

"Even if they are used, in the final analysis it is because those monsters are inherently aggressive, otherwise the root-destroying body would not choose them."

Natsuki appeared at the edge of the courtyard and interrupted.

"No matter what the reason is, the enemy is the enemy, so is the monster, and so is the source of death."

"Professor?" I Meng said blankly, "How did you..."

"I think you are right, so I came to learn about paleontology from Dr. Asano."

With a straight face, Natsuki turned to Asano Mirai next to Yume and said goodbye.

"Then I'll leave first and come back to trouble you another day."

"Slow down, Professor Yoshii," Asano Mirai said with a smile, "I will send you some information via email first."

"what's up?"

I couldn't figure out my dream until Natsuki drove away.

"How come you have such a good relationship with the professor in the future?"

"Professor Yoshii and I discussed the issue of 'Earth Consciousness'," Asano Mirai said as if he had met a confidant. "Professor is the one who understands ancient creatures the best among the people I have ever met. He is really a good person."


I dreamed about Natsuki’s rejection of Asano Mirai a few days ago.

Let’s not talk about how the professor treats ancient creatures.

If he had said the sentence "The enemy is the enemy" just now, Asano would definitely get angry in the future and accuse him of "not understanding anything".

Has Asano Mirai changed, or is he just being mean to people?

I Meng looked at my friend with a smile on his face, opened his mouth, but still didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"What's wrong?" Asano asked in confusion.

"No, it's nothing. It's time for me to go back."

I waved my hands repeatedly in my dream.

Recently, both Alchemy Star and GUARD have been trying their best to find the star field where the source of the dead body is. After the appearance of the cosmic thunder beast, they finally got a clue.

The Alchemy Star detected Gob's life reaction on the opposite side of the wormhole, and therefore mistakenly believed that the opposite side was the mother planet of the source of death.

This matter needs to be reported to the top quickly.

Monsters and root-destroying bodies are two different things...

KCB TV building.

A program about paleontological fossils was being recorded in the studio, and the program team made great efforts to invite Associate Professor Subai from Toseo University.

"Yes, that day I was going to Xiuyang University to see the fossil eggs, but that guy suddenly appeared, that guy named Fujimiya Hiroya."

Subai turned pale as he recalled.

"That look was so cold and dark... Later I found out that he had stolen the fossil egg."

"Sorry, Professor Subai," the host said with a stiff smile as he listened to the instructions in the headset, "We know your experience is unfortunate, but the topic now is about fossils."

"I heard that the fossil egg is very dangerous," Subei said to himself, "You'd better find a way to get it back..."

Everyone in the director's backstage looked at each other.

"This professor seems unreliable."

"There's nothing I can do. It took a lot of effort just to invite him over..."

"I heard that Ms. Yoshii's brother is an associate professor at Seongnan University. Can you think of something?"

Television editing room.

Reiko looked at a magazine with a worried look on her face.

Various countries are preparing to deal with the sleeping underground monsters, and GUARD is gradually showing signs of splitting.

Not only that.

The society outside is also in chaos right now.

First, religious sects worshiping the source of death appeared everywhere, and then various group crimes also increased significantly.

Reiko looked at the photos of the riot scene in the magazine.

"There seems to be no connection between each case, but after careful investigation, we found one thing in common..."

"Unknown motive?"

Tabata and Lunwen looked surprised.

The vicious crime looks very similar to what I saw in Shiroiwa Town.

"Speaking of which, it's been like this since the time in Shiroiwa Town. Are those guys still alive?"

"Those guys?"

Reiko couldn't help but shiver. She didn't know if it was for psychological reasons, but the familiar ringtone of the phone echoed in her ears again.

Outside the TV station.

When Fujimiya passed by, he suddenly noticed that there were gradually no pedestrians around, and the entire area fell into an eerie silence.

A circle of swirling clouds condensed in the sky, as if there was a huge demonic face.

"Who is it?!" Fujimiya felt prying eyes and frowned as he looked around.

"Fujimiya, I miss you so much."

"Dr. Inamori" walked out from behind the wall column and faced Fujimiya who was still vigilant and said sadly.

"Have you forgotten me so soon?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

Fujimiya's pupils suddenly dilated and he stared at the visitor closely.

"But aren't you dead?"

"I was resurrected by strong power," "Inamori" stepped closer to Fujimiya, raised his arm and caressed Fujimiya's tense face and said, "To see you, but also to take revenge."


"Yes, the one who really killed me was actually the gray Ultraman."

"Inamori" breathed next to Fujimiya's ear.

"Come and help me, okay? Then the two of us will study the earth together like before."

Fujimiya's face trembled: "You have become the source of death now, right?! Let me ask you, what exactly is the source of death?"

"Of course it's power," "Inamori" said with a smile, "Don't you want to get stronger power? If you have stronger power, you will not lose to Gaia, not even the gray Agul. What kind of……"

Fujimiya took a step back reflexively.

Gray Ultraman may not be anything, but the opponent can also turn into black.

"You don't know him at all!"

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