Starting human body

Chapter 265 The final fluctuating life form

Light space.

Xia Shu suddenly raised his head, and several images flashed through his mind.

There is Reiko and Fujimiya Hiroya.

Finally, hyperspace fluctuation life forms seemed to appear.

Natsuki caught the sword of darkness that turned into a katana.

After inputting the Thunder Beast Batzus virtual card, the thunder and lightning properties of the Dark Sword are strengthened, and even in the katana state, it can bring out the slightest spark of electricity.

I don’t know how effective the transformation is.

Natsuki let go of the katana and exited the space of light.

There is no time to experiment in the battle space now, let’s deal with the fluctuating life forms first.

He had been trying to find this guy since the last Shiroiwa Town incident, but unfortunately he hid it too well and never revealed his whereabouts.

Kuymezadeh, the hyperspace fluctuation life form, is also Queen Mezadeh, Queen Mezadeh.

The final individual of the fluctuating life form that appeared on the earth has far more abilities than the previous ones. In addition to the abilities of ordinary individuals, it also has special abilities such as mimic transformation and hyperspace in similar fields.

Judging from the information in the Monster Manual.

This guy seems to be able to reproduce himself. He is not a root-destroying body, but he still wants to control human beings to kill each other, destroy human beings and occupy the earth.

Near the KCB headquarters building.

I dreamed of flying an EX fighter over the city and saw a huge cyclone emerging in the sky from a distance.

Time and space are distorted, the sky changes drastically, and something terrifying is forming.

"This waveform is unmistakable, it is a wave life form!"

I turned my eyes towards the TV station building shrouded in the cyclone, and suddenly noticed the figure of Fujimiya on the ground.

Standing opposite Fujimiya is Dr. Inamori...


My dream scared me.

He had already received news that people from the Geo base had arrested Dr. Inamori in a hospital, and he should now be detained at the base awaiting trial.

Where did Dr. Inamori come from?

After Meng hurriedly reported to the command room, I found a place to land.

"Beep beep beep!"

Inside the TV station building, telephone rings echoed everywhere in the corridors, and strong radio wave interference covered the entire area.

"It's just like being at the hot springs!"

"Don't answer the phone! Get out of here right now!"

Tabata and others hung up the phone and fled in a hurry inside the building, but in just a short time, everyone in the building was under control.

There seemed to be an eye watching a few people in the dark, and no matter how they escaped, a group of staff surrounded them like zombies.

All departments, including the leaders, all had blank expressions on their faces, and the mobile phones they held in their hands kept ringing, like a reminder of death.

Passing by the studio, Reiko saw with her own eyes that Professor Subai was screaming and being surrounded by people and being pushed to the ground.

"Help me! Don't leave!"

Subai screamed like a pig, but his voice fell silent after just a moment.

The corridor was once again filled with cell phone ringtones.

Reiko didn't dare to look back and followed Tabata and the two with her head buried, but when she turned the corner, she found another group of people coming up the stairs in front.

"No! We can't leave!"

"Lingzi, leave this to me and Lunwen! Run away!"

"Someone will definitely come to save us!"


Tabata and Lunwen fought tooth and nail to block the chasing crowd, and in the end Reiko was left to run into the editing room exhausted, holding back her tears.

Why does this happen?

Isn’t it all over in Shiroiwa Town?

"Are you Reiko Yoshii?" Dr. Inamori's figure appeared on the TV screen. "Tell me, what is your relationship with that person?"

"Which person?"

Reiko stared at the TV screen and took a few steps back in fear.

"If you tell me, I can consider letting you go," Dr. Inamori said seductively, "otherwise you will be like your friend."


With a burst of electromagnetic interference, the TV switched to the scene outside the editing room. Tabata, who had been controlled, was holding his mobile phone with a blank expression. Next to him, Lunwen had already grabbed the door handle.

"Mr. Tabata! Renwen!"


The sound of the doorknob turning forcefully sounded like thunder in Reiko's ears.

A darkened editing room has never looked so scary.

Looking at the constantly rotating handle, Reiko's hair stood up.

"Speak quickly!" Inamori pressed.

"I really don't know anything!" Reiko cried, holding her head and squatting down, "Who are you talking about?"

Inamori's figure transformed into a grimace and roared: "Don't act stupid, that gray Ultraman is definitely related to you!"

"Ultraman Gray?"

Reiko was stunned for a moment.

"Why am I related to Ultraman Gray?"

She does know Ultraman Blue.

KCB underground parking lot.

Hiroshi Fujimiya frowned and finally gritted his teeth to avoid "Dr. Inamori".

"We'll talk about our business later, I have something else to do..."

"Is it because of that woman?" "Dr. Inamori"'s voice turned cold, "You fell in love with that woman?! Fujimiya, don't forget the mission given to you by the earth. Are you going to betray the earth?"

"You don't need to tell me!"

Fujimiya struggled.

"The earth just leaves the choice to humans. I am also a human. Now I finally understand this and I will not be fooled by you again!"

"Is this your own idea?"

"Dr. Inamori" always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

"You have to think clearly, this is your only chance to become stronger, otherwise you will not only lose this opportunity, but also your only strength..."


I Meng rushed over and shouted urgently.

"Don't believe her, she is not Dr. Inamori, the real doctor is still at Geo Base!"

"What?" Fujimiya woke up and looked at "Inamori" again, "Who are you?"

"Daomori"'s face became even colder, and in his anger he even revealed his true form of mimicry: "Damn it, it always turns out like this at critical moments!"


Before I dreamed of attacking, "Inamori" suddenly took a few steps back and spread his arms, and his whole body immediately turned into a ball of arc light and merged into the wall.

"Forget it, from now on, I will continue to breed on the earth, witnessing human beings hating each other, hurting each other, and desperate! If you want to blame, blame that gray Ultraman! Hahaha!"


The veins in Fujimiya's neck bulged, and he couldn't stand being played and deceived over and over again.

First, he used the optical quantum computer he developed, and now he uses Dr. Inamori...

What did you think he was?

"Da da!"

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the KCB building, followed by the sound of many falling to the ground.

The noisy cell phone ringtone disappeared, and the banging of the door was also heard.

Everything seemed to be calm again.

Reiko held her head in even more fear, waited for a while before standing up in confusion, and secretly glanced at the TV.

The grimace even disappeared.

what happened?


Suddenly there was an unusual sound.

Reiko stared as the door handle automatically unlocked and slowly opened.

It was empty and no one came in, but the TV station staff outside fell to the ground.

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